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Married, Female 8 Years Dies in First Night

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posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

Wow, some people will make excuses for anything, and look at all the stars.

Why do you equate truth with excuses?

Facts are the practice of child brides has been a part of their culture since well before the Western world was the Western World.
It’s part of their heritage, religion, etc.
If anyone’s going to change it - it has to be THEM not US(A).
It is what it is like it or not.

Think how ‘they’ feel when they see someone sitting at the table letting their dog lick their hands or feeding them from the plate with their fingers and go right back to eating. Or worse, watching a little girl’s face being licked by a dog. They would be equally repulsed by that little cultural habit of ours - than we are of theirs.

And nooooo don’t try and twist this that I’m comparing dogs to little girls, or any of that crap. The point it - it really isn’t comparable in any way. Unless you grow up in the culture - you’re just not going to get it.

Wrong - sure. But let THEIR blood be spilled to fight this - NOT American’s.

Added Note:


I posted a link and info a couple pages back but people would rather get their panties in a twist over something they can’t change than deal with fact.


posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 01:18 AM
excuse me disappear for a while, I went out of town and very busy .. but I am grateful for all the replies .. I will try to reply one by one ..

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 01:18 AM
You know that America has some of the lowest age requirements for marriage in the world... I'm sure you are all aware of that....

Boy are we a narcissistic nation, whatever we feel is right IS RIGHT! Damnit and if you disagree we will just kill you until you say we are right....

You know there are places in Africa where a boy is not a man until he kills a man from an enemy tribe. Should we go there and bomb them to stop? We are 300 million of a 7 billon population and most of the 7 billion have ways we disagree with, I say get over it....

The hard truth is life sucks for majority of the world, we can't do anything about it, and in the case of this 8 year old, her marriage could be the difference of life or death for her family. I'm with all of you and I think it is disgusting , by my standards, but then I'm not living in a place where if you have 8 kids maybe one will survive and if it does a marriage to someone better off could mean a chance, a chance only, that death is not in the near future.

We in America just can not comprehend how most of the real world operates, at what level is true poor. By our standards it is a horrible situation, by the rest of the world standards it is life...

edit on 12-9-2013 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 03:02 AM
What is even more sick is that Radical Islam protects these people, they even make sure it carries on, day in day out you can see 'Clerics' on Saudi TV saying how Ok all this is and making laws to protect the allowing of this.

These are the same people the civilised world deals with and works with, these are not dirty old uneducated men in a village in the outskirts of the Yemen, these are educated respected men (within their communities) that the Western world gives time to.

Do we tell them its all wrong and we won't deal with such a savage disgusting set of people, NO, we play happy families with them and give them trips to the White House and Parliament here in the UK.

Its about time we looked at Radical Islam and made it clear its culture and practices are NOT welcome, and please, no calling me racial or islamophobic (stupid stupid word), those that know me know my wife is a normal non Radical Muslim and I have a huge knowledge of the Muslim world. Nothing I have said in this is a lie or against normal Muslims, its purely at the Radicals who follow these disgusting man made rules. The only thing I say to normal Muslims is that religion is meant to be progressive, if you find stuff in the book that you find troublesome then you don't follow it, the book says to LEARN and that is what you must do, what might have been culturally ok then and not now must be corrected and improved.

Having sex with little girls ISN'T correct, the reports about the age of the prophets child bride vary from 8 to 18, no one is 100% sure but we do know that there are Clerics making sure the practice carries on with little girls as well as stoning etc.

Its time to progress Muslims of all types, lest you be made the outcasts of all societies....

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 06:34 AM
And people still think these backwards ass people can learn to be normal, caring, nonviolent, and socially acceptable in the day and age. I say we cut off all funding to any Country where these people live

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 10:08 AM


Islam: The religion of paedos.

I don't see how that's a useful contribution since there's no evidence to suggest the such

No. Then I guess you've never heard of sweet, little Aisha?

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 10:24 AM



Islam: The religion of paedos.

I don't see how that's a useful contribution since there's no evidence to suggest the such

No. Then I guess you've never heard of sweet, little Aisha?

Sadly the age of her has been questioned over and over, it stands somewhere between 8 and 18 depending on your cleric source.

I personally think it would have been likely she was young based upon the culture and how it hasstayed the same.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by kudegras

I know it isn't a criminal act but if it was acceptable to the population at large, everyone would be marrying 8 year olds. Which they clearly are not.

We don't have laws saying that it is illegal to deliberately crush ants and insects for a laugh, but most of us choose not to because we feel it is wrong. Sometimes, you don't need laws to make you do what you feel is right.
edit on 12-9-2013 by EloquentThinker because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 11:12 AM
Let me start by saying the death of this young child is absolutely absurd and the man responsible should be held accountable for his actions.

Now, my thoughts are what is right and what is wrong? Is society right in their thinking of how things should be or is human nature right in the way it grows the human body. My thoughts are, if it's wrong to engage in marital activities when people are younger in age, why does human nature give the body the means to do so? Young girls, age 8 and up develop the means to bare children and young boys age 8 an up are giving the means to provide the needed ingredients to fertilize.

So, my question comes back to, who is right our societies / cultures or human nature?

Just to point out where I stand. I have a 22 year old daughter in college and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't tell her to be careful with her decision making skills with her boyfriend. I'm super protective of her because she is my babygirl, but I know I can't control her nor would I ever want to because she is her own person.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by MidnightTide

I think you're under the impression that Western cultures are not accepting of rape. When you look at the studies it is clear that there is a great deal of hypocrisy in terms of molestation. I would really like if you read some of the articles in the link I posted. You can also visit any truck stop in America at around 12 a.m. and some trafficked 12 or 13 year old will show up sooner or later. Also 31 states currently allow convicted rapists rights to the children they sired as a result.

It's a big issue and as a rule people protect the creeps in their families that do these things. I have met many men that have the view that sleeping with 12-13 year old girls isn't rape. The statistics back that view up. Actually, most teenage mothers were molested even earlier on in their life.

Just because we don't have marriage contracts to go along with the rape of children doesn't make the act any less heinous or widespread. One could argue that it's even more despicable in a nation where we're supposed to be more civilized, but I digress.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by KnightFire

The right to one's body belongs to the person. Whether or not an 8 year old can get pregnant is not the point. The point is the body at that age is not designed for childbirth. The psyche is not ready for it either.

In a natural environment where adults or older siblings have not introduced an eight year old to sex, there is not a single eight year old female who would seek it out on her own. The body of an eight year old tells her she is not ready, that is nature. An eight year girl can die from having sex at that age, that is nature. It is unnatural for a female to want to have her insides ripped apart from a sexual act. In a world where a female has control over her body, no eight year old girl would choose to be mamed in that way.

In the end the right to one's body belongs to them. It does not belong to the state, to men, to other women. It belongs to them. Unnatural laws are created that trumps that right, but in the end it still exists. As societies progress the right of children to their bodies increases and sexual and physical abuse decreases as a whole.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by needlenight
You make a great point. It's being reported that this girl is alive but certainly others have died needlessly.

I agree female circumcision is most likely the problem, it carries a huge risk depending on how much is removed/altered. It renders the once perfect female design into something that can no longer function in the way nature intends.

Excessive bleeding, scar tissue, infections etc. occur more often for circumcised women due to their unnatural state. Some develop so much scar tissue from all the cutting, it thickens overtime, that it becomes nearly impossible to cut through it.

I watched a show on tribal wives, I'm trying to understand this practice because I find it so abhorrent.

I was pretty amazed that the women support it and wouldn't have it any other way. I've read a high percentage of Egyptian women have it done but they use anesthetic/medical facilities.

An unaltered woman is seen as someone who likes a lot of sex. These women would be subjected to gang rape/beatings. They would be ostracized, abused by men/women in the community. I imagine unaltered women don't last long and have absolutely no future.

The women feel the procedure elevates their status. In their eyes it makes them more worthy of motherhood. They feel very strongly about removing the taint of female sexual enjoyment from procreation.

As horrendous as it is, I'm guessing the alternative is so horrible it's the reason they adopted the practice in the first place. What was going on in a society that necessitates cutting off/sewing up female genitalia?

Anyway after seeing it in the context of a tribal setting I see how impossible it is to make them see it as we do. In fact after a few of the tribal women found out their western female visitor was unaltered they got a little fearful/nervous. They decided it wasn't a good idea to tell other tribal members.

They are simply too primitive for our tastes. We've gotten more modern but it's odd how reluctant we are to give up all those white bridal gowns. Maybe sometime in the distant future brutal cultural practices will be cast aside in favor of more symbolic ones.

We can only hope they make that leap. They've got a long way to go and until we successfully clean up our own social ills we can't expect them to throw away everything they know/blissfully jump on our bandwagon.

I don't like it, never will but I understand they take it very seriously. It's not something we outsiders can fix without creating a lot of resentment/violent opposition.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 07:29 PM

reply to post by cheesy

is it just me or does it look like everybody in that picture is smiling.... ?

Nope its not just you. The really bizarre part would be that the old adage of you can not teach an old dog new tricks in some ways would apply here. Cultures all over the world have been doing these sort of practices for ages, even in the west you have it, plenty of cult like some even pretty mainstream that practice this sort of thing, though it is kept in the hush hush. And literally if you were to somehow change there whole culture overnight or ban them from practicing these sort of things. Don't be surprised that and when they all get together and do it again of there own free will including the child brides in question. You can not just step in and change what a people are and have been from thousands of years over night, it does not just happen like that. Hence why contrary to popular believe this sort of stuff does still happen in our civilized civilizations, and much more to boot. We have just reached a point were we can hide such things easier, illusions are grander.

So yes they are smiling because they are happy, to them it is a celebration and like somebody said they have been doing this for ages there are likely hundreds of thousands of such cases in such places, and contrary to popular believe again they are doing it because they want to, what I am saying is you just may have to contemplate that the girls who are married off to these men who do not want to go through with it or would have any opinion for or against it are a minority. And humans thought they dont like to admit it are just conditioned animals, if you remover or changed the laws they will still do it, and all it would likely create is a seedy black market for such things, which has been shown that time and time, that such is the case.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Mclaneinc

What is even more sick is that Radical Islam protects these people, they even make sure it carries on, day in day out you can see 'Clerics' on Saudi TV saying how Ok all this is and making laws to protect the allowing of this. These are the same people the civilized world deals with and works with, these are not dirty old uneducated men in a village in the outskirts of the Yemen, these are educated respected men (within their communities) that the Western world gives time to.

Define civilized and educated? Off course they are protected, in any civilization which even by there own religions are equated to herds of sheep, the ones who are corralled and coddled are the sheep, ie the useful idiots, of which the more inclined and more easily controlled are set up over those baser then them ie the shepherds those who are willing to take the knife to the heard when culling is called for. Even our society is based and runs like this, which is why all questions during presidential and any important fiction of states or were power corals are scripted. You know would not want somebody asking the wrong questions and finding out its the blind leading the blind.

Being truly smart in any society is not a gift, it is a determent, stupid people have been breed for as long as history has existed and before Babylons first bricks were pulled up. The whole notion of mass or on mass the very notion of such civilizations dictates it, civilization runs on it, what you see here is what our civilization was at but a few hundred years ago. But off course now we have become much more civilized and complex. So much more enlightened.

But ya I think its time to progress peoples of all types and religions.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 11:26 PM
And just because this happened in one Muslim nation all Muslims are evil pigs, right? Sit there and thump that Bible on your head while you go against every teaching it states to condemn an entire religion based on the actions of scum. As if Catholic priests weren't just as bad in the past.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 11:31 PM
Thank God I live in America! That's all I can say, and simply by my geographic location I live like a Queen.

Grateful, Appreciative, Lucky and last but not least Thankful. And that's all I have to say about that.

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 11:36 PM

Thank God I live in America! That's all I can say, and simply by my geographic location I live like a Queen.

Grateful, Appreciative, Lucky and last but not least Thankful. And that's all I have to say about that.

Only in America can a no talent piece of crap like Justin Bieber and NFL players become a multi-millionaire while our teachers, cops, firefighters and military make minimum wage. I'm so thankful. But as long as females get a long a tiny bit better than the rest of the world, that's all that matters, right?
edit on 12-9-2013 by horselessheadsman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 11:40 PM
Soooo-since Obama is so concerned about "the children"-since he said it 14 times in his "speech" to the American people the other night- we are at war with India now too-right?

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by horselessheadsman

Hey horseless....jealous much? You have the same opportunity to be a success if you just applied yourself. Try a little gratitude.

Oh, wait...I'm guessing you live elsewhere? That explains your bitterness.
edit on 12-9-2013 by queenofsheba because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2013 @ 11:51 PM

reply to post by horselessheadsman

Hey horseless....jealous much? You have the same opportunity to be a success if you just applied yourself. Try a little gratitude.

Oh, wait...I'm guessing you live elsewhere? That explains your bitterness.
edit on 12-9-2013 by queenofsheba because: (no reason given)

I was born and raised American. I am not bitter, I simply see the world in a different light.

I also am not jealous. The point I was trying to make is that being a no talent piece of trash is what gathers the support of the American people, while our true heroes go unrecognized. If you think that success is based on how much money you have, then you and I will never be able to see eye to eye.

The fact is, I will never be "successful" in your eyes. Because if I ever managed to gather that amount of wealth, I would give it back to where it properly belongs: in the hands of the people. And I know that I will leave this world the same I entered it: broke.

I'm sorry you can't understand that, entire generations have been brainwashed to follow the carrot on a string in hopes that one day they can become just like the scum they despise. Good day to you.

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