posted on Feb, 2 2014 @ 03:49 AM
reply to post by frayedknot
Mind plays games with us. We often see images that are so real yet the images are imagination.
Human mind is adept at creating an artificial reality. Why is so is something to do with soul's own great power and the great faculties of human
Maybe the soul tries to imitate God. God created this reality in which we live including the bodies that we have. This whole reality is like magic
which one day vanishes with the destruction of the Universe. It is so real, yet it is not.
The basic question is - can we see past lives? The answer is "yes" as there are people who have seen not only their own past lives but can see
other's past lives too.
However this requires activating powers of soul which is possible only after long practice of soul purification (called 'tapa' in Sanskrit). So it
is not a capability acquired easily.
The people who acquire this capability can see other people's (and their own) past lives without any special state or assistance. They do not need to
close their eyes or get into a trance.
However such things can be easily faked as well, as soul's experiences like dreams are so hard to prove. You only experience it, and nobody else sees
anything. So it is a gray area for science.
I have a certain yardstick for a person that I would trust to be able to see past lives:
a. Lives a very simple non-pretentious life.
b. Has ability to heal others.
c. Always speaks truth. Is not influenced by trappings of power.
d. Physical signs like the sweat does not smell. This is a sign of purification of body achieved by 'tapa'.