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Aug 2 State Dept Issues WORLD WIDE Travel Alert until Aug 31

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posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 12:24 PM
The state department is holding a briefing about all this any minute now.

Live stream to it:

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 03:06 PM
reply to post by BO XIAN

And the millions who were executed, tortured, burned alive and repeatedly raped in the name of God and Christianity/Catholicism just had it coming for not believing as you do?

Blood and gore, all violence is part of nature. It's part of GOD's design. Just watch Shark Week.
All gods are into punishment, pain and war..even yours.
(The hint is the angels with the burning swords and the eternal hell dimension full of fire and torment.

Extremists exist in every religion, culture and belief system. Blaming the religion for the actions of its most heretical believers only belittles your own religion because of the numerous citable cases and massive death tolls that have resulted out of that belief system.

And you missed the point of all the articles and information actually offered.

PS. Damn im still close to being right.

edit on 6-8-2013 by Thorneblood because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by Thorneblood
reply to post by BO XIAN

And the millions who were executed, tortured, burned alive and repeatedly raped in the name of God and Christianity/Catholicism just had it coming for not believing as you do?

Blood and gore, all violence is part of nature. It's part of GOD's design. Just watch Shark Week.
All gods are into punishment, pain and war..even yours.
(The hint is the angels with the burning swords and the eternal hell dimension full of fire and torment.

Extremists exist in every religion, culture and belief system. Blaming the religion for the actions of its most heretical believers only belittles your own religion because of the numerous citable cases and massive death tolls that have resulted out of that belief system.

And you missed the point of all the articles and information actually offered.

PS. Damn im still close to being right.

edit on 6-8-2013 by Thorneblood because: (no reason given)

Couldn't agree with more on your full observation. In this instance (Al Qaeda and their followers) seem to be tailoring their own belief against the Infidels ( you or me or anyone who doesn't conform to 'THEIR' beliefs)....and if you don't, off with your heads as a Martyr. It's a complete distortion of the Quran. I only wish a greater number of Muslim leaders would speak out more vehemently against this distortion.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 05:01 PM
An interesting perspective on the current threat and the number of drone strikes in Yemen in the past few weeks.
Global Post

A stark counterpoint to American diplomatic efforts on the ground in Yemen is the ubiquitous presence of drones in the air. On Monday, four people suspected of Al Qaeda militancy were killed in a US drone strike in the governorate of Marib, just east of the capital. Not long after the strike, an aircraft appeared over Sanaa that many residents feared was a drone.

“Drone or normal plane, the fear was expressed by many,” said Haykal Bafana, the attorney. “Many thought it was a drone about to attack, and it made them scared.”

Terror is often evoked by the presence of drones, Farea al-Muslimi agreed.

This was the fourth attack in two weeks.
What is happening in the AQAP that has the US so spooked.

“I do not see any increased activity by AQ, in Sanaa or in other parts of Yemen. On the whole, things on the ground do not appear to be in sync with US response to close down its embassy and evacuate personnel,” Haykal Bafana, a Sanaa-based attorney, in an email to GlobalPost.

Most Yemenis are currently busy preparing for Eid al-Fitr, which begins for most of the world's Muslims on Wednesday.

edit on 6-8-2013 by Thorneblood because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by ItDepends

Originally posted by Thorneblood
reply to post by BO XIAN

And the millions who were executed, tortured, burned alive and repeatedly raped in the name of God and Christianity/Catholicism just had it coming for not believing as you do?

Blood and gore, all violence is part of nature. It's part of GOD's design. Just watch Shark Week.
All gods are into punishment, pain and war..even yours.
(The hint is the angels with the burning swords and the eternal hell dimension full of fire and torment.

Extremists exist in every religion, culture and belief system. Blaming the religion for the actions of its most heretical believers only belittles your own religion because of the numerous citable cases and massive death tolls that have resulted out of that belief system.

And you missed the point of all the articles and information actually offered.

PS. Damn im still close to being right.

edit on 6-8-2013 by Thorneblood because: (no reason given)

Couldn't agree with more on your full observation. In this instance (Al Qaeda and their followers) seem to be tailoring their own belief against the Infidels ( you or me or anyone who doesn't conform to 'THEIR' beliefs)....and if you don't, off with your heads as a Martyr. It's a complete distortion of the Quran. I only wish a greater number of Muslim leaders would speak out more vehemently against this distortion.

Totally agree and i think it describes the whole thing perfectly. But no mention of cia. No mention that this is all made up. Who radicalized them? Who provided them weapons? They're pawns, thinking they re bigshots. Maybe some of them truly believe in that bs maybe all of them, except the patsy heads working with the us.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 06:56 PM

Jailbreaks in the Middle East Resulting in Terrorists Escaping Prison
Submitted by garysibio on August 02nd, 2013 – Flag this news as inappropriate
Category: News
This hasn't been getting a lot of attention in the news. I've heard a little about it on the Fox News Channel but not much.

In recent weeks there have been several jailbreaks in Muslim parts of northern Africa and the Middle East. Many - not all - of the escapees were there for terrorist activities and Al-Qaeda-connected groups and the Taleban have taken credit for, at least, some of them. Here's a list of the ones I know of.

21 Jul 2013 Abu Ghraib Prison, Iraq

On Sunday the 21st of July, as the guards were counting the prisoners after the evening meal the lights went out, insurgents attacked the prison. A suicide bomber exploded his car at the main gate. When it was over more than 500 prisoners could not be accounted for. Al-Qaeda has claimed credit for the attack. Twenty-six members of the Iraqi security forces and at least a dozen prisoners were killed.

27 Jul 2013 Benghazi, Libya

Between 1,000 and 1,200 prisoners escaped from a prison near the Libyan city of Benghazi while protesters mobbed political party offices around the country. Outside the prison gunmen fired into the air and inmates set fires indicating that this was pre-planned. Security forces recaptured 18 of the prisoners and some turned themselves in.

28 Jul 2013 al-Kweifiya Prison

More than 1,000 prisoners escaped from the al-Kweifiya prison in Lybia. The jailbreak occurred at the same time that protestors were storming offices of the governing political party but it has not been verified that they were connected.

29 Jul 2013 Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan

Tehrik-i-Taleban Pakistan (TTP), a group associated with the Taleban, attacked the prison in the city of Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan freeing freeing 243 prisoners including 30 prisioners described as high-value terrorists. It is believed that the escapees were taken to North and South Waziristan, a Taleban stronghold.

At least 100 militants were involved in the attack which lasted approximately two hours and involved automatic weapons and, at least, sixty grenades. Five died and three police officers were injured.


* al-Salhy, Suadad. 30 Jul 2013. Reuters:Insight: Iraq security forces outmatched as 'open war' returns
* Atlanta Daily World:More Than 1,000 Inmates Escape From Libyan Jail. 29 Jul 2013.
* Bond, Anthony. 27 Jul 2013. Mail Online: More than 1,000 inmates escape Benghazi prison in mass jailbreak as protesters storm offices of Islamist parties across Libya
* CBS News: Massive jailbreak near Benghazi, Libya, lets more than 1,000 inmates free. 27 Jul 2013.
* Hussain, Tom. 30 Jul 2013. Sydney Morning Herald:Terrorists freed in Pakistan jailbreak
* Symington, Annabel. 30 Jul 2013. The Times of London:Terrorist militants escape in Taleban-led jailbreak
* Yaseen, Jabbar & Sly, Liz. 23 Jul 2013. Washington Post:Al-Qaeda branch in Iraq claims jailbreak.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 10:59 PM
Some reasons why the AQAP scares the West so badly.
If these guys are behind the breakouts and have the kind of bomb tech that is claimed, well they are doing evil proud.

AQAP has form. In August 2009, its master bomb-maker Ibrahim al-Asiri, a Saudi national, built an explosive device so hard to detect it was either packed flat next to the wearer's groin or perhaps even concealed inside his body.

He then sent his brother Abdullah, a willing volunteer, as a human bomb to blow up the Saudi prince in charge of counter-terrorism. He very nearly succeeded.

Pretending he wanted to give himself up, Abdullah al-Asiri fooled Saudi security into letting him get right next to Prince Mohammed Bin Nayef before the device was detonated, possibly remotely by mobile phone.

The blast blew the bomber in half, but with most of the explosive force directed downwards, the prince had a miraculous escape with only a damaged hand. AQAP boasted that it would try again and it did.

edit on 6-8-2013 by Thorneblood because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 06:56 AM
Al Qaeda Conference Call Intercepted by US Officials Sparked Alerts

Several news outlets reported Monday on an intercepted communication last week between Zawahiri and Nasser al-Wuhayshi, the leader of al Qaeda’s affiliate based in Yemen. But The Daily Beast has learned that the discussion between the two al Qaeda leaders happened in a conference call that included the leaders or representatives of the top leadership of al Qaeda and its affiliates calling in from different locations, according to three U.S. officials familiar with the intelligence. All told, said one U.S. intelligence official, more than 20 al Qaeda operatives were on the call.

20 Al Qaeda Operatives were in on the conference call.

posted on Aug, 7 2013 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

That sounds like an all out war, though, extremist are dangerous. Organised , funded and trained extremist... Yikes.
edit on 7-8-2013 by Senduko because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2013 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Al Qaeda Conference Call Intercepted by US Officials Sparked Alerts

Several news outlets reported Monday on an intercepted communication last week between Zawahiri and Nasser al-Wuhayshi, the leader of al Qaeda’s affiliate based in Yemen. But The Daily Beast has learned that the discussion between the two al Qaeda leaders happened in a conference call that included the leaders or representatives of the top leadership of al Qaeda and its affiliates calling in from different locations, according to three U.S. officials familiar with the intelligence. All told, said one U.S. intelligence official, more than 20 al Qaeda operatives were on the call.

20 Al Qaeda Operatives were in on the conference call.

I also heard that statement as well. Additionally Just catching CNN and Wolf Blitzer is having a conversation with Adm. Dennis Blair (RET.) Former Director of National Intelligence is seemingly indicating that "what ever threat there was, those forces have decided to back off to another day the terrorist always have the option of postponing their attack and I imagine that's what they have done....."

Blair also went on to say that perhaps there are some 'inside' sources within the AQAP network that also tipped off parts of this threat.

I think perhaps, the U.S. did definitely have some credible and actionable intelligence on a potential Al Qaeda attack. That's not to say we are out of the woods by far. Blair indicated that we may have deterred, but Al Qaeda has the option to attack somewhere out into the future (unspecified)

But back on the intelligence gathering, I think we do have AQAP and affiliates double thinking about how their information was intercepted. Do they have 'insiders' and of course, our recent Drone attacks in Yemen are surely having some impact on operations. I don't for one minute think that this is over, however, if you, as I do, believe we did intercept communications, you can be sure, that same intelligence is watching where the players are moving to, and potential new communication techniques. I won't be surprised to see a few more targeted strikes both in Yemen and Pakistan's tribal areas. Time will tell. But for now, this immediate threat seems to have been deferred.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 07:01 AM
REMINDER ... the travel warning is still on ... and more info is coming out ...

France - Al Qaeda Targeting European Rail Network

AFP - Al-Qaeda is plotting attacks on Europe's high-speed rail network, German mass circulation daily Bild reported on Monday, citing intelligence sources.

The extremist group could plant explosives on trains and tunnels or sabotage tracks and electrical cabling, said Bild, Europe's most widely read daily.

Bild said the information came from the National Security Agency (NSA) in the United States, which had listened in to a conference call involving top Al-Qaeda operatives.

posted on Aug, 19 2013 @ 07:20 PM
Well here is some woo for you:

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