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Masonic lodge meetings and questionable activities

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posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog
If Masons are so bad then why are their enemies Bible thumpers, Muslim extremists, Dictators, fascist, communist, New Labor Party (UK), and The Labor Party (UK)?

The enemies of Freemasonry has nothing to do with whether the organization is 'good' or 'bad'?

Freemasonry embraces tolerance and free thought. It makes sense that the opponents of the organization would naturally be those who wish to oppress those principles.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog
I forgot to also mention Freemasons have also been accused ( just on this site)...electronic harrasment (which tin foil is the only cure).

That is with out a doubt my favorite thread of all time. The jackass that posted it honestly believed that you needed to wear tinfoil on your coconut to stop Masons from getting in your brain.

Silly conspiracy theorist, tinfoil cannot keep us out.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Saurus

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog
If Masons are so bad then why are their enemies Bible thumpers, Muslim extremists, Dictators, fascist, communist, New Labor Party (UK), and The Labor Party (UK)?

The enemies of Freemasonry has nothing to do with whether the organization is 'good' or 'bad'?

Freemasonry embraces tolerance and free thought. It makes sense that the opponents of the organization would naturally be those who wish to oppress those principles.

It kind of does though because if normal people look at a organization and see that these hate groups, extremist, and control freaks are their enemies they are more likely to think that group in question aren't bad guys. If you look at a good amount of the groups who have been anti-masonic in the past you see that they have been taken part in some horrible acts or have very negative views. If you heard about a group who's enemies include Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein, Pat Robertson, Béla Kun, Mussolini, Goebbels, and Dr. Alfred Rosenberg wouldn't you think they must be doing something great?

"Famous" Anti-Masons

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog
I forgot to also mention Freemasons have also been accused ( just on this site)...electronic harrasment (which tin foil is the only cure).

That is with out a doubt my favorite thread of all time. The jackass that posted it honestly believed that you needed to wear tinfoil on your coconut to stop Masons from getting in your brain.

Silly conspiracy theorist, tinfoil cannot keep us out.

Haha I think he was a little paranoid to say the least! I wonder what his neighbors, friends, and homeowners association think about his interior design skills? I have to say I do feel bad for him and the second family group because they feed off each others paranoia and I'm sure it makes their lives pretty uncomfortable. Every time I see anything about mind control I always have to read it using my Jesse Ventura impression.

posted on Sep, 8 2013 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog
I forgot to also mention Freemasons have also been accused ( just on this site)...electronic harrasment (which tin foil is the only cure).

That is with out a doubt my favorite thread of all time. The jackass that posted it honestly believed that you needed to wear tinfoil on your coconut to stop Masons from getting in your brain.

Silly conspiracy theorist, tinfoil cannot keep us out.

I do love how masonwatcher always said he would post proof of mason gang stalking him but never did. I cant forget my favorite accusation where he accused JoshNorton of getting personal details about him from either gang stalking or hacking into his ats account instead of the obvious reading past threads where masonwatcher told people those personal details.
Link to thread

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

I admit, I'm rather proud of that "cold reading".

posted on Sep, 9 2013 @ 04:20 PM

reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

I admit, I'm rather proud of that "cold reading".

Haha if you weren't so nice you could of had him seriously freaking out and I did it find it funny he thought you got that info in the most elaborate way instead of just reading past threads he commented in. I think that example shows he probably jumps to those same conclusions in real life especially when it comes to "gang stalking". Multiple people offered him help if he would just show some proof and he never did or he would post random testimonies from people on the internet but I did find it scary people told him to arm himself. I really hoped he found peace and overcame his hatred for Masons/Jews.

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 05:28 AM

reply to post by oxford

As long as we get it back clean and in the condition we left it, why should we care?
Besides, we have to pay the rent.

Where do you get satanic rituals from? We rent out to the public just as a church hall does. If they tell us it's for a birthday party function, we don't spy on them to see if they were telling the truth or not. Just as a church hall committee doesn't.

In my Lodge's case , that would not be true . When we rent out our building , a member of the Board of directors must be present to make sure no ....ummm....... unsavory acts are going on . We have a list of rules they must follow and must sign off on before they are allowed use of our building . If we see things we do not like or violate our rules in the rental agreement , we put a stop to their festivities and ask them to leave .

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus
Does it matter whether you use the shiny side or the matte side in? I imagine the matte side in/shiny side out are more effective for reflecting intrusive brain waves...

edit on 11-9-2013 by no1smootha because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2013 @ 02:53 PM

Does it matter whether you use the shiny side or the matte side in? I imagine the matte side in/shiny side out are more effective for reflecting intrusive brain waves...

I double side it and have the shinny side facing in and out.

You learn this in the 33rd Degree.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 11:49 AM


reply to post by oxford

As long as we get it back clean and in the condition we left it, why should we care?
Besides, we have to pay the rent.

Where do you get satanic rituals from? We rent out to the public just as a church hall does. If they tell us it's for a birthday party function, we don't spy on them to see if they were telling the truth or not. Just as a church hall committee doesn't.

In my Lodge's case , that would not be true . When we rent out our building , a member of the Board of directors must be present to make sure no ....ummm....... unsavory acts are going on . We have a list of rules they must follow and must sign off on before they are allowed use of our building . If we see things we do not like or violate our rules in the rental agreement , we put a stop to their festivities and ask them to leave .

Symbolically it is a beautiful yet amusing reflection, whereby the activity within a Lodge reflects its own commitee.

posted on Sep, 27 2018 @ 08:19 PM
I perceive it as a message unto convey a thought and to cause one to ponder.

posted on Sep, 27 2018 @ 08:22 PM
I perceive that it was set before a large that the signature of it would be most balanced and not to be swayed by the few.

posted on Sep, 27 2018 @ 08:25 PM
Ex-master mason reveals all

Levels 30-33 is where members are allowed into the inner sanctum of truth -- Satanism.

Hollywood Actors, politicians all into dark rituals.
Secrecy is the dictum. They will not reveal anything of the dark rituals and he describes
some of the bad things they do.

The highest of highest of the pyramid of masons is the Rothchilds. The masons are the footchild of the illuminati.

and that's it so anyone reading this think very carefully if they open the gate in front you that leads down the path of the pyramid.

posted on Sep, 27 2018 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: AthlonSavage

What is within the pyramid ? And how could the gate be opened unto those who are not to enter ?

Eta...I didn't see the pyramid part...but it did look like mommy was getting limbered up....I suspect to kick a lot of ass
edit on 27-9-2018 by HarryJoy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2018 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: Saurus

What if the idea forces a belief ?? Which is the right path ??

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 02:15 AM

originally posted by: AthlonSavage
Ex-master mason reveals all

Here's my response to this video:

This guy gave his opinion and it doesn’t seem that educated. If he was a Mason he did not learn much. Also why would anyone believe someone who promised to keep his word and then breaks that promise? After watching it all, this guy is lying.

Phases? Hmmmmm…if he was a Mason he'd know what the actual term used to describe progression in Freemasonry

20-30 people? That seems excessive as usually the investigation committee is 3 people. And that particular committee possibly spoke the wife first, but there is no policy that dictates that. I usually talk with the petitioner first and then to the wife, but there is a set questionnaire that must be filled out about the petitioner.

Ankle tow? Hmmmmm…another suspicious statement

Contrary to what he said, you cannot be an atheist and be a Mason, so there’s another strike. Nor are there Satanic members.

The 33rd isn’t the highest degree Freemasonry. It’s the highest degree in the Scottish Rite, but degree doesn’t equal rank as he was saying at ~5:49.

You can go from 4 to 32 in a single weekend, but it is not called the “fast track.” That’s just how most Valleys do it today and have done it that way for years. You don’t pay extra to be “fast tracked” to the Scottish Rite. This guy clearly has no idea what he is talking about.

Freemasonry is not a pyramid structure and the Rothschilds (he can’t even pronounce the name right) are not the “highest of the highest” in Freemasonry. He can’t even get the basics right:

It seems this guy is just parroting what an anti-Mason site wrote. He’s given no real indication that he was ever actually a Mason.

At 7:49, he puts his foot in his mouth again when he calls the Bohemian Grove the Illuminati. Also, you don’t have to be a Freemason to be in the Bohemian Grove. And only 14 Presidents have been Freemasons so there’s another lie he stated.

Freemasonry has no “one world” goals of any kind nor any affiliation with the anti-Christ. None of our rituals mock Christ or baptism.

Fag? Man, I hope none of these guys he’s slandering sue him into 3rd world poverty because this video is all the evidence they would need. Baphomet has nothing to do with Freemasonry: Baphomet plays no part in the Scottish Rite or any degree in Freemasonry.

Officers? Ushers? He doesn’t even know the name of the officer that guides candidates through the ritual? Hmmmm…another strike

Worshipful Master of the West? Hmmmmm…another strike

Senseless rituals? No, sir, none of our rituals are senseless in the Lodge.

“Bones and skulls”? LOL This guy is a moron.

Freemasonry doesn’t kill people for making stupid videos like this. Nor has he exposed anything other than his complete ignorance on the subject.

Witches? Warlocks? LOL This guy is just grabbing anything and tossing it hoping it sticks. This guy reeks of desperation to slander and defame Freemasonry. What a loser.

He’s nothing more than a self-righteous a**hole who lies and spreads fear. He says he’s seen evidence, but yet he provides no supporting evidence to back up his claims. He’s nothing more than a fanatic.

Levels 30-33 is where members are allowed into the inner sanctum of truth -- Satanism.

Incorrect. 1) We Freemasons don't use the term "level" to denote progress through the degrees of Freemasonry or its concordant bodies. 2) The 30º to 33º is only the Scottish Rite. The Scottish Rite is not the end-all authority in Freemasonry and the Scottish Rite only has relevance and authority in the Scottish Rite. 3) There's a misconception that degree equates to rank in Freemasonry which is why I think so many focus so much on the Scottish Rite with its numbering system. It doesn't. An office one holds in a Masonic group equates to rank, but that rank, with one exception, does not translate across to other groups.

Read this:

Secrecy is the dictum.

There's nothing wrong with secrecy:

The highest of highest of the pyramid of masons is the Rothchilds. The masons are the footchild of the illuminati.

Well, Freemasonry is not structured as a pyramid. The Blue Lodge is the is the center of activity from which all other Masonic organizations spring. The Blue Lodge is presided over by a Worshipful Master who is elected on an annual basis. Blue Lodges are subordinate to a Grand Lodge. A Grand Lodge is the overall governing body of Freemasonry in a given jurisdiction. Typically, a Grand Lodge's jurisdiction is based upon that areas civil government where Grand Lodges govern Blue Lodges within a particular national or state boundary. The Grand Lodge is presided over by a Most Worshipful Grand Master who is elected on a regular (most often annual) basis by the voting members of that Grand Lodge. There is no central body to oversee all of the Grand Lodges around the world; each one is sovereign and independent of each other. Each Grand Lodge chooses its own policies, rituals, practices, rules, and what other Grand Lodges it recognizes. Even with concordant bodies, there is no centralized leadership.

You have much to learn and are in over your head in this conversation.

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 03:18 AM
a reply to: KSigMason

You haven't understood or listened the whistleblower master mason.
Level 1-29 are the foot soldiers who are not exposed to the inner mechanism of masonary which is the Illuminati.
Get it!
That the golden cap on the pyramid is the Iluminati and that it is the rotten core.
The rotten core is surrounded by good deeds.
That's how evil hides itsel.
The big picture of masonary is the balance of light with dark forces. Black pope and white pope.

You operating knowledge is exposed to the good side.

People who are very wealthy, successful politicans, Hollywood actors etc etc they are all in the 30-33 band.
There to smile to the public; playing never the less they pay their dues to be in that level.
This is not rocket science its just the Babylon system still promulgating itself secretly through the modern era.

edit on 28-9-2018 by AthlonSavage because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 03:27 AM
a reply to: KSigMason

much to learn?

did you hear anything about one day masons?

posted on Sep, 28 2018 @ 03:35 AM
a reply to: no1smootha

maybe it does. i just accidently changed my mobile screen color to black with white types with a single tap somewhere.

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