posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 08:47 PM
If anything is possible then one must consider the possibility of a supreme being being gendered as well. This is, of course, to make a strong
presumption on the nature of the universe itself. If, as some claim, God is all encompassing and truely the very nature of the universe itself, it
would mean that everything as we know it is has a certain gender assigned to it as well...from the smallest grain of sand to the largest of Helium and
Hydrogen powered stars. The fact is we just do not have enough information or mental capability to fathom the nature of such a grand question.
One thing is for sure though. On the relatively small scale that our world encompasses in the grand scheme of things there are creatures that are
non-gendered and take on asexual characteristics. This in itself, effectively proves that not every "living" thing has been given a certain "sex"
to follow. This brings up an interesting point...
There are two things were are talking about, and gender. They are completely different concepts even in the literal meaning of the words.
"Gender" is an implied notion that can be altered by the subject at will, and is usually prescribed to a person by there appearance. However, it is
completely possible for a Male to take on the "Gender" of a female and likewise with a female. "Sex" is a term used to generally describe the
sexual function of the subject, and rarely can be completely altered. One is born to a certain sex, and not to a "gender". With these terms comes
the all too common misconceptions about what they mean, and this is where one of the main problems with this thread lies.
Are we asking if a Godly figure is denotated as belonging to a certain "sex" group, or a certain "gender" group? By the way people have been
answering I would assume we are going on the basis of the "sex of God" and not the "Gender of God". If we were truely analyzing a set gender role
prescribed to God one would easily see that this supreme being often falls into both the Male and Female gender roles (ie Female=compassion, love,
understanding, etc. and Male=strength, vengence, lust, etc.) Now, as for the "sex" of a Godly figure, we are left only to ponder if the nature of a
being that creates even asexual creatures as mentioned before, as well as bacteria, etc., which do not have a sex group is a part of a sex group
itself... That is a very tough question to answer, and one fully worth an answer, but asking humans will get you nowhere. Humans are fallible, and
with fallacy comes ignorance...ignorance of something we will never fully understand if it does exist. This is not to say there is NO answer, but
merely that at this point in time, one cannot fully grasp the idea of such a question...let alone answer it.
Also, to look a godly figure one would have to relinquish the feeling that God is "as exactly described in the Christian Bible". This is an
essential point, because each religion on earth views its creator/creators differently. To some a "God" figure has not sex, and to others God is
attributed to either the Male or Female sex. To know the true nature of what one seeks to find, they must look at all possible variations avaliable
and then formulate their own ideas about such a large question. To completely negate over 3/4 of the rest of the human population that God supposedly
created, would be to deny what God itself created and bestowed upon the rest of humanity. To draw a parallel from this one could easily argue that
this is where religious intolerance begins, but that is for another argument and another thread.
Now, as far as the question of why many things "womanly" are often described as evil...
There is a theory that has gained both a lot of acceptance and a lot of ridicule in the past. It is called the Great Goddess Theory, and historically
speaking there is just as much evidence to prove it may be real as there is to prove it is not. In essence, and without going into the plethora of
material on the subject women and a "womanly" religion once dominated the cultural and spiritual centers of humanity. Long story short...the men
grew weary of women ruling over them, even if it was a peaceful time, and eventually took over the role, changed everything to a male dominated
culture, and began the suppression of women. Whether you believe this theory is up to you and as I stated previously there is evidence both ways, but
it may be an answer to the original posters questions.
The only way to answer such a question is to know the very composition of the universe/universes and beyond. As it stands, we are capable of neither
knowing ourselves nor the makeup of "everything else".
[edit on 10-11-2004 by Jazzerman]