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Miss America crowns 1st winner of Indian descent; racist tweets flow

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posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 05:04 PM
Its funny how people entirely associate America with being "white" as the american race.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by neformore

The constitution says you have freedom of speech and expression.
Where does it say you have the right not to be offended?
I agree with you thinking these people are morons, but they do have the right to be morons.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 06:12 PM

Its funny how people entirely associate America with being "white" as the american race.

No no what's SAD is that that's how many of the American people themselves perceive America.

The rest of the world is well aware that the USA is a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic society.

There are a lot of dumb dumbs in the dumbed-down USA that's what we're really looking at here, nothing more.

The very fact that CNN is headlining about the "new face" of Ms. America and that everyone is pointing to it as some sort of anomaly is what's absurd since the fine lady is an American citizen - duh.

What difference does it make what color her skin is other than to maybe point out how beautiful such skin is?

It's absurd. America - you are absurd.

edit on 16-9-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

i couldn't have said it any better myself, i wonder when the fools will realize this. The new face of america is nevertheless hot haha

But when i think about it more TPTB is always trying to stir up some dilemma with these social media sites. Just to make sure there is that small racial conflict, wont you agree.
edit on 16-9-2013 by HeldHostage14 because: more thought

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by neformore

Apparently we act as if you are America if you are Black or White, everyone else is a foreigner, the irony.

There are quite a few retards that have no shame, and thanks to twitter they get a chance to belch out their idiocy pon us all. Just ignorant AF. They wouldn't know what it meant to be an American if it bit them on their face.

These are those that just keep starring deep into the screen looking for...?

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 08:11 PM

reply to post by NewAgeMan

i couldn't have said it any better myself, i wonder when the fools will realize this. The new face of america is nevertheless hot haha

But when i think about it more TPTB is always trying to stir up some dilemma with these social media sites. Just to make sure there is that small racial conflict, wont you agree.

Yep. It's pathetic, and the MSM is right in there like a feeding frenzy picking away and then re-presenting the very worst of the worst of American society at every turn, trying to synergize with the twittersphere and then spin it in a media-friendly, sensationalist way so as to give the impression that they are "in touch" with their finger on the pulse of American culture, but what they're dishing out is absolute garbage and the problem then becomes one of garbage in, garbage out, or a whole culture built on nothing but junk and nothing but, in the words of Terrance McKenna (God love him) "the empty marrow of the dead bones of a dead and dying society and civilization - is that what you want to suck on that?!"

It's hilarious really, very sad and pathetic yes, but then, very funny in the light of the real emerging world who (and who is a who) is so far ahead of them that he already heard the whole structure go thump in a gale of laughter behind him, as he stands in the midst of it all and walks a free man, an untouchable.

Given the culture "world" that they are trying to feed the masses, it isn't hard today to have what Carl Jung called "a working theological framework by which to enter the fray with one's entire being" relative to all that is ignorant and absurd and that simply isn't worthy of the 21st century human being, not now, not tomorrow, next week, a month from now, a year, ten years, twenty, fifty or even from the POV of the year 2100 looking back in hindsight. I tell you "in all truth" (said like Jesus) that it's all nothing but the future comedic material of a new age of spirit informed reason, and from that overarching historical POV (passover?) my God is it ever FUNNY and ridiculous! My only fear is that the American people won't be given to really GET the joke at the PTB's expense until it's too late - which is why I'm considering very seriously a career in standup comedy to try to do what I can to remedy the situation here as we stand at the very cusp of a new age.

God Bless, you.


posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 08:12 PM


Born out of the "war on terror", hateful rhetroic from right wing politicians, blog posters and organised racist groups together with an apparent general ignorance of the world at large misconceptions about peoples origions have been allowed to fester and multiply and this kind of thing is the result.

You seem so sure that this is the rhetoric of right wing politicians and posters and that right wing gruops are the cause of racism and ignorance.

You got a lot more to learn little boy
edit on Mon Sep 16 2013 by DontTreadOnMe because: fixed tags

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 08:31 PM

My only fear is that the American people won't be given to really GET the joke at the PTB's expense until it's too late - which is why I'm considering very seriously a career in standup comedy to try to do what I can to remedy the situation here as we stand at the very cusp of a new age.

God Bless, you.


If I'm successful, by some sort of quantum physical woo, I figure that I'll probably end up getting a "silver bullet" one way or another; either in the head, by a disgruntled American; in the form of a luxury yacht I've got my eye on (as per the American dream, oh the hypocrisy); or, in a collective toast of good cheer and laughter with a Coors Light raised high - but there has to be a beer in it somewhere down the line surely (I'm Canadian eh?) so I figure I'll be safe.

Cheers (here's to you my good American friends - to the courage, to laugh!) Amen?


edit on 16-9-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by HeldHostage14

Indeed! Very Hot!

Besides that, it's sad that so many Americans still don't look at each other eye-to-eye. I think Morgan Freeman said it best...

But people in America still want to hold on to where they/their ancestors came from, instead of being just plain American.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 08:52 PM

She's hot!

Ditto, Beez! A star for the obvious winner. Her port side jet-propelled eyebrow is sexier than my last three girl friends and ex wife all put together. And I wonder if she was even trying... as for ethnicity, I care not. And as a resident of a western Chicago suburb that produced THREE Miss Americas, I know my subject matter.

Sorry now I threw out the TV 2 1/2 years ago *sigh*.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 09:18 PM

On the one hand, I am a conservative but laud the winner because she is beautiful and probably deserved to win (I didn't watch the show)

But on the other hand, as a conservative, I eat crayons so I can make rainbow potty.

All hail the fuzzy memory, and much honor to his fluffiness:
because I can't remember the first general order Jeezzus.
I had to back up halfway through the thread to have bestowed on my wretched undeserving eyeballs this vision of total American babesicledom-- that smile on a Lithian toothless overweight green skinned crone would have won on general principles. See a great soul there?

Then I hear the mighty one's branching out from mere officer and gentlebun to a hoppin' kaleidescope of ka-ka.
***mind blown as by a 6-71 PSI. Yup a big fat one, OMG Beez*** wipes own tear, moves away slowly

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by neformore

Yes, we know we have a problem.

We have another problem, we can't call a racist a racist when they are displaying obvious racist behavior...because then it is US "playing the race card".

And, we have a generation (mostly middle age/older) of white males that think THEY are the ones that are discriminated against. So they think their racism is justified.

The biggest problem is that most of the racists in this country don't even have a clue that they are being racists...they just think they are acting normal.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 09:28 PM


reply to post by neformore

There is statical evidence that both racists and conservatives have a lower IQ on average. Both a disability to see the bigger picture. Society will always have its stupid elements.

Really? Do you want to cite that "evidence" you have there? Or do you want to continue to spew your ignorance and hate a little more?

Or are you representing that "society" you are speaking about?

There was pretty good statistical evidence posted a couple of months ago relative to Fox News viewers, and yeah she does have evidence. Bigots of any form bring down a society, so if you are self identifying, please educate yourself. Try googling "Fox News viewers the least informed".

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 09:34 PM

To be honest, she is not good looking, I have seen waitresses better than her. What is the crieteria of Miss America competition is also something I do not know.

Btw, all this Miss this and that competition is more political based than beauty in reality. Soon someone is going to start a compeition where realy beauty and class is chosen, not trends in politics.

Please define your criteria, and yeah I spelled it right. What is your definition of real beauty and class?

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 09:41 PM

I just want to add my own analysis to this, other than "She's hot" (though she is.)

Has there ever been a time when there hasn't been idiots/racists making stupid comments? Freedom of speech, in the US, certainly has provided an oppourtunity for people to show how idiotic they are.

What was the point of CNN (and perhaps other news outlets) airing this aspect?

She won. She's good looking, and probably talented and intelligent.

Let the woman enjoy her fame and crown.

Why create a story from some "morans" tweeting some hateful stuff? Is CNN racist for promoting the idiots tweets to national attention?

Unfortunately Beez, these same asshats that are tweeting this stuff, are doing other things to harm others, bullying etc. You and I don't agree on a lot of things, but I am thinking this is one we can. Lets build on what we can agree on, I think if you and I put our minds together, the world would be a better place.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 09:45 PM


The problem with "Murica" is that many are embracing the stereotype. And while pride and nationalism are a good thing, many see bigotry as part and parcel of nationalism.

Nail. Head. Hit.

THAT is the problem. And it appears to be getting worse, and with the USA being an almost self-contained eco system because of its sheer size such ideas can travel very quickly.

Thats scary.

To be specific the hive is wired tight, and even the bad ideas are traveling equally fast. I'm just afraid of how much exposure to those bad ideas everyone is regularly getting . The unsettling fallout of this free speech is everyone's expressed collective personality in the US beginning to take on a sometimes dark character of its own.
I personally propose to re-read my post before hitting the button; just to attempt to make it count, not necessarily counter... although sometimes lament the ineffectivness.

And I must back off OP and complement the coiffure. It's more [R] than if Sir Charlie had Elsie's stylist from The Bride.. hot knows no species, and that's a flock of sea grouches Eight Thumbs Up... or however numerous there.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 09:48 PM

reply to post by neformore

Yes, we know we have a problem.

We have another problem, we can't call a racist a racist when they are displaying obvious racist behavior...because then it is US "playing the race card".

And, we have a generation (mostly middle age/older) of white males that think THEY are the ones that are discriminated against. So they think their racism is justified.

The biggest problem is that most of the racists in this country don't even have a clue that they are being racists...they just think they are acting normal.

They know they are being racist, and take great pride in it. I have lived around this crap my entire life, a racist is a racist, there is no dividing line. I have heard the N word from my grand parents to many times to count, and even a few times from my parents. I have never heard it from my kids, amazing how times change. A black man was my best man at my wedding, if the N word would have come out, there were 100 people there that had his back, and he was the only black man there.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 10:05 PM

A black man was my best man at my wedding, if the N word would have come out, there were 100 people there that had his back, and he was the only black man there.

That's fantastic and hilarious. Thank you.

See how much comedic material is being produced by the modern American "culture"..?

I cannot be the first to see it and recognize it.

Seems the US is about to go from being the greatest country on earth to the funniest, only problem is that the American people themselves because of what they've been subjected to by their own culture, will be the very last to get it and many will be insulted woe and double woe to them.

P.S. Point being the NEED to say it to draw the distinction, with the image of everyone there having the one black man's back who's also the "best man" if anyone said the "N" word, or better yet the melee that would have ensured say if some ignoramus just couldn't help himself. I don't know, seems kind of funny to me the very idea of the racist elephant in the room and how to deal with it.

So, um, good for you..?

(don't take it the wrong way as I'm not really making fun of you, just the predicament from the POV of what I like to call "the relativity of human being").

edit on 16-9-2013 by NewAgeMan because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 10:29 PM

...America - you have a problem.

Who doesn't?
Okay - "America" has a problem. Is that saying that France doesn't? What about Germany? And, what about Micronesia or Macronesia or Polynesia...?

...For years now a whole load of racist nonsense has gone unchecked.

Who is supposed to be doing the "checking"?
And...according to WHOSE litany?
Yours? Mine? The Democrats? Tea Partiers? Political Correctionist Institute?

...Born out of the "war on terror", hateful rhetroic from right wing politicians, blog posters and organised racist groups together with an apparent general ignorance of the world at large misconceptions about peoples origions have been allowed to fester and multiply and this kind of thing is the result.

You would be saying the same thing about religious "zealots" of any long as you considered their beliefs "absurd" in comparison...TO YOURS.

...these people do not represent the majority of Americans, but the fact of the matter is that they represent a certain section of the populace, and the question is this - how can this ignorance be denied - this kind of thing harms the US activelt across the globe because people will focus on it and highlight it as they always do with bad news.
...What can be done to bring these people into line? When does "free speech" = freedom to offend, or be ignornat and hateful?

To begin with - I ENTIRELY AGREE WITH YOU... I am appalled at the idiocy apparent in the diatribe.
But - guess what! IT DOESN'T MATTER what you or I think should be the norm... None of these redneck-ed blow-hards are intelligent enough to understand that...WE (you & I) ARE RIGHT.
We might be the geniuses that get sent to special education...and our parents told "he/she can't make it in a normal learning environment".

I apologize for appearing to disagree with you...just to draw attention to the fact that - I do agree...and... ... ... ...Guess what?... She is beautiful. AND - I am as outraged at those that spewed such utter I am at the fact that...I'm probably well.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 10:43 PM
I don't think she's that hot, but eh.

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