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Secret tape reveals Republican strategy to sabotage Obama's remaining years.

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posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

AT THE VERY LEAST, all of this proves how incompetent the administration is, but I think people are foolish if they don't believe that these incompetencies are just covers for their continued lies.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by Deetermined
reply to post by Indigo5

AT THE VERY LEAST, all of this proves how incompetent the administration is, but I think people are foolish if they don't believe that these incompetencies are just covers for their continued lies.

No more competent than previous administrations. I think we have some structural issues...and the things that our gov. is competent at, like collecting private info on 100's of millions of Americans, I am none to happy about.
edit on 31-7-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by muse7

must not be too secret if it has found its way to ats

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by muse7

I notice that like once a week you post stories that basically try to discredit the republicans. Is that because it takes you that long to find something you deem worthy of complaining about?

I don't really know much about your source. Seems questionable to me.

Maybe you should try to dig up some dirt on the liberal dems. You would find you would have a much easier time of finding said dirt. Not only that, but then you could post every single day. Wouldn't that be special?

Don't you know that the two party system is the problem to begin with? Both sides are corrupt.

It just so happens that a this point in time we are living under one of the most if not the most corrupt administrations of all time. Witch so happens to be your party of choice. IT must be tough to tow your party line in times like these. I really feel bad for you.

Seriously though every freedom loving people regardless of nationalities, religions, sexes, or party affiliation should be screaming for investigations. From every angle whether it is the raping of our constitution, foreign affairs or just plain messing around in the affairs of the state.

I for one think he should be investigated.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 05:48 PM
Dang Muse7, call out the right wing for what they are ACTUALLY DOING TO THIS NATION. and everyone flips their lids.

It's no secret that the GOP has wanted to destroy this administration from day 1. No secret whatsoever.

I cannot wait till the GOP Congressmen and Senators up for re election in 2014 have to go in front of their respective constituents and defend their non action on jobs while looking each and every US Citizen they meet in the eye and try and explain that getting this economy moving again came second to sabotaging a presidency.

Citizen: So what have you done to put money in my pocket?

Congress member: Obama is a bad man.

Citizen: So what have you done to get the job market moving again?

Congress member: Obama is a Socialist!

Citizen: So what have you done to get my job back from overseas?

Congress member: 9/11?

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

Like wise for the liberals.

They won't be able to sell Obama care and it will cost them!

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by muse7

High unemployment.
Lousy economy.
Increased number of homeless.
Increased number of people on food stamps.

Obama's remaining years are already well written. But I have to admire an avid supporter who ignores all evidence and still remains a fan.

*light's an Obama Worship Candle in your honour*

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by muse7

Oh, so they actually have a game plan to oppose Obama?? Hmmm, interesting. This whole time I figured the plan was to bitch and moan then finally bend over and go along with whatever the Democrats want.

Good news.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by muse7

The Tyrant 0bama doesn't need any help from the GOP to sink his ship. He is doing a great job all on his own.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by Diisenchanted

They won't be able to sell Obama care and it will cost them!

Not likely, it's already been passed so they don't have to sell a thing, all they are going to have to do is show that not only did the GOP fail on their promise to repeal Obamacare (you know, that thing that got them elected) but they will have the opportunity to dispel the disinformation that the GOP has brainwashed the FOX News audience with.

Then all they have to do is tweak it enough so that the few parts that won't work are eliminated and the parts that will actually help people will stay.

The GOP has made a lot of false statements over the last few years (birthers) and it's going to bite them hard.

This congress through it's obstruction and it's do nothing attitude has done more actual damage to this country than the political right imagines that Obama has.

But, it does get better for the GOP (a little) in 2016 I think that a strong GOP candidate is going to win the election (if they don't completely blow it.) The GOP as a party is really on it's last legs here. They haven't done a damn thing to fix this economy, they have blocked all of this administrations appointments to the point that Obama is forced to use recess appointments and force votes on the matter when Congress is in session, they haven't repealed Obamacare as they promised. abortions are still very much legal, gay marriage is becoming more legal and accepted, their xenophobia is losing them votes left and right among minorities, in short, they are a dying breed.

Congress will with a few exceptions go mostly democrat, and we will have a government that starts to move in the right direction again.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 08:32 PM
Orchestrated? Did this group set up the situations so that the bait could be taken; thus leading to a future event such as we have now? That use of the word piques my interest.

Did they collaborate? Yes; as does "democrat" operatives -- so pointing out the opposition while the other group engages in the same political battle doesn't really make your point.

I is a "shrug" moment but as far as what we demand, as the People, it should be despicable regardless of some silly letter behind a person's name (as some have shown to really care about).

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by HauntWok
Dang Muse7, call out the right wing for what they are ACTUALLY DOING TO THIS NATION. and everyone flips their lids.

It's no secret that the GOP has wanted to destroy this administration from day 1. No secret whatsoever.

And the Donkeys didn't have the same desire? You were not on that train say 10 years ago?

I cannot wait till the GOP Congressmen and Senators up for re election in 2014 have to go in front of their respective constituents and defend their non action on jobs while looking each and every US Citizen they meet in the eye and try and explain that getting this economy moving again came second to sabotaging a presidency.

What would be your plan? For a centralized economy where the Government dictates what the citizen's can and cannot do? By their "non-action" it has allowed business to at least have a bit of hope that nothing will drastically change or they will be slapped with some new regulation cost. Just look at President Obama's "Grand plan".....all about the cronies and screwing the little guy. But you still love stuff!

Citizen: So what have you done to put money in my pocket?

Congress member: Obama is a bad man.

Citizen: So what have you done to get the job market moving again?

Congress member: Obama is a Socialist!

Citizen: So what have you done to get my job back from overseas?

Congress member: 9/11?

Citizen: Why do I need to answer to the Federal Government and give so much money?

Congress member: Because we know best and President Obama has really good ideas.

Citizen: So what have you done to get the job market moving again?

Congress member: We gave billions to "green" energy industries who have all but defaulted and failed. We have expressed we need energy dependence, but want to kill the oil, coal, and fracking industries while maintaining those failed industries I just mentioned.

Citizen: So what have you done to get my job back from overseas?

Congress member: I could give you a red-herring like I have seen on the internet, but I will tell you that this issue is much more complicated than a simple "I voted for X law to bring back jobs". We have screwed up business so much in this nation that it will be a while before we can rebuild the base of being the manufacturing capital of the world. Hold on good sir, I have to go talk to the "name a group that will get me votes".....

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 08:59 PM
The only way Congress should NOT be at a standstill is if it is repealing laws.

Anything that obstructs our lawmakers from being able to accomplish anything....I am all for it. Let it all degrade into daily shouting matches. Just don't pass any more stinking laws. For the love of God.

RE: the Obama is horrible. Bush was horrible. Both parties are offering your nothing more than regurgitated stool that you we threw up the last time they tried to feed us this sh.....

Then we have a poster coming along whining about the lack of support for Obama on ATS, as if it is some big conspiracy. It really isn't. He is just that bad. When you put your party loyalty and political affiliations aside, it is readily apparent.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 09:41 PM
Oh I get it,
1. Only one side is tempted and motivated by money.
2. Lobbyist and special interest groups like gambling with billions year after year on which side gets power.
3. Lobbyist and special interest groups put their money on their morals and not return on investment.
4. Lobbyist and special interest groups are either to dumb or to ethical to realize if they control the DNC and the RNC they have full control.
5. Only in Washington and politics do ideals persevere over money.

Wake up political cheerleaders you are flushing this country down the drain.

edit on 31-7-2013 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 09:43 PM
Yeah, "fake scandals"

4 fake dead bodies, fake gun running, DOJ with it's own agenda, with his I really need to lay out all of them? He did it. He got caught. He's a scumbag.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:18 PM
So a political party is trying to screw over another political party? That's hardly newsworthy, just another day in D.C. where the so-called professionals act like kindergarteners.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by BobM88
So a political party is trying to screw over another political party? That's hardly newsworthy, just another day in D.C. where the so-called professionals act like kindergarteners.

Didn't you know though that Democrats would never do that kind of malarkey if the President were Republican.

Ahhhhh, anyways.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by HauntWok

Ya it has already been passed.

Even his cronies at the I.R.S. want nothing to do with obamacare.

Will it stand? Not likely.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

I hear ya....the D's were miserable to Bush during his 2 terms. I'm not playing favorites, I hate all politicians!

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by NOTurTypical

LOL...I missed this post earlier. That's been the GOP's plan since 1932, unfortunately.

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