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Where are the anti-war protesters now?

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posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by seabag
reply to post by rayuki

Isn’t it a bit ironic that they weren’t scared to protest the ‘Nazi, Totalitarian, Neocon’ but they’re terrified of the ‘Left-Leaning, Socialist, Community Organizer’?

What does that tell you about the accuracy of those labels?

We have two dominating political parties in the USA united by one common thread - kill people wantonly to advance American empire.

Who will protest when there is no disagreement?

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by seabag

Have you not seen the posts that state there are protests happening? Just found the Boston one, finally... Saturday, I'll be there.

Yes, I commented on them.

What's your point? I said I agree with Code Pink (damn that hurts to say) in their protest against action in Syria.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by seabag

But then you said this:

Isn’t it a bit ironic that they weren’t scared to protest the ‘Nazi, Totalitarian, Neocon’ but they’re terrified of the ‘Left-Leaning, Socialist, Community Organizer’?

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by GargIndia

We have two dominating political parties in the USA united by one common thread - kill people wantonly to advance American empire.
That’s not the only common thread.

Who will protest when there is no disagreement?
There is little disagreement between the 2 parties. The disagreement (and disconnect) is between the 2 parties and the American people.

We should all be against action in Syria. Syria poses no direct threat to US.

I was just pointing out how Ironic it is that the people who protested the supposed TOTALITARIAN RULER (Bush) are scared to protest the man THEY ELECTED TO REPLACE HIM!! Wasn't Obama supposed to be the anti-war nice guy? Why the fear to protest??

edit on 28-8-2013 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 09:35 AM
What good will protests do anymore?

The last anti-war protests were more of an anti-Bush movement. Nobody liked Bush. They didn't want him to go on a crusade. Now Obama is doing the same thing, more or less, but the protesters are silent. Is it political partisanship? Is it lack of funds to protest? I think because it's their boy Obama, they'll give a little more leniency. Missile strikes? Okay, I guess there was a gas attack and as long as there aren't too many civilian casualties, it's okay. We understand collateral damage though. Do what you must.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 09:39 AM
reply to post by TDawgRex

You will notice that they are rushing into war this time around, the anti war brigade hasnt even had a chance to get mobilized. The media bias on this is really shocking. The Mirror is pretty much claiming that Assad used the chemical weapons even though there is no proof.
The total contempt that the UK and US governments are showing to its people right now is scandalous, I think its time for regime change here in the UK right now. Yes Im being serious.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by seabag

Have you not seen the posts that state there are protests happening? Just found the Boston one, finally... Saturday, I'll be there.

And I'll be at my local protest even though it will be small.

Never the less, the right wing conservatives will criticize and vilify the protesters rather than join them even though they "claim" to be against this coming war with Syria.

Personally I think if a Republican president was doing the same thing Obama is trying to pull, the conservatives would be waving the flag and cheering this war on as they did with Bush 2 in Iraq.

Hypocritical partisans!!

At least I'm anti war regardless of who's in the White house! It's called integrity and honor to a belief system and it has nothing to do with politics.

Any aware thinking liberal bailed on Obama when he followed in Bush's neocon footsteps and caved in to the Corporate Oligarchy; the real profiteers in any conflict. Business as usual!

edit on 28-8-2013 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 10:39 AM
Yeah come to think of it, Where is that idiot Cindy Sheehan? Not that it would change anything, The deciders have already decided.The sheople have no say in the matter.

Again though, Where is Al Gore concerning Fukushima or The BP Gulf disaster? They gave Obama a Noble peace prize, LMAO! Just another puppet on strings continuing the same exact Middle East Foreign policy as prior to him taking office.

Hypocrisy at it's finest by the ignorant Obama voters, and left minded imbeciles in general. ~$heopleNation

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 10:52 AM
The thing that gets me is last week Obama says on Egypt "We don't take sides" but now apparently we are taking sides with Syria? Egypt must be lacking in something we want, and Syria must have something we do want. Otherwise we would not be getting involved. I no longer trust anything that comes from the press or the politicians. Sometimes I get on the news websites just to amuse myself with the crap they are spewing today, but I don't believe anything I read.


posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:05 AM
Maybe it's the fact that Obama isn't rushing into a strike against Syria. He has options and he has said over and over that he would prefer a non-military he usually says. His biggest pressure is coming from Republicans that are trying to push him into a conflict. Also, he is openly talking about how he doesn't want a war, just a response.

On the other hand, with Bush was pretty damn eager to go into Iraq. He was the biggest cheerleader for a full out ground war in Iraq, and there was no conflict going on in Iraq. We were basically going into a war free zone just because Bush/Cheney wanted to.

I really hope we don't get involved with Syria. If we do, I hope it is just airstrikes and possible no-fly zones. I didn't want Obama to get involved with Libya either, but he did...but he also kept his word that there would be no ground war in Libya.

I suspect you will start to see protests once the bombs start falling. If ground troops start to become an option, I would expect full out protests.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by AlienScience

Actually, The truth of the matter is that the yes man Obama has no options whatsoever. He will do as he is told by the Masters of puppets because that is how this game is played. Yes, It really is that simple. ~$heopleNation

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:13 AM
I just love the US. Polarized useful morons, so sick of it. Never a single topic that don't get dragged down by left/right mudslinging bull#.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by AlienScience
Maybe it's the fact that Obama isn't rushing into a strike against Syria. He has options and he has said over and over that he would prefer a non-military he usually says. His biggest pressure is coming from Republicans that are trying to push him into a conflict. Also, he is openly talking about how he doesn't want a war, just a response.

Oh please, he is doing this because of Republicans? Then why the hell doesn't he drop Obamacare? Why doesn't' he creates some damn jobs? I am not saying the Republicans are innocent; I'd personally love a catastrophe to hit Washington D.C and wipe them all out... Yes, I feel terribly guilty for feeling that way, but I am being honest. They are nothing but lying thieves in Washington doing the will of the elite controllers of the world. Thank God there will come a day of recompense.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by TKDRL
I just love the US. Polarized useful morons, so sick of it. Never a single topic that don't get dragged down by left/right mudslinging bull#.

Give me a break!

We can't fix problems if we can't honestly identify why we have them.

If you don't call things like you see it then you're being intellectually dishonest.

edit on 28-8-2013 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:25 AM

Originally posted by UnifiedSerenity

Originally posted by AlienScience
Maybe it's the fact that Obama isn't rushing into a strike against Syria. He has options and he has said over and over that he would prefer a non-military he usually says. His biggest pressure is coming from Republicans that are trying to push him into a conflict. Also, he is openly talking about how he doesn't want a war, just a response.

Oh please, he is doing this because of Republicans? Then why the hell doesn't he drop Obamacare? Why doesn't' he creates some damn jobs? I am not saying the Republicans are innocent; I'd personally love a catastrophe to hit Washington D.C and wipe them all out... Yes, I feel terribly guilty for feeling that way, but I am being honest. They are nothing but lying thieves in Washington doing the will of the elite controllers of the world. Thank God there will come a day of recompense.

Where did I say he is doing this because of Republicans? I said his biggest pressure is coming from them, trying to make him look weak or indecisive for not acting sooner than now, and then another part of the Republicans are condemning him for even considering an attack.

And why all the anger? Do you think they are making your life suffer? Because there is only one person responsible for the quality of your life and that is yourself.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:30 AM
I don't know, most of these protesting kids over here tend to be rich kids who get bored with their comfortable "mundane" lives or unemployable mobs who just want a fight with police. It's a shame as I would actually protest against this, I think if anything the British government should be supporting the Syrian government! If just one of these extremist Muslim sects get in to any kind of power in Syria, its game over for the Syrian people, their lives will be Hell and they will be made to endure a brutal regime that makes the current look like a carefree band of merrymen from Woodstock.

I guess the protests are slow for this as the rich kids are all on summer holidays abroad and the unemployable cant be arsed as its been hot recently...Can't get the protesters these days!

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by seabag

Why we have them? That is an easy one:

"The left did this, therefor they suck!"
"Yeah well, remember when the right did this? It's the right that sucks more!"
"No way, the left believe this! They are the worst!"
"No the right believe this! It is way worse than that!"

Sound like a bunch of children, arguing over which comic book character is the bestest. Grow up people, stop arguing over fiction. Get it together.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by AlienScience

Originally posted by UnifiedSerenity

Originally posted by AlienScience
Maybe it's the fact that Obama isn't rushing into a strike against Syria. He has options and he has said over and over that he would prefer a non-military he usually says. His biggest pressure is coming from Republicans that are trying to push him into a conflict. Also, he is openly talking about how he doesn't want a war, just a response.

Oh please, he is doing this because of Republicans? Then why the hell doesn't he drop Obamacare? Why doesn't' he creates some damn jobs? I am not saying the Republicans are innocent; I'd personally love a catastrophe to hit Washington D.C and wipe them all out... Yes, I feel terribly guilty for feeling that way, but I am being honest. They are nothing but lying thieves in Washington doing the will of the elite controllers of the world. Thank God there will come a day of recompense.

Where did I say he is doing this because of Republicans? I said his biggest pressure is coming from them, trying to make him look weak or indecisive for not acting sooner than now, and then another part of the Republicans are condemning him for even considering an attack.

And why all the anger? Do you think they are making your life suffer? Because there is only one person responsible for the quality of your life and that is yourself.

Your whole post wreaked of left/right mindset. That is why I posted what I did. This is nothing but a dividing game, and if you think for a minute America is run by Americans electing their representatives you are so naive. This is all a game of the elites who have bought nearly every politician on the planet! Don't worry, it will be over soon and we won't have to worry about this crap anymore. They are so ready to make us as miserable as humanity has ever been that we will crawl on our bloody hands and knees and with properly subjugated hearts beg them for their well planned for solution to the problems of the world.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by TKDRL

Why we have them? That is an easy one:

"The left did this, therefor they suck!"
"Yeah well, remember when the right did this? It's the right that sucks more!"
"No way, the left believe this! They are the worst!"
"No the right believe this! It is way worse than that!"

Sound like a bunch of children, arguing over which comic book character is the bestest. Grow up people, stop arguing over fiction. Get it together.

Who is making those statements in this thread?

I don’t recall that conversation. Can you quote it?

Who is in power right now leading US to Syria (and Egypt, and Libya, and Yemen, etc)? Are we not allowed to talk about their associations and hypocrisy?

edit on 28-8-2013 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

Your whole post wreaked of left/right mindset. That is why I posted what I did. This is nothing but a dividing game, and if you think for a minute America is run by Americans electing their representatives you are so naive. This is all a game of the elites who have bought nearly every politician on the planet! Don't worry, it will be over soon and we won't have to worry about this crap anymore. They are so ready to make us as miserable as humanity has ever been that we will crawl on our bloody hands and knees and with properly subjugated hearts beg them for their well planned for solution to the problems of the world.

The only ones that seemed to have been defeated by these mystery "elites" are you and those that think like you.

Whether they are real or imaginary, they have destroyed you and corrupted your mind. They have subjugated you by allowing yourself to be self-defeated. And I honestly think they are just make-believe in your head.

If you disagree, name one of these "elites" and let us all know their "plan".

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