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Public School Made My Kid Imagine Herself Dying in the Twin Towers on 9/11

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posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

Things I would agree with.

Real life fire training. Not just grouping together outside but crawling blindfolded (in a safe, supervised environment), that sort of thing. Learning to get out of that environment safely. Hiding under desks for earthquakes.

Cartoon documentaries on how to use condoms and other forms of contraception. Not boys and girls in the same class of course.

Planned reenactments of school shootings. Where would they hide? Who would take control? Would they leave the class or lock themselves in? Would a nominated person make a dash for it or all stay until help comes? Would anyone tackle the shooter? How would you identify real help from a trick?

Stranger danger. Have a think tank on how to get out of bad situations if it is already too late to avoid it. Methods of backing away or escaping when you re in people danger.

Entire study days on children that have commited suicide because of bullying, what constitutes all forms of bullying and how they would feel if it were them. Ways of coping if it happens to them. Videos of families left behind telling of what thier life is like now.

I guess I would draw the line at anything where harm outways benefit to safety and security (physically and psychologically).

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 10:29 AM
reply to post by Pinkorchid

Good Post! Thanx for the Share. Not real sure how I feel on this one. Good at some levels, not on others. But I do see something here that Does Disturb me. As a couple others mentioned somewhat, the tie to 9-11 is wrong. I see it as a Subliminal Push for these kids to just except 9-11 at face value. To believe in the MSM and other 'Accepted' Original Story beliefs. NOT Good! I hope even those kids would question that day! We need to be raising Critical Thinkers. Not more Sheep. My 2 Cents, Syx.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 03:41 PM


Awww, our sentiments are hurt. Really? You know what the kids are told in some foreign classrooms?

"Listen children, you hear that? Thats the sound of American bombs falling." They don't need to be told, they can hear it.

There's always one asshole.

I got some ABC type information for you... assholes drop bombs. Better flush out your headgear.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by InkontinentiaBouquet

Well said , thanks for the input.

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by SyxDaliGee

Based on what my youngest says, they have not yet started teaching critical thought school wide. It's still just a lesson reserved for the gifted program. Also, based on what she's stated, the schools can't even maintain a consistency on how to teach basic math. In elementary school, they chose to teach basic math using a method that I would call "cracked out" math in lieu of the traditional methods. Now in middle school, the students are being forced to do the same maths in the traditional methods and it's causing a bit of a panic and distress amongst the students. Really think about that for a moment. Math is one of those classes where they make the kids practice the methods over and over again so they learn it by rote. All those kids that went through grade school learned a specific method by rote that is immediately discarded and marked as wrong should they use it in middle school in the same school district. As my daughter so astutely whined, "I just learned how to be really good at math and now they are telling me that's the wrong way to do it." She was really upset. With seeing how they are teaching something as basic as math in the school system, it's no bloody wonder that our kids are floundering.

If the school district can't even use critical thought themselves in planning out their math curriculum from K-12 with consistency in mind, then how the devil are they going to come up with a plan to teach critical thought--something that they can't apparently do themselves? The kicker? My daughter is in the gifted program and she spent the first week of that daily class not on the subject matter that they were supposed to be learning but instead with a teacher who was telling them how special their brains were and pulled a parlor trick to make being gifted into being the equivalent of super human.

Classes aren't "math", "science", "social studies", "pe" or, "band" anymore. They get dumped under names like "enrichment" and "humanities". I was so confused when I saw her class schedule. I still am. Is PE an "enrichment" class or is that band? Or is band and PE "enrichment"? Is humanities social studies or english literature? Not sure yet, I'll have to get back to you on that one. Another poster remarked on the inclusion of "pop psychology" in schools and you bet that's where this all emanates from. Educational psychology is the bane to our educational system.

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