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Alien Weaponry!!

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posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by observe50
the one's I go to they won't shot first

Go to ??
I don't understand.

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 10:07 AM
The being I go to, which happens to be a Grey.

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 10:21 AM
I like the Killer Bee theory.Give us warmongering bunch the means to build starships capable of FTL or hyperspace travel and the brains to perform astronavigation, we might just take over the freaking galaxy.

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
perhaps the reason they are studing us is they want to make the perfect bio-weapon to use against us. Making something like a air born version of AIDs that kills in days not years.

Hey Shadow - we already have diseases that kill in days and spread like wildfire - they evolved to adapt to the chemicals and crap in our environment - and more are coming.

...the perfect bio-weapon is also already here and it's been around for almost a hundred years. It does NOT kill in days - it's chronically progressive and takes decades to kill - it's perfect because it causes social and economic instability.


posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 05:21 AM
Why is it that, whenever we discuss aliens, we would rather speak at length about their weapons, than we would about their culture, their spirituality. I think this is either down to an innate war-like tendency of our race, or we've been conditioned this way.

Anyway, my thoughts on the matter are like this. I am not going to use the term aliens, as it's not quite accurate.

There are eight types of civilizations, there are negatives, negative-negative's, positives, positive-positives, neutrals, positive-neutral, negative-neutral, and developing.

The negatives are usually waging wars, unstable and aggressive to others, and are likely to take advantage of developings. Their life span can be short.

The negative-negative, these are extremely aggressive to each other, and constant warring with each other and others, they are held together by a single thread. Their life can be very short. It is likely they will destroy themselves as soon as they reach the space age.

The positives are usually more united, stable and harmonious and try to maintain the harmony in the universe by helping each other. They will deploy force when it is absolutelty necessary. Their life span can be long.

The positive-positive are usually perfectly in tune with nature, spiritual people, that are do not have any concepts of wars or will only deploy force as the last resort. They maybe very psychic and have great god-like powers. Their entire life can be based on helping others. Their life span can be either very short or very long.

The positive-negatives, they are usually at peace with themselves, but can be aggressive to others, particularly the developings. Their life span can be medium or short.

The neutrals are neither peaceful or aggressive to others or to themselves. They are usually scientific or logical based, and will use force, when it is logical and prudent. Their life span can be long.

The positive-neutrals are usually at peace within themselves, though do not feel any inclination to help others. Their life spans can be long.

The negative-neutrals are usually neutral with themselves, but can be aggressive to others, particularly the developings. Their life spans can be short or long.

The developings have no polarity, as they are still in the process of building one. Their fate depends on their own actions in their evolution and the actions of others in the universe. Humans appear to be teetering between negative and negative-negative at this stage.

I would imagine there are universal bodies and intergalactic laws to protect developings or defenceless positive-positives.

However, don't forget, we are constantly changing, and so must they be. While, we have a negative polarity as a collective consciousness, there are still positive individuals in our socieity. Likewise, in any alien race, there could be positive individuals.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 05:40 AM
i believe the reason we dont usually mention our theorys on aliens spiritual or cultural aspects is three-fold

1 - their spirituality will not eradicate our species , their Weapons Will

2 - we are barely able to estimate what type of weapons they may have, much less their culture or spiritual ideas

3 - most humans cant make their mind up on Human Culture or Spiritual ideas/beliefs much less have the intelligence to concieve of the intricacys of alien cultures

basically; theres No way to know their Culture or Spirituality until they come tell us about it or we go spy on them

but weapons are more important; they determine who lives/dies

at current human evolution; weapons are more important
if we put our guns down the others will kill us the first chance they get

its really hard to say or think anything because the truth is Probably a combination of many perspectives, sometimes even contradictory ideas can co-exist perfectly in the same reality
its strange but its probably closer to the "Truth" than just choosing one extreme point of view over the other

add all points of view togeather and this makes a bigger picture
which is probably more accurate

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
i believe the reason we dont usually mention our theorys on aliens spiritual or cultural aspects is three-fold

1 - their spirituality will not eradicate our species , their Weapons Will

If they have very powerful psychic abilities, a single thought, or a psychotronic weapon, could turn us or our weapos into dust.

2 - we are barely able to estimate what type of weapons they may have, much less their culture or spiritual ideas

It is the same really, both "alien" spirituality or weapons technology, lies in an unobservable universe. All we can do is speculate, and it appears all we choose to speculate about most of the time, is weapons and war, that makes a statement about our psychology as a species.

3 - most humans cant make their mind up on Human Culture or Spiritual ideas/beliefs much less have the intelligence to concieve of the intricacys of alien cultures


but weapons are more important; they determine who lives/dies

at current human evolution; weapons are more important
if we put our guns down the others will kill us the first chance they get

Rather, weapons determine who dies or gets hurt. Yes, at this stage of evolution, weapons are important, but that is only because the collective consciousness is negative. When we become positive as a society, we will not need weapons against each other, but may need them against foreign intruders. However, before that happens, we need mutual disarmant, and for that to take place, someone needs to make the first move.

Peace begins in the mind, and the more you concentrate on peace and your spiritual self, the more positive your influence on the collective. We only need a few of such like-minded people to bring real positive change to the whole.

So, while it may take more effort to imagine, let's start by talking about peace. There are many people who think the universe is a cold, malevolent place, and that is simply not true. There are negative forces everywhere, but there is always more positive, and positive is always more powerful. The universal lifeforce itself is a positive and creative force, not a destructive one.

its really hard to say or think anything because the truth is Probably a combination of many perspectives, sometimes even contradictory ideas can co-exist perfectly in the same reality
its strange but its probably closer to the "Truth" than just choosing one extreme point of view over the other

add all points of view togeather and this makes a bigger picture
which is probably more accurate

Yes, if you have thought of it in your mind, it exists. Think of the universe as a wide canvas, and it is your thoughts that paint your reality. You will always be right. Your imagination is never wrong. The beauty of the universe we live in is that reality is always dependent on the observor, and if the observor says there is nothing, then there really is nothing. If the observor says there is "something" then there really is something.

In the end, you will paint your own painting, but the difference will be, one will have more colour, depth and life, and the other will not.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 10:06 AM
travel in the universe denote advanced technology and capacity to decide, what, when an where to possession of in the Earth.
!Like to the man!

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
The beauty of the universe we live in is that reality is always dependent on the observor, and if the observor says there is nothing, then there really is nothing. If the observor says there is "something" then there really is something.

That's not exactly what is meant by the statement "nothing exists until observed." If I'm not mistaken, being "observed" simply means coming into contact or interacting with another object or particle. Every cell in our bodies are "observing" one another. Every molecule of H2O in a glass of water... is being observed by its neighboring molecules. The entire universe was here before there was ever a pair of human eyes to "observe" it and give it shape. I think that this theory was developed to explain the behaviors of certain very tiny particles (like photons) as they often appeared to be able to be in more than one point in space while traveling in more than one specific direction.

We (humans) however are far too complex to exist in such a state, therefor like it or not... we exist (at least partially) in a very real world. You want proof? Ok, go stand on a railroad track. When the train starts to come, close your eyes and chant "there is no train, there is no train" over and over. Or better yet... someone tried this one a couple of weeks ago. Go to your local zoo and jump into the lion's enclosure and see if the lions will actually eat you. I have to say that you will most likely find out the hard way that the world is quite real (well at least lions and trains).

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 03:16 PM
It's really about the age old philosophy question, if a tree falls and nobody was around to hear it, did it make a sound? If there is no observor, then there was no sound to be heard. In the same way, what you call the universe, is not the objective universe, it is your subjective universe, because you are an observor and have been one since you took birth. Your subjective universe is moulded on your experiences, beliefs, attitudes and learnings and is unique to you.

So there really is no "real" reality. What is real, is only what is within the parameters of an observable universe. In the parameters of an observable universe, a train will hit you, but once you cease to exist in the obserable universe, there is no frame of reference of where you exist in the unobservable universe, which is by nature, beyond the parameters of the observable universe where the train does not yet exist.

The universe is very much a subjective experience. It will always be a subjective experience, as long as you feel you are seperate from it. There is an absolute reality and finding it is like finding the infinite, and beyond my comprehension, but perhaps within my capacity to experience.

The reality you are calling"reality" right now, at our current level of understanding, is nothing more than a vibration. There are many types of vibrations that forms layers up layers, and within the layers, objects, all with their own properties. The further we move along this quantum dimension, the more realities emerge, each real and tangible, but a world apart from the others. Which is real?

In the same way we experience these various states of existence in our minds, one such state, the waking state, is what we call reality, but one of many. In one state, a train will pass right through you, and you will remain unharmed.

At the end of the day, it is intent that decides what kind of the universe you live in. As I said, paint it for yourself, and it is your choice which colours, if any, you want to use. It is your choice how much depth you want.

P.S: If you want to discuss this with me further, PM me, or start a new topic in the relavant forum. This is not the place.

[edit on 14-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 04:09 PM
Hey guys,

Im new here and not too knowledgeable on the subject, but I would just like to post my opinion. I believe that if aliens are visiting earth using their advanced technology, then it is just to observe and take note of us. Just think if we humans found an accessible planet that was even 2,000 years behind us, don't you think the world's governments would want to send scouts there to observe them and gain more information about a time when no one could have experienced? I seriously doubt that our governments, however corrupt they are, would want to cause harm or attack these people no matter how much more technologically advanced are arms are. Can you imagine a documentary on the history channel, where we have real footage of a civilzation thousands of years behind us? Perhaps alien children have footage of a californian highway with "primitive" vehicles, and are getting quizzed on the new 2005 models fuel efficiency?
yay! those humans finally have hybrid.

posted on Nov, 14 2004 @ 04:17 PM
DARKJEDIG good point, I like when we try to look at the situation from what we would do. Im sure we would send scientist to watch and observe these lesser developed lifeforms. We might abduct a few to run test on them but we would return them without harming them.

I always thought it was strange how close the Abduction senerio was to the things our own scientist do to animals say a large cat. We drug them so they cant move do all types of test on them then tag them and release them.

This might be just what aliens do when they abduct people

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 01:06 AM
I like the star trek analogy of the "Prime Directive" not to interfere with other societies less advanced.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 01:53 AM
About the Dolphins. If they were smarter than we are I'm sure they would of at least created some technology. It's not that rare to usually see dolphins getting stuck in land, which few make it out alive.

I beleive that the aliens that visit earth are friendly, or just neutral wanting to study us and our behaviour. If they weren't, we would of been destroyed even without noticing.

If we truly are an experiment, I believe that we aren't going out of control. Sure we might of created atomic, and biological weapons, but we have also made it to space. If we humans created something like that, I'm sure we would be proud instead of worried, about our accomplishment.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 05:54 AM
yeah i think aliens have energy weapons. plasma guns. not like our guns today. and they must not be evil cause if they were wouldnt they have attacked us already. cause they reported ufos back in the 40's. i think they are just learning about our culture the way we live.and looking at our aggressive behavior towards our own kind and wondering why they do it. well thats it.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by VirusClock
About the Dolphins. If they were smarter than we are I'm sure they would of at least created some technology.

Intelligence is a multidimensional quality, that consists of social, emotional, creative, logical, spatial, numerical, physical, intuitive etc. Dolphins are generally believed to be very joyous creatues, all singing and dancing, and enjoy social and intimate contact. If you consult scientific studies done on dolphins, you will find they exceed human intelligence in many departments and even display extrasenory perception.

It is difficult to qualify or quantify animal intelligence, however, generally dolphins seem much more happier and harmonious than humans, and are very friendly with humans, which truly is intelligent. Humans, on the other hand, are constant warring with each other and are almost at a point of self-destruction. In those respects, dolphins are leaps and bounds ahead of humans.

If there truly is an intelligent species on this planet; it's the dolphins.

posted on Nov, 15 2004 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
The reality you are calling"reality" right now, at our current level of understanding, is nothing more than a vibration.

At my current level of understanding? I'm not sure that you know me well enough to make that kind of judgement.
I understand that there is much more to the universe than what we can feel or see, but I've learned not to trust those who claim that they understand the true nature of things.

P.S: If you want to discuss this with me further, PM me, or start a new topic in the relavant forum. This is not the place.

Nah. No offense, but I've heard all sorts of sermons throughout my life. In the end, they're all just normal people's interpretations. I think that I can "paint" my own.

Btw, I don't think that this thread has anything to do with dolphins either, but what the hell.

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 04:46 AM

I understand that there is much more to the universe than what we can feel or see, but I've learned not to trust those who claim that they understand the true nature of things.

Im glad you said that, and that is why I am telling you something true, the universe is still an open book, so write what you want. I do not understand the universe, as I said, it is beyond my comprehension, so instread I try to experience it in all it's forms.

Nah. No offense, but I've heard all sorts of sermons throughout my life. In the end, they're all just normal people's interpretations. I think that I can "paint" my own.

Btw, I don't think that this thread has anything to do with dolphins either, but what the hell.

Yep, you're right about the dolphins, what the hell eh. Yes, everything is based on on the interpretations of others, because were all observors. However, some of us look deeper than others and then our observable universe expands. While some pigeon hole their universe.

For instance, your definition of real reality was a train, but I refined that to a vibration. It is wise to listen to everyones observations, and then let your intuition guide you to how you should use that to adjust your own. Remember, everyone has their own set of beliefs, attitudes, experiences, personalities in life, that is uniquely theirs. We all can learn something from one another, if we didn't, we would have to reinvent the wheel every single time.

[edit on 16-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
For instance, your definition of real reality was a train, but I refined that to a vibration.

This is what I'm talking about. I didn't really give my definition of reality. I only suggested that even though there may be an infinite number of perspectives or dimensions... we humans exist (at least in some part) in this shared reality where trains will squish you, whether you choose to accept the train's existence or not. You still claim that I and others hold a limited view of the universe, but I'm not seeing a big difference between ours and yours. Both are opinions... and when it's all said and done... opinions mean nothing, because we truly know nothing. I understand that all matter is little more than energy "vibrating" at different speeds. That knowledge has never saved anyone from harm. The vibrating partilcles of the train would reorganize your vibrating particles in a very unhealthy way... whether you pointed at it and said "train" or "vibration".

It is wise to listen to everyones observations, and then let your intuition guide you to how you should use that to adjust your own.

You're preaching to the choir my friend, and like I said... I'm not fond of sermons. I respect everyone's beliefs, but I don't like being spoken to in a condescending manner. No offense intended with any of my comments. It's just that you sound as if you're trying to bring enlightenment to a clouded and unfortunate mind. A sermon is a sermon is a sermon.

posted on Nov, 16 2004 @ 11:15 PM
what about weapons....

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