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The Seven Planes of Existence for Out of Body Souls According to Frederick Myers

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posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

Aye, I have come to the point where I can connect every scientific idea/theory or fact that makes sense to me (be it, math, physics or numerology for that matter) and connect it to metaphors.

I.e. I can see how many metaphors have multiple meanings: one's inner reality and all reality, the physical reality of laws and so on.

But I have the same ruling principle as you do I feel. That no matter the duality/chirality appearance of the world, there is always that "nothing and everything" we can't imagine and grasp.

Liken it to an atom: The empty space in an atom is a number so large, we can't grasp it, it is 99.999999.....% and the matter contained within is 0.000000000000...1%.

There is no beginning and end it seems but still there must be. Everything seems cyclical, but yet...that which is 100% and 0% all at the same time might know, but hey, this is just me meddling with the "Torah".

It's ok to meddle with it, but if we forget those couple of things, called care/love with a pure heart, true belief with a pure heart and hope with a pure heart, we might as well have nothing at all.

May you have a bright life behind, now and ahead of you as they are simultaneous.
Bless you.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by EviLCHiMP

I'm looking into the Emerald tables,
Thanks for the directional point

It doesn't surprise me that they are mentioned somewhere in ancient text.
If I run into things like that, they aught to be documented somewhere.

It is always fun to research after an experience

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by Darkblade71
reply to post by EviLCHiMP

I'm looking into the Emerald tables,
Thanks for the directional point

It doesn't surprise me that they are mentioned somewhere in ancient text.
If I run into things like that, they aught to be documented somewhere.

It is always fun to research after an experience

Despite the situation you were in with these hounds I must say I am quite jealous that you got to experience something an ancient ruler spoke of 10,000+ years ago.

posted on Aug, 25 2013 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by EviLCHiMP

Yeah well, I wouldn't want to do it again.

Sometimes I guess you got to be really careful. Although I just kind of allow things to be, after this experience I have started to think a lot more about protection in various forms. Honestly, I never thought I really needed it, guess I was wrong. A good lesson for me.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 03:30 AM
reply to post by Rapha

"So it would make sense for a US veteran with blood on his hands to be born into the Mid-East where he suffers as a child being bombed by US weapons everyday."

on this theme i wonder about the radioactive air and water moving straight to the west coast of USA. considering the US dropped the A bomb on japan twice.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 04:47 AM

reply to post by orangutang
on this theme i wonder about the radioactive air and water moving straight to the west coast of USA. considering the US dropped the A bomb on japan twice.

Yes, that would make sense.

However, i believe its payback for a more recent crime against humanity with the use of scalar weaponry to create a tsunami to hit the nuclear plant in Fukushima.

Notice how the swirl doesn't have any depth like a normal whirlpool would have, if (as we are lead to believe) a large crack opened up in the ocean crust.

Source: pILk29NM:&tbnh=92&tbnw=94&zoom=1&usg=__QCqvTAtZihx5ijCr2WG1xoueJIo=&docid=dSoPSEGIuMyCJM&sa=X&ei=KyEbUq_gNqrY2QWk9oHgBA&ved=0CFEQ9QEwAg&dur=4483

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

I'd also like to thank you for your brilliantly articulated thoughts in this thread, which contain such a great and timeless aspect of truth to them, I've saved them to a file so I may read again in the future. It's quite rare to come across an individual with such a deep understanding of the nature of infinity and the role it plays in our perceptions of this reality we've chosen for ourselves, very rare indeed. I'm so pleased and can't thank you enough for writing your thoughts out for all to hear and read.

I wonder, what materials have you studied that have brought you to these conclusions?

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 08:30 AM
So how and where do very advanced alien cultures fit in here? Some may be a billion years ahead of us not only in technology but spiritual advancement. So where are they supposed to figure in God's scheme of things?

Which plane are they in? Are they in the same physical plane in which we are? But if they are so spiritually advanced, how can that be possible? Or do they have different planes of existence before becoming one with God?

And most importantly, do spirits of different alien cultures ever meet? If so, in which plane? Or is this the reason why we will never be able to communicate with these alien civilizations as we exist probably on a different frequency?

Now, I'm assuming that the universe is teeming with life. That, I think is logical. Why? Because there are more galaxies in the universe than all the grains of sand on Earth and then some! And each galaxy has billions of stars! And probably there are multiverses too!! So those who think that we on Earth are the only ones in this huge, huge universe, are way off the handle.

In a nutshell, what and where is the spiritual connection between all intelligences in the universe?
edit on 26-8-2013 by OrionHunterX because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by OrionHunterX
what and where is the spiritual connection between all intelligences in the universe?

I don't know. But I'm really looking forward to the next life so I can find out.

It's frustrating being stuck in an organic limited body ... isn't it??

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 09:27 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Frederick Myers was a professor of Classics at Cambridge University over a century ago. In 1882 he founded the first Society for Psychical Research. He was greatly into automatic writing and communications with the spirit world through mediums and clairvoyants. Myers collected contacts with the dead from around the world and compared it, finding similar themes even though the contacts came from different cultures/peoples, etc.

Interesting thoughts from Frederick Myers on the planes of existence for out of body souls.
(I am not advocating them ... I'm just posting this for those who are interested )

First plane - the Earth plane. Far denser than the astral planes. Lower vibrations. Out of body souls on this plane are those you would think of as ghosts or hauntings. Those attached to physical cravings like sex and drugs or even intense attachments to certain people stay on this plane. Those who can't accept that they have died so they wander the Earth or stay attached to where it is familiar from life. Some know they have died but fear moving on because of the 'bad life' they have lead and they fear Hell. So they stay on Earth.

Second plane - the Astral plane. Two main levels. The lower astral plane is dark and eerie. Buddhists call it 'Bardo'. Catholics call it 'Purgatory'. Edgar Cayce called it 'the Plane of Darkness'. Souls here are cut off from love and hope. They go through a period of intense reflection. Many are there because they didn't believe anything would follow death so they were greeted with 'nothing' that reflects what they expected. The upper level of the Astral plane is lighter and more of a halfway station between Earth and the spirit world. It's a traveling plane.

Third plane - Plane of Illusion - very similar to Earth. Beautiful and peaceful Earth like setting. People live in houses and 'work'. Eat, drink, and carry on in an idealized version of Earth. No sickness. Every pleasure the heart desires is crested by the mind and satisfied. Want cake? Poof ... your mind makes a cake appear.... that kind of thing. The majority of souls here have manifested their environment on this level to mirror their religious beliefs on Earth. Sort of a self fulfilling prophecy. Example - a Catholic expects to see golden gates and St. Peter open them .. then that manifests at this level. A muslim man expects to be greeted by a bunch of virgin women serving him grapes on a golden platter ... then that manifests at this level. A Baptist might expect to have a city filled with only Baptists ... so that's what he finds there. This sounds great but it really is stagnant. The soul must either return to earth to learn and grow, or it has to learn to move on to the fourth plane and grow.

Fourth plane - World of Idealized Form. All desires for Earthly contact disappear. The soul explores beyond the confines of the earthly plane. Expands thoughts and knowledge. Not held down by wants of sex or chocolate cake or "Baptist only' cloud cities ... or whatever else that was considered 'heavenly' in the third plane. Reincarnation is no longer necessary. The soul is free of dogmas and rigid intellectual structures. Freedom to access energies not available in the planes lower than this. This is the plane that the soul is finding true freedom on.

Fifth plane - Plane of Flame. The soul takes on the body of a flame. (or something like a flame). It can travel the universe (universes) without any physical or spiritual harm. It can grow in understanding and while it still retains it's individuality, it becomes part of a 'group soul'. My own thought on group soul ... spirits who vibrate at the same level and/or who are at the same level of understanding of the universe, etc will naturally be drawn together.

Sixth Plane - Plane of Light. Evolved souls. Souls here have lived through all aspects of the created universe and have completed their growth process. They have no need for matter or form and exist purely as 'white light'. Emotion is absent. They are so in line with the creator that they become the pure thought of the creator. (this actually matches up to what some of the Catholic saints have said ... about souls in heaven becoming so instep with God that they almost disappear and that they are joined to God. The Catholic church doesn't talk about all these planes, but some of what is being said is similar to St. John of the Cross and St. Teresa of Avila, etc)

Seventh Plane - Plane of the Spirit Realm - The domain of God (or the Creator). The soul here looses form and becomes One with God.

that's the stupidest s*** I've ever read in my life. Some of it sounds similar to Robert Monroe's Journeys Out of the Body, but at least his is just descriptions of memories of what he saw when astral travelling, and not some attempt at explaining the realms of existence without evidence.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by Kody27
that's the stupidest s*** I've ever read in my life.

Maybe you should get out more. I've seen a lot 'stupider' stuff on ATS than this stuff.
Have a nice day.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 09:38 AM
You basically just described the beliefs of the Hindu religion.

If you are of the Hindu faith, then you would believe what Frederick Myers has written to be true.
If you are of the Christian faith, then you would know that what Frederick Myers has written is not true.

Among all the other incorrect assumptions listed, we do not assimilate back into God. He is a separate individual from us now, and since He never changes, He will eternally remain a separate individual.

God created us to interact with Him as an eternal habitation of consciousness, He did not create us as an experiment to be sucked back up into Himself.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by WashMoreFeet

I"m a hodgepodge of beliefs ... Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Native American .... I keep what makes sense and toss out the rest. Every so often I revisit those things I've tossed out just to see if I tossed them out prematurely of if they should stay tossed out.

The 7 Planes of Existence by Frederick Myers seems to have within them a lot of what the mystic Catholic saints spoke about. It has some of what the Hindus talk about too. Probably other religions as well. There are probably bits and pieces of truth in different main stream religions ..... probably no one gets it totally right. IMHO

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by ExquisitExamplE

Thank you for the kind words, and youre welcome.

I wonder, what materials have you studied that have brought you to these conclusions?

Studying is extremely difficult for me. I am in my nature drawn to a very macrocosmic perspective of things, and when asked to focus my attention on the microcosmic, which is what study demands, I just cannot do it. As you might imagine, school was hell for me, and college was a whole 'nother level of that tedious academic hell.

What I think it comes down to, is a "left" brain "right" brain perspective to life. Study, as I see the idea of "study", is very left brain oriented, which I am not and have never really been. I dont really truly learn that way either. I learn intuitively, which is hard to describe the mechanics of with words.

So Ive studied nothing.

Ive picked up some broad, general ideas here and there over time, and changed them into ideas all my own and moved on, but Ive never delved into a single individuals thoughts, or a channeled sources writings, or a science line like quantum mechanics, or listened to a persons ideas on reality in depth, or going deep into a religious dogma, etc.

My journey has really been a solitary one, generally speaking. What I can see of the truth has been, as far as I can tell right now, completely through observation of reality, and questioning everything.

After years of constant contemplation, both conscious and subconscious, what I know now just popped up, really.

It really is strange... but every couple years or so, there will be a span of several days where certain things spontaneously become self-evident. I can only assume that whatever processing was going on during those years of constant contemplation, has completed, and the self-evident truths, the end result thats been output into my conscious mind. Its like a CPU thats asked to do some ridiculous math problem thatll take years to complete, would be a good analogy for what I think goes on.

Perhaps what makes this possible is that I cannot compartmentalize anything, even with great effort in attempting to do so. When something comes up in my mind, its there, and will not go away until it is resolved in totality. Its literally there all the time, night and day, awake or asleep, constantly present, and there is no rest from it. And dont think theres just one thing being tended to at a time... oh no, its everything, all the time, unyielding to anything but the conclusion. Depending on your outlook, this can have some very severe drawbacks.

The nature of reality is one of those things that, using the CPU metaphor, was and is assigned a top priority to give processing preference to. That really happened after I acknowledged that everything that was taught to me early on, religion wise, didnt make much sense in the way it was taught, and nobody has a good answer to strange questions. Without that fundamental base to be secure in on a spiritual level, what the real truth actually was became a top priority, and since then it always has been.

So in one sense Ive studied nothing. But then in another, I study everything.

Reality is the material I study. Everything around us I study and constantly examine, with nothing left out, and always asking "why".

Ive gotten to wherever I am by doing that. Eventually the answer to "why" becomes "because it is", not in a cop out sense, but because you come to a point where causality ceases to be applicable, because what it depends on, time, because less and less meaningful as times true nature as an artificial construct becomes evident.

Ok, thats a lot more wordy than I planned this to be, so sorry about that

edit on 8/26/2013 by CaticusMaximus because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by CaticusMaximus

Indeed, you echo many of my own idiosyncrasies very closely. I also am left-handed, I also have periods of intense inner-reflectively that allow me to synthesize what I'd learned up until that point and then reformulate my views in new and sometimes unexpected ways, these are of course mixed in amongst longer periods of more... pedestrian activities, if you will. I also am an extremely solitary individual in many ways, although I tend to get along quite well with others when I choose to. I also tend to study a wide array of materials from many different schools of thought, I suppose in an attempt to gain as much understanding as possible which may then be amalgamated into a new and wonderful bird as discussed previously. A sort of phoenix.

Also, don't apologize for being wordy, because for those such as myself, such a discourse is always a delight and a pleasure to take part in. I have some things to share, but I suppose I'll do it later today via U2U so as not to disrupt the thread too much, not that I think it would matter much if I did, or am particularly concerned with abiding by preconstructed rule sets. I tend to enjoy constructing my own, be it a house of cards, or a reality such as this to experience.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 03:41 PM
so god is actually a farmer,
and our purpose in live, is to growth, so that we make excellent food for god... lol
he sure is a tricky one haha

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by tayeltony

Not food for, a part of.

The creator experiences itself through us.

Our journey is how it/we experience what we/it are/is.

The journey through all levels of existence to return to and become one with ourselves/God.

Food for thought

(pure speculation on my part
edit on 26-8-2013 by Darkblade71 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 04:06 PM
I read something a few years back.. Torsion wave theory.. or spin physics... spherical waveforms replacing particle physics... anywho.... The article talked about 7 layers of torsional density and described emerging into the next density as being like releasing a beach ball from underwater. The ball popping into the lower pressure of the atmosphere is akin to emrging into the next plane of existence. I always thought it was interesting that Judeo-Christians and Islams have 7 heavens... as well as Hindus...

I know... disjointed... just streaming thoughts... maybe the Universe is just a toroid.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by ExquisitExamplE

I have some things to share, but I suppose I'll do it later today via U2U

I will look forward to it.

posted on Aug, 26 2013 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by WashMoreFeet

Originally posted by WashMoreFeet

Among all the other incorrect assumptions listed, we do not assimilate back into God. He is a separate individual from us now, and since He never changes, He will eternally remain a separate individual.

God created us to interact with Him as an eternal habitation of consciousness, He did not create us as an experiment to be sucked back up into Himself.

If God is infinite, then we cannot be separate from God, because separation implies many-ness. That which is infinite cannot, by definition, be many. To have infinity you must identify or define that infinity as unity; otherwise, the term does not have any referent or meaning. In an Infinite Creator there is only unity. We are One with "God". We are All That Is. I am.

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