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Video Link: US Secretary of State about to make an address regarding Syria

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posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by ikonoklast

Thanks for that. I found Secretary Kerrys' Speech to be forthright and decisive.

S&F to your thread

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 08:59 PM
LMAO!!!!! In the words of Ron White "You cant argue with stupid"

Originally posted by Melekim

Originally posted by princeofpeace
Paranoid a little? Assad is a dictator who gassed his own peeps. If you cant see that then you have lots of problems. You probably believe in little green men too.

No, Assad has not gassed his own people. Saddam Hussein gassed the Kurds with the help and approval of the USA. Assad is not Saddam Hussein. As for the death of Syrians by chemical weaponry and by slaughter, that ignominy belongs to the American backed so-called "Syrian Rebels".

The Syrian Christian communities caught between Assad's forces on one side and the "Syrian Rebels" on the other side universally agree that it is the American and Saudi backed "Syrian Rebels" who have employed chemical weapons. Their opinion is the most valuable of all as they are caught between the belligerent parties.

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by Tardacus

It`s very strange how the president won`t make a live appearance before the media to make a statement about this very serious situation, instead we get a pre recorded statement sent to the MSM.

Because than he would have to explain this -

UNITED NATIONS – The leader of Syria's Western-backed opposition group told U.S. Secretary John Kerry on Thursday that the United States must quickly supply rebels with promised weapons to prevent a military victory by President Bashar Assad's regime. 2013/07/26/syrian-opposition-urges-us-to-supply-promised-weapons-quickly/#ixzz2dVmHKAPY

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 10:49 PM
Iraq is still a mess with over 100 dying in attacks in just the past few days. Yet despite this Washington still seems convinced they can solve this middle east problem by again going it alone and with even less support than Iraq both domestically and internationally. I can't really see missile strikes doing anything positive for anyone in Syria. The plan seems even more flawed than other terrible plans the US has embarked on in the region. Unlike Iraq and Libya who disarmed their WMD before the most recent interventions Syria actually has WMD. Anything less than UN peace keepers on the ground and both sides agreeing on a cease fire while elections are held with amnesty given to combatants (though not the leadership if they lose said elections) on both sides has the potential to cause death and destruction on a massive scale.

Limited air strikes that don't secure the significant WMD stores is like pouring gas on a bonfire. Any action that doesn't address this almost guarantees there will be more chemical strikes and you cannot take these weapons out with airstrikes without causing significant collateral damage. Act with the approval of a large coalition of nations or not at all is my advice. Even then a good outcome is not guaranteed. Not even the UK who is a staunch ally of the US is on board with the planned action and that alone should give anyone pause. What advantage would be lost by further reflection and coalition building before taking action? The war has been going on for more than 2 years already and this isn't even the first use of chemical weapons by whoever is using them.
edit on 30-8-2013 by Strakha because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 10:57 PM
It’s clear that the globalist plotters kicked the useless and incompetent, ignoramus Hillary Clinton (who literally did nothing to foster world peace) upstairs out of the Secretary of State office so she could get out of the way and run for president while the behind the scenes masters put in place the Skull n Bones jackal John Kerry to further the NWO plot to foster World War III.
Kerry is fulfilling his satanic mission while the PUPPET, STOOGE, AND CON MAN Obama is laying in the cut and probably being told to keep quiet and follow orders.

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 11:09 PM
The biggest thing that stood out from my prospective on Kerry's speech was his repetitious use of the key phrase "We know" and "We know" and on and on he went chanting "We Know" he must have said that 50 times!

It's all rather obvious that he's using mind control techniques on the populous just like BHO did with his repetitive "CHANGE" and " YEs We Can!" it's all mind control.

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by princeofpeace
LMAO!!!!! In the words of Ron White "You cant argue with stupid"

Originally posted by Melekim

Originally posted by princeofpeace
Paranoid a little? Assad is a dictator who gassed his own peeps. If you cant see that then you have lots of problems. You probably believe in little green men too.

No, Assad has not gassed his own people. Saddam Hussein gassed the Kurds with the help and approval of the USA. Assad is not Saddam Hussein. As for the death of Syrians by chemical weaponry and by slaughter, that ignominy belongs to the American backed so-called "Syrian Rebels".

The Syrian Christian communities caught between Assad's forces on one side and the "Syrian Rebels" on the other side universally agree that it is the American and Saudi backed "Syrian Rebels" who have employed chemical weapons. Their opinion is the most valuable of all as they are caught between the belligerent parties.

The truth is stupid?!?
Sorry am I misunderstanding you? This is sarcasm right?

OH!! I'm sorry. You must have proof, right? Better proof then claims by the FSA and a supposed overheard phone call (which must have been recorded right? Right? *hint* why not release it then?)

Please, provide a link to the undeniable 100% proof you have.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:21 AM

Why must our Secretary of State always be late?? 12:30 EST means 12:30 EST.. Does punctuality mean nothing anymore? lol, seriously tho, I think it says a lot...

Yes. It says a lot.

The elite are ABOVE ALL the serfs and slaves.

The serfs and slaves, to them, are merely


. . . property . . . to be kicked, sliced, diced, exterminated, manipulated, . . . whatever suits their current whim or evil goals and strategies.

I was about to say that they are NOT nice people.

I'm not even that sure any more how many of them are even truly people--human in any meaningful sense.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by Melekim

Thanks for your post.

The info that the Syrian Christians are asserting that it was the rebels who gassed folks is an important factoid.

Otherwise . . . and maybe even still with the above news from the Syrian Christians . . . it is far from certain that say USA black ops folks did not do it. The globalist cabal is quite capable and given to doing every underhanded, deceptive, dirty trick in the book and then some many times over.

I don't know that we can KNOW for certain who did it . . . any time soon.

However, if the Syrian Christians are asserting emphatically that the rebels did it . . . that's a significant assertion.

Then, we would just be left with . . . were those "rebels" truly "rebels" or black ops folks filling the role?

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:37 AM

Originally posted by Melekim
I suspect it is difficult to know what to believe when all you see or hear is propaganda fed through the news media to bolster the U.S. government's desired outcome.

Definitely. But it's also difficult to know what to believe when you hear all sides of this.

There are only two things that I am relatively certain of in this.

1. Someone apparently used chemical weapons.

2. Whether because of chemical weapons or other motives, someone has apparently decided this is the next war. Or the next escalation in the ongoing war if you look at this as another phase of a larger conflict.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 04:17 AM
Such compelling evidence by SecDef Kerry a bunch of propaganda and trying to project a false sense of confidence.We know this is a thinly disguised attempt to surround Iran.We know this a way to try to destroy Russia's influence in the ME.We know this is just another way to try and grab the remaining natural resources on the planet.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 05:14 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Lol, you're already in Syria. CIA and Special forces backing up Al-Qaida Rebels, along with Jordanian Special Forces to name but a few. All to overthrow the government that supports Russia so they can install a government that panders to the US/NATO needs at the behest of its civilian population.

At least the Brits have some politicians with some BALLS.They know the situation is far from black and white and best to not get involved when the reality, and possible revealing of truths, will put the entire contingent of northern hemisphere western governments to shame with the atrocities they have taken part in, funded, or turned a blind eye to.

edit on 31-8-2013 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 06:22 AM
i'm reading the transcript. cant read the 10 pages of posts.

assad was asked to let UN inspectors in on a saturday i think it was; the day after; permission was then given. (what 4 days?)
" in direct response to the utter horror and inhumanity of World War I, that the civilized world agreed that chemical weapons should never be used again."----so what does amerika do? it drops the A bomb, at least equal to the horror of chem weapons.
" It matters today that we are working as an international community to rid the world of the worst weapons."-----obviously sneaky family killing drones dont come under this classification.
" It is about whether Iran, which itself has been a victim of chemical weapons attacks, will now feel emboldened, in the absence of action, to obtain nuclear weapons. It is about Hezbollah, and North Korea, and every other terrorist group or dictator that might ever again contemplate the use of weapons of mass destruction. "-----which terrorist group/nation used nuclear weapons in war AFTER attepts were made to surrender? which bunch of psychopathic hypocrites used agent orange wholesale in vietnam?
"We are the United States of America. We are the country that has tried, not always successfully, but always tried to honor a set of universal values around which we have organized our lives and our aspirations. " i've seen your universal values, and god help us all.
"The Australian Prime Minister said he didn’t want history to record that we were, quote, “a party to turning such a blind eye.”-------most oz prime ministers have a brown nose.
"talking to our allies, and most importantly, talking to the American people. President Obama will ensure that the United States of America makes our own decisions on our own timelines based on our values and our interests."----------why talk to the american people? 91% are against your bloody interference. and its your greedy values that need anethetising.
" decisions that must now be made for the security of our country "---------if you attack syria with tomahawk missiles, your present security that hangs by a thread will most likely disappear.
and lastly " It matters to Israel."--------lets never forget that zionists always make war by deception, dont forget to tell your american people that, and that you and your sub-humans will be the authors of WW3.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by sheepslayer247
I hope everyone can see that this is one big hunk of propaganda......using emotion to justify what they are about to do....god help us all.

i completely agree

edit on 2/9/2013 by Sauron because: Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 09:44 AM
Top 10 Reasons John Kerry started his Syria war announcement so late:

10) he couldn't get the smile off his face from his skyrocketing defense stocks.

9) PowerPoint wasn't ready

8) trying to come up with a "Shirley you can't be Syria" joke

7) Black Ops hadn't deleted the photo serial numbers yet

6) Power, baby! Gotta love makin' 'em wait!

5) he was still in contract negotiations for his role in World War Three, a Historically Accurate Representation made-for-TV special.

4) waiting for ANY world leader's support in this
3) had to change pants - Monica Lewinski lipstick smudge

2) waiting for Ahmadinejad to come out of the bathroom
And the Number One reason John Kerry was late for his speech....

Selling ANOTHER illegal war to the American people takes a lot of fear and emotional content - don't forget some pictures of .... sadness.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 10:13 AM
Nothing can stop the American War Machine ...........
The entire Middle east is at War ...If USA strike Syria ,Then Russia will strike Saudi Arabia ...You've heard of Friends with Benefits ? This is "An Ancient War" ,with benefits ....
edit on 31-8-2013 by StaceyWilson because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
My Prediction - John "WINTER SOLDIER" Kerry will be supporting Obama's Syrian Strike position. He'll spin and spin and lie and lie ... Susan Rice style. (and he'll make the talk show circuit like she did)

You got it backwards. John Kerry was the one pressuring Obama to strike syria for the make-believe chemical weapons assad supposedly used. Not that I like lameduck "yes sir" obama that much.

He didn't even wait for the UN team to investigate and was calling for strikes, whereas Obama was saying we need a UN mandate first.
edit on 31/8/13 by EarthCitizen07 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 01:54 PM
In case you missed it, Pres. Obama has decided to seek a vote in Congress for a US military strike on Syria. Here is a link to the thread on this new development by OtherSideOfTheCoin:

Thread: President Obama to Address the Nation on Syria

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by ikonoklast
In case you missed it, Pres. Obama has decided to seek a vote in Congress for a US military strike on Syria. Here is a link to the thread on this new development by OtherSideOfTheCoin:

Thread: President Obama to Address the Nation on Syria

In case you missed this I didn't want you to have an ideology of OB and his waiting on congress because back in July 26th 2013 John Kerry-OB gave the Rebels the weapons!



posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 03:57 PM
Decided to watch the news for like a half hour and had an impending urge to waterboard myself whilst beginning to yell comments at the screen in outrage, like they can hear me. This is why I cook mac n cheese instead as an activity. It's a lot more safe and peaceful

First, there's no proof there were even chemical weapons used, the investigation is still ongoing, in the Netherlands, nonetheless, tell me, are we going to get to see the detailed lab reports of this alleged investigation? And skipping through all other issues to the main point: What business do we have in Syria? They are their own country and we are ours, what they choose to do within the confines of their own country has nothing to do with us unless it is killing our people. We kill our own people with chemicals in our food, among other things, should Russia or China or some other country come invade us, attack and kill us to prove a point or intervene?

Sounds like Obama is unsure and nervous of his own potential decisions, which is why he sought congressional approval as less than half of the US approves attacking Syria. If he's not so sure if his actions he should just cease any and all action until he is.

I'm going to go cook dinner now, popcorn sounds nice too.

edit on 31-8-2013 by unb3k44n7 because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-8-2013 by unb3k44n7 because: (no reason given)
edit on 31-8-2013 by unb3k44n7 because: (no reason given)
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