There is no way to combine a bunch of perspectives, myths and points-of-view, and come out with a truth that can be applied to everyone.
The fact that men want to standardize IDEAS merely means, those men follow after the methodology of Satanism, and they repudiate personal free will
and personal freedom.
By God, men and women must only be judged on their behavior, and the results, effects and outcomes their behavior creates.
Thought controls, politically correct opinions, idea-dominating-over-idea--those are all trappings of medieval thinking.
The Grand Inquisitor, the Nazis the MKULtra are all on the same page; and they're all sick, sick, sick.
If America and the West are going to continue to provoke, humiliate, plunder the enrage Islam, as a human provokes a rattle snake, then what else
would you expect but that Islam would buy loose nukes and throw them at us?
I mean--duh--it's so obvious. Our leadership WANTS Jihad, WANTS bloodshed, WANTS war-profiteering, WANTS to dominate over a way of life that will not
accept domination.
We who are NON-PREDATORY, who are ALSO dominated by US PREDATORY LEADERSHIP are powerless in the face of this. All our ideals about fair-dealing have
been squelched. Our Constitution that is built on "fair play for all" is in shambles since the 911-attack-parody by foreign agents friendly to and
connected to CIA covert mischief. We KNOW the Arabs weren't responsible. We KNOW a 757 never hit the Pentagon. We know WTC was demolished from
underneath [we have photos of the smoke rising up from the basement even as the "planes" hit the upper floors]. We know Waco was an event to scare
people away from Christian Charity and Community. We know Ruby Ridge was that also. We know OKC1995 didn't happen due to a bunch of cowpoop in a
Ryder Truck. We know the lies go back to JFK and the group that met to do him in.
Oh, yes. That group. Let's go back to the beginning of terrorism in the US. This is background info fairly well known.
But from 2002-2004 I keep meeting a guy on NYTIMES Abuzz who seemed to have some real inside scoop on the whole situations of terrorism that we have
been dealing with all these years. And here is a transcript of the messages he and I passed back and forth, and his take on it.
All these years, the U.S. Government has been covering up, deceiving and lying about the death of this President. It was an inside job.
As "Big_Poppy," alias "poppy_bush," explained to me, quote--
Big Poppa u.1551965/home/> Quick stats Added on thu, Jan 22, 2004 12:45 AM EST
He he, ya know it's funny. I was just tellin' Barb how much we used to love to light up the ol'DefCon alerts back in '68. Sure, we'd tell the
Soviets what we were doin' and they thought it was pretty damn funny too.
Hoo hoo, I'd have ol' dick take us right down to DefCon 1, then call Paris an' tell 'em that the Reds have busted through the Fulda Gap an' they
should get ready to surrender.
Oh man, he and Agnew used to laugh till we cried watching those damn frogs surrender to nobody! Ah well. . .the cold war. . . it's all over now. No
more time for fun and games. We gots to give 'em the Bling bling and the What Not and gimme some of that Euro-Power that runnin' round these days.
Yes ma'am, we gotta dance the night away in gay Paris!
tHEY cALL mE tHE gRASSY kNOLL u.1551965/home/> Added on Fri, Jan 23, 2004 11:31 PM EST 2004
Aw hell, the French are some damn fine people. We'd just have a few laughs on them, is all.
I love the French. Hell, I love Europe. That's why we're gonna be doin' the big Euro-Bling Bling A Ding Ding.
Comin' soon to a police station near you!
Big Poppa u.1551965/home/> Quick stats Added on Fri, Jan 23, 2004 12:09 PM EST 2004
Well ya see, I didn't actually pull the trigger on ol' Jack. No ma'am Wouldn't have been prudent at that juncture. But that's not to say his
little encounter was a random thing.
Thing is darlin', changes have to be made; corrections to the course of democracy. Yeah, I know...some democracy, right? But it sounds good doesn't
it, dear? And if it SOUNDS good, then the sheep will believe it, won't they? Oh yes they will.
Jack was screwed from the get go. His old man just wanted too much and didn't know when to shut up and color. Pity though...Jack was a nice enough
fella; he just didn't work out. It happens from time to time. You hire someone to work around the house and they just don't work out. They're too
lazy or they get caught stealing silverware, whatever. You just gotta let'em go.
It wasn't all Jack's fault that we lost the casino trade in Havana. It wasn't Hoover's fault either. He had a deal with Giancanna that would have
made everybody happy in Havana, Reno, and Vegas. But this Castro dick head had to poop in the punch, didn't he?
Ah well, here I go reminiscing again. Barb says I gotta quit spending so much time on the damn computer. I just like rehashing the old days when we
were just beginning to build the old' Bling Bling. But that slow train's coming down the pike. Yes it is, dearest.
Big Poppa u.1551965/home/> Quick stats Added on Fri, Jan 23, 2004 2:20 PM EST 2004
Here's a question for ya, dear.
Why was Zapruder there in the first place?
Was he just a casual observer with a camera? Whaddaya think?
You and I both know that there aren't many accidents when it comes to history, are there?
But thinnk about my question. I'll get back to ya.
Big Poppa u.1551965/home/> Quick stats Added on Fri, Jan 23, 2004 4:50 PM EST 2004
Well, what can I say? I know it's a bad thing to do sometimese. But you have to break some eggs if you're gonna make an omlete. Right, Emily?
And that's all we're doin'. Havin' us a little Euro-Power Bling Bling Omlete. And Big Poppa sure does love his eggs! Barb says I oughta cut down
what with all that cholesterol and such, but I just can't get enough of those tasty little buggers really. You know, I'm not a big fan of veggies.
Not me. Can't touch that brocolli; give me the gas something fierce. Besides I have a sensitive tummy.
I remember once when I was in Japan rubbin' elbows with all the other Big Shot Bling Bling. Havin' a good ol' time up there on the stage, eatin' a
fabulous meal of...well hell, I don't know what them damn nips eat but it wasn't eggs, I can tell you that! But anyhoo, I'm up there feelin'
pretty darm feisty drinking saki and what not and all of a sudden...BWAAARRP! Barfed all over myself. Think I got the Prime Minister too. Man alive,
was THAT embarrassing!
Never did care for that darn chink chow after that. No sir, give me a huge porterhouse and a baked potatoe (that's a Dan Quayle potato!) and a big
pot of Texas beans and I'm set!
But this whole mess will sort itself out before too long, Emily. there isn't gonna be revolution or tought police or none of thatclap trap. I
wouldn't worry about gettin' you one of them shotguns either. Besides, after Sonny checks in for his second term, we're taking everybody's weapons
away from them. It's for their own good, don't ya see? Why would you even NEED a gun when we're gonna have that spiffy National Police Force on
Yup, that's comin' right after my boy takes the oath. You see, the Homeland Security thing is basically a framework for a bigger badder police force
than the FBI. Gotta have more police is what I always say. More police, more peace. Peace in our time, Emily. Can you dig it? Won't have to worry
about drugs in the schools. The NPF Will be there. Won't have to worry about rigged election. The NPF will be there. Won't have to worry about those
loudmouth movie stars who don't know any better than to shut up. The NPF will be there. I'll be there too!
Big Poppa u.1551965/home/> Quick stats Added on Sat, Jan 24, 2004 5:30 PM EST 2004
"You're reading too literally, dear. I don't own the world so much as "we" own it. The "we" part is a little tricky to discern, but suffice it
to say, the pie has already been cut up for those who are going to get a piece of it.
Most of the groundwork has been laid. Everything's falling right into place. Really now, it's just a matter of a few more elections, a few more
operations, and few more "leadership changes." But we gotta be careful, Emily. Don't want anymore Bay of Pigs now, do we? I'm thinking once this
whole Euro business gels, it'll be time to start Geo-Unification.
Big Poppa u.1551965/home/> Quick stats Added on Sat, Jan 24, 2004 7:01 PM EST 2004
But Emily, you don't seem to understand. We've already won. We won without the American people even knowing that there was "a war" going on. You
wanna know what our secret weapon was? Why, it was complacency. The lambs just rolled over and gave up and they they didn't even know it because they
too busy watching "Survivor" or "The Bachelor" or what have you. America surfed the internet while we just slipped in and changed the locks.
I'd be pretty pissed if I were you.
Big Poppa u.1551965/home/> Quick stats Added on Sun, Jan 25, 2004 9:56 AM EST 2004
Nice theory, but it doesn't jive with the Big Picture. Emily, if you only knew what I know...and believe me, you don't know. Things have been
revealed Shouldn't go too far with this but we have a certain knowledge of things. We know what's going on in the sub-solar system. We're
not blind to it. And we collect the data too. In fact, we MADE some of that data happen.
Now about communism. My dad knew that communism was more of a tool than a threat. Think about this for a minute. After WWII, what were the two things
your average American Joe was worried about? The Bomb and communism. For many, the two were one in the same. How does one control a large population?
Fear and manipulation, plain and simple. You understand that, don't you Emily? Joe McCarthy had a mission and that was to exploit the fear of
communism. He was no accident; his rants were well thought out and executed. Speaking of executed, how about those Rosenbergs? Did their guilt or
innocence even matter? Hell no! They served a unique (and pre-ordained_ service to the early days of global building. Eisenhower and Nixon played
their roles with a depth that would have won them Oscars. Emily, do you agree with me when I say that our history from immediately following WWII to
present day was scripted? WWII was pretty well scripted too, but that's another thread and I'll that to you if you're so inclined.
Well Emily, if you'll excuse me, the Democratic candidates are making the news show rounds this morning. It's time for my morning chuckle.
Big Poppa u.1551965/home/> Quick stats Added on Sun, Jan 25, 2004 10:00 AM EST 2004
Emily, do you really think that the Bling Bling is gonna die when I do? Do you think that we hven't made plans for succession? Dear, I'm just a
chess piece. There are many others who are young, powerful and hungry. They have been loyal and smart. They will be the next generation of leaders and
they will groom their successors too.
Now, Sonny isn't one of them but he's okay with that. He's never had that much ambition beyond the next bottle of scotch but he's filling a nitch
for the time being. Watch for Jebbie in the near future. A brilliant man and very, very clever beyond outward appearances. He's currently the leader
of what we call "Team Florida." We've bred quite a crop of new global players down there and they're just waiting and watching. They'll come from
the ranks of the State Senate and other places. Mostly people you've likely never heard of before, but you will soon. No Emily, once I die things
will just keep right on clicking. You'll see.
Big Poppa u.1551965/home/> Quick stats Added on Sun, Jan 25, 2004 12:30 PM EST 2004
Emily, let me explain a little about what our Big Buzz is all about.
Back in 1946, there was a meeting in Kiev that was not reported to the press (who knew better back then). Attending were, Joe Stalin, Douglas
MacArthur, J. Edgar Hoover, and Dean Acheson among others. The agenda for that meeting was nothing less than the partitioning of the continents.
Emily, the Buzz from that gathering was palpable. One was made dizzy by the sheer magnitude of what was at stake.
In June of 1963, there was a meeting in a private residence in Virginia that was hosted by Hoover, Cyrus Vance, Everett Dirksen, John McCone and
Carmine Galante. The agenda for that day was to firm up plans for an operation that was known casually as, "The Dealy Hit." My head swam as I sat
there silently contemplating the import of our work. History being made, being written at that very moment. I remember not being able to sleep that
night. The adrenaline was pumping through me and made me feel invincible. And I was.
This is the essence of the Big Bling Bling, Emily. God could have stopped us years ago. but He didn't because He's got better things to do, better
civilizations to manage. We're on our own now. And MY time is here.
Do you understand that, Emily.
MY time is here
End of transcript.
NOW: If our nation doesn't stop mucking around with other nations, it won't matter what their religion is; they're going to come back and WOMP us.