posted on Nov, 18 2004 @ 04:31 PM
I wish I hada better source for this, but since the original article comes from IslamOnline, I don't feel so bad about tacking this story on to
There are reports that US troops are continuing to use chemicals weapons in Fallujah. These reports also state that American troops are removing the
evidence by burying the bodies, or just flat out dumping them in the river. This story quotes several Iraqi citizens, and provides their "eye
witness" accounts.
Anger that is seething throughout Iraq and the world over the assault on Fallujah turn to rage yesterday as an Iraqi physician came forward to confirm
reports of the use of banned chemical weapons in Fallujah. Speaking on the condition of anonymity to the Panorama radio station, the physician said he
had just examined two dead bodies and confirmed that the victims died of banned chemical weapons. The physician found no evidence of bullet wounds,
shrapnel, or any objects penetrating the bodies.
It is also interesting how concerned the American occupying forces were about burying the bodies that lay on the outskirts of the Jowlan neighborhood
for burial in Al-Saqlawiah, with many mainstream reports that the occupiers where �cleaning up� the dead. Now we have the answer.
Local citizens who came to retrieve their lost ones were frisked to make sure that none of them brought cameras to document the crime using chemical
weapons. American occupiers also insisted on accompanying those citizens from the moment of removing the bodies up until the final burial. 20 bodies
including two women and a child were removed on Monday, 14 more on Tuesday. Mufkarat al-Islam correspondent confirmed that the dead bodies were
swollen, yellow colored, and had no smell. A number of citizens requested permission to go inside Jowlan neighborhood to remove the dead but they were
told (through an interpreter) that Americans cannot go with them because they do not control that area inside. A woman fleeing the war torn zone
informed Mufkarat al-Islam�s correspondent that she witnessed Americans putting bodies in black plastic bags and dumping them in the river.
Please visit the link provided for the complete story.
I DO NOT believe one Bit of this story!
I am posting it here for you, the reader to decide. I post it as a blatant example of the lies and Jihadist propoganda.