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How the Soviet KGB created Conspiracy Theories

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posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 04:41 AM
A list of conspiracies that are supposedly Americas fault:

9/11: False Flag by the USA, Mossad.

* Aliens and UFOs: Cover-Up by the U.S. / Area 51 / CIA Cover-Up. Very little mention of Russias involvement.

* Police-State: America most often mentioned as police state, although the Soviet-Union / Russia have been more of a police-state.

* Secret Societies: American / European / Jewish. Hardlyany mention of Russian Secret Societies at all.

* Warmongering: USA most mentioned country. Hardly any mention of Russia or Soviets.

* Globalist Business - Most mention of USA, very little mention of Russia.

* Weather Manipulation: Mention of American HAARP program. No mention of Russia.

* Moon Hoax: American, not Russian.

* Religious Conspiracies: 70% Christian/American.

* MidEast Problems: Fault of America/Israel.

* Surveillance / Big Brother: The appearance is given that the U.S. is the major force in this.

* JFK: A CIA Conspiracy

The list goes on and on. There are hundreds of countries in the world and several Superpowers (Russia, China, Europe, Japan) and yet all over the Internet the U.S. is the main culprit. This may not be a coincidence and it may not be factual, it may be engineered.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 04:56 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

I don't believe the KGB or Imperial Russia started all these rumors. Seems like you've taken the most popular conspiracies and made them Russian propaganda. Are you a victim of further propaganda????

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
A list of conspiracies that are supposedly Americas fault:

9/11: False Flag by the USA, Mossad. True

* Aliens and UFOs: Cover-Up by the U.S. / Area 51 / CIA Cover-Up. Very little mention of Russias involvement. Not True

* Police-State: America most often mentioned as police state, although the Soviet-Union / Russia have been more of a police-state. Not True

* Secret Societies: American / European / Jewish. Hardlyany mention of Russian Secret Societies at all. Not True

* Warmongering: USA most mentioned country. Hardly any mention of Russia or Soviets. Not True

* Globalist Business - Most mention of USA, very little mention of Russia. Not True

* Weather Manipulation: Mention of American HAARP program. No mention of Russia. Not True

* Moon Hoax: American, not Russian. ?

* Religious Conspiracies: 70% Christian/American. ?

* MidEast Problems: Fault of America/Israel. True

* Surveillance / Big Brother: The appearance is given that the U.S. is the major force in this. True

* JFK: A CIA Conspiracy True

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 05:10 AM
Surely the first conspiracy theory was probably around 3 million year ago when one clever monkey stole a banana and pointed at a random (innocent) monkey when the owner made the discovery???

Glibbness aside, the great fire of Rome had state sponsored conspiracy theories ( it was the Christians).

I'm pretty sure the Romans learnt it from the greeks and them from the Egyptians etc etc etc

it doesnt take the KGB to work out that if you can plant the seed of doubt it allows you to operate unseen.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 08:24 AM
Great thread.

It's been a long time since I've opened a thread on ATS and have had my mind officially "blown away".

But with conspiracies, and propaganda you never no how deep these things go, or where they actually start from, well you "usually" don't. I really don't want to blindly accept that most biggest conspiracies between 1930 and 1990 in America were started and/or fueled by the Soviet Union/KGB, that all just seems a little to convenient to shift the blame from the American governments own involvement in some of these things.

However, after reading the thread now after thinking some more..., I wouldn't be suprised if the KGB wasn't involved in many if not most of propaganda, or conspiracies that are being discussed here.

Anyway excellent thread, S+F'd again this is something I never even considered, and now that I read this I wonder why, it's seems pretty simple and plausible that the KGB would do this to their long time enemy the USA.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 09:51 AM

But if true (and thats really an IF in this case), why would modern Russia still be applying these Cold War tactics? Well, Russia is still in competition to the west for resources and oil and dominance. Their covert operation tools having worked in the past it follows that they would continue to use them.

Sounds to me like what my wife and her gal pals do to each other
start rumors about someone that they dont like. Before you know, someone has a bad image
Pretty much the psyops are/were intended to weaken a person morally and possibly make them anti-government or policies, rules, regulations etc etc upto certain extent. Remember lot of the political matters does depend on the voters in the US. Cold War days were different for USSR (CCCP) and they had nothing to lose if there were psyops or theories being floated against their government. Communist russia was ruled with an iron fist back then unlike now.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by Skyfloating
A list of conspiracies that are supposedly Americas fault:

9/11: False Flag by the USA, Mossad.

* Aliens and UFOs: Cover-Up by the U.S. / Area 51 / CIA Cover-Up. Very little mention of Russias involvement.

* Police-State: America most often mentioned as police state, although the Soviet-Union / Russia have been more of a police-state.

* Secret Societies: American / European / Jewish. Hardlyany mention of Russian Secret Societies at all.

* Warmongering: USA most mentioned country. Hardly any mention of Russia or Soviets.

* Globalist Business - Most mention of USA, very little mention of Russia.

* Weather Manipulation: Mention of American HAARP program. No mention of Russia.

* Moon Hoax: American, not Russian.

* Religious Conspiracies: 70% Christian/American.

* MidEast Problems: Fault of America/Israel.

* Surveillance / Big Brother: The appearance is given that the U.S. is the major force in this.

* JFK: A CIA Conspiracy

The list goes on and on. There are hundreds of countries in the world and several Superpowers (Russia, China, Europe, Japan) and yet all over the Internet the U.S. is the main culprit. This may not be a coincidence and it may not be factual, it may be engineered.

I'm not quite sure what you're saying SkyFloating.

Are you saying there are no Conspiracies ??

Everything was made-up by the Soviets ?? .... LMAO !!

911 was definitely a Conspiracy .... a cluster of events like that just doesn't happen without some help from somewhere.

The USA most definitely is rapidly becoming a Police state with Militarized cops appearing everywhere.

Secret societies do exist and do influence all aspects of life.

Warmongering .... Do I even need to go further on this one ?

Global Business ... Well Hello ... are you even awake ? .. the Dollar as Global reserve currency ... Oil exchange.

Religious Conspiracy ... Well Obama is targeting Christians through the IRS and other Institutions or don't you read.

Mid-East problems the fault of Israel/USA ... well yeah .. I would add the UK to that list .. but yeah mostly.

Surveillance/Big Brother ... NSA !! NSA !! NSA !!

JFK/CIA ... Did you just fall off the cabbage truck or what ?? are you seriously saying the CIA was not involved and it was just Lee Harvey Oswald the lone Gunman who managed to change the route of the motorcade ... know in advance that the route had been changed.... got the close protection guards to stand down .... etc etc. please !

But no ... you would have us believe ...YOUR Conspiracy theory ... that it is all Soviet Disinfo ... again LMAO !!

Don't let your Patriotism blind you to the facts that the Establishment is feral and has been for a long time ... they do not care about you insomuch as your blind patriotism makes you a useful idiot.

I won't go as far as to outright say you are trolling for the Government .... but wow Sky ..... just freaking wow.


posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 10:39 AM
How do we know this thread isn't a disinfo agenda as based on what is says, despite experts in fields of science explaining how AIDS was created and launched on two continents at the same time was planned by the U.S. government. If what you are saying is true, then any "conspiracy" brought up can just be ignored because "It was started by the KGB, right?

There are a TON Of reasons to not believe we landed on the moon, but hey that just means your a mind numbed psy-op following KGB stooge.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 10:44 AM
Good stuff

From Stalin to Sequestration
edit on 103131p://bMonday2013 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 11:23 AM
I find it fascinating to watch the reactions of folks to a thread and OP story like this. Some aren't terribly surprised, like me, and pretty well find it interesting history reading to fill in a few blanks that were left from previously known facts on what Soviets were up to in the bad old days. Others are genuinely surprised but open to learn or consider it, anyway. While yet others seem to find the idea of the other half of the Cold War being just as bad or worse than we were, so foreign a concept, they seem challenged to even consider it possible.

I wonder... If one could know for certain and hold the ages of those 3 groups of replies up for comparison to what periods of time we've all lived through? How much would that correlate to the reaction each displays? I'm thinking the connection would be startling for it's clarity. That's me though....

In terms of what is still happening? Well... There have been a few defectors from the S.V.R. (Replacement for much of what the KGB was assigned to work) They tell a very interesting story of how the SVR has been more active in North American operations since the mid 90's than even the KGB had been in the mid 80's. That's saying enough to get my attention...and has since I read what some of those men had to say. The Russian version of Snowden, if one wants to get philosophical about it.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by EA006

Of course you don't believe it. It's much easier for you to continue to believe that you are "smarter" than everyone else. That you know something they don't. Facts do nothing to further that belief, and so you choose to ignore those items whihc directly contradict your existing views. Deny ignorance, indeed....

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

At no point in time has ANY reputable biologist said anything even CLOSE to what you propose as to the origins of HIV.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
Good stuff

From Stalin to Sequestration
edit on 103131p://bMonday2013 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

Great articles. I love hearing from people who have actually lived under communism / socialism. Here in America, We are seeing our nation be destroyed. Of course the commies want to infiltrate us and subvert us so there won't be a war, we will just wake up one day and think like them and be oh so lucky to live like them!

Yuri Bezmenov spelled out the four stages to destroy America.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by EA006

I don't believe the KGB or Imperial Russia started all these rumors. Seems like you've taken the most popular conspiracies and made them Russian propaganda. Are you a victim of further propaganda????

The post above yours, are you referring to that? Thats just speculation. Maybe its only a really strange coincidence that in them, America is always the boogeyman. The OP however, thats not speculation, thats History.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Wrabbit2000

In terms of what is still happening? Well... There have been a few defectors from the S.V.R. (Replacement for much of what the KGB was assigned to work) They tell a very interesting story of how the SVR has been more active in North American operations since the mid 90's than even the KGB had been in the mid 80's. That's saying enough to get my attention...and has since I read what some of those men had to say. The Russian version of Snowden, if one wants to get philosophical about it.

I had a post up a long time ago on another forum that showed black leaders of the civil rights movement explaining how they were trained by communists in how to protest, gin up support by playing the victim and that it was not until much later they realized how much they had been played. This was not to say changes did not need to occur, but some of the changes were not really good for the black community, and they saw that later. Mostly, they bemoaned desegregation of schools which helped to tear up the communities. Then out of that came the "war on poverty" which has done nothing but make many in their community completely dependent on the government which has further harmed them and not brought them out of poverty at all.

Those videos are no where to be found now btw. I guess someone didn't like that truth getting out. Maybe someone can find one or two. I linked to about five of them, they are gone now.
edit on 5-8-2013 by UnifiedSerenity because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 12:45 PM
Here's a NYTimes article from 1981.

It covers a KGB tactic of using forged documents.

The current concern in some Congressional and journalistic circles about Soviet ''disinformation'' activities in the United States news media rests upon a fundamental misunderstanding of the K.G.B. program.

For more than 20 years, the Soviet Committee for State Security (K.G.B.) has secretly subsidized publications, planted rumors, and distributed forged documents as a minor but useful supplement to the large-scale anti-American propaganda campaign openly directed from Moscow.

The most effective part of the K.G.B.'s work has been the fabrication of documents designed to provide the third world with hard ''evidence'' of America's hostile intentions. Most forgeries have had as their target the elites and semiliterate peoples of the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. The publications have alleged a Central Intelligence Agency plan to unseat several Latin American regimes, a secret American commitment to Israel (for the Arab audience), assassination plots against the late President Sukarno of Indonesia (he was taken in) and President Anwar el-Sadat of Egypt (he was not).


posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 01:10 PM
The OP creates this conspiracy theory about Russian conspiracy theories to take the heat off the real culprits, the Americans. Clearly the OP is CIA

Kidding aside, great thread Skyfloating! I didn't realize the KGB was involved in the moon landing and JFK assassination theories...actually, I don't think I'd heard much, if any, of this before. Nice job bringing this to everyone's attention.
Would Russia still be doing this? Good question. Some of these things you mentioned (like the tensions in the Middle East) really don't seem to need a hand to continue on. Or do they?

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Great post! Some of those "conspiracies" I bought into full force... Would love to know how they are continuing to furthers these conspiracies today.

The OP doesn't not state that their is nothing conspiratorial in each event only providing sourced information of Russian agents admitting they have attempted, with much success, in the disinformation regarding these events.

It doesn't matter what type of doubt you cast on an enemy as a team any will do and its just as logical they picked what they saw as the easiest to manipulate for their set of goals. The importance of sourced research to each event ,checking sources, being logical and investigating all sides is the big lesson.

Honestly I know that many times myself I will feel I am "researching" into a topic for "truth", when in fact i am looking for information to back up what I have read and think I believe. Why do we all tend to do this? To feel important or smart like we know something others dont I guess.

In the end, the only monopoly on truth is held by the facts and truth itself.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by jaffo
reply to post by UnifiedSerenity

At no point in time has ANY reputable biologist said anything even CLOSE to what you propose as to the origins of HIV.

And I am sure you don't think Vaccines are dangerous either. That the autism and MS boom has a direct correlation to vaccines and we can add in mental deficiences caused by the mercury either right? Scientists will be black listed and prevented from doing an research in America if they even attempt to investigate much of anything but carry to water for the PTB.

Amazingly, scientists outside of the United States are not quite so hampered.

Watch the one guy deny he did exactly what Horowitz said he did. I think some factual data shown in the video is worth examining.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by Nola213

Anyway excellent thread, S+F'd again this is something I never even considered, and now that I read this I wonder why, it's seems pretty simple and plausible that the KGB would do this to their long time enemy the USA.

I read conspiracy-theories for nearly two decades without even considering the possibility. Its tricky, because conspiracy-theories lead you to believe that they expose propaganda rather than perpetrating it.

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