posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 12:06 AM
Guess it depends on your taste in music and if you have a really good set of headphones.
My preference is towards the well engineered studio albums of the 70's.
Steely Dan and anything Enginered by Alan Parsons.
The Fresh Aire albums were often used for High end stereo demos a lot.
Then there the more obsecure albums to look up:
Hope by Klattau
A Tab in the ocean by Nektar
Hamburger Concerto by Focus
V by Spocks beard. Specifically "the Great Nothing"
Try some classical music also like Mozarts Requiem. Try to pick out individual instruments and follow them along.
And Carl Orffs O forutana from Carmina full blast of course.
Also forgot to mention Vangelis. His film soundtracks like "Blade Runner", "Bounty" and "1492" were great
But his studio albums like "spiral" and "El Grecco" are worth a listen also.
edit on 27-8-2013 by mash3d because: Additions