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Michael Hastings – “Foul Play Or Not” – Do you have a plausible theory?

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posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by WanDash

You may or may not notice that I did not include the two “Foul Play” explanations that I lean nearer toward…above. Not because I’m excluding them from criticism – but rather, because one is almost immune to intelligent criticism (you either count it possible – in which case, rational reasoning kinda goes out the window, or you don’t – in which case, there’s no discussion to be had), and the other will be considered…shortly.
Before those considerations, though – I want to readdress NickDC202’s and Guy Montag’s thoughts (suggestions)…

First – crack/meth addiction
If we skirt the hurdles that must be cleared, regarding
(1) “quantity of amphetamine (and not coc aine)
in his blood” at the time of the accident,
(2) his ability to perform professionally, and
(3) handle himself socially – up to at least midnight, June 12, 2013
Then accept that – he had an addiction
that craved the high enough that
he would impose in extraordinary fashion
upon his female neighbor/friend
(** whose apartment was either just above or below
his brother was staying the night
asking to borrow her car for fear that
his car had been tampered with
…and that…
he wanted to get out of town
his brother reported leaving Michael’s apartment
(since he’d crashed [*] after smoking pot)
…WHEN, IN FACT…he was only wanting to avoid
the watchful, suspicious and ever-judging eye of his elder brother
as he snuck-away, to get one last “fix”
before going to rehab/detox
- - -
And then accept that
Upon the neighbor’s denial of his request
He waited another 3+ hours…
Before deciding (finding out?)
He only had a couple/few minutes to meet with the dealer
And, upon hearing the news
Decided to throw caution to the wind…
Forgot any/all fears of and for his own welfare
(safety, comfort, pleasure, etc…)
And drove at break-neck speed
Through a business district of Hollywood
Disregarding traffic lights
Disregarding Traffic
Disregarding Pedestrians
And…even after going airborne at Melrose’
…and losing control when landing
…and trying to regain control of the vehicle
…which were ONLY EVIDENCED to have been activated
The rear end was sharply rising
(which means, imo, that he’d already hit the palm tree)
… … … … … … … ?

Guy Montag’s conclusion – after all his work on the case is that…
Michael Hastings drove too fast, resulting from ‘too much marijuana’…
While citing sources that show the amount of marijuana in his blood at the time of death to be consistent with “chronic” use – he does an about-face from said ‘facts’, and presumes that Michael’ was not a ‘chronic’ user…but, rather, in essence – ‘overdosed’ on marijuana…and his resulting behavior/psychosis was in line with that represented in the 1936 movie – Reefer Madness – and…he was simply – OUT OF CONTROL!
I’m not going to spend much effort on this.
It is more preposterous, to me, than it may be to you…and is obviously more preposterous to me than it is to Guy Montag… so …for the sake of brevity…
Michael Hastings didn’t get the PTSD prescription for marijuana…to use once in a while.
As evidenced in the coloradojens contributions – he did not go light on said ‘prescription’. And – that was two months before the crash. If he was hitting the prescription ‘that strongly’ in April – and did not “discontinue” or “significantly cut back” prior to the few days leading up to the fateful crash – his blood levels would represent that of a chronic user.
And – to put that a little more in perspective – that means that he would have to have gone SO OVER THE TOP, in the three hours between when his brother left the apartment and when he was driving into the palm tree, that I don’t see how he could have gotten into the car – if having smoked that much of the stuff.
I really consider this one of the weaker stabs at explanation.

Will get back to where this is going… …later.
Thanks again!

posted on Nov, 23 2013 @ 11:45 PM

reply to post by NickDC202

NickDC202 - I hope it doesn't feel like I'm trying to shoot you down...anymore than I've tried to shoot down any and every theory posed...
In all honesty - your theory (scenario) is more plausible than any I've seen or considered (including my own).

Again - though - I'm just admitting that I know...I have a 'tilt'.
We all do...but, my tilt is from experience that correlates (as does yours and others') from another side of the equation.

Revealing personal experience/s on a public forum can have all kinds of ramifications - so - as a rule, the whole "anonymity principle" makes conversation easier.
I could try to sound and seem like a saintly Pope with a shiny halo - and...might even carry it off.
But - truth of the matter is - I'm maybe more human (fallible & frail) than everyone-else...

I have been on the side of the equation where "family" attempted an intervention.
They believed/suspected that "drug use" (and even hard drug use) was the cause of my behavioral changes (not to mention that I'd lost 60 pounds in three and a half months).
No drugs.
I, simply (or, not so simply - whichever the case may actually be) entered-in and succumbed to a mental/psychological crisis.
Won't go into much detail - but will say that it took a good three months to get to the point where 'family' attempted an intervention.

I was a professional (
) when it began...
The ability to perform my work, however, began to deteriorate at an accelerated pace, once it began -- and it still took 3 months before I resigned.
After I resigned...I walked around the city like a robot/zombie for almost a month...
Smoked cigarette stubs from public ashtrays for almost a month...
Picked up trash from the sidewalks and public areas...for almost a month...
... ... ...and so much more... ... ...
The night I was "escorted" (with hands cuffed behind my back in the back-seat of a police cruiser) to the hospital for evaluation... after being released ...I walked in the sleeting cold 4 miles, until I found some tall cattails...and lay beneath them for a while, before finding a stairwell that would shelter me from some of the wind and precipitation for a couple of hours...until a clanging flagpole drew me up to walking again... I walked another eight or nine miles before returning home...well after daybreak.

At No Point !-!-! was I unaware-of or oblivious-to the fact that 'what I was doing and thinking and believing' was at odds with normalcy.
I knew what normal thought.
...knew what normal was...
I could hold the two (or more) interpretations of reality side by side, with objectivity...and still accept/believe that the "delusional" perspective was "real".

Yet - - - - - my IQ is considered very high.
(those with higher IQs, I'm sure, will disagree!!!
My profession is "legal", and, for the last 5-or-so years, I've been consistently esteemed "the best" (or - one of the best) by most everyone...

All of that --- ALL OF IT ...was offered to bolster one point...
Michael Hastings' demeanor and professional performance & conduct - IMO - were not indicative of someone sinking into the abyss.
Unless he was SOOOOOO much smarter and more capable than me... It would have been (again IMO) impossible to keep his public persona intact until just a few days before his brother's verdict.

I had a friend, years ago - BRILLIANT - CHARISMATIC - - - possessed all the social qualities & skills I lack...
He had been in the CIA. He...loved...crystal meth...
If Michael's skill and psychological/mental fortitude/aptitude was 'on par' with his...then...I would have to give your proposition a lot more heed/consideration.

And Thus - as you say - if Michael Hastings had a deeper problem with 'meth' than the physical evidence (as well as those close to him) suggests - the scenario/theory you posited, might be the best I've seen.

SO - THANKS for the titillation. Maybe Time will give us some more information & answers...and we'll be able to see if your inclinations were on target.
edit on 11/21/2013 by WanDash because: said too much

First and foremost, THANK YOU for your very thoughtful response and your openness about your own past experiences; your candor is greatly appreciated and tremendously admired.

I've never perceived you to be shooting down anything I've posted-- when I initially shared the downward spiral hypothesis I wrote that after catching up on your analysis I too questioned my hypothesis but decided to share it anyway because I correctly anticipated that the resulting discussion would result in clarity in unrelated aspects of this situation.

To be honest I'm not well versed in the physiological changes that might occur when one is charred beyond recognition (on the outside and inside of the body) but I'd imagine that it must impact the analysis in an autopsy but I could be completely wrong.

I'm still quite curious as to why MH's wife didn't seem to be in the loop about this pseudo intervention. Did she even fly out to California after the death or did she connect with the body in whatever State they held the wake and funeral?

The disconnect I perceive between MH and his wife, if true, would be further support to the hypothesis that, like many struggling with addictions, MH's pubic life was much different than the life he worked hard to hide from the world.

That being said, I really don't know...

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by Wewillrise77

racing cars but still

posted on Nov, 24 2013 @ 02:18 PM

…I've never perceived you to be shooting down anything I've posted-- when I initially shared the downward spiral hypothesis I wrote that after catching up on your analysis I too questioned my hypothesis but decided to share it anyway because I correctly anticipated that the resulting discussion would result in clarity in unrelated aspects of this situation.

In putting forward my own ideas (theories), I knew there were holes &/or weak spots. It’s almost like R&D work - - - someone has an idea that may immediately get tossed to the waste bin, but later gets resurrected for discussion &/or development.
Maybe the structural components of one or more ideas mesh together…
Who knows? No-one – unless the ideas are put forward.

…To be honest I'm not well versed in the physiological changes that might occur when one is charred beyond recognition (on the outside and inside of the body) but I'd imagine that it must impact the analysis in an autopsy but I could be completely wrong.

Good point/s. Neither am I - - - and, one has to wonder if the coroner was/is, either.
On the other hand – It’s not like burned bodies are so far from the norm that coroners would have to resort to “guessing mode” when confronted with one. I would also think that because of the numbers of burned bodies encountered in the profession – they would have numerous references at their disposal…
Nevertheless – other considerations in this case have been (were) missed by investigators – this could be one, as well.

…I'm still quite curious as to why MH's wife didn't seem to be in the loop about this pseudo intervention. Did she even fly out to California after the death or did she connect with the body in whatever State they held the wake and funeral?

Yeah – who knows if Jonathan called her upon deciding to fly to L.A. …or, after arriving in L.A. and becoming more/equally convinced at his initial assessment? I have not seen or heard any information on the subject.
I only know what I read – that, she handed authority to “a friend” in L.A., to handle matters concerning the body.
We know that she somehow ended up with the Corgi…

…The disconnect I perceive between MH and his wife, if true, would be further support to the hypothesis that, like many struggling with addictions, MH's pubic life was much different than the life he worked hard to hide from the world.
…That being said, I really don't know...

I’m sure that “writers” each, have their own peculiarities… I tried to “write” back in the early ‘90’s, and grew highly frustrated at every noise, or hint of a noise - - - and, especially, telephone calls, or someone insisting on my attention, as – I required total solitude, for focus.
He may or may not have needed the same.
Seems like he was juggling “tons” of writing & research projects.
Interesting that he saw the need for “disconnect” between residence & office ([size-1]writing chamber)…

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 01:10 AM
Hopefully, we can all agree that there are “degrees of desperation” – just as there are “degrees of hunger”, “…of fear” … “…etc…”…
For me, a critical piece of the puzzle hinges on this matter of scale.

First – we don’t KNOW that the last minute or two preceding the crash were a result of “fear”, “desperation” (which, one might argue, is likewise a product of “fear”), some kind of mechanical failure, absurd driver error, or…”someone-else controlling the vehicle, remotely” …
… What we DO KNOW is – the “high speed drive” does not make sense, according to “normal circumstances or behavior” – unless, allowing for “exceptional circumstance”, or “desperation” of some degree.

I continue to acknowledge a possibility ShadellacZumbrum proposed, initially – being mechanical failure – but, likewise, continue to count that explanation to sit among the ranks of low probability. (will explain “why” – if you want to know)

Whether anyone agrees, or not…I maintain that knowing, acknowledging, or coming to terms with (a consensus on) WHEN the brake lights came on (and even that it was brake lights, rather than an explosion) is key to narrowing-down the possible explanations for the vehicle’s actions in that last two-or-so minutes.

I am not going to “prove”, here, that the “first flash” was brake lights…but, rather, assume the same as fact, for the purpose of moving forward with this discussion. I can prove it, and will if you request…but, without such expressed interest, we’ll forego the time and space required…and…move forward.

We heard, early-on, that friends &/or family said that “Michael Hastings drove like a grandma”.
I am going to entirely discount that statement as contributory in any manner to this discussion, as, we all know…‘special circumstances can change normal attitudes & behavior’…and…it will not be pertinent to this topic, imo, anyway… So …

One of the few comments coming out of the LAPD investigation, that seemed absolutely ‘on target’ to me, was that the LoudLabs and security camera footage pointed to one thing – Michael Hastings was driving as if in hysterical terror.
I don’t think this was the avoiding, evading, trying-to-slip or “could that have been?” kind of terror…
Each of those kinds of fear or ‘desperation’ continue to allow (varying degrees of) room for dynamic evolution.
Though…to be fair, it could have been…as…we should recognize that – he avoided traffic at the Santa Monica red light (and at least one pedestrian, thereafter)…AND apparently employed ‘recovery maneuvers’ after losing control of the vehicle (past Melrose’)…
But – as I have mentioned numerous times – there is no “apparent employment” of the brakes, until such time that they would have done him no good…

I will restate a former mention – that – just because the brake lights came on, does not mean the brakes were functional… Neither does it necessarily signify that/when the brake pedal was depressed.

If he was racing in desperation – to make a last minute drug deal/score…was his desperation such that he didn’t care if he died in the process?
That requires a big leap.
That requires an addiction-inspired desperation well beyond what I consider reasonably acceptable.
I do not discount it, entirely…but…based on the periphery, I would have to give it a marginal chance of likelihood – at best.

Jonathan Hastings seems to believe (and thus, wants us to accept) that the incident was a result of manic psychosis – paranoid delusions…
At no point during the previous 24 hours, or the 48-or-so hours before the accident, did Michael Hastings erupt into a jabbering idiot…
He wrote an intelligently cohesive email to colleagues, acquaintances and an interesting friend…
Was in a clothing store for 15-or-so minutes, impressing one of the store’s co-owners that he was ‘together’ and in high-spirits…
Spoke to a co-writer on one project by phone, at or around 8 p.m. …
And, while I’m sure she may have been startled at the late-night intrusion & request – did not seem ‘out of his mind’ to his well-acquainted neighbor only three and a half hours before the accident…
But – apparently – through the intervening 3 ½ hours, his marbles ALL FELL OUT…and…he…drove fast…into a tree.

I do not see how this explanation has gotten so much traction.
There is not a piece of it that flows with anyone-else’s observations of the last day or week.
There were others that said “he was highly agitated” that last weekend…
But – only one that said he was “out of control”… AND …that “out of controlNESS” was apparently ONLY in the presence of the one making the claim…as…others that were witness to his last day DID NOT WITNESS “out of control”.

My suspicion – which has been stated before, is – Jonathan Hastings made a “subjective judgment” during his call with Michael Hasting two-or-so days before the accident…
Said “subjective judgment” was that Michael had entered-in to a drug-inspired manic episode on scale with another episode during 1999…
Jonathan, for whatever reason, chose to go to L.A., and fix the situation.
Upon arrival, his efforts, insinuations, doubts and/or conclusions were not appreciated (by Michael), but he remained convinced that he was right, and attempted to “enforce” his superiority (intellectual, maturity, sanity, responsibility) on the situation – and attempted to coerce their younger brother into adding weight and strength to his side of the equation.
However the following hours actually played out – we don’t know, yet – but, we do know that – from the moment it was known that Michael’ had died in the high speed wreck – Jonathan’s world went from “the family honor enforcer” to “justifier by deflection”.
Now – not only did he have to answer the cops’ questions, ‘the worlds’ questions, and his own questions…but…he had to justify himself…to the family.
Not many people will admit that they were wrong…or…that they might have been wrong…
And, in this case – he wouldn’t necessarily have had to be wrong about Michael’s condition – but – could have been wrong in how he handled it.
So – justification after justification after justification…
And – when it is apparent that the younger brother isn’t buying the story that Jonathan, and subsequently, the LAPD are selling…Jonathan is appalled at such a notion, and says he is not aware of anyone in the family that disagrees…

The ONLY explanation that flows from Jonathan’s tale, is – “out of control – just like he was, all his life – a brat – a mediocre writer & personality – an unappreciative weight & burden” – and the only justification is – “I KNOW –&– YOU DON’T”.

If Jonathan Hastings is correct – what are we to make of that last ride of Michael Hastings?
A temper tantrum…?
That would be the only thing that fits.
Not – going to make a drug buy.
Not – running away (the wrong way – down North Highland Ave.).
Not – waiting 3 ½ hours after Jonathan left the apartment…before driving off in the Mercedes.
Just…a temper tantrum…
But – as discussed above – a temper tantrum that looked and acted exactly like – hysterical terror.

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by WanDash

When you see the youngest brother (presumably – the family member corresponding with, and the next-door neighbor, stating emphatically – that Michael Hastings was using no harder drugs than marijuana (and, perhaps, Adderall)…and, the younger brother, as well as Matt Farwell, each stating emphatically, as well, that Michael was not in a mental or psychological state conducive to or consistent with…suicide…and, you still want to take the elder brother’s summary judgment on Michael’s mental/psychological state as THE BASIS for ANY conclusion for how & why… …then… …what’s the explanation/theory?

In the previous post, I offered – “temper tantrum”…
Do you see another?

I am not ignoring NickDC202’s suggestion of meth/crack addiction…but, think I have brought other facts to bear, here, that give that suggestion an even larger hurdle to clear…and, will wait for Nick’ (or – thesmokingman, or anyone-else with such inclination) to further that argument or rebut, mine…

If we consider possible motivations outside the realm of insanity – what could have moved Michael Hastings from socially & professionally sane…(with the possible exception of, when he was ALONE with his elder brother)…to…driving INSANELY FAST on a well-trafficked city street, four hours after last known contact with anyone?

Do you see the need for “flow”?
“Flow” is the essence…
He may have been “extremely agitated” …
May have been “paranoid”…
May have been “flinching & wincing at shadows”
… But
…he was well able to discuss business
– write intelligently, coherently and cohesively
– select an odd-fellow to blind copy the email to – and
…handle public social intercourse well enough that disinterested parties were not suspect of “something seemed wrong”…
And, LIKEWISE – able to “fool” (apparently) his elder, more-together brother…into believing he’d “passed-out”
…went to the apartment just above or below where his brother was staying, to beg the use of his friend’s car
…then waited (again – apparently) another 3 ½ hours before choosing to get into his own, SUSPECT, car…and
…you know the rest…

Could something – ANYthing – have happened in that 3 ½ hours to turn him into a psycho-maniac?

No amount of marijuana would have (imo)…and still allowed him to drive…
He would more likely have been stopped/sitting at a GREEN LIGHT (all the way through the morning's rush hour), than speeding & accelerating…through red lights…if that were the case…

A heavy dose of meth might have…but…was not evident in the toxicology report.

Likewise – one of the younger brother’s (again – presumably) complaints against the LAPD was – they were expecting to find boat loads of drugs in his apartment & in his blood…but didn’t.
So – it appears that said younger brother continues to believe that “meth” did not contribute.

I recognize the possibility that some “psychoactive” or “hallucinogenic” could inspire some pretty bizarre behavior - -
- but - - - we have no evidence aside from the elder brother’s suggestion that Michael might have begun using Dimethyltryptamine … (tested for – but not found)…

We know he was wearing jeans, “sneakers” (presumably one on each foot), socks (presumably one on each foot) and a t-shirt.
We do not know if there was luggage or an overnight bag or even if he had his laptop or other professional/investigative materials in the vehicle with him.
One would think that some of such evidences would be in and among the “debris-field”, if he had…and that, NOT EVERYTHING was burned in the fire…
Will any of this information EVER be made available to us?
If so, we might be able to improve our guesses dramatically.
If not… …
… WHY?

posted on Nov, 27 2013 @ 09:04 PM
Missing Michael Hastings – written by BuzzFeed editor – Ben Smith

The question of Michael and Elise’s relationship has come up numerous times, and, since this information, dated only a day or two after the accident – gives at least one other person’s take on the subject… …thought I'd bring it to your attention…

… during the spring and summer of 2012, before he encased himself in giant headphones for the mortal combat of the Obama campaign charter — he was there (at the BuzzFeed offices in NY) most days. He gaped at the exotica an editor sitting beside him collected from dark corners of the internet. He invited the whole office to his apartment after our holiday party. He was obsessed with online animal culture and with the corgi, Bobby Sneakers, he shared with his wife, Elise Jordan. He was more obsessed, only, with Elise, whose thoughts, plans, and prospects he couldn’t stop talking about when I last saw him in New York two weeks ago.

I know – all kinds of quantifications and qualifications can be placed on this information…but, without evidence to the contrary, or that appears contradictory, I have no reason to doubt it.

This, likewise, adds at least one more person to the group that did not consider Michael Hastings’ demeanor or mental/psychological state…beyond acceptable (worth calling the looney bin over), within two weeks of June 17th/18th.

You may already have read the piece – if not – I found it interesting, especially with regard to Mr. Smith’s views on Michael’s writing ability, the views of others’ that he referenced, and even a few of the comments, afterward.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by WanDash

stating emphatically – that Michael Hastings was using no harder drugs than marijuana (and, perhaps, Adderall)

Or maybe this or maybe that.
edit on 28-11-2013 by aivlas because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 12:15 PM

reply to post by WanDash

When you see the youngest brother (presumably – the family member corresponding with, and the next-door neighbor, stating emphatically – that Michael Hastings was using no harder drugs than marijuana (and, perhaps, Adderall)…and, the younger brother, as well as Matt Farwell, each stating emphatically, as well, that Michael was not in a mental or psychological state conducive to or consistent with…suicide…and, you still want to take the elder brother’s summary judgment on Michael’s mental/psychological state as THE BASIS for ANY conclusion for how & why… …then… …what’s the explanation/theory?

In the previous post, I offered – “temper tantrum”…
Do you see another?

I am not ignoring NickDC202’s suggestion of meth/crack addiction…but, think I have brought other facts to bear, here, that give that suggestion an even larger hurdle to clear…and, will wait for Nick’ (or – thesmokingman, or anyone-else with such inclination) to further that argument or rebut, mine…

If we consider possible motivations outside the realm of insanity – what could have moved Michael Hastings from socially & professionally sane…(with the possible exception of, when he was ALONE with his elder brother)…to…driving INSANELY FAST on a well-trafficked city street, four hours after last known contact with anyone?

Do you see the need for “flow”?
“Flow” is the essence…
He may have been “extremely agitated” …
May have been “paranoid”…
May have been “flinching & wincing at shadows”
… But
…he was well able to discuss business
– write intelligently, coherently and cohesively
– select an odd-fellow to blind copy the email to – and
…handle public social intercourse well enough that disinterested parties were not suspect of “something seemed wrong”…
And, LIKEWISE – able to “fool” (apparently) his elder, more-together brother…into believing he’d “passed-out”
…went to the apartment just above or below where his brother was staying, to beg the use of his friend’s car
…then waited (again – apparently) another 3 ½ hours before choosing to get into his own, SUSPECT, car…and
…you know the rest…

Could something – ANYthing – have happened in that 3 ½ hours to turn him into a psycho-maniac?

No amount of marijuana would have (imo)…and still allowed him to drive…
He would more likely have been stopped/sitting at a GREEN LIGHT (all the way through the morning's rush hour), than speeding & accelerating…through red lights…if that were the case…

A heavy dose of meth might have…but…was not evident in the toxicology report.

Likewise – one of the younger brother’s (again – presumably) complaints against the LAPD was – they were expecting to find boat loads of drugs in his apartment & in his blood…but didn’t.
So – it appears that said younger brother continues to believe that “meth” did not contribute.

I recognize the possibility that some “psychoactive” or “hallucinogenic” could inspire some pretty bizarre behavior - -
- but - - - we have no evidence aside from the elder brother’s suggestion that Michael might have begun using Dimethyltryptamine … (tested for – but not found)…

We know he was wearing jeans, “sneakers” (presumably one on each foot), socks (presumably one on each foot) and a t-shirt.
We do not know if there was luggage or an overnight bag or even if he had his laptop or other professional/investigative materials in the vehicle with him.
One would think that some of such evidences would be in and among the “debris-field”, if he had…and that, NOT EVERYTHING was burned in the fire…
Will any of this information EVER be made available to us?
If so, we might be able to improve our guesses dramatically.
If not… …
… WHY?

WanDash you continue to impress and provide research to assist in filling in the answers to many questions that have been posed here.

Thanks for the info about the EJ MH relationship.

I am by no means tied to the meth/hardcore drug idea, but looking at the info you shared about his brother and neighbor I think it is important to mention two truths:
1. Hardcore drug users typically don't advertise their usage (they make herculean efforts to hide such things from family, neighbors and close friends).
2. The investigation is wrapped up in the minds of the masses so speaking ill of the dead is behavior those close to someone avoid doing out of respect.

posted on Nov, 28 2013 @ 09:46 PM

...I am by no means tied to the meth/hardcore drug idea, but looking at the info you shared about his brother and neighbor I think it is important to mention two truths:
1. Hardcore drug users typically don't advertise their usage (they make herculean efforts to hide such things from family, neighbors and close friends).
2. The investigation is wrapped up in the minds of the masses so speaking ill of the dead is behavior those close to someone avoid doing out of respect.

Thanks NickDC202 - neither am I tied to a particular explanation.
I worked with a guy, who, as it turned out, was a meth addict (turned dealer).
I was closer to his family, than to him...and, they were convinced that he used no drugs. Came to his defense on numerous occasions over the course of our two+ year involvements...and placed their saintly & professional reputations at risk - both defending & supporting him.
Shortly after the two-year relationship ended (by virtue of a corporate takeover), he was arrested for selling to a minor... Went to prison...
Now - when I say his family was convinced - I know it's possible that they were simply trying to protect him - but, knowing them, as I did, I'm more convinced that they believed his explanations...THOUGH...almost everyone-else that I knew that knew him - was/were totally convinced he was a user/avid-user.
Now - he was a very intelligent guy. (this is not the guy I knew that had been in the CIA) His family all held him up as their "shining star" - the "one that will go places"... And, indeed, he'd been many places - worked for powerful people...etc... He was, likewise, well-witted and could soothe customer/client relations like a lawyer-doctor.
But - anyone without family reasons to protect him...KNEW...something was off. I accepted his explanations - (skin problems, migraines, etc...)...but, again - KNEW something was wrong. So, later, when the truth came out - there was no "WoW - how could that have slipped past me?" - didn't. I noticed it (like everyone else did) and chose to take him at his word...UNTIL PROVEN DIFFERENT.

In the case of Michael Hastings, I do not see that happening...anywhere...among the friends, acquaintances, colleagues, cohorts...AND EVIDENCE.

It could be... There are numerous hidden/missing facts in this case...and, what you suggest could turn out being one of them.. But, again (like so many others), it appears at odds with other evidence.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 03:35 AM
If you are a conspiracy theorist, it's not hard to see how they did this. Reguarding the resturant camera footage, you can get the feeling no one is in that car. The footage even shows the car completely off (no light on anywhere) a second before it crashes. Meaning it was most likely run via remote controll either into Hollywood grade explosives or the car was rigged to blow on impact. The car was programmed to shut down before the impact to create a clean explosion without error. "They" just needed a solid force to ram the car into for it to explode. Most likely same thing for Paul Walker. LAPD has been in bed with Hollywood forever, if they need streets shut down or cops on the scene to fake these deaths, you better believe they can do it.

posted on Dec, 3 2013 @ 10:33 AM

If you are a conspiracy theorist, it's not hard to see how they did this. Reguarding the resturant camera footage, you can get the feeling no one is in that car. The footage even shows the car completely off (no light on anywhere) a second before it crashes. Meaning it was most likely run via remote controll either into Hollywood grade explosives or the car was rigged to blow on impact. The car was programmed to shut down before the impact to create a clean explosion without error. "They" just needed a solid force to ram the car into for it to explode. Most likely same thing for Paul Walker. LAPD has been in bed with Hollywood forever, if they need streets shut down or cops on the scene to fake these deaths, you better believe they can do it.

Thanks for your time, revolutionaryawareness

As to the restaurant camera footage (or even, the LoudLabs “Santa Monica Red Light” footage) – there may be a “feeling” that no one is in the car…but, the additional LoudLabs footage appears to demonstrate resoundingly, that someone was in the car during & after the fire.

I would disagree with your interpretation of the video evidence – that there was no light “anywhere…a second before” the crash. I believe the evidence demonstrably shows the engine well on its way down the street in the first “frame” that shows the headlights extinguished, and one frame prior to the taillights being entirely extinguished – which – in my opinion, is evidence that “collision with the tree” preceded each of those events (headlights extinguished, engine leaving car & taillights expiring).

Since the remainder of your argument is predicated upon these premises, it would not be fitting for me to address the same until/unless we come to terms/agreement on the sequence of events.
If you would care to engage in that discussion, please let me know. There are numerous resources in this thread that could be of assistance. I have more of such resources available at your request. And/or – if you have other resources at your disposal that you believe have been overlooked, please bring them forward for consideration.

Thanks again!

edit on 12/3/2013 by WanDash because: change word

posted on Dec, 4 2013 @ 10:31 PM
Following, are the possible scenarios I’ve seen offered, for explanation of the fiery crash of Michael Hastings on the morning of June 18, 2013.
1. Under Cover Meth/Coke Addiction / Desperation for One Last Fix
2. Irresponsible Imbecile Endangering Everyone In His Path
3. Marijuana Overdose
4. Spooked by Bogus Source
5. Feds Got Him (How?)
6. McChrystal Got Him (How?)
7. Wife Got Him (Paid Hit man that waited for him…that night/morning)
8. Mechanical Failure
9. Mental/Psychological Breakdown
10. Hallucinogenic/Psychoactive Trip
11. Suicide
While some of these, I give an extremely-low score on the scale of probability…they are included, nonetheless…
Of these, I would propose the greater likelihood/s to be among the following (in no particular order):
1. Under-Cover Meth/Coke Addiction &/or Desperation for One Last Fix
2. Irresponsible Imbecile Endangering Everyone In His Path
3. Feds Got Him (How?)
4. Mental/Psychological Breakdown
5. Hallucinogenic/Psychoactive Trip

ShadellacZumbrum – while offering and defending both “Mechanical Failure &/or Driver Error”, continued to pursue & consider various lines of reason and questions, with a desire of finding “No Foul Play” as the ultimate answer.
While I could accept one or more possibilities under Shadellac’s premise…for a momentary lapse…the duration of “the problem” or “behavior” necessary to justify said explanation/s…extends just beyond my window of believability, when being “fitted into” the context.

If I did not see “the context” in this case, as significant, then – I would be looking for the easiest/simplest answer.
The context, itself, however, is compelling-enough (imo) to demand consideration & satisfaction in any explanation contemplated.
And, in each explanation we’ve seen – said context has not manifested in a consistent-enough pattern for anyone to argue any explanation better than all others…without the incorporation of assumptions not in evidence.

Some consider the elder brother’s testimony (interview/s) to hold significant (and even – the greatest) weight in composition of a “contextual storyline”.
I consider it to hold less weight than other (/the other ) testimonies & evidences…but, likewise, realize that, after all has been said, done and cogitated…it could be the nearest we will ever get to “what happened”.
And, while I have offered numerous critiques of the testimony…each was put forward in the interest of exploration & investigation, rather than “personal”.

Prior to the information that originated with Det. White, then filtered down through Michael Krikorian, that claimed “…he was actually going somewhere, that morning…” – with that somewhere being “Las Vegas”, the greatest problem for almost every FOUL PLAY scenario was – “How could the culprits have known he would be in his car at such an hour?”.
This was problematic to the extreme for numerous reasons, not the least of which is – “the need for speed” to readily explain the dramatic conclusion…
IF the evidence were to show that he had booked a flight for Las Vegas…to depart LAX in &/or among the earliest scheduled…then…we have “the beginnings” of a plausible scenario…
But – only “the beginnings”, as a number of other questions would need similarly “fitting” answers, as well.

NickDC202’s suggestion that “a trip to Las Vegas”, for many Los Angeleans, would be a “fun drive” might hold merit in this case - - -
I would, though, like to draw attention to the probability that Michael Hastings’ recent demonstration of paranoia &/or suspecting that his car had been tampered with, would certainly carry-over to a full conviction that his car was being tracked (by GPS – if not more intimately), and…I suspect he might have hoped to “slip” his surveillance, once in Las Vegas.
Likewise, however, unless he was planning on stopping to pick someone-else up…to make the trip with – the justification for “a fun day trip” kinda fades into…a business trip that takes a few hours longer than necessary.
Just – some thoughts on that hypothetical…

I’m not going to address the remaining “possible plausibles”, here.

Am considering finding an online forum (blog, website, whatever) with greater flexibility for presenting the findings graphically and otherwise.
Not that I would expect much interest – but – so much has passed since this thread began – numerous miscalculations – mistaken summaries – etc… Who’s going to spend the time going through all of the early errors to find what has actually developed…?
Anyway – I’ll bring any new & pertinent information to this thread, should anymore become available.
Would appreciate if you do the same.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by WanDash

I have not found or heard any new information concerning MH or his family. Are you still pursuing his life and death? Are you writing in another place? Hastings demise is on my mind more than I care to admit.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by barabajagal

I have not pursued the story since January of this year. After looking for any news, months afterward, and only finding articles that simply used some aspect of the tragedy to support their cause/argument, I decided to give it a rest.
With the anniversary coming up - I hope to put a little time & effort into seeing if there's anything new for consideration - or if, there's something old...that could use a fresh look.
Good to hear from you!
Hope all is well.

posted on May, 20 2014 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: WanDash
Salutations friend,
I too am thinking of the anniversary coming up and look forward to hear/read if you have anything new to add.

posted on May, 20 2014 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: bowaconstricta
a reply to: WanDash
Salutations friend,
I too am thinking of the anniversary coming up and look forward to hear/read if you have anything new to add.
Greetings to you, as well.
Have thought of you, and checked to see if you were still frequenting the boards on occasion - I'm glad to know you're still here.
Love your Avatar!
Have been working on an Anniversary reminder for a couple of weeks, and will let you know when it's ready to go.
Sincere Regards.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 02:36 AM
Dear God. . . .. I May Have Been Completely WRONG about the Death of Michael Hasting. After reading through some documents posted by WIKILEAKS Today I found some information that may prove Michael Hastings was MURDERED.

posted on Nov, 7 2016 @ 02:57 AM
a reply to: ShadellacZumbrum

Care to link your source? I'd be interested to read it.

posted on May, 23 2018 @ 11:56 PM
Fresh ink....


WikiLeaks has claimed the CIA planned to hack cars and trucks to carry out assassinations. The secretive organisation said the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency used the phone's geolocation software to tap into vehicle control systems in modern cars. The hacking organisation made the statement as it announced a huge release of confidential documents from the CIA as part of its mysterious Year Zero series, founder Julian Assange claimed. It claims the CIA has been carrying out a global covert hacking program that exploits US and European companies. It claims these include Apple's iPhone, Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows and even Samsung TVs, which it says "are turned into covert microphones." Mr Assange was set to speak about Year Zero on Facebook today, but a livestream of the event was reportedly hacked."

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