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Maine Governor: Obama hates white people

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posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by grandmakdw
reply to post by AuranVector

Good point.

What you wanna bet the mainstream media will not report on the 89 year old white veteran walking into a pool hall getting beaten to death for no reason by 2 black youths.

Also willing to lay a bet that Obama ignores the story and the white house will claim they knew nothing of it.

And, J. Jackson will say he is disappointed in the young men, Sharpton will say nothing.

Doesn't fit their narrative.

What an especially disgusting crime. Like an 89 year old man is going to have a chance against two tall, husky teens.

Of course, the MSM will ignore this. They pretty much ignore Black on White crimes. Doesn't fit their political agenda.

This also doesn't fit the bill of the "Blacks as Eternal Victims" agenda of the professional Race Baiters either.

posted on Aug, 22 2013 @ 10:58 PM

Originally posted by wingsfan
I don't think Obama is racist per say, he just happens to be an elite and a very good zio-puppet. This new uptick in racial tensions isn't fueled by blacks nor whites, but rather by the planet's oldest tribe of instigators. Too many people the world over are starting to get wise (again) and starting to compare notes. The more brazen the media bias and agenda becomes, it will only hasten what's got to come to pass once and for all.

I agree that Obama is a puppet.

I'm also sure that Obama has bitter memories around the fact that he's half-White, yet classified as "Black." He doesn't have a hard time identifying with American Blacks, despite the fact that his background is VERY different from the average African-American. His "Blackness" has been indispensable to his political career.

But like Batista, Obama is basically a narcissist -- completely self-serving and cynical.
He will side with whoever butters his bread.

I'm wondering what will happen with the overthrow of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and Obama's inaction over Syria. Makes me wonder who his puppetmasters are. May not be the usual suspects.

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 02:24 AM

Originally posted by wrabbit2000
reply to post by MarioOnTheFly

I think the main question here is this. Do you, honestly, believe the President of the United States (and I mean ANY President in general as much as this one in specific) has the emotional room or capacity to care about a shooting in Florida with 1 kid? These shootings happen 20-40 PER DAY. Every single day of every single year. What about that specific boy, as an individual person, do you figure Obama connected to on a deep emotional level?

...or was it a very attractive case to play on political grounds?

Heck.. for others who are so knee jerk defensive about anything critical of Obama, I must say, this isn't the first time a President has allowed and encouraged something to really blow up huge. Remember Terry Shiavo? Anyone REALLY think Bush or any of the politicians REALLY cared? They sure didn't when the autopsy later showed without ANY doubt, every evaluation saying the lights were out and nothing was left was entirely accurate.

Politicians love nothing more than a juicy case to resonate with citizens and yank the heart strings like a fine instrument. The President though??? *IF* he really cares about individual cases down to one as low as a defense shoot like that? He DOES need help.

How would he ever function, and I'm dead serious, ordering action that directly causes the death of a good number of kids regularly overseas? We credit him and just about every President with qualities I don't think they have.

Your point about individual cases stand...but he did take a side in this...and what shocked me about it...was he took the side which was rather obviously least the it was contrary to court ruling...but was popular in the black community. I just don't get how could he have used it to gain political points...he would gain some with black community...but lose in the opposite direction.

For me...he lost a little bit of credibility (if there was any left) not standing by the courts decision. He only gave further fuel to the fire in the case...

Since you claim he wouldn't be bothered with individual cases...and I agree....but why address the issue publicly than....and not remain neutral on it ? Wouldn't that be..."political" ?

posted on Aug, 23 2013 @ 04:23 AM
Obama is simply a script-reader.

If it appears he is trying to cause racial tension, it's because whoever writes his scripts wants that.

posted on Aug, 24 2013 @ 11:50 AM
He will be gone soon. If you like him or if you don't. Look at what you have to vote for next election and plan accordingly. Make people accountable for their actions by voting them away. Demand term limits. Don't just go along with this asinine circus anymore. If they were really worried about you, then why is the fabric of our nation unraveling before our eyes? It is not one man's fault, it's the collective.

PS: Want to know who your enemy is? It's Greed. It has always been greed.

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