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Undocumented LA County Parents On Pace To Receive $650M In Welfare Benefits

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posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by libertytoall

Yes, they are born American, but you are welcome to come to my neck of the woods where illegals do no care how many children they produce because they are a free ride into the system.

Here in Ga most illegal walk around with at least a pack of 4 to 6 children, they can not feed them but they still have them.

I only had two children because I was a responsible person and they were provided for without any government assistance but my hard earned dollars that I pay into taxes goes to feed an irresponsible person that have not problem taking that money for a free ride into the system and that goes for legal and illegal equally.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by libertytoall

Public schools are, but there's a cost for uniforms and lunches and other things, field trips, etc. Also, universities (which are schools are as well) aren't free for my children.

And, places of business won't get incentives via tax credits for hiring me or my children, when they are old enough to work.
edit on 17-9-2013 by kimish because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by marg6043

Good point Marg, why the inequality? and why do Illegal sympathizers overlook that little tid-bit of info?

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 08:54 PM
This is one of those cases where it's quite difficult to come up with something to say. I'm against granting illegal immigrants citizenship, and I'm also very opposed to giving them tax money. Even when a child is involved.

Tax payer money is for tax payers and those who have paid taxes. Not those who come to the U.S. illegally and more than often don't pay taxes on their ill gotten gains. Now this goes against the children's parents, not the children themselves as they're innocent in all of this.

People need to know that entering a country illegally doesn't give you benefits like citizenship and people's tax money. And if it weren't for the children involved, I'd say "kick them all out" and let them re-enter legally.

It's like the parents are using the children as a shield.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Auricom

The parents are using them as a shield, a pawn if you will.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by kimish

Because the propaganda that is all for the safety of the children that are born of not fault of their own in America.

Well is a name for those children they are Anchor babies, then you wonder why illegals happen to have so many even when they don't even get pay minimum wages.

I used to work with migrant workers here in GA, the state goes after them for no sending their children to school, the first thing I noticed is that girls as young as 14 with children to avoid been deported.

Young boys get work in the fields during harvest season and do not want to go to school at all, but the law required that minors attend school, so they lie about their age and most of them are able to get fake ids and workers permits for a few hundred dollars.

I could never forget one mother with 5 children, only one was American born, under one year, her older daughter 14 had a baby the same age as the mothers younger child, they were supposedly married by the church and their husbands deported in a recent raid, none spoke English the state wanted the older daughter to attend school, but the girl was against it, the whole family disappear after a few months.

Migrant means that they are here with work permits during harvest season but most of them just move around the states and become hard to track as they use fake ids.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by marg6043

And this is why we need a tougher stance on illegal immigration. We also need tougher laws. I think many illegal immigrants would think at least twice if they knew that when caught, they'd face prison sentences instead of being able to use and abuse tax money.

But again, the children are innocent in all of this. Even the illegal children that came to the U.S. with their parents. Even the fourteen year old you're talking about is innocent. She's been used herself. All of this should fall square on the shoulders of the parents. As to what to do with the children, I wouldn't know. But their parents shouldn't be reaping any rewards.

I can totally understand that they're looking for work. I can totally understand that many illegals come from a poor country. But when has running away from your problems ever solved anything? It's high time people start fighting for what's theirs. If you have a crappenfest of a country, try to fix it! You can't expect everyone else to take care of you.

I work hard for what I have, I don't expect anyone to take care of me.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 10:29 PM
I'm glad the children got to eat. But we all know it doesn't have to be done this way.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 10:29 PM
Welfare also goes to pregnant females not just females with children. They get TANF (cash money), Medicaid, (free medical care for everything paid for by your tax dollars), free housing vouchers (a free place to live), free gas, water and electricity, (another voucher program that pays all utility bills for them). Free school lunches your property tax pays for, keep in mind they aren't paying any property tax much less any kind of tax. They also get free transportation through the medicaid department they just need to schedule their ride. Free dental. Free optical. Free emergency room visits and free hospital care. If you don't have a social security number you cannot be charged. You the tax payer covers that bill. Also don't forget they will get free college.

I can go on and on and on, there is an endless list of programs they instantly qualify for once they run across the border with a baby in their uterus. Once they give birth they are entitled to a whole other list of free stuff. But just being pregnant gets them everything I listed because the unborn child IS CONSIDERED an american citizen. The benefits don't go to the child they go to mom. Dads out working labor and bringing in cash money by the way so they can claim that they have no income and they act like hes not even living with them. So free everything plus cash money, plus dads tax free cash money. They make more then just about anyone here.

I studied the system in depth. This could easily be stopped if someone simply passed a bill. They ALL need to be deported for bring criminals. Not only did they commit a crime sneaking in they are committing fraud. It is a fact that they are criminals. I wish I could walk into a hospital and say "no speaka engrish" and get free services. Considering that I am white, I am positive that the police would be called. The police need to be called when you are in this country illegally. You broke the law you should go to jail. If you go to an emergency room and you no speaka engrish the police need to be called and you need to be dealt with. End of story.
edit on 17-9-2013 by AllGloryIsGods because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 11:35 PM
I have worked beside illegals for many years. Many of the women I worked with had husbands that worked under the table. Their combined income was well over the poverty limit. The women claimed that they were a one income household. Most of them were saving money to move back to their home country as our money is worth so much more there.

Many have no desire watsoever of becoming legal and say that you get so much more by being illegal. Some of these folks seemed so nice and to learn how sneaky and desceptive they can!

As for the innocent children brought here, yes they are indeed innocent and not to blame. However, we keep hearing how 'we' seperate families by deporting the parents. Sorry, but the only ones to blame here are the parents who knew full well the risks of being seperated and deported and took that risk anyway.

Do we care that a bank robber's kids are seperated from his/her parent when the parent goes to jail? Do we reward the parent or child? No absolutely not.

If a parent is deported, the child should go with them.

We have people who have to choose between life saving medicine or food because they have fallen through the cracks and make like a dollar over the poverty limit and get no help. For illegals to recieve all the benefits that they do while we have hungry and homeless people everywhere is ridiculous. For any foreigner to hold a job while we have millions of unemployed citizens is ridiculous.

I have seen citizens perfectly suited for a job get turned away while an illegal was hired instead. I have seen illegals get cheap housing while we have citizens on a waiting list that is years long. I have seen jobs that have nothing to do with international business or interpretation where 'we' are forced to speak spanish in order to get hired because most of the employees speak spanish. Is this not America?

When did illegals get placed on a pedestal above citizens and those who came here through the proper channels?

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by Night Star

"If the parents are deported, the children should be deported too". You know, deep down inside I agree with you. It is after all, not our fault that they (the parents) chose to be irresponsible. But it still pains me. Being a father, I suppose I see a little of my own in their children.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 02:12 AM


reply to post by libertytoall

They are citizens because of a loophole that was taken advantage of, knowingly taken advantage of.
Once my kids get a free education and this and that, only then will I give it a rest.

So, yes, I am complete Sh#t. But, walk a mile in my shoes.
edit on 17-9-2013 by kimish because: (no reason given)

Is public school free?? I know two brothers who just graduated high school whose mother is not legal. They received straight A's at the top of their class all through high school but they would have to pay out of state tuition costs to go to the state university, $26,000, vs In state tuition costs, $6,000, even though they were both born in the USA. I didn't experience them getting any special treatment, grants, handouts.. In fact I find it to be a complete waste of two highly intelligent people. Neither of them got into drugs or partying and studied their asses off, took school very seriously, and graduated with top grades only to find themselves no better off than a best buy retail clerk when most likely they would have excelled through a top university into an important role. What a waste of good brains..
edit on 17-9-2013 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

Straight A's should warrant a scholarship. Hell, I got recruiting calls as a C student (Major- performing arts, with an emphasis in design).

Jr college is a viable option, and far cheaper than a 4 year college. If the kids want the degree, they can make it happen, and continue to get their A's and get a college interested. You write them off already because their mother doesn't have legal status? History is full of people that have overcome the odds.

Their dificulty is only because of their mother's illegal deed. No one else is at fault.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 02:58 AM

reply to post by Wiz4769

IT would be racist to not let it happen

Regardless, it's happening in almost every state in the nation. As long as the politicians and figure heads keep their pockets fat, they don't care. It's all part of the bigger plan, They're waiting for the Country to break apart from the inside out. After that, everything will be easier for them.

It's not supposed to be about's supposed to be about the legality of being in this country which begs the question: if you are not legally living in a country, are you qualified to receive the same benefits as its' citizens, according to that particular country's rules of immigration, entry, and residence. As it happens, we are talking about the U.S.A. which has reduced its' rules to some sort of anarchist chaos in that it continues to disregard its' own laws to the point it appears to favor or focus on only one type of , for lack of a better universal description, Southern Border Crosser. But, our government continues to cloud this Southern Border Crossing problem with racism which makes some of us feel guilty as they remind us of the quote at the feet of the Statue of Liberty. And then the Native Americans voice on this issue (THIS LAND WAS NEVER YOURS TO BEGIN WITH) further pounds the racism guilt into our heads which only enhances the intended fog in our heads as we go to the voting booths. The simple fact is that the U.S.A. is now, and has been for quite sometime a recognized nation. And as such, it has developed a set of laws dealing with immigration, entry, and residence, as well as a process for becoming a citizen. All this country has to do is enforce its' own laws regarding these same issues. All it has to do is demand legal and fair elections in which the will of the people is recognized. All it has to do is ban lobbying of any elected official from President to Dog Catcher. All it has to do is recognize and bow to the Rule of Law. Suddenly all these "social dilemmas" go away, racism is seen for the b.s. it really is, and now we get to live in the U.S.A. generations past dreamed of, lived in accordance with, and died for (which was equality, the right to persuit of happiness etc. Check it out). And all of them should be honored in our own votes, our own demands on this government, lest their efforts go to waste.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 07:29 AM

reply to post by libertytoall

Public schools are, but there's a cost for uniforms and lunches and other things, field trips, etc. Also, universities (which are schools are as well) aren't free for my children.

And, places of business won't get incentives via tax credits for hiring me or my children, when they are old enough to work.
edit on 17-9-2013 by kimish because: (no reason given)

They don't get incentives via tax credits to hire no white employees.. Where did you hear such nonsense? Affirmative action stipulates a certain percentage of your workforce need be diverse. They don't get tax credits for hiring non whites..

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by libertytoall

According to people in management and 'white shirts' in the head offices, yes, places of employment get tax credits for hiring immigrants. It's like, if not, AA. Granted, the place of employment may have to have a certain number of employees to qualify, but still, it's not fair. Why should someone less capable of doing a job get the job over someone more capable/qualified because of place of origin/race? Honest question. Does the term "White Privilege" ring a bell?

Places of employment also get a tax credit for hiring convicted felons for they are a ward of the state. In Pennsylvania, anyways.
edit on 18-9-2013 by kimish because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-9-2013 by kimish because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 08:16 AM
Nobody can honestly say this is right....and to think this is the number for 1 take that number for the rest of the state/US and its huge, like war money huge. All on my dime.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by Wiz4769

Exactly. How some people fail to see that is beyond me.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 09:08 AM

White households in the United States are far wealthier than black or Hispanic households, a disparity that remains unexplained even after taking into account income and demographic factors.

edit on 18-9-2013 by libertytoall because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by libertytoall

I don't know what your point is exactly with that last post but considering I'm one of the few people on this site that will go there, so I shall...

Some people choose not to work or they work "off the books", I.E under the table, hustling, etc. The best analogy I can give you for the disparity is this - Look up the statistics of people who camp or visit state parks. There's a huge disparity. It's more about culture than anything. It's taboo to discuss it, which is why it's not brought out into the light. And with that, I will leave it alone because it is off topic.

Your welcome
edit on 18-9-2013 by kimish because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by kimish

So what would you do if you were in their place then. you said it yourself, you had family to fall on as have i, i would be on the street if it weren't for my parents. you had someone to help you out and these people, again not all but most need a helping hand do you then bat that hand away and tell them to bog off? or do you do as you should and reach out and help whether they are illegal or not we all need a lift now and then.

again America is a country founded on immigrants you should be welcoming to give someone a chance and you label them illegals but do you know it can take anywhere between six months to five years to get legal entry into the country some could be dead by then.

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