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There are no Alien Ships visiting Earth

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posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by rigel4

I've always watched the night sky, and often see satellites crossing over. They normally take around 1-2 mins to cover the sky or before they cross over in to darkness - they always appear as faint dots.

One time I was watching one slowly make it's way from horizon to horizon and when it was almost overhead, it made a 90 degree turn without losing speed. Can you explain that? I can't. It might not have been aliens, but it some kind of intelligently controlled object. From the technology we have, it would be logical to interpret that as not being one of ours.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by DaTroof
Star & Flag.

My thoughts exactly. No proof = no aliens

Rudimentary state of mind. There are many things we believe without proof.

Do you have a soul?.... Show me the pic.

I can't prove you exist, but I believe you do.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by alienreality

Originally posted by rigel4

Originally posted by alienreality
I had a family friend who passed away a few years ago that was the Chief air traffic controller for Tucson International Airport, who watched a large disked craft fly right down quick and landed right on the runway, (was a different airport) He watched it for over 20 minutes while it just sat there.. His superiors on the phone in DC told him to just ignore it, that it would likely fly away soon, which it did do and shot away at an insane speed.

We don't have zero mass propulsion yet, unless they have cracked that problem already. But this ship was definitely not man made..

They are here, that is science fact! My family friend is/was beyond reproach or doubt in the matter.

But it is always this way... "A sincere friend" his words only as proof,
which is no proof at all.

No pictures and no hard evidence.

It is all the proof necessary for ME to absolutely know as a fact that they are really here and still coming. You may reject this, but I already know it as fact, not believe it is, but know it is.

edit on 24-7-2013 by alienreality because: add

Do you also confuse dreams with realty at times?

Do the words "proof" and "fact" mean something different to you than what the rest of the English speaking population know it to mean?

Your friends story was all that was needed for you to believe.

There are no facts or proof in what you said, only fact is that you believe, well so many others me included also believe,

However, beliefs and stories don't constitute proof or facts, sorry if you think they do, they only strengthen beliefs.
edit on 25-7-2013 by InhaleExhale because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by LevelEleven

Untill you experience it for yourself, you wont believe in ufos or aliens.

Aliens I can understand skepticism,

Who doesn't believe things seen in the sky can be unidentified?

Only character I've heard about that UFOs wouldn't exist to, is another debatable character many call God, he would know all so nothing would be unidentifiable to God.

UFOs are a fact and it matters not what people believe when facts are involved.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 10:16 AM
Gonna read an gonna reply.
So much N upon N.
We are NOT alaone!!!!!!!

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 10:20 AM
link etail&id=233BE76DB85A730A16EF3D9A3E52C98C7636BFBB&selectedIndex=1" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>reply to post by DonVoigt

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by DonVoigt

Trying to get this right etail&id=B393C1A75E9AC8B4F3A09248AAECA80372CB2D90&selectedIndex=18" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 11:04 AM
There are plenty of pictures, the problem is most peoples camera phones SUCK at anything other than full daylight brightness. Together with no zoom and low bitrate recording capability your not gonna see much than a streaky fuzzy dot (which people like you complain about) but give it time, as these phones evolve into much higher megapixel cameras better pictures will emerge. Your also completely discounting credible eye witness testimony & radar data to name a few. Its not case closed. I think you dont even need to read these forums, your mind is made up? Cya.

Originally posted by rigel4
So when are the UFO community going to accept that there are no
alien spaceships visiting planet Earth?

The entire world is filled with Camera phones, Cameras, video cameras, surveillance cameras
and everything else in between. Still... after 20 years of the digital age, there is still no smoking gun.

Satellites patrol the skies seeing everything that moves, but all we are offered are the same blurry lights in the sky
or clever cgi that is eventually taken apart by debunkers and shown for what it is.

I tell you alien visitation is wishful thinking..not a science fact.

Oh sure there are billions of civilizations out there in the cosmos..that much I am sure of, but flying saucers/

UfO's belong in a comic book..

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 11:04 AM

When a murder crime happens in a small community and 10 people say they didnt see anything and 10 say they saw a 4ft guy with grey hair and no clothes on then that tends to be indicative that a) a small grey haired guy might have done it. And b)

If millions of people over thousands of years see/experience the similar things and either write about them or draw them or sculpture them then thats also indicative that its not just pie in the sky!!

If 99% of things seen or experienced is not reality but 1% is then Im with the 1%!!!

Craft, thousands of miles an hour that have been caught on radar and documented are not ours because they can do 90 degree turns! 10 g's and humans are about fuc.k.d!

Cut the N people because it doesnt become the HR!

Just for 1 or 2 minutes imagine what we will be capable of in 10,000 or 100,000 years! then you have the answer!

Its all bloody common sense. Categoric proof or not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
edit on 25-7-2013 by RP2SticksOfDynamite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by rigel4

Originally posted by JohnnyCanuck

Originally posted by rigel4
So when are the UFO community going to accept that there are no
alien spaceships visiting planet Earth?
Oh sure there are billions of civilizations out there in the cosmos..that much I am sure of, but flying saucers/
UfO's belong in a comic book.
Sorry, but there are a lot of folks out there who have witnessed/experienced something, and while you may not agree with their conclusions...until more information emerges, their opinions are at least as valid as yours.

Belief is the same as god . deity's.. and ghosts, so i think what you are saying is exactly right,
believing in something doesn't make it real..

Theres certainly more sighting of UFOs than God sightings.....

And more god believers than UFO believers.....

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Trueman

Conscious love is proof of the soul.

I can prove to you i exist, but it's against TOS to give personal info.

So, try again. No proof = no aliens.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by rigel4
So when are the UFO community going to accept that there are no
alien spaceships visiting planet Earth?

When are you going to accept that cloaking technology is easier to attain than traveling millions of light years?
If advanced aliens do come here, I doubt they have problems using cloaking devices

When are you going to accept that maybe, you don't know everything?

Ah youth...

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by BrokenCircles
reply to post by rigel4

There are no Alien Ships visiting Earth
A statement which is completely incapable of being proven true.

A statement which is completely incapable of being proven untrue.

I just want to point out your statement can be phrased that way as well and it would be just as valid.

I see it the same as those that claim no evidence for god is the same as evidence for god. Proving a negative is still a fallacy isn't it?

edit on 25-7-2013 by Grimpachi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by rigel4

There are no Alien Ships visiting Earth

Actually, all those phones with cameras produce a fairly substantial sum of UFOP images and videos. Unfortunately, most are delegated to sites like facebook and then when they do get out, they are often immediately shot down by folks with no respect for anyone's viewpoint but their own.


Besides all that... we've reached a point where ANY image or video that is not crystal clear is dubbed as too fuzzy or blurry to be of any use and those that ARE clear are attacked for being TOO clear to be real.

It's one of those damned if you do and damned if you don't situations. Moreover, there are quite often people who appear out of nowhere to label (and libel) both the pictures and their owners as being hoaxes. From that point, it is far less dangerous to say 'ahhhh, a hoax' and walk away than to maintain an open mind and direct one's skepticism at those doing the labeling.

Is this comment trying to say that flying saucers are real? No, it just notes that there are literally millions of UFO sightings that can be researched... not just a few, but millions spanning a time frame of almost 70 years.

Were they all stoned on swamp gas? That's your call to make

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by Biigs
Theres certainly more sighting of UFOs than God sightings.....

And more god believers than UFO believers.....

The important bits:

The numbers clearly favor the proverbial Big Man Upstairs: 80 percent say they believe in God

Overall, 44 percent of the respondents said they believe in ghosts, 36 percent say UFOs are real while 31 percent believe in both witches and astrology. About a quarter believe in reincarnation, or “that you were once another person,” the survey found.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by rigel4
The entire world is filled with Camera phones, Cameras, video cameras, surveillance cameras
and everything else in between. Still... after 20 years of the digital age, there is still no smoking gun.

So you think that races who are intelligent enough to be able to come across the universe and/or come from other dimensions aren't smart enough to know how to dodge our mundane camera equipment recording devices??

Animals in the wild are observed and photographed by humans without those animals knowing it.
Just because those animals don't see us doesn't mean that we aren't there doing it.
I would think that these aliens are able to do much the same thing.
They are FAR more advanced than we are.

Both the anecdotal evidence and the Drake equation are pretty convincing to me that aliens are real.

By that same logic wouldn't the claims made by those who say alien UFO's were tracked on radar be absolutely preposterous to you?

The US has stealth technology so what makes anyone think aliens wouldn’t?

So using your statement and logic we should dismiss all radar info including all picture and video info which leaves us with???????
If you said eye witness accounts you would be right.

So I guess we will either have to take their word for it or not because there isn’t anything else to go on.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 11:59 AM
Its also important to remember that yes, theres more sightings and more phones with good camera so on and so forth.

remember how much more things actually fly in the sky now, including LED/Fire lantons and remote controlled craft (the hobby kind not the US armed with missiles kind) flown at night with LEDs.

Heck even a glow in the dark Frisbee would make an interesting pic, so yes they are CERTAINLY more than ever accidental 'fakes' UFOs that are in fact not alien in origin.

edit on 25-7-2013 by Biigs because: typos

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by rigel4

Thanks for clearing that up, but I'm sorry you are very very wrong with your logic.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 12:42 PM
I think there's a difference to claiming UFOs are not aliens and unequivocally stating "there are no aliens visiting planet Earth". That's a statement you'd have to provide evidence for, such as proving interstellar travel is essentially impossible or that we are definitively alone in the galaxy. The former is certainly not the case given with current physics the entire galaxy can be colonized within a few million years, and the jury is still out on the latter. The most one could say scientifically at this time is that there isn't sufficiently convincing evidence that Earth is being visited by an extraterrestrial intelligence.

edit on 25-7-2013 by Diablos because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by rigel4
So when are the UFO community going to accept that there are no
alien spaceships visiting planet Earth?

The entire world is filled with Camera phones, Cameras, video cameras, surveillance cameras
and everything else in between. Still... after 20 years of the digital age, there is still no smoking gun.

Satellites patrol the skies seeing everything that moves, but all we are offered are the same blurry lights in the sky
or clever cgi that is eventually taken apart by debunkers and shown for what it is.

I tell you alien visitation is wishful thinking..not a science fact.

Oh sure there are billions of civilizations out there in the cosmos..that much I am sure of, but flying saucers/

UfO's belong in a comic book..

UFOs are real even if they are of human origin, there are many objects flying and causing injuries, stress or property damage. Perhaps educate yourself before making so air conclusions.

As far as aliens coming to Earth, it is questionable, the reason why such possibilty has to be embraced is - the questions of evolution of the human mind from apes to civilization that can build, has alphabet when no other animals went that far, even some apes still remain animals with no sign of even 1/10000 of MIND progress compared to what they were many millenia ago.Combined this with the endless of clues of 'Other civilization interference' - from monuments, to nasca lines to representations of flying machines throughout history.

The fact that MANY sources point to some contact have been reached. combined with not all documents and not the most secret documents about UFOs been made public - EVER

When the secrecy is on the loose, when so many whether whistleblowers or not push into such thoughts, one has at least a reason to take such a possibility YES??

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