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Undocumented LA County Parents On Pace To Receive $650M In Welfare Benefits

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posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by Wiz4769

It is unbelievable what politicians will do for a vote now a days.

It boggles the mind to imagine what would happen to the Democratic party if they were to abide by the immigration laws already in place. The socialist , communist and progressive's would have to go back to there own parties . Ya I know the GOP have ignored the laws to.

The American people stand by allowing this insanity instead of doing what people in Colorado did and remove the self server's that only answer to an agenda.

California is the Canary in the cage for the rest of this country. " laws, we don't need no stinking laws"

edit on 18-9-2013 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 10:19 AM

reply to post by kimish

So what would you do if you were in their place then. you said it yourself, you had family to fall on as have i, i would be on the street if it weren't for my parents. you had someone to help you out and these people, again not all but most need a helping hand do you then bat that hand away and tell them to bog off? or do you do as you should and reach out and help whether they are illegal or not we all need a lift now and then.

again America is a country founded on immigrants you should be welcoming to give someone a chance and you label them illegals but do you know it can take anywhere between six months to five years to get legal entry into the country some could be dead by then.

Well , by all means just bust into any country you want and demand what ever you want and if someone mentions "we have laws"(just like the country you come from......unless your an American) call them racist and horrible people because they don't set you up for the rest of your life.

Oh and to hell with the people that do it legal because I might be dead in five years............out of my way you fools.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by Danny85

I wouldn't do anything illegal, because that would affect my children. I could sell illegal things and live a good and luxurious life but I choose not to. Instead, I struggle with my nose barely above water.

When this Country was founded by immigrants the economy wasn't bad, there were jobs to be had for all and the immigrants didn't come in droves by the millions. Huge difference between then and now.
edit on 18-9-2013 by kimish because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-9-2013 by kimish because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Wiz4769

If they are going to continue doing this against our will then they should just give them legal status to work and pay taxes before benefitting from the taxes paid by U.S. citizens. Like any of us could go to Mexico and get the same, ha.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 10:49 AM
So the arguments for this being ok are...guilt and racism...imagine that...

You have to earn you way to deserve help. Im 38yrs old and have never been without a job since I was 16. If I do happen to get laid off for a bit, I 100% have paid my dues and deserve a helping hand to get back on my feet, which I have never had to do thank goodness. But you do not deserve to be instantly taken care of , most of for the rest of their lives and not do one thing deserving it or even appreciating it. Just expecting it. Never thinking twice about the fact that they have never and probably will never pay into the system themselves .

The immigrants that came here long ago and still do the legal way, want nothing more than to be an American first and foremost, the first thing the immigrants of old did , was try to learn English and they were proud to succeed and become productive members of society.

The illegals could care less, they want nothing but a free ride on our dime and all else be damned. If your first deed is breaking a federal law to get here, then next proceed to take advantage of our generosity and hard working tax paying people, your not wanted here and have no chance to become an asset to this country , plain and simple.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 11:27 AM

Why do we allow things like this to keep happening? Just one of the many reasons that state is broke. We as a country can not sustain this level of money going out to people who abuse our generosity.

Because for every 1$ that the welfare recipient gets 9 are spent in the beaurocracy getting it to them.
They could fix the problem but they won't

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 11:57 AM
If I get 1000 dollars from the city here is what I do with it:

I spend some on Rent
I spend some on food
I spend some on power
I spend some on bus fare
I spend some on stupid stuff.

I SPEND. I SPEND. I case you didn't get it, I spend the money in stores. In fact, poor people tend to spend within the areas they live in.

I can see the argument on welfare if these folks HOARDED the money like, say.....oh, I don't know, the very rich, corporations and so on. But the people who receive welfare spend every single dime of it, and usually in the local stores. And while buying, they pay sales tax and so on.

So while the hate on them is a wonderful demonstration of ignorance which I personally enjoy, the misguided use of economics should be altered to reflect the truth.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by crankyoldman

By that reasoning you shouldn't mind giving your neighbors your checkbook. As long as they are willing to spend locally that is.

A burden is a burden. Regardless of how the money is spent or hoarded. It is breaking the back of society. Social welfare programs and the MIC together will usher in the end of America.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by crankyoldman

Because the money going to them for assistance could be used for better things. I know you saw the millions of dollars in one county going to illegals. Think about every county in the Country. That's a hell of a lot of money to spread around to people that are here legally. That's money to start business to make products which can be bought.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by crankyoldman

How you can call people ignorant for being against this is only rude and condescending and just shows your hand. If that is how you argue then you only show your own ignorance of what the word even means. People are against people sneaking into a country and leaching off the system, oh the ignorance of these people!

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 02:19 PM

If I get 1000 dollars from the city here is what I do with it:

I spend some on Rent
I spend some on food
I spend some on power
I spend some on bus fare
I spend some on stupid stuff.

I SPEND. I SPEND. I case you didn't get it, I spend the money in stores. In fact, poor people tend to spend within the areas they live in.

I can see the argument on welfare if these folks HOARDED the money like, say.....oh, I don't know, the very rich, corporations and so on. But the people who receive welfare spend every single dime of it, and usually in the local stores. And while buying, they pay sales tax and so on.

So while the hate on them is a wonderful demonstration of ignorance which I personally enjoy, the misguided use of economics should be altered to reflect the truth.


remittances.. this adds INSULT TO INJURY!!

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 04:58 PM

reply to post by kimish

So what would you do if you were in their place then. you said it yourself, you had family to fall on as have i, i would be on the street if it weren't for my parents. you had someone to help you out and these people, again not all but most need a helping hand do you then bat that hand away and tell them to bog off? or do you do as you should and reach out and help whether they are illegal or not we all need a lift now and then.

again America is a country founded on immigrants you should be welcoming to give someone a chance and you label them illegals but do you know it can take anywhere between six months to five years to get legal entry into the country some could be dead by then.

We have plenty of poor citizens who have fallen through the cracks. They do not go to another country and demand anything of that country. Where is their helping hand? Where are there freebies? There are poor people all over the world, do we take them all in?

If we can't take care of our own people, we shouldn't be catering to illegals at every turn. It is shocking to see a foreigner placed before and above a citizen. It isn't right nor is it fair.

No one likes to see anyone suffer no matter who they are or where they are from, but if our own citizens are left suffering and struggling while an illegal gets a hand up, there is a problem.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 05:18 PM
Chump change.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's BS, but to keep things in perspective this is about .6% of what the Fed is pumping into the market with it's bond buying activity annually.


Not even a blip on the radar.

This is the left hand distracting us from what the right hand is doing.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 05:43 PM

Chump change.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's BS, but to keep things in perspective this is about .6% of what the Fed is pumping into the market with it's bond buying activity annually.


Not even a blip on the radar.

This is the left hand distracting us from what the right hand is doing.

Taking HALF the jobs, DOUBLING the cost of housing and LOWERING EVERYONE"S PAY!


The immigrants are getting ahead at the expense of Americans.. it is THAT simple.

TPTB have used immigrants as a weapon against the people. If the ELites released packs of wild hungry dogs, would you allow the dogs to thrive because "they are just hungry, supporting their family"?

No. you wouldn't. You would round them up and put them in their natural habitat.

this is why TPTB use people of differing skin color. To then label any dissent as "racist"

Had the illegals been white from some eastern Bloc, the racism that LA RAZA types hides behind wouldn't work.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 08:16 PM


A projected $650 million in welfare benefits will be distributed to illegal alien parents in 2013, county officials said Monday.

Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich announced the latest figures from the Department of Public Social Services, which showed more than $376 million in CalWORKs benefits and food stamps combined have been distributed through July to illegal alien parents for their native-born children.

Approximately $54 million in welfare payments are issued each month, consisting of nearly $20 million in CalWORKs and $34 million in food stamp issuances, according to the data.

An estimated 100,000 children of 60,000 undocumented parents receive aid in Los Angeles County, according to Antonovich, who said this year’s projections — u

Undocumented LA County Parents On Pace To Receive $650M In Welfare Benefits

Why do we allow things like this to keep happening? Just one of the many reasons that state is broke. We as a country can not sustain this level of money going out to people who abuse our generosity.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Battleline

I'm English born and raised, and as i said before i understand where you might be coming from but the fact of the matter is that shouldn't tar everybody with the same brush; all im getting at is before you jump to conclusions find out the persons story, i know its really irritating when they come into your country or my country or another that they weren't born in but dont they deserve a chance, its not like they chose not to be born in the United States or England.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 09:34 PM

reply to post by Battleline

I'm English born and raised, and as i said before i understand where you might be coming from but the fact of the matter is that shouldn't tar everybody with the same brush; all im getting at is before you jump to conclusions find out the persons story, i know its really irritating when they come into your country or my country or another that they weren't born in but dont they deserve a chance, its not like they chose not to be born in the United States or England.

But if their chance is at the expense of someone else

then NO thank you.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by Wiz4769

Okay - let's get rid of assistance for undocumented people and their citizen children. Heck let's get rid of all forms of assistance for the poor, old, disabled, etc.

It will cost us more to:

1) clean up all the dead on the streets.
2) with all those homeless - contagious disease will spread - expensive to control and how - with no medical care or housing for the sick.
3) have to hire a lot more police to beat and arrest desperate people, hungry from committing petty crimes.

Oh - but wait - that's the answer - anyone without a secure job with benefits and good health -- we'll put them in jail at a cost of $30,000 a year per person.

Yeah - that'll be cheaper.

But - it's not about money - folks. It's about taking care of one another - becasue any one of you could be on the streets and hungry in the right circumstances.

What are you going to do when your sick and lose your job and have gone through all your assests?

You should be ashamed - but your pround - an even more heinous character fault.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 10:28 PM

reply to post by Battleline

I'm English born and raised, and as i said before i understand where you might be coming from but the fact of the matter is that shouldn't tar everybody with the same brush; all im getting at is before you jump to conclusions find out the persons story, i know its really irritating when they come into your country or my country or another that they weren't born in but dont they deserve a chance, its not like they chose not to be born in the United States or England.

You have to realize that illegals include gang members, pedophiles, murderers,thieves etc. Too many lives have been lost or ruined because of illegals and our laws not being enforced.

This is no longer the great Nation it once was. We are trillions of dollars in debt, we have millions of un-employed people, hungry and homeless people, tent cities even in the colder climates, citizens struggling to survive. Do we place a foreigner before our own citizens? What a slap in the face.

What gives an illegal the right to recieve more than the country's own citizens? What gives an illegal the right to hold a job while a citizen who needs to feed his family gets turned away? What gives an illegal the right to get help and a chance while citizens are falling through the cracks? What gives an illegal the right to get to the head of the line while people are coming through the proper channels and still waiting to come here?

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 10:40 PM

reply to post by Wiz4769

Okay - let's get rid of assistance for undocumented people and their citizen children. Heck let's get rid of all forms of assistance for the poor, old, disabled, etc.

It will cost us more to:

1) clean up all the dead on the streets.
2) with all those homeless - contagious disease will spread - expensive to control and how - with no medical care or housing for the sick.
3) have to hire a lot more police to beat and arrest desperate people, hungry from committing petty crimes.

Oh - but wait - that's the answer - anyone without a secure job with benefits and good health -- we'll put them in jail at a cost of $30,000 a year per person.

Yeah - that'll be cheaper.

But - it's not about money - folks. It's about taking care of one another - becasue any one of you could be on the streets and hungry in the right circumstances.

What are you going to do when your sick and lose your job and have gone through all your assests?

You should be ashamed - but your pround - an even more heinous character fault.

If it came down to your family or an illegal's, which would you choose to get the help first??? We have hungry citizens right here in our own streets who do not get the help that an illegal is getting. And you say we should be ashamed? No one said they didn't have compassion for another human being but when a foreigner recieves help while a citizen suffers, that is just wrong!

I have seen illegals get free healthcare while an elderly woman cried because she couldn't get help with her medical. Many of our people have had to choose between life saving medicines and food.

For too many years our tax dollars have funded illegals when some can barely afford to take care of themselves, so don't come here and try to make anyone feel ashamed of anything. If we can't take care of our own, we can't take care of anyone else.

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