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Max Keiser and the Supa-Rich Who Have No Need For The working classes in the USA / UK Any More.

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posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 07:16 PM
reply to post by daskakik

Understanding that God allows satan to do his thing in our era to a point . . . within certain boundaries

is NOT

near the same thing as cheering satan on.

My loyalties are devoted totally and only to God and His values, etc. That's the ONLY sensible choice.

Being double minded is not favored by God, at all.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 10:46 PM

reply to post by daskakik

Understanding that God allows satan to do his thing in our era to a point . . . within certain boundaries

is NOT

near the same thing as cheering satan on.

If he allows him to do his thing then he is aiding and if he does this so that things go as planned, in accordance to the good book then, he might as well be cheering satan on.

My loyalties are devoted totally and only to God and His values, etc. That's the ONLY sensible choice.

For you, it no doubt is the ONLY sensible choice and that is probably why you see things the way you do.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by daskakik

I suspect that God Almighty has a very different perspective on that issue than you do.

Given that He makes the rules and is also altogether Good, knows all etc.

I'll trust His perspective most.

To assert that God is cheering satan on in any sense whatsoever indicates, to me, a great lack of understanding of the dynamics between them.

God may be 'using' satan in some dynamic, existential sense allowing a context wherein there is a robust degree of free-will to CHOOSE Love over non-love. Without a robust degree of choice with authentic consequences dependent on whatever choice is made, there can be no love . . . and, actually, no individuality.

God wants a love relationship with unique individuals. That, imho, requires a robust degree of choice, option to choose non-love. And such non-love choices result in authentic consequences, including suffering.

Yet, God is not, per se, the author of suffering.

We can get on our high horses and pretend we have sufficient lofty position to judge God and His actions and reality constructions. It's not a stance I recommend by any stretch of the imagination.

And there's much we in our finiteness cannot wrap our understanding around well.

However, God is not the author of confusion.

Satan is.

And there is NO darkness in Almighty God whatsoever.

posted on Sep, 15 2013 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

That is a pretty lengthy excuse for a simple logical observation which in the end does nothing to absolve god as the origin of the plan set in motion.

Even if everything you said was true what does pointing and saying "look, look its happening" really acomplish?

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by daskakik

1. Almighty God doesn't need "absolved" of anything. However, if you wish to continue to sit in judgment of Almighty God, you'll eventually find out how that works out for you.

2. Perhaps you are unaware of the significant percentage of folks walking around in a numbed stupor, quite asleep in terms of the realities already here and building.

3. People are likely to have at least a better chance to get their thinking in order when they are awakened to what's looming on the near horizon. It doesn't help to wake up a microsecond before the Mack truck smacks into one at 75 mph. It's better to at least get one's mental and spiritual affairs in order, first.

posted on Sep, 16 2013 @ 12:09 PM

reply to post by daskakik

1. Almighty God doesn't need "absolved" of anything. However, if you wish to continue to sit in judgment of Almighty God, you'll eventually find out how that works out for you.

Threats of hellfire don't resolve the logical fallacy.

2. Perhaps you are unaware of the significant percentage of folks walking around in a numbed stupor, quite asleep in terms of the realities already here and building.

Again, what will waking them up accomplish? Will it stop whatever is happening?

3. People are likely to have at least a better chance to get their thinking in order when they are awakened to what's looming on the near horizon. It doesn't help to wake up a microsecond before the Mack truck smacks into one at 75 mph. It's better to at least get one's mental and spiritual affairs in order, first.

Microseconds? Hyperbole. People have been proclaiming "the end is near" for centuries and people have heard it their whole lives.

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 08:22 PM

reply to post by iwilliam

I would be more than happy to provide further information on how much has been given back to humanity by particular families...

You will see that it is to the tune of hundreds of millions... Far more than mere "tax deductions"

As promised....

Let's start with the Rockefellers.

Every year thereafter, Rockefeller celebrated September 26 as “Job Day.” It was, he believed, the day his adult life began, the moment that the enormous ambitions of his boyhood could begin to take flight. But it represented more than that. It marked the beginning of his ability to productively contribute to society—first by making money, and again by giving it away. Taking the long view, it could even be called the day the Rockefeller Foundation was launched.


Ledger A reveals the toils of a frugal and conscientious young man. Over half of his rather meager salary went to lodging and food. He spent virtually nothing on personal amusements, very little on clothing, and the bare minimum on food. The one line item on which he never skimped, however, was his charitable giving. “When I was only making a dollar a day,” Rockefeller later recalled, “I was giving [away] five, ten, or twenty-five cents.”


Over the course of his 97 years, Rockefeller gave away some $540 million. By many accounts, he was history’s richest self-made man. He was also arguably humanity’s most accomplished philanthropist.

The Rockefeller Legacy

A legacy that has also trickled out through his children and grandchildren -

David Rockefeller, Jr. (b. July 24, 1941) — Vice Chairman, Rockefeller Family & Associates (the family office, Room 5600); Chairman of Rockefeller Financial Services; Trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation; former Chairman of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and Rockefeller & Co., Inc., among many other family institutions.

2.Abby Rockefeller (b. 1943) — The eldest and most rebellious daughter, she was drawn to Marxism and was an ardent admirer of Fidel Castro and a late 1960s/early 1970s radical feminist who belonged to the organization Female Liberation, later forming a splinter group called Cell 16. An environmentalist and ecologist, she was an active supporter of the women's liberation movement.

3.Neva Rockefeller Goodwin (b. 1944) — Economist and philanthropist. She is Director of the Global Development and Environment Institute; Trustee and Vice Chair of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and Director of the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.

4.Peggy Dulany (b. 1947) — Founder of the Synergos Institute in 1986; Board member of the Council on Foreign Relations; serves on the Advisory Committee of the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University.

5.Richard Rockefeller (b. 1949) — A physician and philanthropist; chairman of the United States advisory board of the international aid group Doctors Without Borders; Trustee and Chair of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

6.Eileen Rockefeller Growald (b. 1952) — Venture philanthropist; Founding Chair of Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, established in New York City in 2002. Margaret died in 1996. As of 2002, David had ten grandchildren: (by David) Ariana, Camilla; (by Neva) David, Miranda; (by Peggy) Michael; (by Richard) Clay, Rebecca; (by Abby) Christopher; (by Eileen) Danny and Adam.

Notice the pattern of philanthropy????

Source -

The Rockefeller Trust also supports the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation, which is headquartered in Little Rock and has for 36 years been making grants to what it considers worthy Arkansas causes. Last year alone, the Foundation gave a total of more than $6 million to 52 groups. It emphasizes certain areas in its giving, including reduction of the number of Arkansas families living below 200 percent of the federal poverty line; increasing high school, vocational school and college graduation rates, and "Increasing educational attainment and economic mobility in select communities in Arkansas."

What Win Rockefeller left behind

Then there are the Rothschilds -

And take a look at the REAL work of the Rothschild family -

The Edmond et Benjamin de Rothschild Fundations focus on a number of causes like medical research, education, cultural diversity, the protection of the environment, social entrepreneurship and the preservation and transmission of skills that are part of our artistic and musical heritage.

Well-known for their involvement in the medical sector, they support healthcare and research primarily in ophthalmology and neuroscience with the Fondation Ophtalmologique Adolphe de Rothschild in Paris and a partnership with the University of Geneva. The Foundations have a profoundly multicultural approach and have given young people in difficulty access to their charity to protect Jewish children (OPEJ).

The Rothschild Heritage

The Rothschild family has a long tradition of philanthropy, starting with Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) and his five sons. From the beginning their philanthropy was concerned with ensuring equal opportunities for disadvantaged groups across Europe. Specific areas of support include health care, housing and education. Members of the family sought to advance civil rights and to bridge cultural rifts within society. Early initiatives, such as the design and establishment of public housing projects, provided models for innovative philanthropy and best practice, helping to shape public policy.

Today, a number of Rothschild family foundations continue to operate in a wide range of fields, including medical science, housing, education and social development.

Rothschild and Philanthropy

Something I posted previously about the Astor family which mentions their charities -

But let's look at the REAL wealth holders in the world. What have THEY given?

The Worlds Biggest Givers

Numero Uno - BILL GATES (who is surprised by this???)

Donations: $28 billion

Net worth: $56 billion

.......Or what about this one???

Herbert and Marion Sandler - bankers extrordinaire

Donations: $1.5 billion

Net worth: $800 million

The Sandlers helped found and are among the largest benefactors of the Center for Responsible Lending, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization fighting predatory mortgage lending, payday loans, and other products that prey on consumers; the Center for American Progress, a progressive think tank; ProPublica, an investigative reporting newsroom; and the American Asthma Foundation. In addition, the Sandlers or their foundation support organizations involved in medical research, the environment, human rights, and civil liberties.

Source -

posted on Sep, 17 2013 @ 08:23 PM
double post
edit on 17-9-2013 by CIAGypsy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2013 @ 12:14 AM
I posted a story a few years back where the Prime Minister of England basically said we should forget about the US and UK having manufacturing and just accept that it will all go to Asia.

So yes, don't doubt that the elites don't feel that they need us anymore.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 06:40 AM
On the issue of war, I can see how in world war I with very little shifting in territory afterwards one could get the idea that the leaders of the involved countries teamed up to get rid of each others population surplus. But thesedays western forces suffer very little casulities when going to war. Also the idea behind producing in china is buying low and selling high in the us, so yes, they still need the American consumer at least the super rich whom are not above the system. The rich whom can take money off the printing press, thats a different matter of course.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 09:28 AM


I like his programmes because he goes straight at it and isn't afraid to say who has done what. Also his guests can be extremely interesting. One of the UK's politicians recently was on his show and he was far more outspoken with Max than he would have been on the BBC etc so Max's programmes are pretty good if hyou want to get to the heart of something he is talking about.

Max and Stacy are definately one of "goto" groups for accurate insights into current events. Others that I particularily value are:

2) -- James Corbett
3) boilingfrogs post -- Sibel Edmonds
4) -- Jeff Rense

There are more. Many more. Far too many good alternative reporters to even bother with the MSM.....

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by juspassinthru

Thanks for your reply, I have used a couple of the sights you mentioned and will note the others.

I do feel that we live in very sad times with our freedom being taken in now, huge gulps away from us.

We bring our kids up to tell the truth, yet if one does today, there is often some hostile little toady group that we watching the public to keep everyone silent and obedient to their specific desires. I think its time for us to rfemind the politicians that they took us to war to fight for freedom and freedom of speech, and that having fought once, we will fight again for those simple rights that give us our dignity.

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 06:47 AM

I think its time for us to remind the politicians that they took us to war to fight for freedom and freedom of speech.....

They keep telling us that we are fighting for our freedom but that is just for public consumption. For the better part of a century we have been engaged in perpetual war for perpetual peace. This is about building and maintaining empire. This is about subjugating foreign lands and stealing their resources and birthright.

If we really want to restore our freedom, we'll have to shut down the MSM and make examples of the bad guys ...... the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, the cancer we know as Washington and the DoD. The only problem is, they have an "army" (police, NorthCom, etc) between us and them. It's not gonna be pretty.

US military and CIA interventions since WW2

An updated summary of US military interventions and CIA missions. Since the end of the Second World War, the United States of America has:

Attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, most of which were democratically-elected.
Attempted to suppress a populist or nationalist movement in 20 countries.
Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries.
Dropped bombs on the people of more than 30 countries.
Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders.

In total: Since 1945, the United States has carried out one or more of the above actions, on one or more occasions, in the following 69 countries (more than one-third of the countries of the world):

posted on Sep, 30 2013 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by juspassinthru

I saw on RT this morning Crosstalk where a lawyer is trying to sue on behalf of an Iraqi woman, Bush, Rumsfeld and a number of their cronies for war crimes. Apparently there is a piece of legislation which dates back to the trials after WW2 that has been gathering dust and needs airing. The lawyer is hopeful it could be the start of accountability for the murderous few, who cause these wars and may also profit from them - but hide behind government immunity. I wish him the very best of luck as I think most of us want these viscious, greedy examples of human filth brought to public accountability and stripped of their wealth, their respectability is gone already.

posted on Oct, 12 2013 @ 05:27 PM
Redundant? What are the credentials of this man? Do you have any idea how many Americans need to spend money on goods produced in china to afford a Yacht?

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