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Originally posted by FireMoon
There is an argument to do with what is known as "Natural Magick" that we invest thme with their power so, even though they are man made, they then transcend that simple origin and take on the actual physical aspects that people expect of them.
The crop was downed in "circleS" with "exactness". It doesn't make one difference how you cut it, this story fits the CC phenomena to a tee.
Whence it being equally plain that I was no longer to enquire for the origin at leaft of thefe larger circles, either from anything under of
ground, it remained that Ifhould look for fome higher principle, and indeed after a long a mature deliberationI could think of none nearer than the middle region: viz that they muft needs be the effects of lightning, exploded from the Clouds, moft times in
circular form; perhaps for this very reafon by the ancient Naturlifts called fulmen difcutiens: though of a vifcous fulpherous confiftenc, yet taking fire
wherin it was pen, muft naturally expand itfelf every way obliquely, for the moft part in a uniform conical
become a Corcle and in that form to ftrrike the Earth as may be feen fome times in arable grounds, but chiefly in wide and open pastures,
Deny all you want, it matches pretty clearly with the modern phenomena.
Originally posted by JayinAR
reply to post by PhoenixOD
My entire participation here save for my initial post has been based on pre Doug and Dave cases.
Deny all you want, it matches pretty clearly with the modern phenomena.
Back to Doug and Dave, eh?
I give up. Later fellas.
I thought fit to examine the nature of the Soile under the Rims of them,efpecially how it differd from the adjoining earth and found that by digging up feveral that the ground under all of them, was much loofer and dryer then ordinary/, and parts interfperfed with a white hoar or vinew much like that in mouldy bread, of a mufty rancid fmell, but to tafte insipid, and this fcarce anywhere above fix inches deep, the earth again below being of its due confiftence and genuine fmell, agreeable to the reft of the foils thereabout
Originally posted by JayinAR
reply to post by PhoenixOD
I agree that it is hard to attribute any one cause to the phenomena (or phenomenon perhaps), but the "spooky element" is still there. Consider this excerpt, once again from the History of Staffordshire:
I thought fit to examine the nature of the Soile under the Rims of them,efpecially how it differd from the adjoining earth and found that by digging up feveral that the ground under all of them, was much loofer and dryer then ordinary/, and parts interfperfed with a white hoar or vinew much like that in mouldy bread, of a mufty rancid fmell, but to tafte insipid, and this fcarce anywhere above fix inches deep, the earth again below being of its due confiftence and genuine fmell, agreeable to the reft of the foils thereabout
This man was a professor of chemistry at Oxford. He was intrigued enough to conduct soil samples.
And not only in a fingle but fometimes in adouble or treble Circle one within the other as was lately shewn to me by my Worthy and ingenious friend John Priauix M.A. in the field between St. Giles Church near Oxonand the garden
Jericho. They are rarely alfo seen of a quadrangular forme,
with another larger of the
And here perchance by the way it may be no great digreffion to enquire into the nature and efficient caufe of thofe rings we find in the grass which they commonly call Fairy Circles: Whether they are caufed by Lightening? Or are indeed the Rendez- vouzes of Witches or are the dancing places of thofe little pygmy spirits they call Elves or Fairys?And the rather, becaufe 1.a Question (perhaps by reafon of the difficulty fcarce yet attempted, and 2. becaufe I met with a largeft of their kind ( that perchance were ever heard of ) in this county: one of them shewed me in the grounds between Handsworth Church and Heath being near Forty yards in diameter: and I was told by that ingenoius Gent. (one of the most cordial encouragers of this work) the Worshipful Sir Henry Gough Knight, that there was one in his grounds Pury- Hall but a few years fince
nor is their difference only in the extent of their diameters, they varying alfo in divers other repects, though not proportionably fo much: for I have always obferved that the Rims of thefe circles, from the leaft to the bigeft, are feldom narrower then a foot, or much broader than a yard: some are as bare as a path-way in many parts of them, others of a ruffet finged colour(both of thefe having a greener grafs in the middle) and a third fort of a dark green frefh, the grafs within being of a browner colour; the firft kind feldom less than five or six yards Diameter and the other two of various Magnitudes, and all thes again as well as imperfect, as perfect, some of them obtaining three parts of a circle;, others being Semicircular, some of them Quadrants, and others not above Sextants of their refpective Circles.