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The Afterlife Revealed... Step By Step

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posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by sled735

Thank you for all your time and effort S & F .

I lost my daughter over 3 years ago-she was only 15 years old-this gives more hope!

God Bless


posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by trinityalways

You're very welcome. I'm sorry for your loss.

But, now you can imagine how happy she must be in that awesome place. And you'll see her again someday too.

Don't forget to thank your spirit guides for leading you to this thread.

Have a blessed day.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by kudegras
We live, we die and then we get to do it all over again. Dont take my word for it, read the Tibetan book of the dead.
Written 1200 years ago, if they got it wrong would these people still be practicing their faith and disciplines.
Anyway no-one here truly has an answer as we are all currently alive, and meaningless I am so sad for your lack of any belief other than such a negative one. I hope that something positive and not so meaningless comes along to give you something to feel happy about.

The Masters of Tibet are correct about what you described. It is known by many folks as reincarnation, the wheel of life, or the journey of the soul. Some of us go through hundreds if not thousands of lifetimes to experience this world of separation from the Source. We keep doing it until we experience everything that your Conscious Self desires. Also known as the School of Hard Knocks. You get hit hard enough in the Physical Plane until you are tired of it and want something MORE. And those that seek this MORE is the desire to go back Home, to follow the spiritual path, to reach for personal growth beyond the Material Existence.

Reincarnation does last a long time for some people. That is why our thought patterns are so attached and ingrained to the Physical Plane. We have been here for a very long time. That is why most folks can't perceive anything beyond the Material Existence. You think that all there is to life is get an education, a job, get married, have kids, grow old, and die. Do you now understand why I keep asking everybody in these forums to DETACH from all Earthly things? For the only way to go back to where you came from is to transcend ALL your current thoughts, beliefs, likes & dislikes, feelings, emotions, and all forms of your Lower Self or Ego.

I see that some of you keep wanting "proof" of the OP's message that there is a life after death. Well, I tell you today that NO ONE is going to ever give you enough proof that will make you believe. The only "proof" that you will believe is to experience it for yourself. You are here on an individual journey. Just like traveling to a foreign country. People can tell you about it all they want; but all you going to do is create a mental picture in your head about the experience. Perhaps you may say, "Eh, she might say it's a beautiful or paradise looking, but I really doubt it. I have to see it for myself." That's exactly what I mean. If you have never experienced it, don't immediately shut off others who have seen it. They are merely sharing the experience of their own journey.

Do you want to see what is known as Paradise and Heaven right now? Even before you die? Well you can. But first, you gotta let go of preconceived notions of its non-existence. Open your mind and heart a little bit. For those who are pure at heart will see God. Ever heard of people who can see and meet fairies, nature & water spirits, and gnomes? Ever heard of people who see a wonderful Paradise in their sleep that they can hardly describe because nothing in this world is similar to it? Ever heard of people meeting glorious Angels in the Physical? Well, you can do the same, and you can experience all the above and MORE.

edit on 8/19/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by sled735

My understanding of the Afterlife has always been that of a segregated experience.

We are certainly free to choose our own path, or lack of path (for the atheistic), but it is not a case of all doors being opened simultaneously. I've always imagined the Afterlife very similar to our own Earth, with continents and countries divided up by belief instead of politics.

Upon death you have to apply for citizenship, if you will, based on the customs of whatever Afterlife you're seeking to become a part of. For some (like the Christian Heaven) the requirements are very strict, for others' (like the Celtic Tir na nÓg) the requirements are very relaxed.

For example, some of the requirements to get into the Christian Heaven would be:

• Must have undergone a Christian baptism
• Must have fealty toward Jesus Christ (Heaven's king)
• Must have repented for your sins and sought salvation
• Pass the Entrance Exam (Judgment by Jesus Christ Himself)

The soul, or spirit, or essence would be, ultimately, free to choose which "country" (Afterlife) they wanted to pursue citizenship in. As long as you can pass the entrance exam, and know the proper keys to gain admittance to that particular one, then you'd be welcomed there.

Such has always been my understanding and interpretation of the Afterlife, and the reason why some deities requires various kinds of rituals of their human followers (baptism, anointment, death in battle, knowledge of Runes, judgment, adherence to a set of Laws, etc). Follow their laws, apply for citizenship, and you're a resident of Heaven, or Tir na nÓg, or Valhalla, or one of the Hindu Heaven/Hell realms, or you can follow the Buddha to Nirvana, etc.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by sled735
reply to post by Rainbowresidue

That's what I believe too. I have never heard of anything beyond Heaven.
Things in the book took me by surprise. But, for the most part, it sounds logical. It covers all the different religious beliefs, and even some figures I've heard described in my paranormal thread.

I thought it was a fantastic read. Do I believe it all? I don't know. Something to think about.

I'm glad that you are somewhat open to understanding things beyond your physical existence. It is a good beginning. But don't stop. Keep researching, expand your awareness, and continue figuring out the meaning of life. Flow with the River of Life, meaning to always transcend your current paradigm. Go beyond the Bible, beyond science (because all science does is study the Physical), beyond religion, beyond spiritual, beyond books, beyond all Earthly ideals, and even beyond yourself. One day, you will understand what I mean. But for now, just Flow with the River of Life. Don't struggle with the River (like most of society), Flow with it.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by sled735

People are perpetually trapped in the illusion fed by our ego's and imaginations to believe the things we want to hear and want desperately to believe however fantastical and idyllic. The truth however is entirely indiscriminate of our personal desires and has very little resemblance to such fantasies no matter how much we desperately cling to what we WANT to believe.

The truth quietly stirs within our souls in a 'knowing' and a 'stirring' irregardless of what we mentally and emotionally convince ourselves to believe. Whether we choose to deny this or not is undoubtedly the question that will mark our true emancipation and evolution in the great beyond.

We do not get to EVOLVE spiritually without a very hefty price being paid on our behalf because our sins would drown any possibility of our own emancipation without the miraculous intervention and path laid out by our Creator through HIS Son Yehushua HaMashiach.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by ctophil

I just wanted to say that I agree with you 100% about reincarnation.

I've been blessed enough to remember most of my past lives, some good, very few not so good, but still it makes me the soul I am today.
Also I find your writing style quite lovely, you should consider writing a book.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 03:27 PM

Originally posted by ctophil

Originally posted by sled735
reply to post by Rainbowresidue

That's what I believe too. I have never heard of anything beyond Heaven.
Things in the book took me by surprise. But, for the most part, it sounds logical. It covers all the different religious beliefs, and even some figures I've heard described in my paranormal thread.

I thought it was a fantastic read. Do I believe it all? I don't know. Something to think about.

I'm glad that you are somewhat open to understanding things beyond your physical existence. It is a good beginning. But don't stop. Keep researching, expand your awareness, and continue figuring out the meaning of life. Flow with the River of Life, meaning to always transcend your current paradigm. Go beyond the Bible, beyond science (because all science does is study the Physical), beyond religion, beyond spiritual, beyond books, beyond all Earthly ideals, and even beyond yourself. One day, you will understand what I mean. But for now, just Flow with the River of Life. Don't struggle with the River (like most of society), Flow with it.

I got "saved" in a Christian church when I was 10 years old. People may think kids that young can't possibly know what it's all about, but I did. I had a powerful feeling go through me that I can't describe, and I started telling all my friends about Jesus.
As I got older I started noticing things in the Bible, or the way things were interpreted in the Bible, that didn't make sense to me. I knew something was wrong with the "church/religion". Too much back-biting going on inside the church, and saying all others were wrong and they were right.
I quit going to church and started my own personal quest to find out for myself what the truth is.
I have since learned the truth (for my path). And I am "flowing with the stream", as you put it (see my avatar mood).

Still, I cannot deny the experience I had at 10 years old. I cannot deny Jesus and parts of the Bible, but I found out there is soooooo much more to it that the church is not telling us.

Thank you for your post.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by sled735

I know what you mean, I had to go to church with my class in school for about 4 years, going to a catholic school, but also felt something was wrong. Especially whenever we had to go with our families on Sundays on special occasions and they would walk around with their trays asking for money.

I was only a very young girl, though felt , you shouldn't have to pay for believing and knowing God exists. So as soon as I was able to convince my parents, I stopped going to church, I was around 10.
My parents weren't religious so they didn't mind.

I have always been the firm believer of ' your body is your temple' and you can pray to God anywhere you wish, you don't have to go to a church to do so, and I think/ believe I am right.

And I have been able to see beings that people would call 'paranormal' but they just seem normal to me. So again that proves my point.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

That's an interesting concept. You may be right because "they" say we go where our beliefs take us to make our crossing the most comfortable.
But, according to Billy, eventually, we leave that place to move on up through the levels of Heaven, at some point.

I only learned a few years ago that Heaven has different levels. I had heard in church that people will be rewarded according to their works/faith. I imagined different levels in my mind when this was stated, but I had never actually read it from another source.
My mind must have been showing me my memories of that place.

Thank you for your response.

edit on 8/19/2013 by sled735 because: typo... darn it!

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by Rainbowresidue

I agree with you on that.

I have also had experiences with angels, and so much paranormal all my life, there's no way I can deny that something else exists out there. No way!

The church is a building... God/The Source of all is in our heart, and I agree we don't need a building to pray to him, or worship, or meditate, or anything else.

My mother used to argue that I needed to go because the Bible says to unite with people of like mind to stay strong. But, I don't want to be like those people. They don't have a clue... well maybe a fraction of it, but they are so blinded by the words spewing from the preacher's mouth they can't see anything beyond that. Sad.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Egyptia

Thank you for your response, Egyptia.

This is more like it. I like these "on topic" posts. Much appreciated, Everyone.

edit on 8/19/2013 by sled735 because: clarify

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 03:59 PM
To the member several pages back that asked how we can appear at a certain age after we have shed our body...

As stated earlier, the soul/spirit is made of energy. Most people here see them as orbs, but they can manifest themselves into a human figure, if they wish, and show themselves as the person they were in their lifetime.
In the spiritual realm this is much easier for them because both people are on the same "frequency". It is harder here because of the lower vibrational frequency. They have to draw more energy, usually from an electrical source, or another human, before they can manifest.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by sled735

How do you know that?

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by sled735

How do you know that?

I know that through research, and this little voice inside my head, called my spirit guide, telling me it is correct.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 04:18 PM

Originally posted by Rainbowresidue
reply to post by ctophil

I just wanted to say that I agree with you 100% about reincarnation.

I've been blessed enough to remember most of my past lives, some good, very few not so good, but still it makes me the soul I am today.
Also I find your writing style quite lovely, you should consider writing a book.

Thanks for your compliments. What I usually say is that I'm always about my Father's business. I did contemplate writing a book a few times concerning things that are "paranormal" to the general public. However, we believe that a larger audience can be reached through the Internet such as these forums. Although most people won't believe or even reject the things that I speak of, but the teachings will help remind people deep within their Conscious Self that they are indeed Divine and have always been.

I do want to comment on your statements about the "paranormal." This also applies to miracles in life. Though it may seem like a miracle, to people who are higher in consciousness, it is just a common everyday thing. Nothing "supernatural" about it.

Here is an example of our teachings in other threads:

If you're curious why I keep using "we" and "our" in my statements, then the reason is that I speak not just for myself, but also for my Father who is in the Spiritual Realm or Heaven, known to some people as my Higher Self or I AM Presence.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by sled735

The idea of "Heaven" has always been difficult for me. Medieval European religion certainly accepts the three-tier system of Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell. However, for thousands and thousands of years before, and for nearly a thousand years since, the world's population has still not fully accepted that theory, because it does not appeal to everybody.

When you consider that not every human being has the same personality, ambitions, or goals in life, I cannot see a single Afterlife scenario suiting all of us equally.

I know that I, for one, have no intention of simply sublimating into the Universe, or, achieving a state of non-being (as Buddhism's ultimate goal is). I am far more interested in other Afterlives of other groups, like the Norse, the Celtic, or even the decidedly minimalist Sumerian Afterlife, then I am in this Hindu-Christian spiritualists utopia that the book espouses.

All is merely subjective though. The Afterlife remains a mystery, locked away from those of us living by a barrier of death. We'll never know until our time to go arrives.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by sled735
I quit going to church and started my own personal quest to find out for myself what the truth is.
I have since learned the truth (for my path). And I am "flowing with the stream", as you put it (see my avatar mood).

Still, I cannot deny the experience I had at 10 years old. I cannot deny Jesus and parts of the Bible, but I found out there is soooooo much more to it that the church is not telling us.

Thank you for your post.

It is not that the Church is not telling us, it is because the Christian Church doesn't know any better. They have NOT gone past their beliefs for over 2,000 years. Their concept of salvation is still the same today. In order to Flow with the River of Life, you must go past your current set of mental boxes and images EVERY single day. Yes, you heard me say it. Go past your current belief system every day. Keep doing this until you realize who you are, what you came here to do, and where are you going next. This is called Enlightenment. Once you reach this level of consciousness, push it even higher, then you will find yourself in the 5th Dimension or the Spiritual Realm. You can literally do this in a matter of minutes or seconds. But of course, you MUST take this one step at a time until Flowing With the River leads you into the vastness of the ocean.

Once you are in the ocean, it is only the beginning of life. Your journey has just begun once you have broken the wheel of reincarnation and overcame death.
edit on 8/19/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

What about atheists? Continual reincarnation until their application no longer reads "undecided"? Or is there a special realm of pure torment for those who have the audacity to reject theism?
edit on 19-8-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by AfterInfinity
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

What about atheists? Continual reincarnation until their application no longer reads "undecided"? Or is there a special realm of pure torment for those who have the audacity to reject theism?
edit on 19-8-2013 by AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)

For Atheists, it is a different experience for all of them. If you are an Atheist in this life, it doesn't mean that you were in a previous life. The same applies when if you are a man in this life, it can also mean that you were a woman in a previous life. One of the biggest reasons why you are an Atheist in this life is because in a previous life, you were lied to and destroyed mentally and emotionally by a religious organization. Your images of God were distorted by religion, and in the new life, you mirror that image by saying that you don't believe that there is a God. Remember closely that each lifetime is a direct continuation of a previous life based on your previous experiences. The physical mind may have lost your memory, but not your soul, which carries the memories from one life to another.

So after understanding this, an Atheist might get hit really hard by life this time around. He or she got hit so hard that after death, their consciousness got so emotional and distraught that all they see is darkness and hellish images. Your level of consciousness before death will project the world that you see afterwards. However, if you decide at that moment that you just can't take it anymore of this darkness nonsense and choose to see even a figment of an Angel, God, or a higher being, then you will see it. That's why I say that you can raise your consciousness in a matter of seconds if you want. After that, you will see Paradise or even Heaven as people call it. So with this brief experience after death, each proceeding reincarnation will hopefully help the Atheist have a better understanding of life and therefore will recognize God.

So reincarnation only ends if your soul mind finally figured out the meaning of life, and then transform this soul mind to spirit mind--the source of eternal life.
edit on 8/19/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

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