posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 11:44 PM
A couple of thoughts on the speech.
1. I like others have pointed out, am appalled by the suggestion that people watch videos of kids dying as proof rather than show us the classified
"proof" they have. This appeal to emotional response rather than logic is unethical.
By that logic, can we then judge the US based on videos of our aircraft killing innocent children, or pics of drone strikes that have killed
2. I find it strange that he blatantly admits Assad can't hurt the US ad even said Isreal would easily defeat him if he tried anything there. Then
why get involved?
3. When discussing why not to overthrow the regime, he says thats not the US way. But isn't that what we did in Libya.
Also the fact that Assad knows we won't come after him, then how is this punishing him? The people that will really be punished are the innocents
that will die will our missle strikes.
4. He menitons that diplomacy was only possible because the threat of violence. Well I think on the US diplomacy was only possible because the
massive outcry against an attack.
Its funny to see people on this thread even applauding Obama for using diplomacy. If he had his way, we would have attacked two weeks ago.
And as much as I hope this isn't the case, I bet he will still try and find an excuse to attack. Perhaps they will have classified intel that Assad
still has chemicals hidden after he gives them up, and it will be on again.
5. I find the argument that not atacking will cause other rogue states to use chemical weapons interesting. This implies that there are leaders out
there that are so psychotic that they are just waiting for their chance to do this.
Well for arguments sake lets say this is true, that there are crazy world leaders. Wouldn't striking Syria equally embolden rogues to use chemicals
and blame other hactors, knowing that the US has set the precedent that they will attack that enemy without UN support?
6. The claim no boots on the ground is assuming a world where the strikes work perfectly. If Assad strikes back at the US, or they can't disable
all the weapons, boots will be put on the ground.
7. The outrage agianst chemical weapons from Obama seems phony to me. He says in the speech that all of these nations have decided these weapons are
bad, and that is reason enough to go in.
But all of those nations also say things like cluster bombs should be outlawed. But the US just recently sold a whole bunch of them to Saudia Arabia.
Why wasn't the rest of the worlds opinion important on that issue.