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Aug 2 State Dept Issues WORLD WIDE Travel Alert until Aug 31

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posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 06:38 PM
Why? LOL. If US Troops are moving on American soil do you think someone isn't going to notice and tweet that?

Check out this map of the closures and the article around it.
Map of Closures

edit on 5-8-2013 by Thorneblood because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 07:00 PM
There's more to the picture, than meets the eye.....

my country, my country!!!!

edit on 5/8/2013 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by MarkJS
There's more to the picture, than meets the eye.....

Care to elaborate?

I asked earlier in the thread whether this could be an attack on the U.S. We all KNOW this administration DOES NOT give warnings. If anything, they will sweep what they are told or updated on, under the rug, Everything about this administration is a coverup.

I can't help but wonder if this is (or will be) a coordinated attack on us, inside the U.S.; with the full cooperation of this administration.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by SourGrapes

Originally posted by MarkJS
There's more to the picture, than meets the eye.....
Care to elaborate?

Wish I could.... All I know is that the US has fallen so much since I was a teenager.... it's so sad to see.

We ruled the world at one time... and everybody was glad about that... No-one hated us... in fact they loved us.. for stopping and getting ppl out of WWII. My father and his fam were G'man slave laborers... The allies liberated him at the end of WWII.. and consequently me.

now???? It's just crazy...

But Jesus is still a (lasting) hope for us all.

As Neil said "The King is gone, but He's not forgott'n"
edit on 5/8/2013 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

edit on 5/8/2013 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 07:24 PM
You heard it here second:

After the embassies reopen and the travel alert expires we'll hear how the all snooping, all seeing NSA counterintelligence/counter-terrorism infrastructure saved us all from those nasty, nebulous terrorists over there, somewhere. And then we'll all rest assured that it's in our best interests that the NSA and other agencies be allowed to freely continue to grind us down into the ground. Even more leeway will be given. I guarantee it.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 07:33 PM
No. Not this time.

There are too many leaks, too many things coming out again and again about the snooping scandal. I fear stories about the Dea, Cia, FBI and NSA are going to become very common very quickly.

This threat seems to come from the recent video that Al-Qaeda released and the election of a new general manager that works out of Yemen. A country that seems to have perfected putting bombs into people's stomachs that have no metal parts.

And 2000 just released prisoners would make a lot of stomachs. Even if only a small portion of this group agreed and got the operation then what chances would you like to take with that group knowing that they can easily merge into the population anywhere from Europe, Greece to Russia and hop a plane to America.

Thats all they gotta do, slip past a bad security guard in some small nation, wait till you make your final approach and.....

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by Thorneblood
No. Not this time.

There are too many leaks, too many things coming out again and again about the snooping scandal. I fear stories about the Dea, Cia, FBI and NSA are going to become very common very quickly.

This threat seems to come from the recent video that Al-Qaeda released and the election of a new general manager that works out of Yemen. A country that seems to have perfected putting bombs into people's stomachs that have no metal parts.

And 2000 just released prisoners would make a lot of stomachs. Even if only a small portion of this group agreed and got the operation then what chances would you like to take with that group knowing that they can easily merge into the population anywhere from Europe, Greece to Russia and hop a plane to America.

Thats all they gotta do, slip past a bad security guard in some small nation, wait till you make your final approach and.....

And then disaster. And then thousands dead. And then buildings and houses gone.

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 09:47 PM
The story fits......

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by Thorneblood

Totally agree

Army in Greece borders just ''receive'' immigrants-refugees, with or without papers.That is due to the EU treaties signed. Its a common practice, and everybody is transferred in Athens where they get temporary papers. If they dont have documents from the country of origin then the temporary paper they get in Athens is not recognized anywhere else in Europe. Thus any attempt to travel and relocate within the EU or anywhere else is out of the question for these people, they are returned to the first EU country that received them-Greece. In other words thats why Athens and Greece in general is full of immigrants from all parts of Asia and Africa.

Parenthesis closed, i dont think thats the case with if not all at least some of these prisoners. If we're talking about alqaeda-cia trained and controlled ''terrorists'' then they will get the proper documentation to get whatever job its planned for them done. They get the bombs, intel. They are the pawns. And i don't know from personal experience but i'm guessing it can't be that hard for a common thug to get fake papers nowadays, despite formalities and mean security checks etc. It's piece of cake for any intelligence agency that's for sure.

Conclusion: Everybody gets in. With papers or get them here somehow, besides all kinds of secret services are all over Athens, literally running the ''show'' while the government is well occupied. Kaboom.

Story could unfortunatelly fit indeed.

The systematic attempts to turn Europeans against Muslims-Arabs in general has been obvious during the past decade. There are numerous examples highlighting this. It was and still is the focal point of the ''war on terror'' theme.

Scary to say the least something like after a plotted false flag bombing in some european country/ies' airport-train station-mall or something allegedly executed by islamic-muslim-whatever ''terrorists'' a wider conflict began.

Even the fact that it could potentially induce hatred against immigrants in european countries from right wing fascistic groups-ofourse run by Soros pazzies,same with left wingers- possibility of civil unrest could be expected without a doubt.

What are the Russians-Chinese-Iranians and all the other bunch of big boys say about all this? Whats next? Iran? Is the cartel over with Syria yet? IF it stays in civil unrest then so be it, but if it goes wider then there has to be some kind of phoney enemy as always.
edit on 5-8-2013 by tenaciousmidfielder because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2013 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by Senduko
reply to post by Bluesma

I suggest you call him, and see if he heard some chatter about movement or anything

He's here at home, not boarding until this afternoon... he hadn't even heard about this alert.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 12:24 AM
Does it not occur to you all that if the US closed 20 odd embassies then other countries would follow suit. UK for example would issue a warning about travel to the various regions due to intelligence shared by the USA.

Can we look for other countries closing or issuing warnings, then if none, it seems like a US-only thing.

With all the bed-friendly things which go on between the USA and the UK, I cannot imagine that the British government would say nothing if it was a credible threat. On the other hand I do not see them closing the UK embassies if there is no real threat either. Basicly, if the enbassies close, then people who live there have no backup, no safe place to go no little piece of their own country within another country.

What happens to the embassies when they are closed? Do they leave a skeleton staff in them or do they move everything out which would take days to do. What is to stop other countries going into the US embassies while they are away for potentially a months vacation?

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by qmantoo

Uk, france, germany and canada have joined in though.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 05:12 AM

The White House leaked information about how we got the details of the attack that is coming.
The US Government was listening in to telephone calls between the terrorists.
Now the terrorists know to ditch their phone calls. We've lost that source of intel.

I said something about this in the start of this thread ...
WHY RELEASE THE INFO ... just quietly close embassies and get Americans out of country.
Don't go telling the planet 'we have info and this is how we got it ... "

THey screwed up.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 05:17 AM
Oh ... and the TV NEWS is reporting that the new threat includes EXPLODING CLOTHING.
Yep .. the terrorists have developed a clothing dip that is undetectable.
Clothing is dipped into this explosive and when it drys, no one can tell it's there.
Not even detection equipment. THis is according to the TV News.

So the threat now includes exploding clothing.

Also ... ALL AMericans are ordered out of YEMEN.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 05:26 AM
Well they can blow yemen sky high and i would hardly call it a "significant attack". Not like muslims dont blow each over uo in the ME everyday.

Hate to sound callous but it just seems like everyday over there,
edit on 6-8-2013 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by SourGrapes

I asked earlier in the thread whether this could be an attack on the U.S. We all KNOW this administration DOES NOT give warnings. If anything, they will sweep what they are told or updated on, under the rug, Everything about this administration is a coverup.

I can't help but wonder if this is (or will be) a coordinated attack on us, inside the U.S.; with the full cooperation of this administration.

INDEED to the max.

The O wouldn't begin to 'carry the water' for the jihadi's or any other terrorists or enemies. He'd likely instead carry the ammo and ask if he could lob the first grenade, bomb or missile.

He seems to GREATLY ENJOY his assigned task of Destroying the Republic almost more than golf and other . . . extracurricular . . . activities . . . in various R&R locations.

He evidently has yet to meat a treasonous deed he didn't love and get orgasms over.

Benghazi being blamed on underlings is merely his latest low class denial and blame shuffling outrages.

I wonder if he's spending more time on his excuses and rationalizations AFTER the purportedly looming attacks

as he is SUPPOSED to spend trying to prevent them.

I wonder if any pics capturing his smiles and grins on hearing of the attacks . . . will ever surface.

The only creatures I'm aware of worth less and more evil are the folks who put him in power and who pull his strings . . . and the strings of the jihadi's and all the other enemies they've set up against us.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

True enough . . .

however . . .

any Jihadi's still ignorant about our capacities to listen in on all technologies

would be . . . more clueless than the parents volunteering their toddlers for a walking bomb role.

I suspect they'll still use phones . . . out of convenience . . . and will delude themselves that some clever encryption or coding will protect their info . . . falsely believing that.

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Next we'll read about the orgasmic glories of exploding tampons etc.

They sure seem to 'have a "thing" ' about blood and gore--even their own.

Oh, right . . . blood and gore in the service of their ancient tribal demonic moon god is wonderful. . . . sigh.

God have mercy on such idiotic cluelessness.


posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Oh ... and the TV NEWS is reporting that the new threat includes EXPLODING CLOTHING.
Yep .. the terrorists have developed a clothing dip that is undetectable.
Clothing is dipped into this explosive and when it drys, no one can tell it's there.
Not even detection equipment. THis is according to the TV News.

So the threat now includes exploding clothing.

Also ... ALL AMericans are ordered out of YEMEN.

What station reported this? NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN, BBC or PBS?

posted on Aug, 6 2013 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Chibears85

This was reported on Fox and Friends this morning. I didn't see it on CNN or MSNBC. Of course, they might have covered it as well and I could have missed it with my channel flipping.

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