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Protester shot in chest with his hands up - Egypt 2013

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posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by wrabbit2000

We're all assuming a lot and in this case, most are assuming the Egyptian Military literally shot down a man for no better reason that personal or professional amusement. No reason, of ANY kind, is being given credit for why they might have done this. That is absurd. The Egyptian military is not some 3rd world death squad. This isn't even a single guy or small unit, but being suggested as happening in broad daylight in metro Cairo. Yeah....

I don't buy it from a professional military, which they are.

Yep that is pretty much what people said about the British military here in Northern Ireland, " no way would they shoot unarmed teenagers and bystanders, and in broad daylight, they are not some 3rd world death squad "

Yet it happened.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by Mikeyy

Oh so you dont agree with people having a right to protest?

It should carry a death sentence?

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 03:20 AM
reply to post by Lady_Tuatha

with all respect, but how can the attacks performed by the MB seen as just protests?
A protest is what we have seen on Tahrir square and elsewhere in Egypt, millions of people gathering and demaning the ousting of Morsi without attacking and killing, they got their way.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by earthling42

To be fair i believe they were protesting for the better part of a week before the government laid down an ultimatum and told them they would be forcibly cleared out days before it happened. This would have given the MB time to stock up some of the people with weapons, i know there is at least one video where a truck pulls up and starts handing out riot gear to civilians.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by Thorneblood

Yes i think i have seen the video, it was with a blue truck that was burned afterwards.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by earthling42
reply to post by Lady_Tuatha

with all respect, but how can the attacks performed by the MB seen as just protests?
A protest is what we have seen on Tahrir square and elsewhere in Egypt, millions of people gathering and demaning the ousting of Morsi without attacking and killing, they got their way.

I am referring to the video. When did I say any attack was just a protest?. The man who was shot looked to be unarmed, how is that attacking? How do you know some of the unarmed men in the video are not protesting?

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by Lady_Tuatha

I think they are well aware of the situation they find themselves in, this is well beyond protesting and anyone who does not want to be part of this violence should not be there.
People have been killed, police has been attacked, soldiers are being shot at, so it is not about protesting anymore, that stage is long gone.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 05:27 AM
At the top of the video we hear scattered gunfire in the distance while the soldiers between the first two tanks are seen just milling about, not too concerned as the protesters march towards them.

Thirty seconds in, when the steady chatter of gunfire commences, those soldiers are on the move, humping to another position behind the second tank in line. The protesters scatter, except for the one, who is shot and killed.

Could be those soldiers were taking cover from the very same gunfire that killed the protestor. In the last few frames of the video you can see tufts from bullets strike fairly close to where they had been standing.

It's possible the military killed that young man, but nothing conclusive can be drawn from this video other than it's sad and unfortunate. It doesn't look like Egypt is going to quiet down anytime soon.

edit on 18-8-2013 by DirtyD because: (no reason given)

edit on 18-8-2013 by DirtyD because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by Lady_Tuatha

Well, you'll make your assumptions with a lack of information and I'll make mine. The problem is..neither of us have more than the smallest piece of a very large event. A mere snapshot of a few frames to make sweeping judgements of life/death and murder on. Ummm.... I think this is about where I'm going to step back as I'm not near the expert to make such determinations on almost nothing for evidence.

I pray to God at times my son and everyone else here never lives the situation where what we saw on that tape isn't that outrageous to the people IN the moment. the people around these being shot barely even react? The one in the median? Does he run.....supposedly seeing a fellow "protester" "shot for no reason"? Does he lay down so he doesn't die next? Nope.... Hardly seems to react.

Something ain't right here on several levels and I'm not drinking the kool-aid of assumptions as fast as everyone else. Damn sure not with a group known with a history of sacrificing it's own people for the cause in deliberate and planned actions.

All I ask is.. STOP... THINK... Don't assume what you expect to see is what you're really seeing. The whole art of manipulation is to play into what you EXPECT to see so what may actually happen to cause it isn't what gets noticed or considered.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 11:25 AM
There are two shot, the first person in a white tshirt around 0:34 on the far right...
Sad thing happening over there

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by tothetenthpower
reply to post by Granite

The army is following their rules of engagement "fire warning shots, then when they pose a treat of suicide bomber would shoot to kill".

Where was the threat? The man in the plain white t-shirt? Who was clearly not armed, or wearing a bomb or doing anything that you could even remotely consider threatening.

What you are defending is outright murder of civilians in non-violent protest situations.

Exactly, to me it seems like the military is just clearing the streets of protesters using gunfire and then burning the bodies. Well, I guess that is exactly what is happening, actually.

And I think in Tienanmen Square, the tank stopped, didn't it? I don't think that happens anymore

Also, it matters what people or the military do and get away with in other countries, it sets precedents.
edit on 18-8-2013 by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 04:07 PM
once again ..democratie has died in egypt
where are the keepers of democratie now ?
if this massacra would have happend in Russia ore china it would have rained sanctions now
europe and the us has butter on there heads now they supports it! .

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 04:16 PM
It would have died, yes, but millions of egyptians prevented it from happening through their massive protest against the MB.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by wrabbit2000

Talk down this one Wrabbit.

Inside a Mosque. The white "smoke" is tear gas. Who uses that (the military). The booming echoes are rifle fire. At 1:14 you see people hiding behind columns to keep from being hit. Churches are being burned.

Sounds like another epoch in history. Google "Krystalnacht".

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 04:24 PM

Originally posted by earthling42
It would have died, yes, but millions of egyptians prevented it from happening through their massive protest against the MB.

those millions diddend face snipers on the roof... i do not fancy the MB eather.... but hey were democratic elected
that was an setback for the western world wich was bloody resetted

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by earthling42

(Sounds like another epoch in history. Google "Krystalnacht". )
you couldend prenounce it better

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by ressiv

They were democratically elected, so far it was great for egyptians, until the MB wanted to create an islamic state and draw all the power to them, they have had their chance, but the egyptians want democracy, not an islamic state.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by ressiv

This is a little different, the jews were not killing people, burning down churches and government buildings

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by earthling42
reply to post by ressiv

They were democratically elected, so far it was great for egyptians, until the MB wanted to create an islamic state and draw all the power to them, they have had their chance, but the egyptians want democracy, not an islamic state.

of course they did .. and they had good rights to do so as beeing an islamitic party.....its all the products of an great mis-calculation of the western the so called| "islamitic spring project" worked an bit in Libya and Algeria but backfired in egypt

point is when the army shoot at ther own civillians ther's someting good wrong and unacceptebel..but it seems that for islamitic groops we have different standarts.

posted on Aug, 18 2013 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by intrptr

Talk down this one Wrabbit.

Inside a Mosque. The white "smoke" is tear gas. Who uses that (the military). The booming echoes are rifle fire. At 1:14 you see people hiding behind columns to keep from being hit. Churches are being burned.

Talk down what? You had read the story attached to that video, right?

All was peaceful until the Muslim Brotherhood opened fire from inside the Mosque. Now that's RT reporting that. Not someone I generally care for the spin on.

It started outside...

Security forces fired bullets and tear gas at the scene of the Al-Fath mosque in Cairo after an exchange of heavy gunfire outside spilled into the building on Saturday. Hundreds of pro-Morsi protesters had barricaded themselves inside overnight.
(emphasis added)

and then after the standoff had been going, with the Military being inside at one point to negotiate some out, the M.B. opened fire. That started what I believe we're seeing in their video.

Egyptian security unleashed a barrage of bullets after gunmen opened fire at security from a second-story window at around 2 pm local time. One lone gunman started shooting from one of the mosque’s minarets, forcing the surrounding crowds to take cover. A small explosion was heard by journalists present at the scene.
Source: Your Video Link's Story

They use Mosques as positions to fire from. I'd call Christians using Churches to initiate hostilities from as downright evil and having defiled the Sanctuary in the process. It's not a Church after that, IMO. Much how this seems to have been treated.

The Military seems to be using restraint until directly provoked by force in almost all the cases I've been seeing. Anyone hear more details from any solid sources on the event this thread is about? What reason the military claims for it?

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