reply to post by mOjOm
I had to make sure to watch the video first just to make sure the commentary was fair.
There was John the Baptist, and he reprimanded King Herod because of his fornication; and in front of all the people, at that; that he was breaking
the law. But King Herod was bound to the law, a law that he claimed for himself, by nature of his kingship over Israel.
And Jesus went after the Pharisees - not the Samaritans.
And the apostles went after self-proclaimed Christians; not the unsaved.
So when people were reamed out for their wrongs, it was because they had adhered to the faith and had not stuck to it; and therefore, they had become
antichrists working within the church and they were stumbling blocks and could possibly lead brothers and sisters astray in confusion.
And as Jesus said, and the apostles after Him, the spirit of antichrist was already there, already invading His message and His church.
People are not converted because we yell at them. People are converted because they see in us brilliance, genius, love beyond measure, strange acts
of courage and strange and dangerous acts of giving and nurturing; even to the point where they are attacked by the very same that claim the same way
of life.
Hence why the Jews stoned other Jews that had converted; for blasphemy.
The same reason why the Muslim extremists kill Muslims that converted to Christianity; for blasphemy.
For the same reason that Hindus beat, torture, and kill Hindus that converted to Christianity; for blasphemy.
And also the Buddhists do this as well.
Now see this: Christians ought to be setting self-proclaimed Christians right and putting THEM back into their place. But yelling at a world that
doesn't even understand what you're saying...
We cannot judge people based on homosexuality anymore. It's not good, don't get me wrong. But these days, because of all the messed up
information, and the messed up people raising other messed up people; I mean, really, at this point, I think most all of us are messed up. Society is
utter crap. People who think they are acting in accordance with the law of God are actually poor, naked, blind, miserable, and they don't even know
it. They look good, sound good, do good, feel good. Oh, very righteous indeed.
You know, Paul did that, too; when he was Saul.
Then Jesus stopped him in his tracks on his way to Damascus to receive more warrants for murder.
And He said, "Saul Saul why are you hurting me?" And Saul said, "Who are you?" And Jesus said, "I am Jesus Christ, the one whom you are killing.
Truly it is difficult to kick against the pricks!" Or in other words, to fight against that which you can never win; meaning, to fight against
They are fighting against God, and they will lose. Bottom line.
WE need not do that much about them, and there isn't much we can do about them; until the antichrist is destroyed, we cannot remove the antichrist;
we can simply try to clear the way wherever we are at. We don't have full power over the antichrist because it belongs to God for the final
The best we can do is to share our love with people, without any desire for return, without any obligation, regardless of who you are.
But if you claim to be Christian, and you try to hurt others, or you lie, or you try to manipulate or try to put people under the law, or any other
such thing, myself as a Christian, it is my duty to confront you. And I will.
I am the best friend of sinners, but the worst enemy of blasphemers.
It's interesting that they say, "What Would Jesus Do?" But they never ACTUALLY GOT IT.
We CANNOT obey the law. If we could, we wouldn't have needed Jesus.
But we can obey His commands; He redefined the law; or rather, He further revealed its true meaning.
This is why I seem to be better friends with people that are not Christian rather than those that claim to be. Because there are not many true
Christians these days. And because of that, the true Christians must be spread out thinly over the earth to try to reach the world the proper way; by
service and love and understanding.
And then when people see our brilliance, our genius, our understanding, our power, the miracles that surround us that make no sense (not miracles
necessarily as in flashy lights, but as in all things work for our good at all times and yet also for the good of all of those around us; but
automatically for the worse for all those that oppose us, though they may believe that have power); when people see that, THAT is what converts
Not yelling at them. Not showing them a book that everyone has caused so much confusion over.
Conversion happens first.
And THEN the Bible is the proper guidebook.
But if one is not a true Christian, the Bible is foolishness to them, because they don't have the ability to judge.
"The wisdom of God is foolishness to men."
The law is love.