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Syria welcomes Russia's offer to put its chemical weapons under intl control

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posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by Senduko

US President Barack Obama has said he will put plans for a US military strike against Syria on hold if the country agrees to place its chemical weapons stockpile under international control.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 02:56 AM

Unless Assad steps down, this deal is NULL!

It's "too late". He used the weapons already.

IF I shoot someone, they die and I tell cops "Here, I'll give the gun to you and won't kill again".

How would that go over?

except evidence suggests he didnt use them

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 04:10 AM
The media is seems to be trying to breed a level of suspicion about the Russians. Just look at the following excerpt from a bbc article from today.

David Cameron has cautiously welcomed a proposal for Syria to hand its chemical weapons over for destruction.

Under the Russian plan, apparently welcomed by Syria's foreign minister, the stockpiles would first be taken under international control.

The UK PM said this would be a "big step forward" if the plan was genuine.

BBC Source

I think they're trying to imply that Russians/Syria cant be trusted to act like human beings.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by Senduko

should only be agreed to if assad is assasinated also. or he can kill himself it really doesnt matter?

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 04:16 AM
It seems that France and Israel are skeptic as well. They see it as a ploy to buy time.

Syria 36 minutes ago
International reaction to the Russian proposal on chemical weapons in Syria is starting to come in. As we reported earlier on the blog, Iran has welcomed the proposal.

Now France, the Associated Press reports, has "trumpeted Western pressure" for leading to what Paris calls a turnaround on Russia's position. From the AP:

Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius expressed France's `"interest and caution'' about a proposal backed by Moscow for the chemical weapons arsenals held by Russia's ally Syria to be placed under international control and destroyed.

On Europe-1 radio Tuesday, Fabius said Russia had "changed - very good!'' He attributed this to Western pressure and "overwhelming evidence'' of a chemical weapons attack in Syria.

Israel, AP says, has today "voiced skepticism" about the plan.

Avigdor Lieberman, who chairs the parliament's foreign affairs and defense committee, told Israel Radio on Tuesday that Syria could use the proposal to "buy time.''

He says Syrian President Bashar "Assad is winning time and lots of it.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 04:21 AM
This has gotta have the US and Israel frothing at the mouth,I wouldn't be to surprised to see an American ship sunk in the next couple of days to get the war back on track,of course it would be obvious Syria sunk it

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 05:08 AM
They would never give up their last lines of defense against Israel, and stash allot of those chemicals underground.. Another Iraq in the making? But it's a start let China and Russia solve this conflict..

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:50 AM

Do the rebels have to hand over their goodies as well?

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 06:56 AM

I wonder how Obama administration will handle this, it seems to me that Putin has created a situation that Obama can't refuse.

GET THIS ..... TV news this morning is reporting ....

- Kerry makes a gaff and says that Syria turning over all chemical weapons would stop the strike.

- PUTIN steps in and saves the day. He arranges for Syria to agree to do this.

- State Dept tries to 'dial back' and say that Kerry did't say what he said.

- Obama steps in and says that this was his plan all along. He says that he and Putin had
discussed this at the G20 summit. It was Obama's idea.


OMG .... I can't believe that this idiot is running the USA. It's insane. It's frightening how
close this moron has come to bringing the world into WWIII.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:01 AM
As usual, I expect Assad to act like he's in line with this idea only to delay the entire process and/or possibly plan some accident to keep it from being completed while it's in the process.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by Deetermined

It is more like the hawks planning how to sabotage this 'new plan'. It won't be Assad.

Another worse massacre in Syria may be planned.

Most of Syria is not in Assad's control, so he can hardly stop any new disaster.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Ha, yea I was about to post that to, here to in the Media they are spinning it as if it was a secret agreement made during the G20.

I saw the body language of Kerry during that statement, nuff said.

All hale Obama. OR was it Sig Heil... One forgets so easily.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:40 AM

I think it shows how real leaders should run things.

This should have come from Obama you know leader of the oldest democracy on earth

our bane 0bama is preoccupied with other how to implement Sharia Law in the U.S. and how to install more Muslim Brotherhood into more government agencies and cabinet level positions of power...

instead of negotiating a non-conflict solution to the Syria problem (intensified after the USA was covertly arming the AQ & al Nusra barbarians to fight Assad)
0bama was-is focused on how to pull the rug from under the feet of the Shadow Government Bankers & neocons and AIPAC power structure in all branches of govt & media... and dominate the govt with his hand picked Muslim cadre...."Forward"

i wish for a stand-down by the USA but i fear that 0bama will parlay his confusion into a 'Peace Prize 2' where all the deluded will fall to their knees in praise of this man

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:42 AM
Must say Russia & Putin acted swiftly and smoothly in this whole case but its not over yet, who knows what will they do to get this war going. I doupt they let it go so easy, they have plans and they have move fast already so i really doupt they will be satisfy with this compromise. One can always hope its simple as this news sounds..

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 07:46 AM
All this wonderful news . . . no war . . . chemical weapons to be 'dismantled' . . . why is it that my sixth sense is screaming at me right now sayin' Whoaaaa there laddiebuck . . . you're about to see the nasty change-up curve.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by GoalPoster

Looks like Obama admin may have dodges a war.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 08:11 AM

Unless Assad steps down, this deal is NULL!

It's "too late". He used the weapons already.

IF I shoot someone, they die and I tell cops "Here, I'll give the gun to you and won't kill again".

How would that go over?

All you warmongers are TOO late mate.

The false flags didn't work, thankfully the International community are TOO smart and a LOT less gullible than we were during the events of around a decade ago.

These attempts at setting up Governments as a pretext to regime change is no longer going to work anywhere in the Mid-East.

It's finished. The next course of action for the planners ought to incorporate diplomacy, incentives and other positive 'directioners', war is off the table (bad luck MIC, every 'good time' comes to an end eventually)

Assad's government did NOT use chemical weapons, even though it is a terrible weapon (aren't they all?) it was PERFECTLY legal and lawful for them to have used them if they chose to...why? Because Assads government are NOT signatories to the Internetional agreement on banning Chemical weapons, that's why it would not have been against internetional law for Syria to have used them if they'd chosen to, which they didn't anyway, although they it's not denied and they make no secret that they possess them.

Terrorists were shown to have used Sarin in the first false flag attempt back in March, and terrorists look like they have either staged a second attempt at framing Assad, or had a nasty accident mishandling their crude chemical weapons, but although not concretely proven, evidence is pointing towards them killing all those people themselves.

They are 'people' are thugs and barbarians, barely Humans that are busy killing thousands of innocents with bombs, bullets or chemicals (or indeed blunt kitchen knives to decapitate victims) is nothing to these freaks of nature if it furthers their agendas. Innocent Human life means nothing to them...and these are the scum being supported by our Governments.

But, Now Putin has come up with the perfect solution...Assad will give up what the West has been claiming is THE reason for all the interest in Syria over the last months...he gives up the weapons he has, there is no excuse to attack him in order to remove them by force, as was the stated goal of a so-called 'limited millitary strike' there's is no need, ww3 is averted, Syria will not be able to be framed for using chemical weapons they don't possess and the world breaths a sigh of relief...and the scum murdering innocents with makeshift Western / ally supplied chemical weapons will be able to be brought to justice...unless the CIA murders them, taking care of the loose ends before they can officially let the cat out of the bag of who is behind setting this all up of course.

Well done're one smart chap.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 08:13 AM
Hopefully the plan can happen in reailty and war does not spread.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 08:20 AM
This all is unbelievable. The biggest theater I have watched in years! Distraction of what is really going on. So they decided to give up chemical weapons? While several days ago they threatened to bomb Turkey, Jordan and Israel, and to fight USA with all available? Russia says that NOW and not 2 months ago? USA France etc accept it now? Isn't it just too good to be true? And, pardon me but in the European Union the people care first and foremost for the financial situation. Perhaps the people in USA too. So 2 years damned crisis in Syria, for what? Only to get Syrian immigrants? Tell us the big picture, make the big disclosure, allow the ig relief of finance. or go to hell together you who set us where we are at now! I don't believe anyone and anything anymore! Show us the real things, the real stuff, and stop lying the world with fairy tales! A world that is bound together as if all of us are Syrians, Jews, tomorrow - South Koreans. Stop that circus now! If intervention is needed, let it be so.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 08:21 AM

All this wonderful news . . . no war . . . chemical weapons to be 'dismantled' . . . why is it that my sixth sense is screaming at me right now sayin' Whoaaaa there laddiebuck . . . you're about to see the nasty change-up curve.

Your sixth sense is sound. They will demand so much and put so many conditions that the proposal will become unworkable.

Assad now controls only a small part of Syria. If USA asks Assad to find the perpetrators of the attack, it is impossible as law and order no longer works there, and it is impossible for Syrian government to find.

In short, chant with me - 'bomb, bomb, bomb'.

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