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Chris Matthews Apologizes to Black Co Workers on Behalf of ALL White People

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posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Chris a progressive piece of filth. He is actually hurting race relations by grouping all white people together. I have grand idea Chris you progressive scum bag why not hold individuals accountable.

Progressives are the reason race is still an issue. It truly is a disease of the brain.
edit on 20-7-2013 by SubTruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by thefifthcat

Wow its cool because it was legal at the time? that is the most insensitive stance towards the enslavement, rape and torture of another racial group I have ever heard. Guess the apple don't fall to far from the family tree.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Think Mathews needs to apologize for profiling me and others.

So says this person.
edit on 20-7-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 01:22 AM
I have been pulled over for no reason (according to me), I have had Police pull guns on me for no reason (according to me), I have felt harassed by Cops many of times.


Where is the opposite side to this?? I am pretty sure, no matter your race, that someone feels that they were pulled over for no reason.

Chris Mathews is a Lunatic and if you really looked around now adays the kids dont care about race. I guess all you older folks need to remind all of your Kids that the racisim that existed in this Country.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 01:23 AM
I have to comment on this thread.

There is a big slice of the American demographic that just loves to hate white people.

This slice of the demographic happens to be conflicted, guilt ridden, maladjusted white people.

Matthews is not apologizing for me or you. He is apologizing for himself and his own ignorant racist beliefs.

He and so many others like him ARE racist. It eats him up because he's not supposed to be that way, so he turns his angst and anger on others and blames them for who he is.

He so firmly believes that all white people must be racist and hates anyone who isn't because that's who he is.

An angry closet racist.

What is the technical term for a racist who hates non racists enough to accuse them of racism and then apologize for it?

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 01:46 AM
This is the old emotional standby. Many of us are not surprised at all that someone associated with liberal media would get around to this wore out song and dance. This is the good old kitchen sink as it were. This is a break glass incase of emergency old school sort of stuff here. This is toss it a the wall it always sticks punch line.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 02:59 AM
A white person apologising on behalf of all white people for his race's actions in the past is as empty and pointless as it would be for a black person to apologise on behalf of all black people for his race's actions in the present.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 04:30 AM
Ok, guys, I hear you. I really do. But, I for one feel sorry for anyone who's had to deal with any suffering or injustice, and that includes black people. This Chris Mathews guy JUST GOT DONE listening to how some people he knows had guns aimed at them and how their dad told them not to even argue with police, ever, or you could die! Now, I know this to be true even as a white guy, but that should not have to be a reality for a kid who's 9 or 10 or 15 or any age. So he was just saying he's sorry they had to go through that. Saying you are sorry that something happened isnt the same as accepting responsibility.

If you came to ats tomorrow saying your house got destroyed by a hurricane and it killed your wife and daughter, I would say "Gosh bro, I'm really about all of that, and I'm sure I speak for everyone here at ats." Now, does that mean I should expect a bill in the mail for the house and to be arrested for murder the next day? Does that mean I'm saying its everyone else's fault too? No, it just means "hey I feel for ya".

Anyway, I am not getting into it anymore than that, because I don't really believe in racism. I believe in individual events based on misconceptions and upbringing. Example, Zimmerman didn't dislike trayvon because he was black, he disliked him and suspected him because he thought he was going to steal or cause trouble, and he may or may not have thought that about him because of his age or race or any number of combined factors. If trayvon was 55 and looked like Morgan freeman would Zimmerman have acted the same? No? Not racism then. You can't even call it ageism or any one label. If it was a white or Hispanic kid he didn't recognise from his area he would've followed them too. It's not such a focus on color. You can actually tell a lot about someone from the way they dress, usually. There is a certain style that gangsters or wannabe gangsters wear, and over the past 10 years its become more popular, and they don't call it gangster anymore, they call it hip-hop and eceryones wearing it, making it more difficult to weed out the troublemakers. So who's fault is that and what are we supposed to do?? You wanna talk the talk and wear the clothes? Then you accept the social stigmas that go along with that. It's a choice you made. And as far as the whole trayvon thing, I'm not saying he got what was coming, there was just not enough evidence to convict. We don't know what happened. It sucks and yes I am sorry to his family, but one court decision does not mean there is or isn't justice, or racism, in America...come on. Ok Dammit I got into it more than I wanted to...

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

This is what I'm talking about. Somebody really needs to check the toxicity of our air here because people seemed to have lost their minds. This gesture is just idiotic and makes absolutely no sense. Zimmerman is of Spanish decent. Anyone can tell that. I just don't understand.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 05:26 AM

Originally posted by Teeky
I'm sick of all these topics about race popping up on Ats lately. Now here's another one. I'm going to just sit back and continue to read more negative comments about black people. Thanks a lot op. White people are soooo nice.

Show me exactly where I said anything negative about black people in the opening post. Go ahead .... give it a try. I said NOTHING negative about black people. The negative thing said was about Chris Matthews who had the audacity to claim to speak for ALL white people with his far left rhetoric.

BTW .. your statement is racist. "White people are soooo nice.'
(oh and you have no idea what race me or my family are ... and it's irrelevant to the discussion anyways)
edit on 7/20/2013 by FlyersFan because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 05:30 AM

Originally posted by kaylaluv
How does what he said hurt any of you in any way, unless you happen to be a white supremacist?


What is so horrible about saying you are sorry for what someone has had to go through? Why do you assume it means you are taking the blame for it?

What is so horrible is that he had the audacity to claim to speak for ALL white people.
He spews far left rhetoric and embraces imaginary white guilt and then claims to speak
for ALL white people. If you can't see how that is wrong, and you think that all people
who disagree with what Matthews did are 'white supremacist' .. then there just isn't any
talking to you.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by Willtell
The man is expressing a sincere (I hope) feeling of shame for the treatment of black people by his race.

1 - He shouldn't have claimed to speak for ALL white people. He isn't their elected spokesperson.
2 - You speak like the white race is guilty of something toward the black race. That's absurd. There is no collective race guilt. That would be like me holding the entire black race guilty because of what the Bloods do. Absurd.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 05:34 AM
Quick, find more things to hate! YAY!

Oh I'm sorry, did someone do something symbolic in order to try and calm down a tense situation? And this offended you?

No, y'all didn't do anything personally to all the black people, and I'm sure that Matthews didn't do anything offensive to all his black co workers...

You know what? This is BS, do you know why we have racial problems in this country? Cause we still point out race in this country. We still put people into groups. Instead of saying "co workers", we say "black co workers" or "female co workers" or "the IT department".

Doing this won't solve the problems in this country that divide us. Why can't we just be Americans? Oh that's right, we can't just be Americans either cause a large portion of this nation doesn't even want there to be a United States anymore and want to further divide us up along state lines too.

But go ahead, keep pigeonholing people into various groups and divisions and blame it on Chris Matthews or Obama.

Must be their fault right? Weren't any problems with division in this country till they came along right?

Don't want Chris Matthews apologizing on your behalf?

No one really cares that he apologized on behalf of all white people. It was symbolic. Don't take it so seriously, if you don't want to take that apology to heart for yourself, good.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 05:38 AM

Originally posted by TheMagus
Chris Matthews does NOT speak for all white people.
only those who do not subscribe to Racism and Bigotry

Excuse me while I hurl a few dozen times. Chris Matthews speaks FOR HIMSELF. He's fully embraced that absurd notion of white guilt. He buys into it. He sells it. He's a race baiter without much of an audience for his TV show. Nothing more.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 05:41 AM
Why is he apologizing? it's just an empty gesture to appease the viewers.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by kaylaluv

Well It was unfortunate that his words came out wrong. I do not think it is a conspiracy to attack the white race who are bent low by black tyranny blah blah blah. All that it shows is that race is a hot topic in the 21st century sadly.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 05:57 AM

Originally posted by HauntWok
did someone do something symbolic in order to try and calm down a tense situation? And this offended you?

That's NOT what he did. He claimed to speak for ALL white people and he did so while fully embracing the absurdity of 'white guilt'. He did NOTHING to try to 'calm down a tense situation' but instead he's feeding it with his continued race baiting and dividing of the races. And yes, it's offensive for anyone to claim to have the audacity and arrogance to speak for an entire group of people.

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

That's NOT what he did. He claimed to speak for ALL white people and he did so while fully embracing the absurdity of 'white guilt'.

Again, if you don't accept his apology on your behalf. Who give a flying [snip]? Instead of just saying to yourself, "Well, he doesn't speak for ME I don't have to apologize, I haven't done anything wrong to anyone ever in my entire life" you could have just moved on. But no, let's race bait some more ourselves by taking this as offensive to you personally.

He did NOTHING to try to 'calm down a tense situation' but instead he's feeding it with his continued race baiting and dividing of the races.

He did try and ease a tense situation, but let's ignore that and be overly offended by the gesture. Quick, get some picket signs, start a 501(c) and start a movement to boycott MSNBC for Matthews' inappropriate comments! Oh better yet, write a book and go on the talk show circuit on how his apology has completely ruined your life and made it impossible for you to continue on.

And yes, it's offensive for anyone to claim to have the audacity and arrogance to speak for an entire group of people.

Oh how your life must be devastated by this gesture. Are you going to be ok?

Do you need a support group? Counseling? Oh the shame of being a victim of such a horrendous act by this man. How dare he!
edit on 20-7-2013 by HauntWok because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 06:14 AM
Ah, the predictable ATS thread filled with downtrodden white people who have an insight into black people's lives

edit on 20-7-2013 by spacedog1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2013 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by 3n19m470

If you came to ats tomorrow saying your house got destroyed by a hurricane and it killed your wife and daughter, I would say "Gosh bro, I'm really about all of that, and I'm sure I speak for everyone here at ats." Now, does that mean I should expect a bill in the mail for the house and to be arrested for murder the next day? Does that mean I'm saying its everyone else's fault too? No, it just means "hey I feel for ya".

No, according to these people on ATS, you are supposed to say, "Hey dude, get over it - move on. Nobody here is sorry that your wife and daughter are dead - we didn't do it and it's not our problem."
That's the ATS way, apparently.

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