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Why we SHOULD demand military action on Syria

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posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:25 PM
Great idea OP. Lets go in and kill even more people. Destabilize the region. Give the Syrian rebels more room for slaughter of innocents. Let them carry on beheading people in the streets and throwing people out of office blocks.

How can we criticize violence and react with violence ourselves. Look at how we see the Iraq war now. We know we were conned. The US say they have evidence but refuse to show BS again.

You go there like a good American and bring 'democracy' to Syria by destroying the country. Lets see how people in the future view your actions.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

You're right about the U.S. should stop policing the world. We're not the only country on this earth who has a strong military. It's about time the UN does what it's supposed to to. All countries should be condemning the chemical weapon attack, but also we should all act in unison. Countries shouldn't have to depend on the United States to enforce UN resolutions. Every country should militarily take their part to show that the international community acts as a whole when international law has been broken.

The east has to start calling a duck a duck. They need to join the international community and use their military to condemn this act. Whether you're an ally or not, when international law is broken, countries need to act together and decisively. If the world community can't do this, than the UN is worthless.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:27 PM
Depends on who writes that history.

History will see that US couldn't stop attacking countries that posed no threat to it and hadn't attacked it.

It will see the US as an aggressive, rogue military nation hell bend on continuous war.

It will see the US as a hypocrite, proclaiming to be a bastion of things it suppresses among its people itself, demanding other nations do what it does not do itself. Spreading "democracy" and "freedom" abroad while denying it at home. Claiming to be a steward of ethics and humanity while denying human rights and acting unethically toward it's citizens and those abroad. Claiming to be just while acting unjustly and claiming that unjustness is just. Claiming to spread peace while bringing war. Claiming to save lives while continuously taking lives.

THAT is what history will see, if the US doesn't write it.
edit on 31-8-2013 by Liquesence because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by mikegrouchy

But the US uses depleted uranium, maybe we should send an international task force into the US and over throw your country in the name of 'democracy'.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by WeRpeons
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

You're right about the U.S. should stop policing the world. We're not the only country on this earth who has a strong military. It's about time the UN does what it's supposed to to. All countries should be condemning the chemical weapon attack, but also we should all act in unison. Countries shouldn't have to depend on the United States to enforce UN resolutions. Every country should militarily take their part to show that the international community acts as a whole when international law has been broken.

The east has to start calling a duck a duck. They need to join the international community and use their military to condemn this act. Whether you're an ally or not, when international law is broken, countries need to act together and decisively. If the world community can't do this, than the UN is worthless.

The US broke international law invading Iraq. Will also break international law if they bomb Syria. So countries should also react together and decisively against the US?

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by mikegrouchy

Dude ... you are channeling John "winter soldier" Kerry.
That should scare you more than the thought of a war in Syria.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by mikegrouchy

You sir are talking out of both sides of your mouth! There's a reason that everyone is galvanized on this issue, because it is dead wrong to attack Syria! The fact that you are saying we should act on Syria, and in the next breath saying your anti-war makes you lose all credibility. Sorry, I know you try to be civil in these discussions, but this is not an issue we can blur the lines on.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by mikegrouchy

Well, salesmen MUST love to see you when you walk through the door. They could probably sell you the same exact television OVER AND OVER and you'd never know the difference.

You wanna know who dropped the ball? They're the same guys who MANUFACTURE chemical weapons and then started supporting terrorist regimes. That must be what you are all about.

1. America TO DATE is STILL the only nation to have dropped an atomic bomb.
2. America used to use Napalm and Agent Orange on Viet Nam as if they were trying to bathe the whole population in it.
3. America has, and probably STILL USES depleted Uranium.
4. AMERICA not only funded Al Qaeda in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, but...they also employed them in Syria.
5. America was caught RED-HANDED lying about Iraq when no WMDs were found.

So...if we "dropped the ball" its only because we're used to being lied to by the politicians of this country and those, like YOURSELF, who enable them. We're not falling for it ANYMORE...whether you like it or not.


edit on 31-8-2013 by NewEye77 because: to add

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:56 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
reply to post by mikegrouchy

Dude ... you are channeling John "winter soldier" Kerry.
That should scare you more than the thought of a war in Syria.

In the case that I might be too far out about this,
I logged off and talked with my Brother about it.

He's not into conspiracy at all,
and knows nothing of this world.

He said,
"In the case of chemical weapons
I would rather be wrong about military action,
than be involved with that."

We should _demand_ action.

The fact that most of the responses since I logged
are skeptical is exactly why I think we are the right people
the lead on this.

We should demand action,
and not just that,
we should say exactly what we want.

Why wait for history to judge you.
Take it. Own it. Make it yours.

We should demand Chemical Sniffing robots.

chemical sniffing robots to be used by the army

Is crowd sourcing the solution
really that bad of an Idea?

edit on 31-8-2013 by mikegrouchy because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2013 by mikegrouchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by mikegrouchy

And why should we care ANYTHING about what your brother says? If he knows nothing of conspiracy, or is NOT informed in any way shape or form, the last thing I would want to hear is from the very same brother of a guy that I think is DEAD WRONG.

edit on 31-8-2013 by NewEye77 because: to edit

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:00 PM


Seize it.

Seize it with both hands!

THIS is your moment, you say? THIS?
Well then I guess THESE:

War of Independence (1775–1783)
Quasi-War (1798-1800)
First Barbary War (1801-1805)
War of 1812
Second Barbary War (1815)
Mexican–American War (1846-1848)
Utah War (1857-1858)
American Civil War (1861–1865)
Spanish-American War (1898)
Philippine-American War (1899-1902)
Banana Wars (1898-1935)
Boxer Rebellion (1899-1902)
First World War (1917-1918)
Russian Revolution (1918-1919)
Second World War (1941-1945)
Korean War (1950-1953)
Lebanon crisis (1958)
Bay of Pigs Invasion (1961)
Dominican Intervention (1965)
Vietnam War (1957-1975)
Operation Eagle Claw (1980)
Grenada Conflict (1983)
Beirut Confict (1982-1984)
Panama Invaison (1989)
Persian Gulf War (1990-1991)
Somolia: Operation Restore Hope (1992-1993)
Kosovo War (1996-1999)
Yugoslavia Conflict (1999)
War on Terrorism (2001–present)
War in Afghanistan (2001-present)
Operation Enduring Freedom - Philippines (2002)
Liberia peacekeeping (2003)
Iraq War (2003-present)

other "moments" don't count anymore...GOOD...

Oh but of course THIS war wouldn't be SIMPLY FOR THE SAKE OF IT, no! It's because:

if we fail to demand action,
as a people,
history will judge us very harshly.



Good Lord, really hard to remain serious sometimes...
...BUT, really, what you are saying is that YOU care MORE about what some genetically modified future prick will think about Good Ol' Uncle Sam (who, for once, did the SMART thing and managed to AVOID a conflict), than the countless lives of ACTUAL PEOPLE who will DIE.

Let's agree to disagree

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by mikegrouchy

Your brother really said that? He knows nothing of the world? Hell, in that case lets bomb the excrement out of Syria. Doesn't matter whether they did the attack or not. Hell Yeah!!!!

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:07 PM
Here is my view of it...

we go in do a hit and run , like Clinton did, on Iraq then what??? 5 10 years down the road we are there with boots on the ground clean up a mess we stuck our nose in.

We do noting by Congress saying it is not our job or need to go there, giving the rest of the world the ok to use Chemicals in war when they feel the need?.

British Parliament more or less did that What are we to do ??

UN is worthless Arab league has no Army to speak of , Egypt is in turmoil....
Turkey??.... that would be seen as an act of war, or is that what need to be done, a full mid east war?

Turkey and the Arab league take care of Syria and we the West US stay out of it!!!

Russia, China, Jordan, Iraq ,Pakistan, India, Turkey, Arab league could take care of this as well.
UN could if it had the B@ll$ to do so, why must it fall on the US west every time a Nation acts up ? We have been deemed the world police force/ peace makers by the use of force to dam long....
Korea Nam Iraq Afghanistan Pakistan IFOR NATO just to name a few of the US lead wars that as far I can see have done nothing in world peace stabilization but driving the MIC Military Industrial Complex to an all time high.

Obama has a hard sale to make to Congress, and it must sell it to the People if they want action.

Not one word on how many die in Syria each day by conventional means , only the use of Chemicals, it does not matter which side used them, the use alone is bad enough.

For me to be sold on the use of force it must be , no ground forces , a limited NAVY /AIR FORCE strike, Syria's CnC ,,,Command and Control... must be taken out, UN must go in and act as peace keepers for once, [ok that might be asking to much from the UN, but it is what needs to be done] a Congressional law/ bill stating no US NATO forces on the ground if this can not be done, then I for one say it is SYRIA'S PROBLEM, NOT OURS.

It is time for the rest of the world to say what they feel and think, and they must act on their own , seems harsh..... you bet!!!!!

I for one, see no need for the US to be the worlds police force any more!!!! World you must take the lead now!!!!!; it is up to you, but then whom is going to be the leading Nation of the world? UK no EU nations no Chian ?Russia ? Briton has said no, the land down under would you? Germany will you? France your the one to say "take action now" where are you now? Japan they have their mess,

US ??

Most likely will be
edit on 31-8-2013 by bekod because: line edit

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:10 PM
Yes, this is our moment.

The Day the Conspiracy Realists took over.

I see that some wish to continue on
with the emotionality,
the shaming others into silence,
the lack of responsibility
and the over whelming lack of alternative solutions.

I mean, come on people,
I know you are smarter, and more creative than that.

The whole world,
(Iran, Russia, the Main Stream Media)
has dropped the ball,
If we recover it and run it in for a touchdown we win.

edit on 31-8-2013 by mikegrouchy because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:18 PM
Action should be demanded by those who like looking like great big hypocrites.

Surely you do realize that the US is responsible for *many* chemical related deaths in warfare.

And these examples occurred WELL after they declared CW use against the protocols of modern warfare... so it's not like they were naive to how dangerous they are when they went against their own decrees. They were knowingly doing something against their own decrees and on a MUCH larger scale than what we have seen recently in Syria.

Do I think they should be controlled? Certainly, but the US is no exception.

This should be done diplomatically and with international cooperation so that it does not turn bias and even the most powerful countries should be included in the elimination of chemical agents.

The idea of a strike to take care of this issue is only going to cause it to persist in other countries for fear of not having enough weapons against STRIKES.

This is not a school yard recess issue. Our leaders need to grow up and stop thinking like 9 year old fighting over the sand box.
edit on 31-8-2013 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by NotAnAspie
Action should be demanded by those who like looking like great big hypocrites.

Surely you do realize that the US is responsible for *many* chemical related deaths in warfare.

And these examples occurred WELL after they declared CW use against the protocols of modern warfare... so it's not like they were naive to how dangerous they are when they went against their own decrees. They were knowingly doing something against their own decrees and on a MUCH larger scale than what we have seen recently in Syria.

Do I think they should be controlled? Certainly, but the US is no exception.

This should be done diplomatically and with international cooperation so that it does not turn bias and even the most powerful countries should be included in the elimination of chemical agents.

The idea of a strike to take care of this issue is only going to cause it to persist in other countries for fear of not having enough weapons against STRIKES.

This is not a school yard recess issue. Our leaders need to grow up and stop thinking like 9 year old fighting over the sand box.
edit on 31-8-2013 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

And if we rely on that approach,
there will never be justice.

Start here.
Start now.

Demand action, demand answers, and start prosecuting.

Surely there is no statute of limitations on War Crimes against Humanity.
We can prosecute all of those cases as well.

But we must start somewhere.

Not just keep complaining that it's bad, and nothing ever gets done.


posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by mikegrouchy
Yes, this is our moment.

The Day the Conspiracy Realists took over.

I see that some wish to continue on
with the emotionality,
the shaming others into silence,
the lack of responsibility
and the over whelming lack of alternative solutions.

I mean, come on people,
I know you are smarter, and more creative than that.

The whole world,
(Iran, Russia, the Main Stream Media)
has dropped the ball,
If we recover it and run it in for a touchdown we win.

edit on 31-8-2013 by mikegrouchy because: (no reason given)



Loose cannons need to be meticulously accessed, dismantled and permanently taken out of commision in the international community. Fate cannot be left in the hands of careless American politicians. They are spoiled brats with too many toys who make messes and don't even know how to clean up after themselves.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by NotAnAspie



Loose cannons need to be meticulously accessed, dismantled and permanently taken out of commision in the international community. Fate cannot be left in the hands of careless American politicians. They are spoiled brats with too many toys who make messes and don't even know how to clean up after themselves.

This kind of emotional laden thinking
is neither constructive nor helpful.

It is a weakness to think that name calling,
and slanderous characterization is the same thing as reasoned discourse.

And yes, this is our moment.

TPTB are terrified of the Conspiracy movement,
and ever since we started having real effect
back in the summer of 2009 they have been
paying more attention to us.

I submit to you that we are being played, into
making the wrong decision on this case, so
in the future we will only be remembered, if
at all, as the ones screaming loudest to do nothing.

Don't let that happen.
Demand that congress take action.

And not in some vague patriotic flag waving brain washed way.

Take a moment out of your own life,
to see if you can get a train of thought together
and come up with a solution for the use of chemical weapons.

Something we are all against,
but seem to be too busy shooting ourselves in the foot
to realize it.


posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by mikegrouchy

Originally posted by NotAnAspie
Action should be demanded by those who like looking like great big hypocrites.

Surely you do realize that the US is responsible for *many* chemical related deaths in warfare.

And these examples occurred WELL after they declared CW use against the protocols of modern warfare... so it's not like they were naive to how dangerous they are when they went against their own decrees. They were knowingly doing something against their own decrees and on a MUCH larger scale than what we have seen recently in Syria.

Do I think they should be controlled? Certainly, but the US is no exception.

This should be done diplomatically and with international cooperation so that it does not turn bias and even the most powerful countries should be included in the elimination of chemical agents.

The idea of a strike to take care of this issue is only going to cause it to persist in other countries for fear of not having enough weapons against STRIKES.

This is not a school yard recess issue. Our leaders need to grow up and stop thinking like 9 year old fighting over the sand box.
edit on 31-8-2013 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

And if we rely on that approach,
there will never be justice.

Start here.
Start now.

Demand action, demand answers, and start prosecuting.

Surely there is no statute of limitations on War Crimes against Humanity.
We can prosecute all of those cases as well.

But we must start somewhere.

Not just keep complaining that it's bad, and nothing ever gets done.


You cannot prosecute those who are too busy commanding the pulling of triggers.

Action is being taken by the UN and at the request of the Syrian government I might add.

It is IMPERATIVE that we give the Assad regime a reason to trust in international diplomacy so that we can help sort this out in a fair non violent way among the international community. They have a good reason to not want to trust the status quo that tends to steer toward western agendas. We must show patience and diplomacy and allow them to cooperate with those willing to help establish order. THAT is how order will be achieved and the people can rebuild a peaceful and open society... but the first thing we have to do is eliminate the main offender, which is not the regime... it is the western backed interests that fueled the conflict and everyone knows this. It has been admitted that our oil partners in the middle east are doing this and we are helping. In other words, the US SHOULD NOT have the first say, if any at all. They have disqualified themselves as being an unbiased party in this issue.
edit on 31-8-2013 by NotAnAspie because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by NotAnAspie

You [color=gold] cannot prosecute those who are too busy commanding the pulling of triggers.

Action is being taken by the UN and at the request of the Syrian government I might add.

Bull Droppings.

We The People are the sovereign authority in this country.
The one's commanding the pulling of triggers are our employees.
I would hazard the reader to remember that.

As to action being taken by the UN,
I thought conspiracy realists were against a new world order,
why now, are so many arguing for it's legitimacy?

Abdicating one's own authority, without realizing it?

edit on 31-8-2013 by mikegrouchy because: (no reason given)

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