posted on Jul, 22 2013 @ 04:53 PM
Are any of you aware that this policy is Already in place in numerous cities? Food not Bombs has been arrested Several times for feeding the
homeless, as have Numerous individuals, groups, etc. food banks have been harassed, threatened, closed down.
Some cities of arrests have been in Florida, Colorado, that I know of firsthand. As for food banks I know there was one ran by Nuns that was
harassed, threatened and shut down. Worse, is that the Public, sadly yes SUPPORTS these horrific criminalizations because the media has done an
exceptional job in portraying all the homeless as either criminal elements, drug users or mentally deranged. On top of that then the media and
organizations such as UW plaster the whole "we help charity funds etc" under the whole PR circus of cities who spout how they are doing something
about the homeless problem so what the citizens or Consumers then think is that well there is help for these people so no excuse to be on streets
panhandling, etc.
What they Don't realize is that the operations of many of these federally and state supported charities are under so many laws and by laws that most
fall through the cracks meanwhile admins are raking in big bucks. It's what we call as the Poverty Industry. Like the Prison Industry it's
presented in a way that depicts a false picture of the system keeping society functional,
Really it's more about aesthetics, sanitizing the population and aiding a gulag type of depopulation system. And it's Startified to do just that.
This is why majority of shelters are in inner cities, where the homeless are forced to stay near due to no transportation and where they are left with
little to do if they aren't hired at day labor jobs, etc and with no day time shelters, are then left to loiter.
Not only that the shelter system is run by a lottery, most are not aware of this either...point is its an entire systematic way of stripping the
homeless of even more autonomy where they are left more defenseless against police harassment and arrests, crime by other homeless or non homeless who
target them as they are vulnerable and invisible, etc.
Consumers and tourists complain, as well as Shop owners that the homeless are eye sores and they place pressure on city developers/chambers to rid of
them, etc. as long as Consumers and Tourists insist on homeless free zones these policies will get worse. So it's not just government, it's also
society at fault.
When there is plans to put homeless low income housing in more suburb areas it's the residents who throw the hissy fit, with medias help. Same with
tent cities...
Never mind that few even stop and question Why there is an influx of homeless in their area or that at same time there are thousand ds of boarded up
empty apartments, buildings etc. which Could be used to house the homeless, set up small businesses, something...
But then see its the "well they have HUD and Housing vouchers". yes they do,
With a six year wait list, that's not even getting into the Corruption of that whole industry, and it's rampant with misuse of funds, slum lords,
etc. the problem is multi faceted but anyway,
The goal, at least what the politic use to Justify this forced Ghettoization very similar to the Reich in Germany's program, is that they want the
homeless In their services, etc., off the streets. The usual We Care bunk.
What people Don't see is that the red tape that operates, makes it near impossible to service the homeless and those that can are run to the limit
and so forth.
It's a deliberate form of Sanitized MURDER of the poorest of the poor. Worse is that the plan is to force More Americans into this bracket as a
means of ridding those they deem unworthy of existence....
Or who won't toe the fascist black boot line.
Use to be cities implemented these policies around community events, Now they are doing this regardless of events and forming permanent policies to
criminalize all poor, unemployed, disabled and elderly.