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Masonic lodge meetings and questionable activities

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posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by LABTECH767

Why are they dirty old men? For watching a lady dance?

Just remember though these are the judges and politicians of our world so they are hardly of high moral fiber are they.

Which of these men are judges and politicians?

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by KSigMason

Good point and I was playing on a stereotype but on closer examination they appear as someone pointed out to be American, We are all too pasty over here most of the time, Look at the fellow in the grand dragons seat, were is he looking as she dances. He seems to be paying an inordinate amount of attention to her pelvis and legs, Nothing wrong there (if a bit pervy) except she could be his grand daughter.

I am of the opinion that there are GOOD and BAD lodges out there and they are of course such according to there members not some ulterior motive, A business man would be advised to join simply for the sake of the contacts and avenues it opens, Nevertheless the masons here in Britain were once quite different in that during the Victorian era they acted as a source of altruistic christian projects here and around the empire, they were intimately tied to our trade as a trading empire and helped to build that empire, this has to a large degree now gravitated to the Rotarian's (weather you regard them as a lodge or not is another matter). Now they are more about private dealings and secret agreements (Not the lodge its members) and because of this they are held in high suspicion by many in today's society and can you blame them.

I have encountered people whom have fallen foul of the masons so I am not defending them, also my own mother was robbed according to a police officer by the hierarchy and he told her there was nothing they could do as there higher ups had told them to butt out, As a christian I must point out when you make your lodge your God you have abandoned God.

edit on 27-8-2013 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 03:54 PM
Isn't this the 6th time this same video has been posted on ATS? I'm shocked that someone hasn't made a thread talking about this video before but it seems to me right now this video has nothing to do with a recognized Freemason lodge meeting. I have a few question about this video like why didn't the person who made the video tell people what lodge this supposedly happened in and the date this video was taken? In the past few years masons have been accused of stabbing a guy because he wouldn't give up a pool table, shooting a guy and giving his father cancer because he's the "Parakletos", blocking the cure for cancer, chemtrails (by the way all the things I've listed so far is by 1 past member), being satanist, worshiping Lucifer, trying to destroy Christians, being against Communism (which I thought was a good thing), killing more people than religion, taking part in homosexual rituals, pushing a homosexual agenda, supporting Hitler, trying to start the apocalypse, being a front for Jews, soldiers of the NWO, being pedophiles, drug runners, and of course everyone's favorite blowing up toilets. The masons have probably been accused of more horrible acts on this site than George Bush and that is screwed up. I would love for the OP or anyone else to do a little more research on this video so we can find out if it's fake or real and what lodge this took place in.

I will also look and see if I can find anymore info on this video.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

People can download and re-upload the video claiming it to be whatever they want. It's been discussed here more than a few times and I'm sure will cycle around the next time it gets 'discovered'.

It gets like Groundhog Day in that regard


posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Fitzgibbon
reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

People can download and re-upload the video claiming it to be whatever they want. It's been discussed here more than a few times and I'm sure will cycle around the next time it gets 'discovered'.

It gets like Groundhog Day in that regard


I agree, I think it's funny people call this girl a stripper and her dance is sexual or provocative. I've seen similar dancing at dance competitions (don't make fun of me my girlfriend dragged to a few) and this girl is far from a stripper. These guys don't seem to be "turned on" watching this girl dance and they also seem to be talking while she's performing. Did anyone read the youtube comments on this video?

The guy who posted the video said: "I was told that the freemasons often had men dressed in drag. They picked the best drags that even put women to shame. In other words, these dancers could be shemales. I hope we have not all been had by this!"
Another poster on the video said: Homosexuality is a large part of what it means to be a Freemason. Not all gays are masons, but all masons are factually gay. It has something to do with the Goddess Minerva and an order of Eunuchs who act as a collective chamberlain in the Lune Temple. You'd be surprised to know how many of them are castrated, it's quite a feat.
Where do people get this stuff from? I have to admit I was a pretty anti-Masonic when I first came to this site and I have spent way to much time on mason hate sites but this is first time I've heard about Masons being castrated.
edit on 28-8-2013 by nancyliedersdeaddog because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog
Where do people get this stuff from? I have to admit I was a pretty anti-Masonic when I first came to this site and I have spent way to much time on mason hate sites but this is first time I've heard about Masons being castrated.

Boredom and one-upmanship, I should think. I virtually never waste my time with YouTube videos as in the past I virtually always ended up wishing I could somehow recapture that wasted time. The first time my lodge had an open house, I had a few odd questions thrown my way which to the best of my ability, I explained. It often comes down to a lack of knowledge and while I'm always prepared to answer questions and help dispel honestly-held misunderstandings, it's the stridently opinionated unknowledgeable that I never waste my time on. They are attached to their opinions and no amount of correction will disabuse them of their cherished beliefs.


posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by Fitzgibbon

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog
Where do people get this stuff from? I have to admit I was a pretty anti-Masonic when I first came to this site and I have spent way to much time on mason hate sites but this is first time I've heard about Masons being castrated.

Boredom and one-upmanship, I should think. I virtually never waste my time with YouTube videos as in the past I virtually always ended up wishing I could somehow recapture that wasted time. The first time my lodge had an open house, I had a few odd questions thrown my way which to the best of my ability, I explained. It often comes down to a lack of knowledge and while I'm always prepared to answer questions and help dispel honestly-held misunderstandings, it's the stridently opinionated unknowledgeable that I never waste my time on. They are attached to their opinions and no amount of correction will disabuse them of their cherished beliefs.


Masons on ats are really in a no-win situation, if they don't answer questions people assume it's true and when they do answer questions people say they're lying or high enough to know the true. I will say Masons on ats have changed my mind about freemasonry since I use be anti-Masonic, I hate to admit it but I use to say some horrible lies about you guys on other sites. I apologize for that

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 05:39 AM

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog
...I hate to admit it but I use to say some horrible lies about you guys on other sites. I apologize for that

No worries, you should have seen the stuff networkdude posted about you on our super secret Facebook page.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 05:52 AM
G for geometrician

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog

I will say Masons on ats have changed my mind about freemasonry since I use be anti-Masonic, I hate to admit it but I use to say some horrible lies about you guys on other sites. I apologize for that

There was a time (many years ago) that I was also an anti-Mason. I dated a Baptist girl and even went to an anti-Masonry rally at her church once.

Now I've been a Mason for years, and I've realized that all along, it's been the Church telling lies about Freemasonry, and Freemasonry that has always been truthful.

Go figure...

edit on 29/8/2013 by Saurus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 03:13 PM
Meditating and reflecting back on the thread it was a very valuable experience for me personally.

I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, life’s experiences provide us with a symbolic mirror as a method for inner transformation, so there is always a purpose even if we find it difficult to see at the time.

I think the secret is too look for the symbolism around events rather than getting wrapped up in the thing itself, we pin-ball between those pillars of severity and mercy before we can arrive at the third pillar of equilibrium/harmony.

They don’t call him the architect for nothing eh lol

Once again thanks to all who took the time to share, and apologies if I have inadvertently offended anyone, it was never my intention. If anyone has any good resources on the pillars (has it been covered in the forum before?) I would love to learn more!

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog
...I hate to admit it but I use to say some horrible lies about you guys on other sites. I apologize for that

No worries, you should have seen the stuff networkdude posted about you on our super secret Facebook page.

Ohh really, I see how it is and now I will make it my life's work to ruin the Freemasons! I think I will start a thread about how you and networkdude are really reptilians from Omicron Persei 8 who blow up toilets for fun.
You better not mess with me because I know Zakk "The Real Life Jack Bauer" Tull!

Dr. Evil

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by Saurus

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog

I will say Masons on ats have changed my mind about freemasonry since I use be anti-Masonic, I hate to admit it but I use to say some horrible lies about you guys on other sites. I apologize for that

There was a time (many years ago) that I was also an anti-Mason. I dated a Baptist girl and even went to an anti-Masonry rally at her church once.

Now I've been a Mason for years, and I've realized that all along, it's been the Church telling lies about Freemasonry, and Freemasonry that has always been truthful.

Go figure...

edit on 29/8/2013 by Saurus because: (no reason given)

I can't believe the church actually held anti-Masonry rallies, to be honest I thought they would of had better things to protest like gay marriage and Dungeon & Dragons conventions haha. Girlfriends will always drag us to the worst events and it's almost never something cool like a sporting event or a strip club. I don't know why Pastors say some of the stupidest things when it comes to a topic they dislike, I use to blame it on ignorance but I'm not so sure anymore.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog
Ohh really, I see how it is and now I will make it my life's work to ruin the Freemasons! I think I will start a thread about how you and networkdude are really reptilians from Omicron Persei 8 who blow up toilets for fun.

7. Omicron Persei 7.

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog

I can't believe the church actually held anti-Masonry rallies, to be honest I thought they would of had better things to protest like gay marriage and Dungeon & Dragons conventions haha. Girlfriends will always drag us to the worst events and it's almost never something cool like a sporting event or a strip club. I don't know why Pastors say some of the stupidest things when it comes to a topic they dislike, I use to blame it on ignorance but I'm not so sure anymore.

Oh, they did the gay marriages and D&D thing too! Anything which may have aroused even the slightest suspicion from the general public instantly became a target. That Pastor's pet hate was pop music. Every star from the 80s was a Satanist, according to him. Get yourself a tattoo and it's the mark of the devil.

She eventually left me because I was too involved with the Catholic church at that time, and that was evil too, she said.

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog
Ohh really, I see how it is and now I will make it my life's work to ruin the Freemasons! I think I will start a thread about how you and networkdude are really reptilians from Omicron Persei 8 who blow up toilets for fun.

7. Omicron Persei 7.

I thought Women are from Omicron Persei 7 and men are from Omicron Persei 9, so does that mean you have something to tell us haha? WOW how sad does that make me for remembering something like that

posted on Aug, 30 2013 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Saurus

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog

I can't believe the church actually held anti-Masonry rallies, to be honest I thought they would of had better things to protest like gay marriage and Dungeon & Dragons conventions haha. Girlfriends will always drag us to the worst events and it's almost never something cool like a sporting event or a strip club. I don't know why Pastors say some of the stupidest things when it comes to a topic they dislike, I use to blame it on ignorance but I'm not so sure anymore.

Oh, they did the gay marriages and D&D thing too! Anything which may have aroused even the slightest suspicion from the general public instantly became a target. That Pastor's pet hate was pop music. Every star from the 80s was a Satanist, according to him. Get yourself a tattoo and it's the mark of the devil.

She eventually left me because I was too involved with the Catholic church at that time, and that was evil too, she said.

Holly crap, I'm not that involved in organized religion but I thought being a Catholic and Baptist are really not that much different. Growing up in the south I've seen or heard about church protests at concerts like Blink 182, Phish, and I think they even protested a NSYNC concert.

posted on Sep, 3 2013 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog
...I think they even protested a NSYNC concert.

This is wholly and totally understandable.

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 06:26 PM
I forgot to also mention Freemasons have also been accused ( just on this site) killing Princess Diana or covering up the real cause of her death, gang stalking, trying to send a war hero to prison, and electronic harrasment (which tin foil is the only cure). I just wanted to make sure I had listed 1% of all the horrible things masons have been accused of. If Masons are so bad then why are their enemies Bible thumpers, Muslim extremists, Dictators, fascist, communist, New Labor Party (UK), and The Labor Party (UK)?

posted on Sep, 7 2013 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by nancyliedersdeaddog
...I think they even protested a NSYNC concert.

This is wholly and totally understandable.

Haha I have to agree and everyone knows if you dress like this then you're working for Satan.

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