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Dream Warriors; What's your ability?

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posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 12:53 PM
Cool thread, I like it.

I once had a dream I was being shot at, I was running through the line of fire and remember bracing myself for the inevitable. When the bullets hit they stung a bit but were deflected. I had a moment where I kinda thought to myself "Hmm, being shot isn't as bad as I'd thought it'd be".

So the ability to deflect bullets, and possibly other projectiles, I'm yet to find out.

Anyways, flagged.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 01:58 PM
In many of my dreams I am a force of masculine love... not unlike the cover illustrations of pulp romances I'd guess, though I'm stuck in the man's perspective.

Dark, forceful, demanding and encompassing... but alas, in the end, or upon the waking state... my dream power is just... wet.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 03:46 PM
I can jump really really high.... Like, into the clouds and some how this doesn't hurt me when I come down. I can sort of fly too, or more or less jump really high and far.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 04:18 PM
Kinda exciting to see more people have done the rescue, recon, fight back bit. I met a few other "dream warriors" in the "dreamscape" (that's what my friends and I call it) but never knew how many. As for powers, my thing is Constructs and Consumption. That is I can form weapons, armor, or some rare cases, people, based on memories. The consumption is something automatic for me, no idea why or how, but when faced with a nightmare entity or something of the "realm" (not human I guess) I tend to instinctively grow massive, Venom/angler fish teeth and bite into the entity, and then tear it apart, (nothing horridly gory, its more like energy or plasma) and then absorb or sew the parts of that thing back into me. Ive done this 3 times I know of, once against some shadowy nightmare dog when I was really little, again against a horrid Onryo like spirit that kept attacking me many nights for the length of a year, then most recently against a Slenderman like entity, all three of which i can now emulate and use their abilities (slenderman's are rather entertaining) Albeit I seem to have my limitations, for I have met things that have either gotten away or almost beat me or resisted being torn apart.

I also seem to open doors, like allow people into the "dreamscape" because anyone I happen to tell these stories to has a shared dream with me showing them the scape there after.

Yeah it sounds delusional but if its not real, then its harmless serendipity that doesn't really effect my waking life, if anything builds my confidence.

As a side note on the topic, has anyone had any experiences with a massive, high security hospital putting thousands to "sleep" or claiming to vaccinate them?

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 05:23 PM
Throughout my whole life I have had the ability to fly in my dreams. I have only been lucid in my dreams a hand-full of times, but recently (past week) I have been researching more and more about lucid dreaming and Astral Projection. I really, REALLY want to be able to AP eventually, but right now I'm focusing my attention on Meditation and Lucid Dreaming.

Btw, if anyone here can help me with my endeavor, Astral Projection, please PLEASE feel free to offer any suggestions or guidance

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 06:02 PM
Hey all. Just thought I'd drop in some advice for any people who are trying to learn more about Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, Out of Body Experiences and that sort of thing.
First of all... it's really not hard. I mean, it is hard, but it's only hard because we are mostly led to believe it's hard. Of course, as with any skill... there are lots of obstacles, but with a general guideline most people can do it.

Lucid Dreaming:
The most important skill to master when learning to Lucid Dream isn't the actual 'lucidity' part of the dream but REMEMBERING your dreams. After all, whats the point of having a Lucid Dream if you don't remember it? We dream on average 5 dreams a night. I could go in depth about REM cycles and Deep Sleep cycles and this and that but the lot of you are intelligent and resourceful enough to figure that out on your own. The way I made my Dream Recall better was by keeping a record of all the dreams I remembered. Also, willfully throughout the day really ask yourself if you are dreaming. Really. Not just 'am i dreaming? no" but "Am I dreaming? How can I tell?" for me, I plugged my nose. If I plugged my nose, closed my mouth and could still manage to breathe just fine, either I got a giant hole in my nose other than my nostrils, or I'm dreaming. Counting fingers was another good one because in my dreams I always managed to have too many or not enough fingers. This is called a "Reality Check" in Lucid Dream lingo. If you do this for long enough, consistently, you will eventually do one of these in a dream and, hey presto! You're dreaming.... the problem most people (including me) face at this point is keeping your emotions in check when you find out you're dreaming, jolting you awake. I found the technique of spinning around helped to keep me in my dream state...

Astral Projection:
This is a skill that is really hit and miss with some people. I can do it I'd say about 40% of the time when I try. First, I enter a trance state. The way I do it, is full body relaxation (any method of your choice, I just relax every muscle from bottom to top in sequence). It usually takes me about 10 or 15 minutes just to do this. The more thorough you are, the better. Then, after I feel fully physically and mentally relaxed, I start to enter the trance state. I do this by imagining I am on a ladder or that I am a feather, dropping down, breathe in, stay still, breathe out, drop down. I really start to feel it in my belly, like when you're on an elevator and it goes down and you feel it, sorta like that. This process takes me quite a while sometimes and not so long others. Eventually, I start to 'see without seeing' or 'sensing the space around me'. Hard to explain what I really mean, so I'll leave it at that. After a certain point, if I am properly relaxed and I have successfully entered the trance state, I begin to visualize the actual 'real' space around me. I use a blindfold during all this but you don't have to. Keeping my eyes closed I imagine the space around me, what it looks like. If I am succesfully doing it, I will be able to 'see' the space.... then I can basically escape my body and I am in a state of something like Astral Projection. Sometimes it's more pronounced than others.

Hope this helped.


posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by Morningglory

Do you ever see what kind of car you're driving? Mine are always really big cars with black leather interiors/crank windows. So I'm thinking they're old cars.
I've actually never paid attention to the car I'm driving, or the colour.

I'll watch for you at train crossings LOL, I usually meet up with people there.
If I ever come across someone standing by their car watching the trains cross, I'll be sure to say Hi. Maybe even challenge you to a race. Lol.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by 3OGRE3

I really really like your suggestions!

I do have one question that I'm not sure about. You said that to keep yourself inside the dream, you spin around? I have heard that spinning around while lucid dreaming can actually make you Astral Project? IDK if that's true or not. In fact, the other night i went lucid for the first time in 2 years. I wanted so bad to AP and started spinning right away. It actually made me wake up! IDK if that means anything or not? I do know that next time i go lucid, I'm going to take things very slow because I am a very light sleeper and can be woken up easily lol

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 07:25 PM
Well, I don't know if I've ever really done lucid dreaming. Most of my dreams feel like I am in third-player mode in a game. Although I also look through my "eyes," almost like two views at once. Or I switch between views...

In a dream I had awhile ago, I was able to resurrect my friend from the dead. They had been turned into a fish and killed by electro-shock through the water. I reached into the water completely distraught, cupped my hands around it and in an outburst of emotion, I released something and it came back to life.... weird, right?

Also, I've always been able to re-enter my dreams. Say I was really enjoying a certain dream and wake up, I can re-enter the dream by thinking about as I try to go back to sleep. During one of these, I was at this other man's house with my wife and he started hitting on her. I reacted and his reaction back to me was so angry and abrupt that it caught me off guard and I woke up in a start. Before I could really think about what I was doing, I re-entered my dream super pissed off (which is very uncharacteristic for me) and bellowed at him in a deep voice "Go to hell!" And he did... Reminded me of the movie Ghost when the evil black demons would rip ghosts down to hell. I woke up remembering this man screaming. Interestingly enough, I don't believe in hell...

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 07:52 PM
Very interesting subject.
Lucid Dreaming allows us to sepperate ourselves from all the outer factors, and let's us control our senses ourselves. During dreaming most of our senses are shut off. Depends on the particular person and dream, that how much of what sense is closed off. Meaning, some people can sleep through a gunshot, but some people hear a pin drop during dreaming, and that silent noise can already wake them.
During Lucid Dreaming, we can actually make up our own senses, since the outer channels of our senses are shut off. The easiest senses to control are sight and hearing. During Lucid Dreaming we can actually create the things that we see and hear. Less common and harder senses are taste, smell and touch. In my experience you have to be really shut off/in a deep sleep to control those senses and make them feel anywhere near as real. The deeper you can get yourself to sleep in, the more real all the things get that you see.
I think that regular dreaming to lucid dreaming is an evolutional process. At first we had this ability to dream. To create worlds in our own head, but the ability is yet unknown to control. Most of us can only tap into this ability by accident, when our outer senses are blocked and we are truly only with ourselves, without any outside disturbances. It is like a caveman finding a smartphone- at first it seems like a usual soft and glossy rock, but when the caveman has time for himself, without the need to hunt nor do anything else that an caveman needs to do to survive, then he could play with the smartphone and accidently push some buttons that manifests visual sightings on the screen. It is too complex for the caveman to understand the use of the smartphone, nor even replicate his previous actions to get the same visual effects. And now, if every other caveman also finds a smartphone for themselves, and also are clueless about the phones purpose, then the phone will be an ordinary and useless shiny rock for everyone. It can randomly manifest some visuals, but who cares, it won't let you hunt nor seduce partners to procriate with. The analogy got foggy, but I hope you understand what im trying to say. Our ability to imagine and feel our imagination as real, is an human ability that is not yet understood and mastered. To me, the only use of meditation is to learn about this ability. To knowingly tap into states that allow us to dream, and so knowingly control our dreams.
When I was younger(from 10-16 years old, now Im 29), then I experienced Lucid Dreaming quite often. Mostly I tested how detailed my imagination could get. So I played god and created everything I could imagine and tried to experience it as richly as possible. The other popular thing to do, was to have sex with lots of girls that I knew, so, I think my main drives are curiosity and lust. For a long time I havent experienced Lucid Dreaming. Mainly because I have been the caveman who has been on a constant hunt and without time to concentrate on subjects, that don't seem to be obviously important. Thank you for reminding me Lucid Dreaming and now on, I will concentrate more on the subject.

About Astral Projection.. I have failed to experience Astral Projection like it has been described by many others. In my opinion, Astral Projection is just a lucid dream where you choose the imagination about leaving your body. I have tried to leave my body while lucid dreaming and I experience that I had better contact with those "real world" places, that I had the best memory of. It was very hard to concentrate on any real information that would prove that I actually am outside my body and in "real world" not "dream world". The harder I tried to find this proof, the more tired I got and my lucidity was fading and the world around me was fading to an uncontrollable fantasy world. Maybe remote viewing does exist, and maybe some people can actually obtain information through walls and closed doors, and maybe some people can visualize this ability in great enough detail, to have an actual out of body experience. Nothing is certain in life and there are always "maybes". Just I haven't experienced it myself nor seen any credible evidence that someone else truly can have a real out of body experience.
I'm a little intoxicated with alcohol and I haven't properly expressed myself in english for quite a long time. So, I would appreciate if any reader would ignore the mistakes in my writing

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by seekeson

Kinda makes you wonder. When we dream lucid or otherwise we typically dream of things we understand even if the way we use or interact with it defies loging in the waking world.

So what does a 6mo old child dream about and can they have a lucid dream?

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 08:47 PM
I fully admit I'm a noob with lucid dreaming; for me, it's an extension of having conquered (mostly) the utter terror of sleep paralysis. I believe the two are functions of each other -- merely a matter of degrees.

For me, my "power" -- if it can be said as such -- is to not wake myself up screaming.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by argentus

I'm sorry to hear that.

I only had sleep paralysis once, I think

I was 1st year graphic design school living in an apt with another student. I dreamt I was back home with my parents even though I spent my adolescence in foster care. In the dream i was an adult or 17 rather...being emancipated in my mind 17 felt 30.

Anyway, I was dreaming i was in their backyard and all the sudden i began to trip as if I was on (synonym for unprescribed medicine) or something. So in the dream i was kinda excited until i realized again where I was and that I had actually never taken anything so how could this be? The thought made me panic and spiraled into a bad (synonym for fall) which forced me to wake up. However, all i could do is open my eyes, i couldn't open my mouth and I couldn't breath. After a few long moments i let out a loud cry, screaming my roommates name. He never came but i calmed down and fell back to sleep.

He did tell me in the morning he heard me though lol. It was a truly scary experience.

*Edit: I don't really no how to moderate myself, so if this post violates T&C please just omit the words and not the post, thanks.
edit on 20-8-2013 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by argentus
I fully admit I'm a noob with lucid dreaming; for me, it's an extension of having conquered (mostly) the utter terror of sleep paralysis. I believe the two are functions of each other -- merely a matter of degrees.

For me, my "power" -- if it can be said as such -- is to not wake myself up screaming.

sleep paralysis is not a bad thing. dont be scared of it. it's just the body entering a deeper sleep/meditation state that numbs the body so that while ur walking etc in ur dream environment you dont end up kicking ur foot up in real life.

it also takes longer for ur spirit to resettle and reactivate the body the deeper you go. that's y you wake up and cant move as tho something is holding you down. ur Numb. like a full body anaesthetic.

fear is the mind killer. fear of the unknown. lucid dreaming is only scratching the surface.
edit on 20-8-2013 by filledcup because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by filledcup

Well # yeah waking up to not being able to do something you ordinarily would be able is a scary freakin thing. It's only happened to me once so whether I'd respond the same way again i guess is unknown.

I totally hear what your saying though

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 09:18 PM
i got one for you guys..

while dreaming and speaking to someone. say to them..

"do you know that im not really here? im in my bed sleeping and dreaming all of this"

LOL. let us know what happens. if you remember.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by filledcup

I can't, even allowing myself to acknowledge I'm dreaming or i will wake me up. If i "pretend" I didn't "notice" I can then steer my dream.

I also like when I wake up and was like that was awesome and i didn't want to wake up, so go back to sleeping continue right back from where I left off. That's an easy trick for me.
edit on 20-8-2013 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Rosinitiate
reply to post by filledcup

Well # yeah waking up to not being able to do something you ordinarily would be able is a scary freakin thing. It's only happened to me once so whether I'd respond the same way again i guess is unknown.

I totally hear what your saying though

it's not a big deal.. just lay still when you awake, relax and ull feel all your energy return within about 60-120 seconds. there's no real way to rush it unless u got the willpower of an ox lol

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by Rosinitiate
reply to post by filledcup

I can't, even allowing myself to acknowledge I'm dreaming will wake me up. If i "pretend" I didn't "notice" I can then stir my dream.

I also like when I wake up and was like that was awesome and i didn't want to wake up, so go back to sleeping continue right back from where I left off. That's an easy trick for me.

the body is naturally inclined to master meditation. and meditation is sleeping(while awake).. and sleep is practice for death. which we all must do. and live eternal in the ripened spirit. like a butterfly emerging from the cuccoon of a caterpillar.


Master the Art of Death!

it's what Jesus wants.
edit on 20-8-2013 by filledcup because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by filledcup

the body is naturally inclined to master meditation. and meditation is sleeping(while awake).. and sleep is practice for death. which we all must do.

edit on 20-8-2013 by filledcup because: (no reason given)

I can relate to that, although I could care less what Jesus wants. Jose to for that matter

edit on 20-8-2013 by Rosinitiate because: (no reason given)

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