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Alien Weaponry!!

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posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 07:09 PM
i read over hundreds of articles about alien intelligence. And in my opioin i beleive they are about a million years ahead of our imagination knowledge and superior distinction... But wouldnt it ever occur that if there so bad and evil and insane creatures that many people that true? think about it ... if they are beyhond any human intelligance would that mean there weapons are anything like us humans have ever imagined...that means there bazooka can contain 600doses of uranium 235 and hydronic acid.. could they blow up there world with just one missle shot.. i dont htink they want to hurt us at all.what if these past 70 years people claim theyve been seeing UFOs..i think there setting us up for the long run..i think they just see our customs..reply with any of your ideas...ty

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 09:16 PM
Im just gonna add in some ideas, because I dont feel like looking for the questions hidden in there. Obviously, their technology and weaponary would be far more advanced, as it seems their civilizations got a big head start on us. I'd like to think that it would be extremely rare for them to have weapons, or even use them. I'd hope that after a couple million years they'd get bored flexing their junk. But as it stands with the current evidence, with the abductions and cow mutilations and all, they still probably enjoy blowing people up. Atleast some of them do. It appears that they are observing for different reasons, but if these government conspiracys are true, and aliens are working hand in hand, I really dont see why they are doing it. Whats the point? What will they gain in the end? Will they be sastisfied? Either its paranoia or they will gain something when they is all over, I just cant comprehend what they could possibly gain that would be worth all the pointless trouble.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 09:22 PM
Just because they are advanced does not have to mean they have really advanced weapons. Humans are very warlike this might not be true of other lifeforms out there. They might not have ever been insane enough to even make nuclear weapons. They could have perfected non-lethal weapons to a fine art through millions of years.

But if they are like humans with weapons I dont think they would ever use anything as crude as a bomb, If you wanted to wipe out all humans it would be much smarter to engineer a biological weapon that would just kill humans and not harm anything eles.

Heck if they where smart with a bio weapon they could wipe us out and we wouldnt even know we where under attack from aliens.

Perhaps they are interested in us because we are so warlike or maybe to design the perfect bio weapon.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 09:45 PM
Instead of humans worrying about aliens I like the theory where the aliens are worrying about the humans. I heard a theory or thought that humans were genetically engineered as part of an alien experiment and we are now out of control. Perhaps the aliens are monitoring us hoping to contain us to just this solar system sort of like containing African killer bees to just South America.

Just imagine if there were thousands of very advanced and very peaceful alien civilizations all over this galaxy and the concept of war and fighting was very alien to all of them. Now imagine that we humans only lack just a little bit of knowledge to suddenly be able to travel to all of these different star systems. All of a sudden you have the aliens fearing the human threat. In this scenario, if the aliens didn't fear the humans so much it might be amusing that some humans actually fear the aliens.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by orionthehunter
Instead of humans worrying about aliens I like the theory where the aliens are worrying about the humans. I heard a theory or thought that humans were genetically engineered as part of an alien experiment and we are now out of control. Perhaps the aliens are monitoring us hoping to contain us to just this solar system sort of like containing African killer bees to just South America.

Just imagine if there were thousands of very advanced and very peaceful alien civilizations all over this galaxy and the concept of war and fighting was very alien to all of them. Now imagine that we humans only lack just a little bit of knowledge to suddenly be able to travel to all of these different star systems. All of a sudden you have the aliens fearing the human threat. In this scenario, if the aliens didn't fear the humans so much it might be amusing that some humans actually fear the aliens.

A interesting Theory I like it, but they Killer bee analogy might not have been the best since we didnt to to well in containing them.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by orionthehunter
Instead of humans worrying about aliens I like the theory where the aliens are worrying about the humans. I heard a theory or thought that humans were genetically engineered as part of an alien experiment and we are now out of control. Perhaps the aliens are monitoring us hoping to contain us to just this solar system sort of like containing African killer bees to just South America.

Just imagine if there were thousands of very advanced and very peaceful alien civilizations all over this galaxy and the concept of war and fighting was very alien to all of them. Now imagine that we humans only lack just a little bit of knowledge to suddenly be able to travel to all of these different star systems. All of a sudden you have the aliens fearing the human threat. In this scenario, if the aliens didn't fear the humans so much it might be amusing that some humans actually fear the aliens.

lol, there are many sentient and intelligent life forms on this planet. Like dolphins, there as smart as us, they have there own language, and people have conversed with them before. They are peaceful, joyful, and in my eyes, perfect. They don't need to have wars to feel entertained. Has anyone else studied dulohins like I have? Humans have been suppressed by our governments for conversing with them before, I just wish to find out why.

[edit on 12-11-2004 by faddinglight]

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 10:13 PM
It would be nice if you could provide evidence that they are as smart as us, and it would be even better if you could provide evidence that humans are able to converse with dolphins...

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 10:14 PM
While I know Dolphins are smart to call them as smart as humans is going alittle far. When was the last time a Dolphin invented any technology?

Dolphins are smart but not that smart

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 10:15 PM
One would hope that Aliens who were able to make it all the way across the galactic space to GET HERE would be so evolved, that the very idea of war, destruction and plunder would be absurd to them.

Looking at the photos of hapless Aliens captured fifty years ago, I grieve that we had so little respect for people who had come so far only to meet incarceration and misery when they got here.

Pitiful. And our Gummint's ruthlessness is hard to even imagine. I guess we must have PREDATORY serpants running it all--"Reptilians" is the word, I believe. I'm so sorry to discover that was true.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by Alec Eiffel
It would be nice if you could provide evidence that they are as smart as us, and it would be even better if you could provide evidence that humans are able to converse with dolphins...

Here's a page on the dulphins and there intelligence, " "

Really, what is the point of technology, If your basic needs are met and you feel spiritually fulfilled? A dulphins life is easy and simple, it doesn't need anything more, and so it doesn't require any technology.

The link above will answer all of your questions.

[edit on 12-11-2004 by faddinglight]

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 11:08 PM

Originally posted by faddinglight

Originally posted by Alec Eiffel
It would be nice if you could provide evidence that they are as smart as us, and it would be even better if you could provide evidence that humans are able to converse with dolphins...

Here's a page on the dulphins and there intelligence, " "

Really, what is the point of technology, If your basic needs are met and you feel spiritually fulfilled? A dulphins life is easy and simple, it doesn't need anything more, and so it doesn't require any technology.

The link above will answer all of your questions.

[edit on 12-11-2004 by faddinglight]

That link does not show me dolphins are as smart as humans. Perhaps alittle smarter then chimps.

Well they get stuck in Tuna nets thats not to smart, I think technology could come in really handy. Now if they had a knife they could free themselves.

Technology allows you to adapt to situations that would kill you if you wait for evolution. A dolphin cant wait a few million years to evolve something to cut through nets.

Im mean chimps have been observed using tools so they have one up on dolphins right there.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by faddinglight
They are peaceful, joyful, and in my eyes, perfect.

Not exactly true. Dolphins often attack and kill other smaller creatures (including their own young). They attack other species and some cases have been documented that actually appear to fit our definition of rape. They are very similar to humans in both good and bad ways. They are not always peaceful and joyful and are anything but perfect. Here are a couple of links that confirm the existence of the "dark side" of dolphins.
Dark side of Dolphins

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
Perhaps they are interested in us because we are so warlike or maybe to design the perfect bio weapon.

If you're saying they want us to be the perfect bio-weapon, then they're horribley inefficient and even worse at designign weapons that originally thought. I mean, look at us. We don't even have claws. The only thing going for us are thumbs, and you can give those to a robot pretty easily.

posted on Nov, 12 2004 @ 11:47 PM
What if there are several "races" of alien beings out there, some are war like (as the humans) and some are more peaceful.
Perhaps the more peace like race has already faced near Extinction at the hands of a superior war race and are here out of desperation. Looking both for alies as well as a bio source of genetic recovery from damages done to their race. Their population numbers are very low, and with humans being war like and dangerous, it is in there best interest to maintain a balance of covertness as well as do what it takes to recover as quickly as possible using the resources available on earth. Resources including human genetics.
The gov is assisting them on a cautious relations ship (prudent distrust on both sides)
I thing they are desperate. And not because of any threat we could pose to them. Some thing bigger, badder and much meaner is near by.

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by Esoterica

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
Perhaps they are interested in us because we are so warlike or maybe to design the perfect bio weapon.

If you're saying they want us to be the perfect bio-weapon, then they're horribley inefficient and even worse at designign weapons that originally thought. I mean, look at us. We don't even have claws. The only thing going for us are thumbs, and you can give those to a robot pretty easily.

No I wasn't talking about using us as bio weapons, but perhaps the reason they are studing us is they want to make the perfect bio-weapon to use against us. Making something like a air born version of AIDs that kills in days not years.

Not that they have evil intentions but if they did thats how I would wipe out humans.

Your right about humans though unarmed were are pretty much useless as weapons. But with our brains and some technology in our hands and we are by far the most deadly creature on this planet.

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
While I know Dolphins are smart to call them as smart as humans is going alittle far. When was the last time a Dolphin invented any technology?

"Man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much... the wheel, New York, wars, and so on, whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely the dolphins believed themselves to be more intelligent than man for precisely the same reasons."

Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

[edit on 11/13/2004 by eaglewingz]

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 05:45 AM
Ok here's my two cents,

What if these aliens did have immensely powerful weapons? Yet, they are afraid to use it on us as there are 'good' aliens watching over our welfare with more superior weapons? They are neutral (good even) but will destroy these aliens utterly who destroy us? Also read this theory some places sorry can't provide any links or names. Just a thought...

- Nazgarn

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 06:36 AM
about the dolphins thing; its unfair to play down their intellect due to the abscence of technology

they dont have the biological ability to manifest technology

they dont have hands arms....they DO have flippers LOL

why doesnt the dolphin have a knive you say? because its impossible to create and hold a knive with a flipper

now ; about advanced aliens

theres a multitude of possibilitys
and im sure im not the first to think of all of them...

- like guy said above there is Probably multiple alien races
some peaceful some violent
- there is probably alliances or partnerships
- even the violent ones and the peaceful ones may have to ally every once in awhile because something bigger and meaner appears from unknown regions of space ie:another galaxy (lets say a race in nearby galaxy has spent last 3trillion years conquoring their galaxy; and they figured out how to come to This galaxy and attempt to conquor this one too) well i know all the races of our galaxy should get off their butts and ally real quick to fight back
- perhaps even odd occurances happen ; like lets say one of the alien races is far advanced in technology , and is visiting earth presently *ufos*
WHAT IF : this potential alien race is YOUNGER than ours?
its a possibility; what if they had no religion or pointless wars? what if they always worked togeather and believed in free spread of ideas? what if they stumbled upon technologys faster than we did?
its quite anthropocentric to say "aliens who visit earth are obviously older than our species" because we forget to take in consideration they might not be complete IDIOTS like us humans tend to be

without religion or war; one could reasonably guess that the alien race has a good chance to advance multiple times quicker than our race

let me make a correlation ::: by "2000bc" earth time, we were just begining to get "civilization " going full stream...
many citys were appearing, agriculture and domestication of animals was increasing
what IF ::: by "2000bc" in the alien race's history , they had already split the atom because they didnt hold back themselves and ridicule those with new and different ideas the way humans always do?

there is infinite possibilitys
just based on that
id say
Any of these infinite possibilitys could be true
Anything is Possible

just open your mind and let the "what if " and "maybe's" fly

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 09:19 AM
I believe that is very possible. Imagine the time wasted by executiing people because they say the Earth may not be flat!!

We may very well be an older race, just brainless....

posted on Nov, 13 2004 @ 09:26 AM
you won't believe but with the one's I go to they won't shot first so to say our military craft are slow and it is easier to get out of the way. They do use there weapons occasionally on other ships that are interfereing with them however. The weapon I saw used was energy.

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