posted on Aug, 14 2013 @ 11:32 PM
The problem and error (imo) with Christian theory is that it excludes others from being God and puts God in one thing, Christ, to the exclusion of
That is a fundamental metaphysical error and impossibility, for the Christ archetype is in ALL of us, not just the itinerant preacher running around
Jerusalem 2 millennium ago.
God is in everything, of everything, and around everything, Christ or Jesus, Isa, whatever, is one of the spiritual (knowledge’s) or paths to God;
it is not the only one.
That’s the basic error of Christianity, its exclusiveness, in my opinion.
Islam is also burdened with the same issue, sectarian exclusiveness, though it is more open than Christianity, doctrinally.
This has happened because of the fact that these religions, like all religions (but these two more than most) have become dominated by the clerics.
Present day Islam and Christianity are clerical institutions that have little to do with the founders of these faiths.
Originally Christianity was only a Jewish sect led by Jesus’ brother James until Paul came and created what led to the Catholic version that the
Emperor Constantine at the council of Nicea ordered that all other versions of the Jesus sect except the Catholic Pauline version be persecuted.