reply to post by CIAGypsy
Uhhhhhhhhh you sound like you are the far less informed one . . .
1. The elite have become convinced for many decades if not 200-400+ years . . . that
will begin a 'wonderfully tyrannical' utopia--FOR THEM.
2. Most of the old paradigms and structures will be deliberately thrown overboard as obsolete and unnecessary . . . along with the forced
exterminations--in their schemes and plans--of 6.8 BILLION human individuals. They only want a non-threateningly small number of slaves and serfs to
service the machines; take out the trash; serve the martinis--until robots manage that, too; etc.
3. The economics of history as we have known it are to be trashed in favor of bastardized communism wedded to bastardized monopolistic capitalism . .
. if there's any monetary system planned in the end result, at all.
4. MONEY is NO LONGER their obsession. POWER IS. . . . power and occult hedonism . . . and occult power . . .
5. They do not realize that when satan demands worship as God, they will become ever more possessed and consumed in his merciless gears just as the
serfs and slaves were made to become in the larger system's gears.
6. They have long considered . . . in Kissinger and other's terms . . . the middle and lower classes to be
. . . as in not only fit only for extermination but NECESSARY for extermination--as they have been sold the bill of goods by the critters that ONLY
THEREBY will mankind and the planet survive the ecological holocaust at all.
7. They can manufacture all the Monopoly fiat money they wish any number of ways.
8. They believe they are in league with 'enlightened' 'light bearer' supernatural beings and/or citizens of distant planets who will insure the
human elite lofty roles, status and pleasures in a greatly expanded, extended lifetime. They don't realize they've been snookered by fallen angels
as much or more than they've snookered the global populace.
9. Some say one family of the elite's net wealth is $300 TRILLION. Others claim that's the wealth of all the leading families combined. What would
that be divided up among 200 million?
Was going to use XCell but it seems to have gotten more complicated since I last used it. LOL.
Most of the above is verifiable by stacks of evidence.
The planet is so far down Alice's satanic rabbit hole that it would take a miracle to even accurately conceptualize the beginning, much more so, the