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Faith Healer Convinces Followers To Never Vaccinate, Now Church The Center Of Measles Outbreak (VIDE

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posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by wrabbit2000
reply to post by LurkingRelentlessly

I'm glad you have a U.S. Public School who kindly waived the vaccination requirements. Having dealt with schools for my Son in 3 states, I couldn't begin to imagine what state or school district that was.. but I'll take your word for it that one exists among the public system. I've never heard of it and the law in those 3 states I'm aware of isn't the least bit flexible on the matter..

But hey.. On this thread? I could say the sky was blue..and at least one self declared expert and absolute genius on the subject would be there like Johnny On The Spot to explain how, gee, silly little rabbit...the sky isn't blue. It's black with a trick of daylight across the matter which makes up the atmosphere to make it appear blue. :shk:

Thanks for the correction's fun to get nitpicked to death by the peanut gallery on every tiny detail of everything said.

*By the way.. Yes, there are a few exceptions under law. They are VERY narrowly defined by law, VERY few in nature and it takes a hell of a lot more than a casual mention or polite request of "Gee... Can I please ignore the law about public health and vaccine requirements? please please?".

I'm not saying you're lying...but if you had been through that process? I find it VERY hard to believe you'd refer to it as casually as asking for a different brand of milk in the lunch room. Hey, what do I know though? It's not like I've been through the system you're talking about to know it. Nawww... hell... I just make crap up as I go. really.

edit on 27-8-2013 by wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

Review the list for yourself

How to Obtain an Exemption The Oklahoma Immunization Act allows exemptions for medical, personal or religious reasons. Parents who want to request an exemption for their child for any or all vaccines should obtain an exemption certificate from the school in which their child will be enrolled. If your child's school does not have an exemption form, they can call call the Immunization Service at 1-800 234-6196 or (405) 271-4073 to order a supply of exemption certificates. County health departments and private doctors do not have exemption forms. Parents are not required nor should they come to the Oklahoma State Department of Health to obtain an exemption certificate. Exemptions are not allowed because of "lost vaccination records". The form should be completed and returned to the school. In the case of a disease outbreak in a school, representatives of the Oklahoma State Department of Health or local health department will visit the school, thoroughly review student immunization records, and make recommendations to the Commissioner of Health on whether or not students with exemptions should be excluded from school or school functions for the duration of the outbreak. The Commissioner of Health has the authority to exclude students with exemptions from school for the duration of a disease outbreak. This decision is usually based on the risk of disease transmission in the facility. The risk of transmission depends on the characteristics of the particular disease and the potential number of susceptible people that could be exposed to the disease
Oklahoma state department of health

is it still that hard to believe?

i had to write a letter. it looked something like this

then i had to fill out a form that wasnt much different from the emergency disaster card you fill out during registration before the school year.

nearly half of the nation has these exemptions for personal reasons, and i understand when exempt for religious reasons one is not required to go into detail about their particular religion.

eta: just to clarify since there seems to be more than one militant vaccine pusher in this thread, i am not against all vaccines. but i do believe the preliminary testing on newer vaccines has become very lax and this has become damaging in some cases (hpv and sv40 come to mind), others i believe simply arent needed(measles, chickenpox), some are very necessary imo (meningitis). you have to research it yourself and make your own may vary from region to region.
edit on 27-8-2013 by LurkingRelentlessly because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by luciddream
Its good i keep these pictures around.. No Words Needed.

Cute picture, but it's not real. Please show my one paralyzed child cured by a vaccine. Polio, small pox, Diphtheria, Pertussis were all on the decline before vaccines came out. It is proven and yet you want to act like a vaccine stopped the problem. Nutrition, isolation, and improved sanitation stopped these dreaded diseases, not vaccines.

So, Let's make a better picture like this one:

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

So its all a coincidence then? people decided to be clean right when they discovered vaccines to prevent them?

lmao!!! Whats with the scriptures pictures?? that don't even make sense... how does reading bible equate to healthy children!??? /faceplam. Lol.. it makes them more dysfunctional(to put it nicely).

Gardasil is not a necessary vaccine, and they don't give that to babies. Gardasil is an optional Vaccine for HPV, unless someone teach their kids to be unsafe during sexual activity(i now about the other ways to get HPV as well), you don't need to worry about it or take it.

Like i said, the Anti-vaccine people don;t even know what they are discussing, there are many types of vaccines. Bashing the science behind it in another way is not going to give any credibility.

I mean the whole anti-vaccine controversy was started by a unqualified journalist who wrote something he didn't have any idea about...

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by MrBigDave
I guess I don't understand this whole thing, because I was under the impression that the vaccine was supposed to keep you from getting sick. IF it is going to keep you from getting sick, then why does it matter if Joe down the street doesn't get the vaccine. Even if Joe gets sick, you have the vaccine and should not get sick.

Again, maybe I don't get it, but I don't understand why it matters if you've had the vaccine.

here is a CLUE , babies that are too young to be immunized, they are exposed to the ones not innoculated who catch it and spread it to them and they DIE..... pregnant women who are exposed to measles and catch it ,their babies can have damaged heart down the road and need a new heart valve.

how hard is it to stop and think and use common sense for a minute.

also there is a very very small percent who get innoculated and still get sick anyway, this was more what you were commenting on

edit on 27-8-2013 by research100 because: add sentence

edit on 27-8-2013 by research100 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by luciddream

well from what ive seen it usually starts with pissed off parents who had a seemingly normal baby go from acting a particular way pre-immunization, to something extremely different post immunization. i am not one of these parents but i currently know 4 of them, and they all seem to agree on this conclusion.

are they correct?who knows. i hope someday we can know that answer for certain, and put all this to rest.

i really do want them all to be safe. who wouldnt?

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by luciddream

Obviously, you know nothing of the health laws in the bible and if people followed them, they would be healthier. But, just think what you want. It's all about sitting in a circle saying, "ohmmmmm"

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 04:12 PM
I am not against vaccines themselves, I am against vaccines produced using GMO's.

rather than have to produce vaccines the "traditional" way using egg cultures, vaccine manufacturers will now have the ability to rapidly produce large batches of flu virus protein using GMOs, which is sure to increase profits for the vaccine industry. But it is also sure to lead to all sorts of serious side effects, including the deadly nerve disease Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GSB), which is listed on the shot as a potential side effect.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by spartacus699
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

That sounds like the most perfect propaganda piece I've EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE!!!! It has all the most perfect elements. Just doesn't get any better than that. ...."ohh ya it's convinced me, I'll set my alarm clock and head to the clinic to get all my shots at the crack of dawn tomorrow!.....ohhhhh scary!....I better take my shots or I'll surly catch something, especially when tptb say so!!!"

Clearly it is not perfect propaganda - because het faith healer was able to persuade a bunch of people not to vaccinate, and as a result a bunch of kids were allowed to become needlessly ill.

someone above said that they thought that measles and chickenpox vaccines are not actually needed - to me that is just mindbogglingly ignorant.

I suspect that they think they are not needed because you gain immunity if you get the disease - a point of view that utterly ignores the dangers of getting the disease in the first place!! And for chicken pox it also ignores the fact that you do not become immune at all - in fact you then carry the virus forever and it can reactivate later in life causing shingles (herpes zoster) - as many as 20% of people who had chickenpox as children will suffer from shingles later in life (often when they are over 50).

Fortunately there is a vaccine for shingles - although all it does is lessen the side effects - it does not stop you getting it.

the best prevention for shingles is not to get chickenpox in the first place!!

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

I'm not, sorry, i mistyped. I meant to type in the gardasil vaccine, which killed and disabled tens of thousands of girls and women here and abroad. And i'm commenting on the retarded concept of giving a baby a tetnus vaccine for risk of dangerous rusty metal.

I'm against vaccinations.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by bigman88
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

I'm not, sorry, i mistyped. I meant to type in the gardasil vaccine, which killed and disabled tens of thousands of girls and women here and abroad. And i'm commenting on the retarded concept of giving a baby a tetnus vaccine for risk of dangerous rusty metal.

I'm against vaccinations.

You're not against vaccines really though as your lack of knowledge proves otherwise.
Gardasil, to my knowledge hasn't killed anyone at all.

Sure, there are plenty of stories around but dig a bit deeper and no proof at all.
In fact, there are almost as many stories as there are law firms wanting to take on your cases....

As for getting tetanus from rusty are trolling right?
I really hope you are but just in case you aren't and for those others who believe old-wives' tales...
Tetanus is caused by a bacterial infection. The bacteria (clostridium tetani) generally live in soil, house dust and animal waste (no mention of rust at all although chance is that a rusty nail is also dirty.....),
So if you break your skin, scratch it or get bitten for instance and what's broken the skin is contaminated by the bacteria, there's a good chance you'll get tetanus if you're not immunized against it. Even if you are and the cut is deep it's recommended that you have an TIG jab (tetanus immunoglobulin).
At best it's a very unpleasant disease, at worst it's fatal.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 01:02 PM
I'm amazed how media can easily push people into two stereotypical sides.

There are some people in between, but most are very typical against or in favor.

Or my mind just percepts it that way, after all I blame my mind for being corrupted for a long time. Anyway, you know what they say:

"Two dogs fight for a bone, the third one goes away with it."

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Pardon?

Most people tend to have a mindset where...

1) i ate this...

2) i got sick..

i got sick because i ate this, and looking over the other 90% possibilities that could have caused the sickness.

When people get the "stomach flu" they try to guess the food that standout.. it might not even be the one that caused the stomach flu... it could well be the lasagne your mom made and not the teenage server from McDonald.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

Obviously, you know nothing of the health laws in the bible and if people followed them, they would be healthier. But, just think what you want. It's all about sitting in a circle saying, "ohmmmmm"

Those health laws were extremist and are now outdated.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

Obviously, you know nothing of the health laws in the bible and if people followed them, they would be healthier. But, just think what you want. It's all about sitting in a circle saying, "ohmmmmm"

Those health laws were extremist and are now outdated.

You are so ill informed. Those health laws were all about keeping impurities out of the camp which is how we have overcome disease via much better sanitation. Eating bottom feeders, shell fish, and the things the bible says are not to be eaten as proven to be an extremely unhealthy diet. I suggest you look into how people have saved their health by switching to a biblical diet like Dr. Jordan Rubin who nearly died from Crohns disease.

Jordan Rubin

The Makers Diet

edit on 28-8-2013 by UnifiedSerenity because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-8-2013 by UnifiedSerenity because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 09:48 PM

Originally posted by bigman88
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

I'm not, sorry, i mistyped. I meant to type in the gardasil vaccine, which killed and disabled tens of thousands of girls and women here and abroad.

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words:

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 10:41 PM
Pharm companies are very, very bad at predicting long term complications from their drugs. Not only it is expensive it's difficult from a data analysis.

For the person who mentioned a .03 percent fatality rate for unvaccinated children - this probably can't be applied to the general population. The current group probably includes a large number with a current medical condition that prevents them from receiving the shot but puts them at an increased risk of dying.

Back in the 50's doctor's told woman not to breastfeed and put them on diets so they baby would be smaller. This was done all in the name of science.

People need to make their own decisions about their bodies. I don't want to be forced to give up the right to my own body for the greater good.

posted on Aug, 28 2013 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by Daughter2

the quoted death rate IS for the "general population" of non-vaccinated.

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by UnifiedSerenity

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

Obviously, you know nothing of the health laws in the bible and if people followed them, they would be healthier. But, just think what you want. It's all about sitting in a circle saying, "ohmmmmm"

Those health laws were extremist and are now outdated.

You are so ill informed. Those health laws were all about keeping impurities out of the camp which is how we have overcome disease via much better sanitation. Eating bottom feeders, shell fish, and the things the bible says are not to be eaten as proven to be an extremely unhealthy diet. I suggest you look into how people have saved their health by switching to a biblical diet like Dr. Jordan Rubin who nearly died from Crohns disease.

Jordan Rubin

The Makers Diet

edit on 28-8-2013 by UnifiedSerenity because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-8-2013 by UnifiedSerenity because: (no reason given)

Whilst it's true to a small extent that keeping to a "biblical" diet is good for you the reason they were in there in the first place is due to the fact that in extremely hot weather they spoil easily and that lakes were full of raw sewage. Therefore eating them would put you at risk of food poisoning.
Lean pork certainly isn't bad for you.
Eating shellfish isn't bad for you (unless they're caught right next to an effluent pipe). One word, langoustines.
Eating bottom feeders isn't bad for you (unless they're caught from a dirty lake etc etc). Monkfish is so tasty!
Any mercury in these fish is in tiny, tiny amounts so you would have to eat large portions of them every day before there was enough cumulated to cause any significant damage.

As for the Jordan Rubin thing.
I'm very wary of any site that says there's a cure (you should be too, stop being so gullible).
This one actually seems to go against all you believe though as it uses "homeostatic soil organisms" (whatever that's supposed to mean). One thing it does mean is that they're using bacteria cultivated in soil. Not good.
Is the soil clean? Probably not, it's soil after all.
Has it been sterilised before using it as a culture medium? Probably not.
Is it regularly checked for other bacteria and fungus spores? Probably not.
If any other microbes are found in it are they eradicated? No, as this would probably kill everything else.

In short, aside from the fact that the vast majority of probiotics do nothing and are just a marketing success, having these is a complete lottery. You really don't know what you're putting in your body at all.
So surely that goes against all of your biblical teachings does it not?
Surely somewhere in the bible it tells you that eating soil isn't good for you?
And if it doesn't....

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by Pardon?

Welp, you got me there. I thought i read somewhere that gardasil had killed plenty women here and even more abroad, in India somewhere.

And i always thought, and heard, from everywhere, that tetnus was from old rusty metal, or anything with rust on it puncturing the skin. Well i learned something new.

Well, i just have these irrational fears when i hear countless parents recite the same thing that happened to there child not long after being vaccine jabbed

"My child was a normal, healthy boy/girl. They gave him/he (whatever) vaccine. Not more than 20 minutes- 2 hours later, his/her skin broke it in these red blisters all over, his/her blood pressure sky rocketed, he/she was going into convulsions, his heart rate plummeted, yada, yada, yada, yada... he/she was never the same after that" or" he/she died". That, right there, over, and over, and over, from too many damn parents. Or i guess all of these parents got together and lied; decided to sue themselves some big pharma corporations... yep, that's what happened.

On top of that, the government makes it impossible to collect claims from big companies who jab there kids with messed up vaccines. "Nope, it was not the vaccines that caused ALL OF YOUR KIDS to have the SAME DAMN NEGATIVE REACTION... nope"

Gander that buddy. Probably useless, though; the source is not reliable enough for your tastes...

posted on Aug, 29 2013 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by bigman88
On top of that, the government makes it impossible to collect claims from big companies who jab there kids with messed up vaccines. "Nope, it was not the vaccines that caused ALL OF YOUR KIDS to have the SAME DAMN NEGATIVE REACTION... nope"

Far from making it impossible, the government actually facilitates collecting claims from big companies, going so far as to collect them in advance. They collect an excise tax from every dose and dole it out to claimants through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. They paid out over $186 million in FY 2012. That's money from the pockets of the "big companies" into the pockets of people who were injured by vaccines, or at least convinced the government that that's what happened.

Claimants must prove they were injured by the vaccine, although there is a table of injuries that are presumed to be the results of specific vaccines. They're even adding shoulder pain and vasovagal fainting to the table of injuries, so anybody who isn't good with needles and faints in the doctor's office, or complains that their arm hurts, is entitled to a payout. Probably not a big one, unless the arm pain ruins their career or the fainting caused some other injury, but it's in the draft so it looks like it's going to happen.

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