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Dream Warriors; What's your ability?

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posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

Damn, that's actaully frightening. I guess "ignorant_ape" isn't just a clever name?

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by ignorant_ape
reply to post by Rosinitiate

my dream abilities :

violate the ATS site T&C - 59 times

carry the death penalty in 27 countries

are illegal in every civilised jurisdiction

violate the prime directive

and finaly blaspheme 3 major religions - and 11 insignificant cults

but dam it - I awake happy

You sparked some intense morbid curiousity; especially in your last sentence haha.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 08:33 PM
I am an avid dreamer. I have made my own potions and teas and tinctures to help me achieve better dreams and lucidity. They don't work as much as will power... But I would like to share a certain incident I had when I had, for the first time tried to make a tea...

1 1/2 tsp Damiana
1 tsp Skullcap
1 tsp Valerian Root
steeped in 98 degree Celsius (freshly boiled) water for 15 minutes

I drank the tea. The taste was reminiscent of the smell of a deep forest shrub to me. I stayed awake but in the darkness laying down purposefully for the next few minutes. I dozed off to sleep. I wake up a few hours later (I had set my alarm to wake me up and interrupt my REM sleep cycle). I did a Reality Check (plug my nose, count my fingers) and went back to bed. As soon as I had closed my eyes I started dreaming. But, I wasn't just 'me' in the dream, I was four people. None of them me. Then, in my dream, each of those four people, at different times fell asleep in my dream. I dreamt that I was those four people and the characters in their dreams. In total, I figure I was about 16 or so people. Four people per dream, per dreamer. And I have to add, it wasn't like it was a 'split-screen' sort of thing, I was fully immersed into every dream and every dreamer as though it was a singular dream. Very strange. Never happened again.


posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by 3OGRE3

I have had similar experiences whilst lucid. Ive only ever been in 3-4 separate consciousness' simultaneously, not quite 16! I have been actively cultivating the ability for a couple of years now, but have found a higher frequency of spontaneous experiences with multiple perspectives than those I have tried to force. I have also managed to become inanimate objects, complete with a full spectrum of sensations, to the point of omnipresence in the dreamscape, a wonderful sensation of being all at once, dissolution of singleminded ego.

Predominantly I fly. Sometimes I assume the position of Jesus on the cross and fly over cities enjoying the awestruck expressions on citizens faces, but recently I was wondered by an old man that this does nothing for my ego, is tantamount to hubris, and that I should avoid such behaviour as it has negative effects on my subconscious. Coming into contact with self aware subconscious entities in charge of ensuring the health of the subconscious is always an experience.

I also enjoy transmuting objects, teleporting, manifesting people, objects etc. once I built a stunning futurist medieval empire in the clouds, complete with knights and flying cars. Sword play is much more fun than lasers.

But, the thing I love most is my regression experiences, when I regress to the consciousness of that of an ape, or at least what I interpret that to be like, and dance through tree canopies to my hearts content.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 09:38 PM
I've had a couple of abilities in my dreams but the most prominent one is telekinesis. I've done some mundane things with it to destroying a building with it in dreams. I've had a lot of flying dreams. The feeling is really cool whether you have the polished flight of it being second nature to the "Hancock" drunk flight as if you just learned it(that was an interesting flying dream. Once I had telepathy. It's a unique feeling reading the surface thoughts of people in dreams.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Rosinitiate

The only time I have ever flew in my dream I was required to stick Mario Bros. 2 Nintendo game between my legs and pull back on an invisible level to lift off and had to fly in an upright position like a witch with no broom......anyway, I digress.

My flying abilities started out about as dorky as yours. During my first few attempts I wore the most ridiculous clothes. They were a mess of mismatched layers, inside out, torn etc. Maybe they served as shock absorbers??

Anyway I'm on a busy street everyone can see me and I start doing this crazy jumping/squatting thing. Sometimes I'd take off after the 2nd, 3rd jump but it could take longer. I'd fly, like you, in the upright position. I was jerky/out of control, about 30 ft off the ground. When it got scary I'd sink back down and have to start jumping again.

I looked and felt so stupid. I woke feeling embarrassed. Like another poster mentioned we can get better. My last flying dream was one of the few lucid dreams I've had. In that one I turned into a cormorant and flew very gracefully.

I really enjoyed the thread. Loved reading about everyone's unique dream powers. Flying isn't something I do often. My real power is driving.

reply to post by Hazz-14

I've done a lot of cool stuff in my dreams, like flying, teleporting and walking through walls, but one thing that seems to reoccur more than anything else is driving. It used to be a nightmare trying to drive in my dreams, but now when I end up driving, I'm quite good. I can see where I'm going, I can control the car and the cars speed, the brakes work, and generally it's an awesome experience.

I can effortlessly negotiate through all conditions. Floods, snow, mountains, multiple lanes of solid traffic, spiraling entrance/exit ramps etc. I'm in industrial areas, cities everywhere but I can never find a place to park. I get stopped by trains a lot so I get out and watch them.

I've learned to drive from the backseat/passenger side. I was nervous at first and kept grabbing the wheel, now I sit back/eat/look out the window. It feels like when I use to ride my bike with no hands. It's a body/balance thing.

I am "the driver." I have to admit I used to drive for a living so that might explain it. My hubby complains he can never find his car in dreams. I tell him it's because I"m off in it.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by Rosinitiate

cannot remember dreaming most of the time. It feels like something is going on however when sleep when I think about it but cannot remember last dream, perhaps memory rerouted.
Interesting share

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 11:41 PM
I am usually always flying, walking across water or laughing...BTW not all at once...

To dream that you are walking on water indicates that you have total control over your emotions. It also suggests that you need to "stay on top" of your emotions and not let them explode out of hand. Alternatively, the dream is symbolic of faith in yourself.

To dream that you are flying signifies a sense of freedom where you had initially felt restricted and limited.

To hear laughing or dream that you are laughing suggests that you need to lighten up and let go of your problems. Don't put so much pressure on yourself. Laughing is also a sign of joyous release and pleasure.

dream dictionary
edit on 8/20/13 by shells4u because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 12:00 AM
Awesome thread.

The power I've had in my dreams for as long as I can remember is Tigger like, kinda bouncy. I can jump very high and very far quickly. I can leap side to side from building to building or tree to tree. No one can catch me in them. Its very fun I enjoy these dreams still have them from time to time.

I can guide myself back into a dream if I wake up suddenly, probably not really a power.

I can talk to dead loved ones when I choose to in my dreams. Could just be me guiding myself to the dream of my choice though I guess I won't know till I know.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by The Magicians Apprentice
I don't want to label you guys as morons. So I will put this more lightly "FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS STOP CAUSING CHAOS AND WAR ON HIGHER REALMS !!!!". Some of you kids causing way too much damage not just in astral, physical but also in the higher realms. Many of you go about causing fights chopping heads off and other silly childish things.

Instead of fighting and doing silly crap, please I urge you to step back a bit then just observe. You can learn from other members of the astral a lot more then just ripping their head off. For example how to teach, develop abilities, view timeline possibilities, to develop ones soul. I am sure many of you when got hurt in astral woke up feeling like crap in the morning, this is because your higher consciousness is aware of the damage you received and thus part of it is put over to your vessel.

So again "FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS STOP CAUSING CHAOS AND WAR ON HIGHER REALMS !!!" cause guys like me and other observers have to clean your mess up. Take responsibility and stop being so dam childish

Overall it is a good thread but please take responsibility !!
edit on 18-8-2013 by The Magicians Apprentice because: (no reason given)
Could you provide greater detail? Can people's subconscious projections actually cause THAT much chaos and disorder on the higher planes?

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 12:34 AM
Scaring the elite.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 12:38 AM

Originally posted by TheWetCoast

Originally posted by The Magicians Apprentice
I don't want to label you guys as morons. So I will put this more lightly "FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS STOP CAUSING CHAOS AND WAR ON HIGHER REALMS !!!!". Some of you kids causing way too much damage not just in astral, physical but also in the higher realms. Many of you go about causing fights chopping heads off and other silly childish things.

Instead of fighting and doing silly crap, please I urge you to step back a bit then just observe. You can learn from other members of the astral a lot more then just ripping their head off. For example how to teach, develop abilities, view timeline possibilities, to develop ones soul. I am sure many of you when got hurt in astral woke up feeling like crap in the morning, this is because your higher consciousness is aware of the damage you received and thus part of it is put over to your vessel.

So again "FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS STOP CAUSING CHAOS AND WAR ON HIGHER REALMS !!!" cause guys like me and other observers have to clean your mess up. Take responsibility and stop being so dam childish

Overall it is a good thread but please take responsibility !!
edit on 18-8-2013 by The Magicians Apprentice because: (no reason given)
Could you provide greater detail? Can people's subconscious projections actually cause THAT much chaos and disorder on the higher planes?

They are probably having a hard time controling the masses up there two... 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21[/B] 34 55 89
edit on 20-8-2013 by Emeraldous because: two-owl

edit on 20-8-2013 by Emeraldous because: two-owl-too

edit on 20-8-2013 by Emeraldous because: two-owl-too-et tu brutus?


edit on 20-8-2013 by Emeraldous because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 01:31 AM
Honestly, my imagination is one of the biggest enjoyments of my life. I dare to say (even as cheesey as it is) that I dream of being a super saiyan fighting evil. A lot of my dreams start off with me figuring out new or even "cooler" ways to make entries to the ground from flight.

The abilities aren't limited there though. I imagine a whole world where I can not only manipulate everything around me but I can manipulate my own intelligence. I do it in an interesting way though. I use forethought to see how being smarter or knowing about more would change me and I can choose to do so or not. I don't know, In my dreams I equal god and question every move I make. I would like to be apart of "god" if anything and be able to change the world. I don't know where my beliefs stand but I do lean towards believing in a higher being. It'd be nice

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by Antipathy17
In my dreams I equal god and question every move I make.

Originally posted by Antipathy17I would like to be apart of "god" if anything and be able to change the world.
I hope you don't make gramatical mistakes out there or are they Freudian slips rolf!

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 01:43 AM
Of course you can choose/develop abilities in dreams, provided we are talking lucid dreams. My two 'abilities' I frequently utilize in my dreams are flying and moving through objects. Jumping through walls has become my go to move to verify for 100% that I am dreaming. In a fairly recent lucid, I was in a road and a semi was driving towards me. I decided to stay put, thinking/knowing that if I can go through walls I can go through a semi. I kept this in mind as it approached, and it ended up driving right through me.

I have demonstrated extreme strength in a few dreams as well, when overcome by anger. In these occurrences I have done some things that I suppose sound a bit 'disturbed,' lol, but theyre dreams and it's what happened. I have ripped people's heads off, thrown them ridiculously high in the air, punched through people, and thrown them through walls. Also, in experimenting in a less angry context, I have done things like throw cars into the air.

Also, idk whether you would consider this an 'ability' or not, but through meditative techniques in the dream-state you can induce profound spiritual experiences. These include what can only be described as a psychedelic trip(I'm not discussing drugs, but that's the only way to describe the visuals that can be induced), as well as things like seemingly communicating with some sort of intelligent entities. Really you can induce any sort of visual/auditory experience imaginable while meditating in a lucid dream. I have heard/created music in this state that is just indescribably beautiful.
edit on 20-8-2013 by TheJourney because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 01:58 AM
I always dream I can jump very far like spiderman. I fly in dreams all the time. I still need to learn how to lucid dream. Any ideas how I can get better at that?

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 02:01 AM
I also fly regularly and often fly over water, being able to see fish from above and the rocky bottoms of lakes and rivers from a vantage point above them. I have swung from power lines and flag poles like spiderman, and leaped like Springheel Jack in the most enjoyable fashion. I love my superhuman dreams.

The flying dreams I consider astral projection. My first one utilized one of those little plastic planes that you shoot with a rubber band and I held it in my hands and just leaped up and flew around the neighborhood. Later as it progressed I was able to do it with only my point of view.

To increase your dream recall, give up marijuana, use melatonin or Kratom before you go to sleep. Do not drink alcohol before bed, and keep a dream journal handy beside your bed and immediately write down your dreams as soon as you realize you had one. In time recall will be second nature.

I used to have falling dreams, but now I can literally dig my hands into whatever I fell from or go all spiderman and stop myself with a simple act of will. I no longer fall to oblivion and awake all startled. Lucid dreaming is an incredible and empowering thing, and I encourage all who cannot do it to set your mind to it.

I tried and tried, having had several semi-lucid dreams and self awakening myself from the bad ones. After attempting this for a couple years and having fleeting successes, the world of my dreams suddenly opened up for me, and now I lucid dream all night, often having many dreams in one night. I love it and enjoy it very much and look forward every night to going to my other reality.


posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 02:29 AM
I had a dream with spiders. They weren't like normal spiders. The had more than eight legs. Sort of shaped like ghost crabs with 4 foot long legs that on the order of like 20 or so legs. I was beating the life out of those things. Like 3 or 4 of them.

They didn't move though. It was bizarre. They weren't attacking. They were just sitting there. But they startled me and I attacked them.

posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 02:36 AM
reply to post by Emeraldous

Scaring the elite?. Is that like opening your mouth on the internet and consuming your enemies with fire.



posted on Aug, 20 2013 @ 02:54 AM
I've had dreams where I am seeing thru the eyes of someone else, I think its me, but I'm not. It looks like Earth, but not as we know it.
The avatar is in the military, its the US military, but uniform is different. It started with him going thru different aspects of training, last dream took place in combat, a few months ago. Wonder if he was killed...

The dream series makes me feel as if I am looking theu someone else's eyes, on an alternate earth.

I've 'dream walked', ie, entered other people's dreams, not realizing it til I'm pulling back, and always fail to get the other person's number to call and confirm the dream...

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