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Pope urges 'mutual respect' with Islam; While Iran Presidents threaten Israel

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posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by charles1952

The idea that "Might is Right" may very well be a bad one, but it is accepted in the area of settling national borders.

so if a super power decides to bring the whole world under its control by using its superior military force then everyone else should just accept it by tucking their tails between the legs?
What if that super power is working as a proxy, a puppet of the real string pullers?
What if the movement you call zionism is more than just having a tiny land for Jews?
I sometimes pity the majority US citizens who are more worried about what celebrities are doing rather than being aware what their government is doing and it will hit them went least expected. A result of seperating politics from the daily life of people by seperating it from religion.

You think muslims don't know why they want to uproot zionism, its the christian-zionist alliance that is working towards bringing the predicted apocalypse and muslims have taken a side to not let that happen so easily.
Israel's agenda is to rule the world and for that it needs to establish the biblical israel.
You must have heard that the Messiah would rule from the throne of David in Jerusalem.
The apocalypic christians are hungry for it and don't care how many innocents die to make the preparations for the coming of Messiah.

Its ironic that muslims are standing between the planned apocalypse and they are seen as enemy by people who don't want that extreme apocalyptic war/s.

I am aware that i am giving you a lot and you may not believe any or most of it but again just keep your eyes open..

Muslims cannot back down and let the NWO just come as they are simply fighting the wrongs being done against them and YES because there is a God and God is never on the side of the oppressor/s

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by logical7
reply to post by charles1952

Give the Muslims the country, they have most of it and fighting them for it is a losing proposition and will only cause new deaths. But watch to make sure they don't try any military expansion.

That's not a good answer, but it's the one that came to mind first.

Thanks for an honest reply.

Yes its not a good answer, not good at all. It suggest that anyone with power can do what they want and we should accept it. In short "Might is right"
Forgiven me if i am wrong but i also see that your answer indicates what you want the palestinians to do.
It shows you think israel has some right to exist by some divine will etc.

I don't know if you think that the jews are a special "chosen" people and going against israel is going against God. If you do then it is very much clears why you have these views.
I should tell you that the OT does say they were chosen for a covenant. Even Qur'an affirms that but the OT continues to say that the chosen status is conditional. If they follow the covenant, obey God and help other people get closer to God and establish peace then they will be rewarded BUT if they disobey God and cause corruption in the land then their punishment would be "DOUBLE" than what it would be for someone else.

God does not play favourites
we muslims know this by Qur'an. Qur'an tells me to speak the truth, stand up against wrong even if its against myself or my family. Also God says not to accept oppression for the fear of death because its God who has already ordained the time and manner of death for each and none can escape it.
If you had believed this, your answer may have been different.

AND God did not give the Muslim people the right to punish "those who disobey God" and those who "cause corruption in the land".

Clearly your words reflect a racists and radical belief that you support.

posted on Aug, 3 2013 @ 10:34 PM
Do not mock the Holy Father or the faith, there is only one faith (Eph 4:5). Study the faith, ask God in prayer, is the divine plan, Roman Catholicism? God wants everyone to believe the same, to become Roman Catholic.

Heaven would know what is going to happen.

The spiritual director of this anonymous seer was spiritual director to Mother Teresa and his spiritual director at one time was Padre Pio who bore the wounds of Christ (stigmata) for fifty years.

+ + +

...Seeing the Future of Israel

Feb 7th, 2011


As I stood at the table of the Last Supper, I saw Israel. All its future history unfolded before me, the destruction of the city by the Romans, the dispersal of Israel all over the world and the moment when the Jewish people would be invited to return, as the State of Israel was formed. As they returned, all rejoiced. However, they put their trust in their own strength, as their forefathers had done. They built weapons of war and rejoiced in these weapons. They were on the wrong road, being led down a path that led into the hands of their enemies, instead of withdrawing into the safety of my arms. Now, their enemies gather arms and the tide is shifting. Their protection drops away from them. There is terror on every side and still they do not turn to Me.

Centuries ago, the Father intervened on their behalf and sent Me, hoping that all Israel would proclaim Me as Messiah. But they killed Me. What will the Father do now? He cannot send Me again to die. So, He will send My Vicar, the Pope.

The Pope will enter Jerusalem like I entered it. The city will already have suffered much and Israel will begin to despair, wondering what can be done. Then this figure clothed in white will come, sent by the Father just as He sent me. He will come to save Israel, just as I came. He, too will die in Jerusalem but his death will have a profound effect upon the whole world. For the whole world will weep at his death and his death will bless Israel. Why do I reveal these things now? Why do I bring you to the center of the mystery so quickly? Because the time is short. The events are near. They are not far away.

Comment: Jesus describes what has happened since the State of Israel was formed and why it is now prey to so many enemies. Most important, the Holy Father goes to Jerusalem, dies there, and a series of events begin that save Israel. ....

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by TheOd

Dear TheOd,

Thank you for suggesting Leslie Flint. I had never heard of him, and I'm happy to add new knowledge.

Being as gentle as I can, Mr. Flint was, and is, "controversial." I will not repeat what has been said about him, other than to say it is not favorable. Here is the first article I stumbled on, which includes links to some audio samples of his (Work? Performances?).
I have a great deal of faith in the Bible and the writings of the early Christians. For those and other reasons, I must say that I am still waiting for someone to give me a valid reason to abandon my faith.

With respect,

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by logical7

Dear logical7,

so if a super power decides to bring the whole world under its control by using its superior military force then everyone else should just accept it by tucking their tails between the legs?
I'm not saying to accept it, feel free to fight against a super power trying to take over the world. But that's not what Israel is trying to do. As I mentioned, they gave back big chunks of land that they had won by conquest. Has Islam given back land at any time that it wasn't forced to?

What if that super power is working as a proxy, a puppet of the real string pullers?
If you mean that Obama is doing what Israel wants him to do, I would find that very difficult to believe.

What if the movement you call zionism is more than just having a tiny land for Jews?
I call Zionism? Whose speech is this thread at least partially about? The new President of Iran is calling it Zionism. What if Zionism is about having more land? What if Islam is about forcing the entire world to become believers, dhimmi, or dead.

I sometimes pity the majority US citizens who are more worried about what celebrities are doing rather than being aware what their government is doing and it will hit them went least expected. A result of seperating politics from the daily life of people by seperating it from religion.
Perhaps Americans pity the majority of Muslims who do things which other people see as scandalous, brutish, barbaric, and backwards.

Israel's agenda is to rule the world and for that it needs to establish the biblical israel.
They had established it in 1967, then they gave it back. That doesn't fit well with your theories.

The apocalypic christians are hungry for it and don't care how many innocents die to make the preparations for the coming of Messiah.
I don't believe that's true. Our government doesn't act like it's controlled by Apocalyptic Christians, and I've never met one that wants to kill to speed up Armageddon. There might be a few sprinkled around, but they are generally ignored. Christianity has a few extremists, I suspect Islam does, too.

So, if I understand you, the Christians and the Jews are united in the service of the NWO, and the only thing stopping it is the faithful Muslims who are willing to attack and destroy Israel, Jews, and Christianity.

Muslims cannot back down and let the NWO just come as they are simply fighting the wrongs being done against them and YES because there is a God and God is never on the side of the oppressor/s
So why are Muslims killing far more Muslims than they are killing Christians and Jews combined? Are Muslims oppressing Muslims?

Why are Muslims killing in Africa? How do the Africans oppress Muslims? I don't yet understand your thinking.

Remember this thread started with two voices, A Catholic saying "Rrespect," and a Muslim saying "Destroy." I prefer respecting to destroying, no matter who is saying it.

With respect,

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 04:37 AM
reply to post by charles1952

As I mentioned, they gave back big chunks of land that they had won by conquest. Has Islam given back land at any time that it wasn't forced to?

and you think they gave it back willingly out of the goodness of their heart.. Sure

If you mean that Obama is doing what
Israel wants him to do, I would find
that very difficult to believe.

Obama is bound to do what israel wants him just can't make it too obvious that the people start seeing it.

Perhaps Americans pity the majority of
Muslims who do things which other
people see as scandalous, brutish,
barbaric, and backwards.

this is a very shallow reply to the fact i mentioned.

I don't believe that's true. Our
government doesn't act like it's
controlled by Apocalyptic Christians,
and I've never met one that wants to
kill to speed up Armageddon.

maybe you should see this 5min video about why the Iraq war was fought.

So, if I understand you, the Christians
and the Jews are united in the service
of the NWO, and the only thing
stopping it is the faithful Muslims who
are willing to attack and destroy Israel,
Jews, and Christianity.

No, you are making it simplistic in an attempt to disregard it.
A group of christians and the zionists are working towards NWO. Many muslims are fighting back oppression and occupation of their lands. A group of "muslims" is allies with zionists, countries like Saudi, Kuwait, Turkey.
The idea that muslims like killing jews or are commanded to kill them is ridiculous.
but if there is a war and zionist jews and christians' forces try to kill muslims then its common sense to kill rather than get killed.

The thing i am trying to make you see is that israel has been bad for all peace loving people and excellent for bankers and Military-industrial corporations.
Answer me a simple question why is USA ready to self-destruct just to protect and forward the interests of israel?

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 04:58 AM
When you see Iranian flag on Dome of the Rock you will know that world is free.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by Sonny2

This is a very inflammatory remark, and I wish you had not posted it. Good luck - now you'll be on the list.

Scary. You are scary.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by logical7

You don't really understand it as well as you claim to.
Read "The Looming Tower", "Dirty Wars", "A History of God," and "A Deadly Misunderstanding" - then you will be less inclined to use your insulting laughy-faces, and look like less of a pompous jerk and trouble-maker.

MUSLIMS NEED TO TO OWN THEIR OWN RESPONSIBILITY in this fiasco, AND SO DO the Jews and war-mongering so-called "Christians." ALL OF YOU are to blame, and this finger pointing crap is beyond useless - it's STUPID.

The Abrahamic faiths really make me sick. Sorry, but - I want no part of any of it. You will destroy this world between yourselves -- and for what? Stupid misunderstandings and typical male greed and excuses for "violence."

You suggested "why couldn't Israel have a tiny piece of land in the West?" That's ridiculous - THEIR HOMELAND is in the Middle-East, SAME AS THE OTHER TWO. I wish the faiths had never been exported to anywhere.

What a disaster. It WILL spell the end of human civilization once again, throwing the survivors back, yet AGAIN, into the stone age. Perhaps next time it will be taboo to even TALK about "God/s". I hope.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

The Abrahamic faiths really make me sick. Sorry, but - I want no part of any of it.

Its clear you only want it in small doses... small enough to go on and on about it on forums.

You suggested "why couldn't Israel have a tiny piece of land in the West?" That's ridiculous - THEIR HOMELAND is in the Middle-East, SAME AS THE OTHER TWO. I wish the faiths had never been exported to anywhere.

History shows us "homelands" keep changing hands.
Unless of course you are suggesting that everybody should pack up and go back to the lands that their kinds occupied 2,000 years ago.

Also, the overwhelming majority of the Jews who settled in Israel in 1948 had already made their homes in Europe and all over the world and had integrated well into European society.

And if the Jews suffered in Europe at the hands of Europeans (Germans to be specific), make the Europeans pay for it by parting with their land... not the Palestinian Arab villagers who had nothing to do with it.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by sk0rpi0n

Its clear you only want it in small doses... small enough to go on and on about it on forums.

BULLSH**, sk0rp. Small doses my narrow arse. I've been IMMERSED in studying this stuff for YEARS - and it's you "apologists" who can't stand to deal with the truth.

I go on and on about it because these faiths are DESTRUCTIVE. You can deny it all you want, and continue trying to malign ME, rather than addressing my POSTS (and if you do, I will report you for libelous insults and T/C infractions), but it doesn't change the fact that the Muslim/Muslim, Muslim/Christian, Muslim/Jew, Jew/Christian, Jew/Jew, and Christian/Christian INFIGHTING and hatred of every person who believes differently INCITES VIOLENCE.

And yes, I will go to my grave pointing out how devastating the Abrahamic faiths's inability to tolerate others - an absolute fracas - has been since the very beginning.

edit on 4-8-2013 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by logical7

Answer me a simple question why is USA ready to self-destruct just to protect and forward the interests of israel?

Thats because the USA is controlled by those who work for the interests of Israel.
In other words, a dancing string puppet doesn't dance on its own, rather it's made to do so by the skilled hands that holds the strings.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by sk0rpi0n

Thats because the USA is controlled by those who work for the interests of Israel.
In other words, a dancing string puppet doesn't dance on its own, rather it's made to do so by the skilled hands that holds the strings.

Since neither of you are open-minded enough to think about alternatives to the status quo, but both are insistent that YOUR beliefs are the TRUTH, and likewise, neither of you are Americans.....
it seems rather odd that you continue to trash-talk this country. You think we don't know what's going on?

as for everyone packing up and going back to their "motherland", yes, as a matter of fact, I DO think that's a good idea. I could choose from Germany, Finland, Scotland, Ireland, Poland, the Ukraine, or England.

Seriously, what GOOD does it do for you two to constantly demean 'the West' - what is your objective? Convincing others? Converting people? Or DENYING IGNORANCE??

I'm surprised, honestly, that neither of you has learned anything about CONSTRUCTIVE debate and problem-solving via the responses you get (when you get them at all) on this forum. Islam is NOT an innocent utopia, no matter how much you'd like it to be. It just ISn't. And THAT is what needs to be addressed, with all 3 of the monotheologies.
edit on 4-8-2013 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 10:10 AM
I don't blame people in religions. Well the scriptures that formed them weren't meant to become religions. They were metaphors and some passed on older tales, some astrology even DNA and various codes put in, some dark codes too. But the Tao and the way back home as well. Be still and know God, meditate.

In the outer expression, the way the PTB want them lived, God of Love become a demiurge that murders, doesnt murder in the metaphor, there is a fundamental difference in the innerscape and outerscape of the scriptures.

Now, the problem with talking about the religious people, and all the hate and wars and intolerance. I never ever blame the people.

Everything, every war, every socio economic flux, ever nuance of behavior "in the people" is tweaked nonstop by them for their gain. Period.

Its not Christians or Muslims that are at fault for the war machine or the crusades, its TPTB who are at fault, and all the rest is to keep the people distracted and from turning their horrified and resolved eyes upon them, to take back the world for their children, as it should be. Not as a violent uprise, however you would have to respond if they target or attack the vulnerable or children.

But the movement to be free and live in a good world should be using the most advanced skills, and lack of them, developing them. ie communication, prayer, meditation, meeting with representatives, problem solving locally, forming citizens groups that get things done, our own media, our own businesses and economy and buy/sell from each other, our own outreach to others to the point where such a wide awake and capable intelligent problem solving groups would never vote in a draco again.
edit on 4-8-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Its not Christians or Muslims that are at fault for the war machine or the crusades, its TPTB who are at fault, and all the rest is to keep the people distracted and from turning their horrified and resolved eyes upon them, to take back the world for their children, as it should be.

Very insightful. I don't blame the "idealism" of the various faiths - nor the peaceful, believing common people - but it is counterproductive to spread "apologetics" when so much strife is happening right now. Geopolitics is MUCH of the problem....

and I do see how the USA has been bullying the world for quite a while. It is clearly our government/military that are perpetuating global decay, and I don't pretend to be a political scientist (hated that class - also took one about International Business - this was in 1980 - when higher education REQUIRED learning liberal arts and world history, even if one wanted to be an Engineer or Physicist).... Obama is a duplicitous liar, who got elected base on those lies by a war-weary country (if we actually had any say in it).... but Israel is no angelic haven....and the Middle-East is in a state of perpetual turmoil.

I just want it to END. I DON'T want Armageddon, I don't believe in "the rapture" or the "second coming" - all I believe is that humanity will self-destruct unless it gets it act together and starts cooperating, globally.

Thanks for your post, Unity99.

edit on 4-8-2013 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

But the movement to be free and live in a good world should be using the most advanced skills, and lack of them, developing them. ie communication, prayer, meditation, meeting with representatives, problem solving locally, forming citizens groups that get things done, our own media, our own businesses and economy and buy/sell from each other, our own outreach to others to the point where such a wide awake and capable intelligent problem solving groups would never vote in a draco again.

Just saw the edit....perfectly stated.

Yes, it is high time to STOP all the violence, lay down arms, and work it out. We are all mere specks in an incomprehensibly big universe, but I do believe we are connected, all part of the One Truth - and we need to respect that and HELP each other.

Namaste, and I mean it.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by wildtimes

but it doesn't change the fact that the Muslim/Muslim, Muslim/ Christian, Muslim/Jew, Jew/Christian, Jew/Jew, and Christian/Christian INFIGHTING and hatred of every person who believes differently INCITES VIOLENCE.

you could have just said human/human and that would be it.
VIOLENCE is a human reality and it can happen because of any percieved difference.
You are angry on me because our views are different, thats violence too

saying that Abrahamic religions are responsible for violence is just plain wrong.
People cause violence and they use excuses, as noble looking excuses as liberating women!
If you hate religions because it caused violence, you should also hate democracy and communism as they also have blood and wars to their share.
You have no right to comment on violence as you also consider people who are different than you as wrong, be it someone who believes in God and Heaven-hell or if a woman wears a burkha etc and you desire to change it so that there is no difference left.
Stop the violence in you first and then point fingers.

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by logical7

You are angry on me because our views are different, thats violence too

No, it's protest based on facts.

saying that Abrahamic religions are responsible for violence is just plain wrong.

What? Are you serious? I don't get you at all, log. I really don't.

For example - if everyone in Israel decided to become a Muslim, could they then stay? What would they have to do?
Why can't you see the infighting that is rampant in Islam?
edit on 4-8-2013 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

And, just in case you pull one of those "I don't know what you think" cards out of your bag of tricks - I don't support the U.S. support for Israel. I DO support what the Pope said, and also what the Dalai Lama said.

Do you pay any attention to their ideas? What fault can you find with either of their statements?
edit on 4-8-2013 by wildtimes because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by charles1952


I was just reading about this and i came across this

"Our race is the Master Race. We are

divine gods on this planet. We are as

different from the inferior races as they

are from insects. In fact, compared to

our race, other races are beasts and

animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our

destiny is to rule over the inferior

races. Our earthly kingdom will be

ruled by our leader with a rod of iron.

The masses will lick our feet and serve

us as our slaves." -Menachem Begin (Israeli Prime Minister, 1977-1983,

Nobel Peace Prize Winner, Seriously!)

why do you think Nutty is not equally nutty?

posted on Aug, 4 2013 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by charles1952
reply to post by TheOd

Dear TheOd,

Thank you for suggesting Leslie Flint. I had never heard of him, and I'm happy to add new knowledge.

Being as gentle as I can, Mr. Flint was, and is, "controversial."

Physical mediumship is only controversial to those who have no understanding of it.

I will not repeat what has been said about him, other than to say it is not favorable. Here is the first article I stumbled on, which includes links to some audio samples of his (Work? Performances?).

Seriously, this is a reputable source of what? If you had taken the time what you would have found out about Flint is the truth not some silly pseudo-skeptical farce put together by biased cretins.


For instance, you would have found people who you could email that knew Leslie Flint, that sat in seance with him, that had experienced the return of relatives, friends and loved ones via his Independent Direct Voice. One of those is a constant contact of mine who you are free to engage here.

George Cranley

Flint was, perhaps, the most tested of physical mediums ever and was never found by any scientist, magician, conjurer of any style of fraud or malfeasance. He provided over 200 recordings of spirits in conversation with humans of which many are found here.

Leslie Flint Foundation

I understand this flips your world on an end and you have only two choices. Accept the truth of incarnate-discarnate communications (which by definition means the death of your Catholic faith concepts) or fudge and hide behind silliness and vaguery. You chose the latter; no surprises there.

I have a great deal of faith in the Bible and the writings of the early Christians.

I know and that my friend is why you are lost and SOL.

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