posted on Jul, 28 2013 @ 10:13 PM
I think the Military Refuel Tanker and smaller jet aircraft scenario meets just about everything seen here.
- The fighter jet has a nav strobe on. According to FAA regulations, lights must not flash less than 40 times per minute and no more than 100 times
per minute, and this fits those requirements. Strobe flashes are definitely picked up on thermal images and they are seen here in heat as well as
regular video.
-The tanker, being larger, with 4 engines, has a larger heat signature, which is evident.
-The fighter jet to be refueled is slowly closing in on the tanker.
-Flashing strobes may be temporarily turned off on the Tanker, as to not interfere with the fighter pilots visual field while aligning the Nozzle.
-What Violet had said above, about the up-coming airshow to the north, makes perfect sense for seeing an aircraft refueling event, as some of the
fighter jets do not have the fuel range to make it there, depending upon what bases that they were dispatched from.
Given these observational matches with a well known occurrence, speculation on wilder objects does not seem well justified. IMHO.