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Christians - Metaphorical understanding of Christianity

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posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by covertpanther

After absolutely no consideration at all.
I think I'm gonna stick with my, two to three thousand year old
book of fairytales and lies, that I'm just to stupid to understand
by myself because our english isn't old english. And you're way
smarter than any Bible scholar I've ever seen.

Fine by me Randy. Goodluck reaching the higher levels of consciousness, and have a nice trip in your next life, when the NWO is full throttle

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by covertpanther

You post long and obnoxious posts telling everyone that you know all the answers and anyone that disagrees with your "knowledge" is wrong and then whine that people are giving each other stars, I read and reread your OP and it comes off as incoherent babble telling people that you know what is what and everyone else is wrong and also if you are so knowledgeable and enlightened why would other people's beliefs get to you? If there is more to come after we die and our lifeforce lives on it will apply to everyone irregardless of what they believe.... So yes I stand by my statement that you are trying to # on people's beliefs just so you can try and feel like you know it all.

Also how do you know for certain that your own beliefs are right?
edit on 4/8/13 by Todzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 03:19 AM
reply to post by covertpanther

Ok, so as a Christian I now have a choice...

Disregard the book that was written by 66 different people, most of whom didnt know each other, thousands of years ago, yet uncannily speak of the same events and prophecies (which HAVE been coming to pass and are currently being fulfilled). A book that has been studied for centuries by scholars, proven not to have been altered (most documented book ever....dead sea scrolls confirm no changes have been made). A book that tells us to love eachother, even our enemies, a book that delves into the inner depths of the human spirit. A book that is supported by many writings over millenia that are not even part of said book. A book that tells of a history that is confirmed by finds and artifacts. The most historically accurate book of the time (regarding cities, how people lived, eat, worked, relationships between tribes and countries).

Or disregard your thread which has nothing to back it up. Plays with the English language which as you say is a modern language and didn't even exist until recently. A thread that states that is doesn't matter how words are spelt as you can change them round willy nilly to create different words which implies the original word also means something else...??? I have a big cheesy grin just writing this.

mmmmmmmmm, which do I choose?

I respect everyones beliefs as I hope people respect mine but this is quite simply not for me. Sorry.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by Todzer
reply to post by covertpanther

You post long and obnoxious posts telling everyone that you know all the answers and anyone that disagrees with your "knowledge" is wrong and then whine that people are giving each other stars, I read and reread your OP and it comes off as incoherent babble telling people that you know what is what and everyone else is wrong and also if you are so knowledgeable and enlightened why would other people's beliefs get to you? If there is more to come after we die and our lifeforce lives on it will apply to everyone irregardless of what they believe.... So yes I stand by my statement that you are trying to # on people's beliefs just so you can try and feel like you know it all.

Also how do you know for certain that your own beliefs are right?
edit on 4/8/13 by Todzer because: (no reason given)

Do you want short and simple "ABC" posts? I thought most members here were capable of reading lengthly texts.

Im not whining about stars, Im pointing out that the same people are starring eachother for comfort; I dont care about star counts at all lol! Its a little website, a tiny fraction of reality, I couldnt care more then that. Its just my opportunity to bring forth truth.

I never said Christians or anyone disagreeing with me is wrong, you are twisting my words around. I do not agree with people who follow BLIND FAITH - that is someething they do not fully understaand the origins of.

And again I never said I was enlightened; I clearly stated in my previous post "I have not been in commune with the most high as of yet in my short life". So again you are twisting my words around.

You respond like a teenager would; which is hard to take you seriously; none of you responding have brought anyhting to the table other then I am blabbling, or bashing.. Which shows your inferior to the knowledge I speak of.

If believing in a book brings you more comfort then believing in YOURSELF and your highest potential in aspects of consciousness and Soul; then that is fine, it does "not get to me".

The only thing that gets to me is; there is a collective who are self-proclaimed 'Royals', running around slaughtering people, taking land, calling it their own, buildin civilizations on that land, then manipulating and deceiving its people so they can have complete control over them and the resources of the planet.

As I said its deeper then christianity and beliefs. I know where Im going and how to get there. But what kind of person would I be if I did not spread the truth I have learned and experienced?

Shi* on that buddy

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 03:33 AM

Originally posted by greavsie1971
reply to post by covertpanther

Ok, so as a Christian I now have a choice...

Disregard the book that was written by 66 different people, most of whom didnt know each other, thousands of years ago, yet uncannily speak of the same events and prophecies (which HAVE been coming to pass and are currently being fulfilled). A book that has been studied for centuries by scholars, proven not to have been altered (most documented book ever....dead sea scrolls confirm no changes have been made). A book that tells us to love eachother, even our enemies, a book that delves into the inner depths of the human spirit. A book that is supported by many writings over millenia that are not even part of said book. A book that tells of a history that is confirmed by finds and artifacts. The most historically accurate book of the time (regarding cities, how people lived, eat, worked, relationships between tribes and countries).

Or disregard your thread which has nothing to back it up. Plays with the English language which as you say is a modern language and didn't even exist until recently. A thread that states that is doesn't matter how words are spelt as you can change them round willy nilly to create different words which implies the original word also means something else...??? I have a big cheesy grin just writing this.

mmmmmmmmm, which do I choose?

I respect everyones beliefs as I hope people respect mine but this is quite simply not for me. Sorry.

When you demean everything I put my energy into like that; of course it seems easy to dis regard it.

If your "Holy" book is so great; why has it caused more wars and death and supressed spirituality more then anyother concept in the world known?

Mmmmmmmmmmmm, maybe because a specific bloodline wants to kill and conquer and make everyone believe in their stories to remain contorl over them?

GO AHEAD. Believe your book. Believe your Royals, folow your government, drink your floride, eat your GMO, slave for the bank, and silence your mind and spirit

Again, I hope it really works out for you. Just like all those other billions of christians now and before you, who are now in Heaven

It doesnt bother me that those reading and responding dont care or believe what I have brough forth; truth stands alone. At least on this planet it does. While myself and others are travelling and existing in higher states of consciousness you will be stuck in this lower dense world, awaiting a NEW EMPIRE, a NEW WORLD ORDER, that will forever govern your Soul and being.

And that was your choice because you put blind faith an old book before truth and your SOUL.

Allow this to be the 'once upon a time' story; of a man who tried to reach out and save you, before it was too late. This is my last thread on Ats, and the internet in general. I said Im only doing this once, and this is it. Once the information is out there, I have done my part, and can be happy that at least I tried to reach out and help fellow brothers and sisters percieve the higher consciousness and realities that govern their everyday lives.

Goodluck, peace and love to all of you. In my heart, I truly wish you all a safe Soul-journey on the wheel of Karma.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 03:34 AM
reply to post by covertpanther

Your "knowledge" seems to be snippets of different beliefs and stories from around the internet all jumbled into some sort of "message" trying to warn people of something or other, no proof no basis just we have to take your word on it, now how do you know that you are right and not some person suffering from some sort of mental break or schizophrenic episode? You seem certain that you are right so show proof besides words that kinda look like other words. People who see patterns and such in words suffer from apophenia, look it up.

edit on 4/8/13 by Todzer because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 03:38 AM

Fine by me Randy. Goodluck reaching the higher levels of consciousness, and have a nice trip in your next life, when the NWO is full throttle
reply to post by covertpanther

Well at least I didn't basically tell you if you think you can reach a higher consciousness
then you have no idea what Chrshna was even talking about. And blah blah and my belief
system trumps your philosophy. I don't have to try and get you to believe what I believe.
Because there will come a time when you have no choice.

edit on 4-8-2013 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 04:06 AM
reply to post by covertpanther

People cause war, not a book. Jesus himself despised religion in all forms ( he would despise the state of modern mainstream Christianity too). If someone murders someone else yet says they are a Christian....they are misguided or lying to further their agenda.....Thou shall not murder!

I dont eat GMO (Im an heirloom farmer).

I dont follow any goverment (as much as possible anyway....hard to escape their control), I dont vote (they are all as bad as each other).

I am an anti-royalist, born in UK I have first hand experience of their control.

We dont have flouride in our water, and I use none flouridated toothpaste.

I only keep enough money in the bank to pay bills, I barely have any spare cash anyway so cant afford to use banks if I wanted.

The Bible tells warns us of a coming world system (NWO).

Blind faith? Not really, I have read the Bible and the over 30% is prophecy, all prophecies so far seem to have come to pass. I made a choice to accept that there is something supernatural to the bible. I understand some people choose not to believe but to say 'blind faith' is condescending and incorrect.

Seems you have judged me incorrectly. I was polite to you and even said I was sorry that your concept didn't fit with my world view. I respect your beliefs and all I said was it wasn't for me. Your reply was , well, dis-respectful at best. Yet you claim to be spiritually aware, yet you are very critical of others. You dont show any understanding in your posts.
edit on 4-8-2013 by greavsie1971 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 04:24 AM
reply to post by covertpanther

Do you want short and simple "ABC" posts? I thought most members here were capable of reading lengthly texts.

i would much rather see a thread too long. Than to click and read a one line thread.
'First of all, because the guidelines for posting a thread on ATS is two paragraphs
at least.

In fact FnS for the time you spent OP.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 04:36 AM
reply to post by randyvs

Same here OP, you have spent a lot of time on this and I fully respect that. Stick to your beliefs, that is a right we all have, and we should respect each others beliefs regardless of how we personally feel about them. Hopefully the day will come when we all respect each other for being different, that is what makes the human race the incredible most interesting thing we know.

We see too many people being abusive to each other just because of our beliefs and life experiences. We all lead different lives so obviously have different outlooks on what life actually is. (I think we are all guilty of this to some extent).

Peace brother, we are all fellow passengers on this journey and the more we respect each other, the better our journey is.

edit on 4-8-2013 by greavsie1971 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by covertpanther

Also my friend why did you change the title of your thread? If you are so sure that you weren't bashing Christianity why bother changing it?

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by covertpanther

With no esoteric, or spiritual knowledge, the Bible is USELESS to anyone seeking spiritual commune with the most high.

I see now how that word/mind game works...

Esoteric = Inner Trick

Eso = Inner

Teric = drop the "e", add a "k", = Trick

In other words, you've been "tricked from within".

What is up with the mystics lately?

This is the third time since yesterday that I've seen someone trying to rewrite the Bible AND the Dictionary in order to do it.

The restless spirits must be getting desperate.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by covertpanther

Goodluck reaching the higher levels of consciousness

There is nothing Good about 'Luck'. I thought with your tunings into 'higher consciousness', one would have come to an understanding of such, as opposed to projecting such ills.

Your spiritual walk is still early in it's wake, therefore I can only advise one be very careful of where you attempt to lead other souls as you posted blasphemies of a very high spiritual order. We all make errors on the walk, however some are more gravely serious than others impacting the ultimate fate of souls beyond this physical---and that is very dangerous ground to tread on a karmic level.

In one foul swoop, you denied the Power in Christ Yehushua and Grace and offered it to the serpentine ilk via your favoured and promoted kundalini practice. Heathen minds however may find your words endearing to their carnal senses of 'self-serving' ascension, which reminds me of your current masters words in the Garden "ye shall be as gods".

So many doctrines of devils proclaimed I could barely keep up with the war footing at this late hour. You too loudly stated the Bible is "dead" shortly prior to you relaying knowledge from it. Would usually be an amusing notation if the matters of deceit were not so dangerous to the fate of souls for any impressionable that subscribe. And the sad irony is you are convinced you are saving them with a distorted blending of 'gnosis'.

The serpentine based kundalini you cleave to is primarily a gateway to opening ones soul matrix up to exposure from the earth interacting inter-dimensional astral realms--those places utterly infested with demonic 'fallen' negative geared entities that will latch on to deceived practitioners like white on rice with their influence, and you are 'free' to practicing that kind of 'bottom up ascension' if you choose.

That old serpent is always trying to 'awaken' it's spirit greater in deed with man and he has many servants today working against the True Christ, that is abundantly evident.

P.s-- Our scriptures have long pointed out the growing numbers of the 'antichrist' ilk for this present age thousands of years ago.

edit on 4-8-2013 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 08:12 AM

Originally posted by randyvs
reply to post by covertpanther

Do you want short and simple "ABC" posts? I thought most members here were capable of reading lengthly texts.

i would much rather see a thread too long. Than to click and read a one line thread.
'First of all, because the guidelines for posting a thread on ATS is two paragraphs
at least.

In fact FnS for the time you spent OP.

@ Randy & greavsies:

I thank you both for your honesty. Greavsies; I appreciate your last post a lot, thanks again.

I said it earlier, and I want it to be repeated and not overlooked; I respect christians for their beliefs, my family is christians, and my grandmother is a native from London; my grandparents are obsessed with the Royal family..

So for me to of had the experiences I had, and branch away from that way of perceiving things, into the conscious level Im at now is quite something in my eyes. As I have seen how blind people can be, when all they know is what they have seen with the two eyes.

But I assure every single individual their are entire LIGHT SPECTRUMS that you cannot percieve with those eyes, that have just as much going on as what you see here, in this reality. What I refer to is 'dimensions' as its known; this is the higher realms of consciousness, one must need be at to percieve what the eyes cant show you.

There are invisible forces at work, and where do we suppose those forces work from? Its from the inside of everything, inside your mind and Soul. Close your eyes to truly see and seek, and you if you want truth, truth you shall find.

For some; meditation is more then a means of bringing peace and balancing energies in ones life. More then relaxing the body. In a meditational state of mind, one can travel through the INTERNAL, this is where one will commune with higher consciousnesses.

Which is why I dont agree with religion. It has peoples focus on the external reality, and as such is how society is consctructed. To keep attention OUTSIDE, thus, shutting down what is INSIDE. Attacks on the body via food and health is to weaken the body, thus the mind, and ultimately the Spirit of individuals.

@ Everyone getting whiny and sarcastic about the "word game".. It just so happens that english is the common spoken language world wide, why? Those who spent many many years constructed this languages, were not native to language they spoke and thought in different languages.

So it becomes obvious certain words root from others, and different languages branch from one another. Language is so complex and is the silent master of people; as they speak and think with it everyday of their lives, their entire lives. When on thinks in symbols/words - it becomes hard to navigate the mind/spirit because one will think in words.

Meaning it makes it harder to go deep in the mind when your thoughts are a language that is only used in an EXTERNAL reality. I didnt create language; I believe, before langauge was forced upon the people of Earth; everyone communicated through thought waves. Just as animals do, which is called telepathy. Or in the "Word Game";

TELE = a combining form meaning “distant,” especially “transmission over a distance (online-dictionary)

PATH = A way or track laid down for walking or made by continual treading (online dictionary)

Obvoiusly once upon a time our MINDS were more then obdient ways of photocopying what is infront of our eyes or heard by a teacher in a room.
The ancients understood how to travel the mind and this is why it seemed everyone in ancient times worshipped the same things, or had simular civilizations. They were all connected into the MIND-FIELD. Something we are being forced from BIRTH to disconnect from, and engage more into an artificial world that is outside of ourselves.

If this thread is not taken seriously, the knowledge is lost and useless. But like I said I take knowledge VERY seriously, as its my way out of this matrix, so I can avoid the NWO. People can see there is not much time left, you are all members of an online conspiracy-community - so you should already know that.

I expect that most dont know what I have been talking about; and this is why I come here today. To bring forth what I learned. If I didnt expereince amazing things in the spiritual nature; if I didnt expereince travelling outside my body (astral travel), if I havent remote viewed before, or seen other non-human beings - I wouldnt be where Im at today.

But that is a reality my mind is strong enough to live and lead - I have experience my consciousness expand beyond my body, as have millions of others; past, present and future. But I understand more have not expereinced such things, and that is why bringing this knowledge is important, so people can LEARN WHAT THEY TRULY ARE.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by PrimeLight
reply to post by covertpanther

Goodluck reaching the higher levels of consciousness

There is nothing Good about 'Luck'. I thought with your tunings into 'higher consciousness', one would have come to an understanding of such, as opposed to projecting such ills.

Your spiritual walk is still early in it's wake, therefore I can only advise one be very careful of where you attempt to lead other souls as you posted blasphemies of a very high spiritual order. We all make errors on the walk, however some are more gravely serious than others impacting the ultimate fate of souls beyond this physical---and that is very dangerous ground to tread on a karmic level.

In one foul swoop, you denied the Power in Christ Yehushua and Grace and offered it to the serpentine ilk via your favoured and promoted kundalini practice. Heathen minds though may find your words very endearing to their carnal senses of 'self-serving' ascension, which reminds me of your current masters words in the Garden "ye shall be as gods".

So many doctrines of devils proclaimed I could barely keep up with such a war footing at this late hour. You too loudly stated the Bible is "dead" shortly prior to you relaying knowledge from it. Laughable if the matters of your deceit were not so dangerous to the fate of souls for any impressionable that subscribe. And the sad irony is you are convinced you are saving them with all your distorted blending of 'gnosis'.

The serpentine based kundalini you cleave to is simply a gateway to opening ones soul matrix up to exposure from the earth interacting inter-dimensional astral realms--those places utterly infested with demonic 'fallen' negative geared entities that will latch on to deceived practitioners like white on rice with their influence, and you are 'free' to practicing that kind of 'bottom up ascension' if you choose.

That old serpent is always trying to 'awaken' it's spirit greater in deed with man and he has many servants today working against the True Christ, that is abundantly evident.

P.s-- Our scriptures have long pointed out the growing numbers of the 'antichrist' ilk for this present age thousands of years ago.

edit on 4-8-2013 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

Im glad you understand the Kundalini energy - which of course, a seek to activate it comes with great precaution. But I am not encouraging everyone to go out and awaken the serpant, just pointing out that it is there, and that energy is powerful. I have awakened the serpant though I have not activated its energy to flow from 'bottom-up'.

There is no blasphemy; that is all gibberish stuff. The bible is a book, therefore it is dead. It has no beating heart, no blood flow through it, no nervous system, nor a soul of its own. Just more followers then Justin Beiber and Beyonce combined.

And following EXTERNAL things; means you are not LEADING your own life and Will. If no one sees a problem with that, then Im outta here.

The demonic entitites you experience with an activated kundalini; it only depends on which chakras are balanced and centered and if the individual resides in the Kingdom of Heaven or the CROWN CHAKARA. The 7 seals, represent the 7 chakras.

The chakra system is REAL, it is YOU, your MAKE UP. It is the gift from your CREATOR. And by not acknowledging it, you are slapping your creator in the face, but having more focus in the external reality and with a book - you are slapping your creator in the face. Which is a complete and utter disgrace to your highest self, and that which you came from.

This Jesus character is not going to save you or any christian when the NWO order is here. Where was he in Hiroshima? Where was he in the Holocaust? World War 1, 2, and every single war that has been waved over no good reason? Where is he when big corperations are Genetically altering food and forcing nations to depend on it?

Have you ever seen Jesus? Have you heard his Voice? Have you felt his touch? Have all of the christians you know and ever met had those experieences too?

Probably NOT.

But everyone who practises inner guidence and climbing of the spiritual ladder; has perceived beyond the human flesh and external world - and many have seen countless non-human consciousnesses. I myself have seen different entities it would take two hands to count them.

Never have I seen a Jesus the Christ, or any entity who claims to of such an individual. If you cant answer the questions 2 paragraphs ago - then my point is clear - y ou point more hope and faith into something outside of yourself, then you have IN YOUR SELF.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by covertpanther

Never have I seen a Jesus the Christ, or any entity who claims to of such an individual.

Of course not! Because the "serpent's" purpose from the very beginning (Adam and Eve) was to deceive mankind into believing that they would never die and had the ability to be gods themselves. It's the oldest story in the book and you fell for it.

As for your quote in your original post...

With no esoteric, or spiritual knowledge, the Bible is USELESS to anyone seeking spiritual commune with the most high.

The truth is, WITH esoteric practice, the Bible is useless to you, because the Bible says that God strictly prohibits such practice. Why? So not to be deceived! So, yes, your view of the Bible is now totally worthless.

As for us Bible thumpers, we'll focus on the Holy Spirit, while you focus on your lying serpent spirits who laugh at you behind your back for falling for the oldest trick in the book.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by covertpanther

Nope wrong again, Mandarin is the most spoken language worldwide, here is where your theory falls apart, for all these languages that are spoken worldwide what does your theory do for them? I am willing to bet that there is more people worldwide that don't speak a word of English against those who do, how do they fit into your theory???? All total nonsense out of you from start to finish

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 09:23 AM
You might as well go to a nursery and talk to the children about how much better adult food is than baby food. Granted adult food (esoterica) is "better" than baby food (exoterica) but talking about it won't help the children grow up any faster. And until they grow up in their own way and their own time, exoterica is what they need.

edit on 4-8-2013 by BlueMule because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 10:32 AM
Well for me, growing up and exploring faith and the bible on my own, for my father was an athiest, my mother agnostic, but my grandmother was the Catholic/Christian, though she spent alot of time non practicing and not liking Church's. In any case, I was always a deep thinker from preschool years, had to examine everything and then reason it out, had heard my fathers evolutionary explanations from at least 2 or 3 on. As a child was examining: something existing infinitely, nothing existing infinitely but then oops an accident happens and something pops into the nothingness....which comes first the chicken or the egg?.....Is living Soul the infinite rock upon which all stands or is there instead and infinite rock hanging around (metaphor for inanimate matter), forever for no apparent reason that accidently births soul/consciousness. This was the thing I was mulling over as a child.

I felt God's present within the new testament at my grandmothers.

I didn't feel God's present in lots of the book while forcing myself to read the entire thing.

My solution to this was: alot of its been written by rulers and those who are like war generals, that like violence alot and wanted to create God in their image.

Its over time that the scriptures are now far more worthy to look into, for there are codes of many descriptioins. One passage can yield, astrology, ufology, dark direction to the elite, DNA, cycles, and also the inner Tao, where your Inner Michael defeat your inner Dragon and ascends to Higher Mind and your Infinity, also to Source, the Infinite Higher Mind that you are an infinite fractal of.

The fundamental difference between the Innerseeking, and understanding, and those who insist on taking writings that were not meant to form religions, and were metaphoric and coded, in literal ways, is what God is or becomes.

God is Love, loves you, even though you're struggling with anger, reactions, greed, apathy, your Higher Self, Infinite Oversoul and all Layers of this to the Infinite Source of All, is willing to work with you if you even show the slightest signs of growing up and wanting to overcome reacting the same way over and over (primitive body suit reactions) or Ego. So instead of Smiting and Murdering the sinner, Love works iwith everyone to overcome themselves and the world.

The outer is horrifying. Now Love becomes a demiurge, jealous and smiting, and wants you to give your daugthers over to their rapists, murder your teenagers, smite the people with moses who were following other religions and murder your own families, God is dripping with blood. Demands blood sacrifices as supposed attonement for sin, which is causing blood to flow, for that is really the most serious sin, murder and harm to others. So to make up for it, God wants you to murder animals and then blood sacrifice of His own son.


I am a Christian, but no longer have to pretend to ignore so much of the bible. I understand it filled with inner workings, metaphors and codes. I understand that even if Christ came in the flesh he didn't come to start a religion. And also, I can choose to believe he came, but if they proved he didn't, or was just a man like everyone else, there is a real Christ, that is Higher Mind, a real intercessor that guides us home. So I have faith in immanuel reguardlessly. its an inner faith.
edit on 4-8-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by BlueMule

Thank you my friend for your input.

Love and wholeness to you and yours

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