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Unity or Separation - which way do you choose to see things and WHY? Which brings more Peace and Joy

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posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 12:13 AM

Yes it says you think you know better and are wiser.
Maybe you are. It is hard to tell when you do not express what you know.

I don't see how you could come to that conclusion.

Maybe you could copy and paste it like you did for onemanarmy so I can see what you have to offer.

Here you go:

That isn't even a valid question. As usuall arpgme has found a way to compare an apple and an orange to try and find out which one is a pear.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 12:14 AM

That isn't even a valid question. As usuall arpgme has found a way to compare an apple and an orange to try and find out which one is a pear.

Thank you for that.

edit on 13-9-2013 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by OneManArmy

Hey if you find meaning without hope then I praise you.

I hope for better future for my children, and maybe even my soul if reincarnation is real.
I hope for a way out of the pain and suffering being poor brings. It drives me to better myself, and educate myself. Hope drives my ambitions, and will to succeed in them.
Supernatural forces, while often "invented"(for many reasons) are also often "witnessed", and possessed by others.
Telekinesis for example is a supernatural property that has been proven.
Isnt the current explanation for poltergeist activity, due to the telekinetic properties of a child or someone within the "haunted" property.

NDE after NDE that describes exactly the same experiences.
Children recounting past lives, until they get to an age that they finally forget the past life.
These are experiences, not invented ideas, we just need to find an explanation.

Paranormal research is a valid field of science, it seeks to explain the unexplained.

Isnt every invention down to someone thinking out of the box and creating an idea through original thought?
Isnt every scientific theory based on the imaginings of the scientist that proposes their theories?
Its only through testing the theories we come to realise the realities.

Something is only supernatural until we can "imagine" an explanation that others can later prove by testing the theories.
Lightning was an angry god until we realised how electricity works.
Earthquakes were an angry god until we learned about plate tectonics.
Sickness was caused by evil spirits until we learned medicine.

None of those things were invented, its just the "ideas" as to what explained them were proven to be wrong.

I can vouch by my own personal experience as to the existence of spirits, but that obviously means nothing to anyone else that hasnt experienced it, maybe my explanations are wrong, but the experiences happened, I didnt "invent" them, I just tried fitting them into my understanding of the world.

Im not a nihilist, my life has meaning and purpose, once I had found it. I just see a life without spirit or hope or seeking to make the world better for our decendants to be without purpose and ultimately selfish and materialistic, which I see as a major problem in the world right now.
Maybe that is more down to my lack of being able to see from that perspective?

From when I was a small child I have always wondered...WHY? What does it all mean?
Im just trying to answer those questions through study, which brings me to places like ATS and to have discussions with people like yourself. It helps me immensely, and hopefully it can help others on their own personal journey of understanding of self and purpose and the nature of reality.

I'm pretty sure there is no evidence for telekinesis. If there is, feel free to point me in the right direction. Yes people have weird experiences when their body is in its death throes; consequently, they also have the same types of experiences when they are asleep, no supernaturalism required.

I haven't said people invent their experiences, only that they invent the cause according to which biases they subscribe to. Inventing supernatural causes to natural phenomena is not thinking outside of the box. It is limiting oneself to a box.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 12:34 PM

I haven't said people invent their experiences, only that they invent the cause according to which biases they subscribe to. Inventing supernatural causes to natural phenomena is not thinking outside of the box. It is limiting oneself to a box.

But, it would be a larger box than the one materialists limit themselves to.

Also, it isn't a case of inventing the cause. The cause exists even if it can't be explained. If it can't be explained with the tools in the "natural" box then it must be outside that box until the envelope of that box is expanded.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 12:50 PM

reply to post by daskakik

Tell everyone what you know.
Can you say which state brings peace and joy - is it separation or unity?
edit on 12-9-2013 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

Both, sometimes I like to spend time by myself. It brings peace and joy, other times I like socialising with others, it brings me peace and joy.

So ultimately the OP is a pointless question. For it means NOTHING.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 01:50 PM


I haven't said people invent their experiences, only that they invent the cause according to which biases they subscribe to. Inventing supernatural causes to natural phenomena is not thinking outside of the box. It is limiting oneself to a box.

And that is exactly what science is, theorising a solution to a problem and then testing those theories to see if they can be the solution.

I dunno man, thats how peer reviewed science works. Its the best option we have right now to technological and human advancement.

Everyone approaches a problem based on their own worldview and "biases", thats human nature. We can only base our worldview on what we know and have learned/experienced in the past. And that sir is LIFE.

I will see what I can find on the subject of telekinesis.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by OneManArmy

Both, sometimes I like to spend time by myself. It brings peace and joy, other times I like socialising with others, it brings me peace and joy.

So ultimately the OP is a pointless question. For it means NOTHING.

The question in The Original Post was "which way of living brings MORE peace and joy". It didn't say that only one could - the question was if you had to choose which way to live which would bring MORE peace and joy.

You misunderstand The Question in The Original Post.

By the way, "ultimately" all questions are pointless, because they are just words and the only thing that matters is what you are experiencing (here and now - reality). You can ask a question to get answers that will help lead to introspection - but ultimately the question itself is meaningless, it means nothing and is just a pointer to look from other perspectives and to most importantly - look within.

posted on Sep, 13 2013 @ 04:51 PM

reply to post by OneManArmy

Both, sometimes I like to spend time by myself. It brings peace and joy, other times I like socialising with others, it brings me peace and joy.

So ultimately the OP is a pointless question. For it means NOTHING.

The question in The Original Post was "which way of living brings MORE peace and joy". It didn't say that only one could - the question was if you had to choose which way to live which would bring MORE peace and joy.

You misunderstand The Question in The Original Post.

By the way, "ultimately" all questions are pointless, because they are just words and the only thing that matters is what you are experiencing (here and now - reality). You can ask a question to get answers that will help lead to introspection - but ultimately the question itself is meaningless, it means nothing and is just a pointer to look from other perspectives and to most importantly - look within.

OK, I will clarify my answer.....

Unity brings me joy,
Seperation brings me peace.
Together I get balance.

To choose seperation as an ONLY option would be lonely, you can only have so much peace before you get bored.
To choose Unity as an ONLY option would be lonely, because when all is one, it is basically the same as seperation.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 06:08 AM
reply to post by OneManArmy

Oneness is either realized to be the absolute state or you think there is a you and separate things.

It seems that you believe you are separate living with other things.
Can you choose to see it different?

edit on 14-9-2013 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

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