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Is anyone in Britain still voting Labour, if so why?

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posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 04:12 AM
Said it before and will say it again; party politics has failed this country miserably, or at least outlived it's usefulness.

We have a system that promotes the interests of a deep rooted alliance of bankers / industrialists / land owners etc who use their control of the old boy network / civil service / judiciary / parliament / MSM / Armed Forces and Police to further their own agenda regardless of the wishes or best interests of the majority of people within the UK.

The electoral and parliamentary processes are but one, granted a very important one, of the tools used to implement this control.

We have very few politicians of conviction; most politicians are far more concerned with personal advancement and gain and maintaining their ride on the gravy train rather than pursuing the interests of their constituents, this includes putting party policy and dogma before the well being of those who elected them as their representatives.

There is very little difference between the major political parties, as has been said previously; two sides of the same coin.
They constantly rotate position and play the 'blame game' to perfection pointing accusing fingers at previous administrations whilst in reality doing very little to redress the policies implemented.

I could post a list a mile long of Conservative policies that have been detrimental to the interests and well being of the UK population, and I could repeat the process exactly with a list of Labour policies that have done exactly the same.

Blair had more public school boys from the Oxbridge set in his cabinet than any other government since the 19th century, a feat only surpassed by Cameron.

Until we have a system that gives the people of this country a real say in the governing of this country then nothing will change.

A 'full system re-boot' is the phrase that has been used before.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 04:25 AM
Labour are a complete joke and shambles, now being nicknamed "Blue Labour"

But lets get our history right at least: Former labour parties, before the likes of Miliband and Blair did wonders for this country. Introduction of the NHS being one of biggest achievements.

Conservatives have never done anything for the working man and you can see by the polices they are bringing in they are taking away the power that was fought for so hard - Making it easier for employers to sack you because you're "lazy" Making sure you cant claim dole money because you left your last job, all the while the stock of jobs dwindle and people are still fighting against the influx of foreigners who swiftly find employment by working for less. Cut in maternity leave, bedroom tax, spending a few million on a witches funeral.

Lets face the facts, there is currently no alternative to vote for. I bet, if i went to every country in the world it would be the same story for many of them. People held at gunpoint by their "elected governing overlords"

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by Maxatoria
Around here you could put a 3 legged donkey with asthma up for election and so long as it had "official labour candidate" written on it it would still get voted in

The Conservative candidate for my town has been there for my entire life. Nearly 35 years feeding at the trough. He's got the stomach line to prove it.

I will be voting for whoever has got the best chance of unseating this Tory safe haven. It certainly won't be labour. I live in the Tory heartlands. So I may hold my nose and vote ukip.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 04:57 AM
I truly believe Labour have been infiltrated by the elite from Oxford and Eton's over for Labour.
Who cares anyway...once Scotland get's it Independence in 2014 we wont have to put up with them no more.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 05:24 AM
Clement Attlee was a man of conviction and a very good leader - none have come close to him since.
John Smith had the potential to be a great leader.

Regardless of political affiliation or social background I have very little regard for the vast majority of politicians.

I vividly remember watching on TV as Tony Blair travelled by car to Buckingham Palace after his election victory in 1997.
Like so many others I was almost overcome with a new sense of hope; we were entering a new era, one that would see the end of all that Thatcher and Major had put this country through.
There was an intense feeling of vitality and positiveness.

Never have has this nation been so let down.
After 12 months I began realising that we'd been sold a dummy and that it was simply a case of 'same old same old'.

That's when I began to realise that 'their' priority is to maintain the system that has granted them so much privilege and that 'they' exploit to the full regardless of the electorates wishes or interests.

reply to post by Soloprotocol

Yes, you'll be in safe hands with Alex Salmond.

Still, that's your call.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 05:29 AM
I refuse to vote for any of them scumbags..

They have nothing to say that im even remotely interested in..

Living in the UK is far more sinister than the USA and they laughuingly

call it Democratic.. It gets more like a prison Planet by the day..

Roll on Disclosure and individual choice..

Id make room in the prison system for all polititions..

Much Love

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 06:44 AM

Originally posted by Soloprotocol
I truly believe Labour have been infiltrated by the elite from Oxford and Eton's over for Labour.
Who cares anyway...once Scotland get's it Independence in 2014 we wont have to put up with them no more.

Independence from what? Or whom?

As far as I can tell, Salmond still wants to be in the anti-democratic EU.

Whether Scotland is ruled from London or Brussels really makes no difference.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 06:57 AM
"I think the puppet on the right shares my beliefs."
"I think the puppet on the left is more to my liking."
"Hey, wait a minute, there's one guy holding out both puppets!"

-Bill Hicks

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by CJCrawley

Originally posted by Soloprotocol
I truly believe Labour have been infiltrated by the elite from Oxford and Eton's over for Labour.
Who cares anyway...once Scotland get's it Independence in 2014 we wont have to put up with them no more.

Independence from what? Or whom?

As far as I can tell, Salmond still wants to be in the anti-democratic EU.

Whether Scotland is ruled from London or Brussels really makes no difference.

Who cares about Salmond, It's about breaking free from the shackles of Westminter once and for all.

Saying no to independence because you dont like the particular party in power is akin to not buying a house because you dont like the Decor.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by LeBombDiggity
Mortgage interest SMI has been paid since the introduction of Income Support benefit in 1988. Income Support at that point also assisted the unemployed, the sick and pensioners ... although each group now has it's own benefit.

So you can't blame Labour for SMI. Blame Thatcher. She was the Prime Minister in 1988, after all.

As to the OP's rambling tome about interest rates, many people on benefit arent lucky enough to have borrowed from a mainstream lender. Instead they borrowed from the type of lender you find in the back pages of the tabloids. Those lenders charge more because their customers are higher risk of losing their jobs, of missing payments. The interest rate the government uses for their calculations is therefore an average rate for the top twenty mortgage lenders.

Some people gain, others lose. But you really can't blame Labour when the Conservatives introduced the original scheme in the first place. And anyway ... why shouldn't home owners get help when tenants do ?

Simply because its your choice to buy a property, you take on that debt that is a long term debt. Why should the tax payer pay for it? I myself have a mortgage, that's my choice, if I was to lose my job, my wife's job could easily manage the payments, if we both lose our jobs, then we both need to quickly find work to pay for those payments, again, why should our choice be then paid for by somebody else.

Note taken on SMI, but it was Labour that substantially increased it.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 07:14 AM
reply to post by Soloprotocol

Yes, I understand that, but many Scots don't - Salmond is trying sell the 'Yes' vote as a vote for SNP and as far as I can see it's working.

But the point really is that no matter what Scotland will only be replacing one set of amoral, self-serving and self-advancing bastards with another.

Still, that's a discussion for another time and place - I guess them debates will really liven up next year as the referendum approaches.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 07:21 AM
reply to post by Soloprotocol

Point taken.

But if Scotland does win its independence from Westminster - which I doubt - it will obviously be much smaller, weaker, more dependent on the EU and, therefore, much less likely to leave it.

The real independence game is about being freed from the shackles of Brussels, and that is a concern for every European citizen who loves democracy and freedom.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 07:33 AM
For what its worth house prices are massively inflated, even now and yet once again the media and psuedo economists are ramping up a Bullish house market, gettign ready to create yet another bubble to burst come ten or so years from now! People really should think twice about buying, I was fortunate enough to hold off buying for years, to keep mounting up as big a deposit as possible and then buy when house prices crashed and with a substantial deposit but if private renting was more secure and affordable, I wouldn't have bothered. The private renting sector needs to be heavily regulated, much like on the continent with prices capped, but I doubt that will happen regardless of what party gets in.
edit on 21-8-2013 by SecretFace because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by SecretFace

I really don't understand the obsession with house prices etc.
I witnessed the house price 'boom' of the '80's and '90''s - we're still paying the price, in more than one way, for those policies etc - why would anyone want to see a repeat?

And Labour would continue those policies if re-elected.
Whose interests does it serve, certainly not the average 'man-in-the street'.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by SecretFace

So.... the Country may be in a mess but you choose to blame it all on those who are on Benefits???

You seem to be saying that if there was no Benefit System, the World would be a better place!

What about everything else what goes on out there?

There are way more important things to fix before Benefits!

One other thing.... The Royals basically live off the Taxpayer aswel.... what do you think of them?
edit on 21-8-2013 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by SecretFace
reply to post by doobydoll

A Politician should be made to live on his/her basic salary and only his/her basic salary, like the rest of us. All these added "benefits" are disgusting and immoral, especially when they already have a massive salary. All those involved in expenses fraud, in my opinion, should've been all thrown in jail, just like anyone else convicted of fraud.

My sentiments entirely

But, instead of banging on and on against people whom have no means to survive without taxpayer assistance, why do you omit these hypocrite wealthy politicians from your rant, who regularly raid the taxpayer pot for their own luxurious personal lifestyles, and whom have no intention of dipping into their own bulging bank accounts whatsoever. If poor folk can't have taxpayer assistance just to even survive, how are wealthy politicians eligible for assistance? It's because they have intentionally made it that way.

It doesn't matter which colours they parade, tory, labour, etc, they ALL take advantage of their political positions and the taxpayers, by creating 'rules' which only they can financially benefit from, and create a separate set of rules for the rest of us which takes our roofs from over our heads, food from our mouths, and forces us to live life below the breadline.

At one time not so long ago, politicians went into politics to make a difference and make a fairer society for all. Nowdays this isn't the case, they all see a taxpayer pot which is brimming with cash, and they all get their greedy-minded heads together to conspire ways of making sure only they get to dip their bread in it.

The system was created to benefit society, by lifting poor people out of destitution and starvation and thereby reducing crime in the street, and make society better and safer as a whole. It was never created for avaricious rich people to plunder and get richer, these people already have more than they need to survive and don't need help.

A society which takes care of its poorest is a civilized society. We all want to live in a safe and civilized society, but this costs taxpayer money. The alternative is to send us back to the Victorian days of destitution, and streets full of poverty-stricken citizens who have to rob and steal to survive, and get thrown in jail for it.

If we go back to those days, then rich folk had better watch out, because they are the only people who have anything worth stealing. You think that after taking away assistance for the desperate, hungry, and homeless they will just lay down and die or go away? They won't. They will survive one way or another and have nothing else to lose but their liberty, so they will be better off committing crime and getting sent to jail - they will have a roof, a bed, warmth, and 3 meals a day - much better than scavenging on the street.

So, do the wealthy still want to take away poor folks' assistance? Be careful what you wish for because desperate people will just simply TAKE what they need, from those who have anything worth taking - and desperate people are dangerous people so you better not stand in their way.

And this is how your greed will double-back and bite you in the arse.
edit on 21-8-2013 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by doobydoll

I absolutely agree, but there is one thing making sure nobody is poor and another paying for people to do nothing. How is that a productive society and aids the progression of not just a nation, but individuals as well?

I have absolutely nothing against working tax credits, due to the greed of the private sector and government, without working tax credits, this country would be one of the poorest in the developed world. However, I am not going to condone people getting money for absolutely nothing!

However, this is indeed part of a greater issue in this country where benefit claimants who make a living out of doing nothing are a small piece of the puzzle. The idea to bribe people in to not working, or working little and letting the state make up the difference is to then allow this absurd amount of immigration. This in turn acts to lower wages and devalue purchasing power. Thus, the result is we ALL become poorer, because in the meantime, interest rates are near zero, inflation is rising, artificially keeping interest rates low is a stealth tax anyway because it serves only to increase inflation, much like QE does, the end result is cost living increasing and wages either stagnating or decreasing. The government knows full well that in order to do such a thing, it must bribe the public, hence, benefits for all. Without benefits, yes this country would've exploded by now and rightly so.

My issue is not to do with benefits as such, its the culture that making an occupation out of benefits creates, a culture that is totally detrimental to both individual, local communities and society at a greater national level. What we ALL should be doing, is demanding the end to cheap labour, demanding that our own be trained up, demanding that jobs go to our own first. Once immigration ends, they have to train our own, they have to pay good money, thus it will end the war on the British worker.

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by TruthxIsxInxThexMist
reply to post by SecretFace

So.... the Country may be in a mess but you choose to blame it all on those who are on Benefits???

You seem to be saying that if there was no Benefit System, the World would be a better place!

What about everything else what goes on out there?

There are way more important things to fix before Benefits!

One other thing.... The Royals basically live off the Taxpayer aswel.... what do you think of them?
edit on 21-8-2013 by TruthxIsxInxThexMist because: (no reason given)

We need benefits such as pension and working tax credits, but if the benefit system wasn't in place, you're implying that people would go hungry and revolt. Why? They would because they are only used to living a life where they get free handouts and that is exactly why I am against making an occupation out of claiming benefits. Yes it is a small piece of a wider war on the common men and women of not just this country but across the planet, but as I have stated, if we were to all come together demand the end to cheap labour, demand training schemes to be implemented, demand our own to be trained up. Then it would end this continual theft of wages and war on the working man.

We cannot stop the banks doing what they do, the BOE and its stealth tax of inflation through QE and low interest rates, we cannot stop government corruption, but we can look at ourselves and demand more than what is being flung at us as simple bribes to shut us up, numb our minds and allow the erosion of our country and future to take place before our very eyes.

As for the Royal family, yes they do receive tax money, they cost on average 40m a year, they bring in on average 176m a year, am I against them getting that 40m? Absolutely not!
edit on 21-8-2013 by SecretFace because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 10:41 AM
You know what....

Doesn't matter who you vote for... Whom ever you vote for... the Government still get's in!!


posted on Aug, 21 2013 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by Freeborn
reply to post by SecretFace

I really don't understand the obsession with house prices etc.
I witnessed the house price 'boom' of the '80's and '90''s - we're still paying the price, in more than one way, for those policies etc - why would anyone want to see a repeat?

And Labour would continue those policies if re-elected.
Whose interests does it serve, certainly not the average 'man-in-the street'.

No... we are paying the price for the situation stagnating and stopping...

My parents were able to trade up given their changing increase in family needs... more kids more room needed etc...

I own my own home and if I want to trade up in today's climate I have to emigrate!

edit on 21-8-2013 by Korg Trinity because: (no reason given)

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