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Maine Governor: Obama hates white people

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posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 11:29 AM
According to two Republican Lawmakers, the Governor said it at a fundraiser last week and I believe he is absolutely right.
The only time Obama chimes in about anything crime or civil rights related, its when the victim is a black person.. Not one time in his entire presidency has he expressed any interest at all in a crime where the victim is white.

The lawmakers, both Republicans, confirmed the comment when asked by a Portland Press Herald reporter but asked that their names be withheld for fear of political retribution. Each said LePage talked about how Obama could have been the best president ever if he had highlighted his biracial heritage. LePage said the president hasn't done that because he hates white people.

Some who were there say that he did say it and others say he didnt say it but of course the general consensus now will be that hes a racist for even mentioning it.
Liberals are the only ones allowed to twist words like that though.


posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 11:35 AM
This racial thing is getting old.....we are all HUMAN!

Why cant we all find truth in the light of love.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 11:37 AM
Ummm... Did IQ's just drop sharply in politics or have the mentally challenged been hiding in plain site and sensible enough not to speak up before now?

To whom it may concern in Maine's Political World..

Our President is 50% Black. He's 50% white. His Momma was as white as the driven snow of the Kansas Prairie she was raised on. Obama doesn't hate white people unless he's full of such SELF loathing, he can't stand to be in his own skin. He's NOT Black. He's Mulatto...if that word isn't too complex for the politicians to grasp and understand.

Really.. Obama does play race but as a political tool and toy. He can drop the race card anytime the going gets a little rough and the public mob will scream, turn away from HIM and whatever the issue was he was worried about and go attack each other for awhile. Works every time ...and shame on that Governor for helping to feed the fires of ignorant hate.
edit on 20-8-2013 by wrabbit2000 because: Spell correct

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 11:38 AM
Well going by your logic Obama must also hate Hispanics, Asians and every other race that isn't black.

+6 more 
posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by muse7
Well going by your logic Obama must also hate Hispanics, Asians and every other race that isn't black.

I think youre on to something because that may be the very first thing that ive ever seen you say that made even the least bit of sense

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 11:42 AM
Divide and conquer.

This president has done far more harm than good for race relations, despite the fact that millions of whites voted for him.

There will be even more potential division ahead over immigration polices and executive orders...

United we stand, divided we will fall...

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 11:45 AM
from a being who has multiple races in my genetic code I don't see how he can hate a race he is part of? Many miss he is mixed and only see what they want to see.

Over times there HAVE been influences on politics of EA*RTH from hidden areas and perhaps he has some influences as well just as other presidents have had in the past... He may not even agree with them in many ways but their influences are strong as in the past with past leaders...

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 11:46 AM
Read this earlier this morning but not sure I believe Obama hates white people though. That said it sure is clear he hates the Constitution of the USA and the freedoms in our country. In all fairness GW Bush hated that freedom as well. Who could forget his famous "It's only a damn piece of paper." Freudian slip?

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 11:46 AM
His actions indicate he hates Blacks as well.

This is what happens when we elect someone who is "Cool".

"Cool" is a funny thing. After time goes by eventually everyone sees the truth.

Ask Fonzie...

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by wrabbit2000

Our President is 50% Black. He's 50% white. His Momma was as white as the driven snow of the Kansas Prairie she was raised on. Obama doesn't hate white people unless he's full of such SELF loathing, he can't stand to be in his own skin. He's NOT Black. He's Mulatto...if that word isn't too complex for the politicians to grasp and understand.

He is the first perceived "black" president of the USA... That race card is his unlimited usage pass, or get out of trouble free card.

That fact will soon be more than apparent to everyone, if it isn't already.

Race, despite opinions to the contrary are a HUGE factor in this presidency. Don't underestimate it.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by ausername

Originally posted by wrabbit2000

Our President is 50% Black. He's 50% white. His Momma was as white as the driven snow of the Kansas Prairie she was raised on. Obama doesn't hate white people unless he's full of such SELF loathing, he can't stand to be in his own skin. He's NOT Black. He's Mulatto...if that word isn't too complex for the politicians to grasp and understand.

He is the first perceived "black" president of the USA... That race card is his unlimited usage pass, or get out of trouble free card.

That fact will soon be more than apparent to everyone, if it isn't already.

Race, despite opinions to the contrary are a HUGE factor in this presidency. Don't underestimate it.

Yea, people just dont get that this president never has and never will identify himself as being white, regardless of who his mama was.
The same with everyone else in the world. All we heard after he was elected was how "proud the world" is of the US for electing a BLACK man as president.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by ausername

First we free the black slaves. Then over time we integrate them into society. Now we get out first black president.
This whole presidency was aimed at the minority groups to guarantee votes.

This whole thing reeks of unintelligent numbers overwhelming intelligence. Not to say all minorities are inferior or plain not as smart, just uneducated and that's why he sold it to them.

I feel like its about letting ignorance drive our country to the brink, i just dont know to what end?

A new nation in the works? USA V2.0?

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by ausername

Oh, you're absolutely right about Race being a huge factor in Presidential Politics. I just don't believe Obama has any personal animosity on the topic. His wife absolutely does and statements in her own words in years past have removed any doubt I ever had on that score. She isn't running things tho. He is...and he's 50/50 mix right down the middle.

Race is a huge factor like Religion comes to be from time to time in people saying he's Muslim. He's not Muslim either..I don't believe, in his heart, he is ANY Faith, to be totally straight. The man has developed the uncanny ability to blend and be whatever the people at the moment need him to be ..and he manages this without clear contradiction from venue to venue that people are willing to call him out on. It's really a brilliant set of skills Obama has...I just wish is wasn't the devious skill set in a President.

As a community organizer, down in the gutter with those he had to deal with to get things done? He's perfect. As the President of over 300 million very diverse people? His fighting tactics to divide on ANY topic with the potential to work is killing our nation.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 12:00 PM
I think it's deeper and more complex than that.

Look at the majority of the news this year... racial issues. Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman. Oprah Winfrey and the $38,000 handbag debacle. Paula Deen.

People... we are purposely being pushed toward an outright racial war. Look all around you... tensions in this country have never been higher, and the MSM propaganda machine is fueling every last bit of it. To what end? Other than a terrorist attack, name another incident that would give the government the 'authority' to declare martial law? Massive racially-fueled violence.

Don't fall for it! Let's treat each other like human beings for once and stop falling for these tricks. There are bad people of every race, creed, and religion, we all know that. Ask yourself why you see the news the MSM sees fit to put in front of you... it is all for a purpose, take a step back and look at the big picture.

TLDR: Don't fall for race baiting, the government hates ALL of us equally.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by shaneslaughta

I sincerely hope the minorities and Blacks in particular put down the race baiting kool-aid for a moment and look at real, hard facts here.

Unemployment by Racial Group

I'm white..I should be happy right? My unemployment problem is a mere 6%. Not too far off the 4's and 5's the nation enjoyed for almost Bush's whole term. Ahhh..... Sunshine and Roses....

Just don't scroll down to ask the Blacks how they feel about it. If they could be troubled to pull their eyes from the Messiah for just a moment, they may notice THEIR unemployment rate is 12.6%.

Obama's done about as much good for blacks as David Duke. He's just got that spooky talent to be the pied piper and keep people from looking at anything meaningful below the rhetoric. Classes will be taught, I predict, on Obama's style and ability in that area. (Probably as how such a trait led to such BAD outcomes by the end of this)

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by shaneslaughta
This racial thing is getting old.....we are all HUMAN!

Why cant we all find truth in the light of love.

Why dont you tell that to one of the most racially and politically divisive presidents in modern history?

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 12:11 PM

Originally posted by Sharingan

Originally posted by shaneslaughta
This racial thing is getting old.....we are all HUMAN!

Why cant we all find truth in the light of love.

Why dont you tell that to one of the most racially and politically divisive presidents in modern history?

I would love to, but im afraid it may be construed as an act of aggression. The people dont tell the president whats up, only the ones holding his leash are allowed that privilege.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by Sharingan

Personally, OP?

I think Obama hates everyone that isn't elitist and an Ivory Tower snob.

Basically, he will hate anyone who is of no use or benefit to him.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by wrabbit2000

The real problem in this country is the entitlement mindset. I work for three weeks, ive paid my taxes....time to sit on my assets and collect MY welfare that I payed for!

Thats why the minorities eat this quack up. Come here, make babies, live off the entitlement system. Surly my children are born american citizens so IM entitled.

" We are a nation of immigrants" come one come all....more uneducated border hoppers to vote for the shill.

Im betting the eight year term issue will come up soon.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by wrabbit2000
Our President is 50% Black. He's 50% white. His Momma was as white as the driven snow of the Kansas Prairie she was raised on. Obama doesn't hate white people unless he's full of such SELF loathing, he can't stand to be in his own skin. He's NOT Black. He's Mulatto...

He may be mulato, but he identifies with being black. He has verbally separated himself from his white roots on many occassions ... either purposely or it just slipped out. "that's how white folks will do you" ... granny was a 'typical white person" ... and he went to that black liberation theology cult in chicago (blame white people for everything wrong in the world) for 20 years. It wouldn't surprise me if he had 'abandoned by rolling stone black daddy' issues ... I can see Obama trying to act 'black enough' to show his absentee daddy that he's good enough.... but of course only a shrink on a one-on-one setting could say that for sure. But it wouldn't surprise me if that was the case .... of course, we'll never know for sure.

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