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Alien Invasion, Are we prepared?

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posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by Akragon

Which makes sense. We have related everything to a color of someone's skin. I'm sure "aliens" would realize this and get far far away from us.

"Why would we come here... They can't even get along with their own race... Imagine what they would think of us..."

If I was them that would be my mentality...


posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 02:17 AM
Yes, a large, large universe. We tend to assume based on our history and can only perceive based on our senses
and our instruments. These 'alien' beings may sense and perceive quite differently and as I said they might think
quite differently. Their agendas for themselves and the universe they travel in might also be different on what humans
think especially as to conquest of others. But it is conceivable that the human paradigm of existence may convince
them to conquer this planet. That said they could be very cunning about it. The internet, computers, and mind
control comes to mind - if you control the minds of the people what more do you need? Today we enslave each
other to money.. Who runs the Federal Reserve anyway? Maybe it is controlled by aliens - Too late they have
already invaded and took over! Of course I exaggerate but you see my point.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 02:21 AM

Originally posted by playernumber13
I have a stash of Twinkies - beer - and guns / bullets.

Bring it on E.T. !

When those aliens arrive it's every man for himself. Same if zombies begin roaming the streets.

Where I live in a major city zombies are already roaming the streets - some would almost prefer the aliens!

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 02:36 AM
This is how i see it. How can anyone prepare for an invasion of something they have no actual evidence exists, at least in objective way? The best thing anyone can do is accept their mortality as death is the only thing to prepare for in any event.

A few things i have considered though are that if aliens have such an advanced technical level i can surmise that they are highly intelligent and haven't killed themselves off through poor decision making.

I cant see an invasion happening where ships fly down from the sky from a highly advanced, highly technical capable species. I know i cant possibly know how they would think but intelligence is intelligence and there are much easier ways to accomplish a takeover than an outright invasion anyway.

There are infinite possible scenarios though. Maybe they come from Mars as a dieing race a lot more evolved technically but severely out matched resource wise and they are unable to procure the resources needed from earth because we have nukes and numbers.

Or there are no Aliens visiting and it is a big scam from a 50,000 year old bloodline that rule the earth using consciousness manipulation

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 02:48 AM

Originally posted by TheomExperience

Or there are no Aliens visiting and it is a big scam from a 50,000 year old bloodline that rule the earth using consciousness manipulation

.....that just so happen to be reptilians.......

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 02:48 AM
I seriously question whether we would be ready to endure an alien invasion. This uncertainty isn't just limited to the fact that they are probably thousands if not millions of years ahead of us in technology, intelligence, and capabilities. It stems from the fact that we are living in such mysterious times, where confusion is abound more so now than ever before in history. Though I may never know how confusing it was thousands of years ago, I do know it is highly unlike, if not a guarantee that human beings did not have access to planes, wifi internet, I phones and blackberries and other very complex forms of communication. There is so much info and disinfo put forth daily, it's essentially a war at this point.
Because of this it's terrifying to realize If Aliens did invade, you would have religious folks claiming they were demons from the pits of hell, and to prepare for the rapture. You would have your pacifist types openly embrace the aliens believing in their hearts they come in peace, and only seek to help our decaying civilization. Than you would have your hostile, skeptical types who would look at any Extra terrestrial visit as a threat, and perceive these beings of only being here to conquer our planet and take it's resources. Than you would have those who find themselves divided, sitting on the fence wrestling with what idea to believe, who essentially could only hope the Aliens had good intentions.
Can you see how complicated this is? Not to be grim, but the fact that we're all so different, and all have so many different religious beliefs and ideologies/attitudes about life, would make this a very sticky situation.
Simply because it would ultimately come down to those in power who would make the shots as to whether to declare war or not. And I have a sneaky feeling, that if these aliens were truly benevolent and only wanted to help us. The Illuminati, and those in power who's hearts are dark and filled with nothing but evil would wage war. If the ET's are war mongering, it's likely the illuminati and all the Elite would cowardly side with them, or hide out. Or worse yet, play it off as if these ET's meant no harm, and had the people defenseless, handing in their guns etc... and prepared for a slaughter.. Either way, this ET thing is a messy situation. Unless there is a race so loving, so intelligent, benevolent, psychic.. That it came down permanently to put an end to evil, and clean up this planet and rescue those who are genuine

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by SloAnPainful

until we " see the elephant " - it is impossible to know

but my belief is that any " victory " will be a phyric one

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by wondermost

Originally posted by TheomExperience

Or there are no Aliens visiting and it is a big scam from a 50,000 year old bloodline that rule the earth using consciousness manipulation

.....that just so happen to be reptilians.......

You know it could be. I do not hear much talk about possible surviving dinosaurs evolving into bipeds. Maybe there will be tangible proof someday maybe there wont be. Proof though would only make David Icke into some sort of living legend now do you really want that lol

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

That might be true and you can see here on this thread and others how psyched out people get about how it would
be impossible to defend against a race of beings so advanced as to travel throughout the galaxy. Consider the possibility that the whole UFO phenomena is a psychic phenomena and that the aliens are not what they appear to
be but still real. They could be beings that have mastered psychic manipulation and conquer through mind control
- a group that makes the CIA's experiments in 'mind control' seem like a child's game. How many people have
full control of their minds - most think they do but.......?

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by TheomExperience

Proof though would only make David Icke into some sort of living legend now do you really want that lol

David Icke is already a legend in his own mind and in the minds of his followers. In my mind he might be
the alien calling others aliens to suit his alien agenda.

edit on 31-7-2013 by AlienView because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 03:31 AM

Originally posted by freedom7

Simply because it would ultimately come down to those in power who would make the shots as to whether to declare war or not. And I have a sneaky feeling, that if these aliens were truly benevolent and only wanted to help us. The Illuminati, and those in power who's hearts are dark and filled with nothing but evil would wage war. If the ET's are war mongering, it's likely the illuminati and all the Elite would cowardly side with them, or hide out. Or worse yet, play it off as if these ET's meant no harm, and had the people defenseless, handing in their guns etc... and prepared for a slaughter.. Either way, this ET thing is a messy situation. Unless there is a race so loving, so intelligent, benevolent, psychic.. That it came down permanently to put an end to evil, and clean up this planet and rescue those who are genuine

what if they are telepathic and have studied behavior here both good and bad and are prepared for sneaky acts. Further what if they understand what is interpreted as the HUMAN Soul & flesh? and how to locate them...

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 03:35 AM
As some stated before me, if the aliens have the technology to find us among billions of other planets and later on travel at enormous speed, they certainly have the technology to conquer us. But how do you know that is their primary intention(if they exist and have visited us, etc.)?

Maybe they are just curios and still haven't realized how dumb we are? And after they have concluded the lack of intelligence that we posses and they witness their IQ dropping just by solely observing us, maybe they will leave and never come back?

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 03:37 AM
When speaking hypothetically about extraterrestrials visiting Earth, why is it that most people always just assume that they would definitely be highly intellectual beings?

Personally, I don't think the smart one's would come here. If they were smart, then they should already know that it would be a horrible idea. Now a few of the idiots stealing a couple of ships and coming here, that seems reasonable.

Just because I drive a Ferrari, that doesn't mean that I know how to build one.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 03:45 AM
I would bet that in spite of what the government[s] says about the whole UFO/alien phenomena being nothing of
consequence and having released reports years ago such as project Blue Book, that to this day there are top-secret black-ops agencies that analyze Alien/UFO phenomena relentlessly and as a matter of what they consider to be national security tell nothing to the public. If we knew what they know we would be scared - the government too
is scared but will never admit it to the public.

For now I'm returning to the home ship to recharge my data banks - see you all tomorrow. .

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 03:56 AM

Originally posted by BrokenCircles
When speaking hypothetically about extraterrestrials visiting Earth, why is it that most people always just assume that they would definitely be highly intellectual beings?

I think it is because it is assumed that all species evolve and to master the vastness and hostile environment of space this species would need time to accomplish this. Within this time it would be assumed they either kill themselves before conquering space or they learn to overcome their social discrepancies somehow. In my case i cant see how any species that can achieve harmony within itself would be aggressive in nature. But yeah intelligence is relative because if i judge a fish by its ability to climb trees i will think its stupid

Just because I drive a Ferrari, that doesn't mean that I know how to build one.

This is true, a not so intelligent species could have "procured" technology to re-create Ferrari's. Assuming they could do that otherwise the Ferrari would not last to long i suspect.

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 04:04 AM
Just a thought, but have you guys ever pondered the idea that The Elite would actually stage an alien invasion, as means of uniting the people together. And this could potentially set the stage for the emergence of a world leader- if you believe in the Anti-Christ that is.
When you think about Area 51, President Reagan's speech at the UN- -
“I occasionally think,”continued Reagan, “how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask” — here comes the clincher — “is not an alien force ALREADY among us?”
And, When you think about all the technology the elite's possess. Many Believe the government has technology that can imprint holographic images in the sky that can create a massive illusion on the senses of people. All this in conjunction with the world seemingly on the cusp of WW3 and people desperate for a savior.
Have you guys ever entertained the possibility that UFO's are actually owned by the government, or ET's allied with the government ( many whistleblowers have claimed the United States sold out, and signed a treaty with ET"s and secretly work with them in underground bases like Dulse, in New Mexico. And they will stage a huge event to disarm the people, and usher in their new world leader, who will orchestrate the New World Order?

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by freedom7

Originally posted by freedom7

Just a thought, but have you guys ever pondered the idea that The Elite would actually stage an alien invasion, as means of uniting the people together.

If they believed in unity, then they wouldn't be elite.

By definition alone, there is no unity for the elite.

reply to post by TheomExperience

I'm not saying that it is likely that they could be Extraterrestrial Idiots. I just think that it is a possibility, which most people never even consider.

Something else that is not very probable, but can happen.....

Originally posted by TheomExperience

But yeah intelligence is relative because if i judge a fish by its ability to climb trees i will think its stupid
Have you ever caught a fish that already had a hook in it's gut? Doesn't happen often, but I've seen it. They're not so bright. I'm not even gonna get started on the Salmon. They know.... but they do it anyways. lol

[color=919191]I just think you could've picked a better example.

edit on 7/31/13 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by BrokenCircles

Have you ever caught a fish that already had a hook in it's gut? Doesn't happen often, but I've seen it. They're not so bright. I'm not even gonna get started on the Salmon. They know.... but they do it anyways. lol

[color=919191]I just think you could've picked a better example.

edit on 7/31/13 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

It is more metaphoric than literal. I used that reference because i regurgitated some Albert Einstein there.
I think the point is that a fish can do many things we cannot and vice verse. Lets be honest i think everyone has been "tricked" before and even multiple times. From the point of view of the fish they may not know how to understand what the "hook" represents no more than a human can understand what an "alien" represents.
I can see how awareness and intelligence get mixed up but they are different things

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 06:09 AM
I don't think we're prepared but I do know that Bill Paxton has the greatest speech ready, for when the aliens come anyway

posted on Jul, 31 2013 @ 08:10 AM

Originally posted by AlienView
What if they are not friendly, see us as food, or as lesser animals to be enslaved as pets. Are we prepared for the worse?
I say we should be. What do you think?

In short, no, we are most certainly not prepared. How could we be, when we are constantly refused access to the information that government has in regards to this very possibility?

My response, of course, is based on the government actually having the above mentioned information, which is unknown due to their utter lack of disclosure with the people.

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