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Chris Matthews Apologizes to Black Co Workers on Behalf of ALL White People

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posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

I've apologized to my black friends on several occasions for Justin Bieber but that hasn't stopped the hate.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 07:27 PM
not to worry, Dr. Walter Williams has already granted we euros a pardon

sorry, Chris, too late!

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 07:36 PM
Wow, lot's of anger on this thread.

Don't people realize anger is toxic to your body?

Don't people realize the PTB want us divided and in fear/anger?

How many ways are the PTB trying to divide us:

black vs white

any color vs any other color

any religion vs any other religion

any country vs any other country

male vs female

straight vs not

right vs left

management vs workers

parents vs children

cats vs dogs etc etc

Forgiveness is very powerful, it is much easier to hate than forgive, and something worth doing is usually harder to accomplish, and love is the only truth in the Universe.

edit on 19-7-2013 by PlanetXisHERE because: epiphany

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Actually a lot of white people have tried to change a racist mindset, as the climate is different from when I was a kid. His statement (well meaning as it was) did not make sense becasue not ALL white people want to change by his own implication. "All" is not equal to "A lot".

In these dark days he is making a stand which is good. The same way that I would make a stand against harassment of women. The question is (in both cases) what does that achieve??

I suppose not very much:-(

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 09:02 PM
MY experience with blacks, which granted is mostly inner city Baltimore and NY, has been that blacks are the most racist people on the planet. Many behave as if they're entitled to insult and/or physically attack whites if the opportunity is right. Of course this is a very limited exposure to only two of the heavily populated black communities in the country over a forty year period, but hey, for what it's worth.

As demonstrated by Trayvon's girlfriend, calling whites "Crackers" is part of their normal vocabulary, it's just built in. Well I look white, I take great offense to that when directed at me or my family, so why no empathy for me? If I call all blacks 'n-word's and claim it's just part of my culture, I think we all know what would happen there. Justifiable homicide comes to mind.

I'm not racist, I'm prejudice, it's not "wrong", it's common sense. I have the ability to size people up in a few seconds, based on a lot of things, but mostly behavior. I'm right a lot more often than I'm not, like it or not that's just a fact, but here's the difference, I ALLOW myself to be wrong and simply drop my guard down to normal if I feel I was wrong. If you're being honest, I think everyone does this, maybe they just don't realize it. If you're one of those super people that trusts and loves everyone, hey good for you, try walking your Cracka ass through Pratt St. at 3am and see what happens.

On the count of three, everybody stop being racist, EVERYBODY. That would be kind of great wouldn't it? Too bad it'll never happen, so in the real world it'll take either one side or the other taking all the "risk" or both sides taking a little at a time to give the other side a chance. So far I don't feel like the "other" side is trying very hard.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by Tiger5
reply to post by FlyersFan

Actually a lot of white people have tried to change a racist mindset, as the climate is different from when I was a kid. His statement (well meaning as it was) did not make sense becasue not ALL white people want to change by his own implication. "All" is not equal to "A lot".

In these dark days he is making a stand which is good. The same way that I would make a stand against harassment of women. The question is (in both cases) what does that achieve??

I suppose not very much:-(

Well, I think that's why he decided to qualify his statement by saying, "especially those that have tried to change.." I think he realized as soon as he said "all white people", that not all white people feel bad about it (obviously a lot of those kinds of people are on ATS
. Why would he be apologizing for those who tried to change? It makes no sense. He's saying that those people, along with himself, feel bad and are sorry for any suffering. Isn't that the truth?

Of course his statement doesn't really achieve anything. It was just something that came from his heart. What a jerk, right?

edit on 19-7-2013 by kaylaluv because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Paschar0

I'm not racist, I'm prejudice, it's not "wrong", it's common sense.

So far I don't feel like the "other" side is trying very hard.

Have to agree, but that's just not popular these days, so you'll be told how wrong you are for simply exercising an effective survival mechanism. Simple test for this sort of thing is to just reverse roles, things get real obvious then. Many blacks feel entitled to be racist.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Paschar0
MY experience with blacks, which granted is mostly inner city Baltimore and NY, has been that blacks are the most racist people on the planet.

That's been my experience too, on the west coast anyway. Look at what these mobs and "protesters" are really all about: violence, robbery, vandalism, they don't care about Trayvon, they just want a reason to act like animals. I don't care what color you are, you act like animal, you should be treated like one.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by kaylaluv

Pah lease. He's on MSNBC and he's playing the same role all the other personalities are. As much as I loathe Fox news, MSNBC has surpassed them in their theatrics and pandering. They've taken their official Obama/Democratic support to new lows.

I used to love watching Chris on Hardball years ago, I thought he made some great points, I thought he might have some genuine concerns through all those arguments. But now, it's just obvious he's trying too hard to make things work, and they're just not. The whole network lost everyone but the 1st seat choir, and I mean everyone. It's like he's begging "I'll say anything! please don't go!"

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by Legna

I'm "white" but I have next to nothing in common with at least half of the other "white" people I know.

When will people actually acknowledge Martin Luther King Jr. and learn to judge a person on the "content of their character" and not on "the color of their skin".

People need to grow up and learn to see race-baiting - in whatever form it is - as race-baiting.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by Legna

Originally posted by Paschar0
MY experience with blacks, which granted is mostly inner city Baltimore and NY, has been that blacks are the most racist people on the planet.

That's been my experience too, on the west coast anyway. Look at what these mobs and "protesters" are really all about: violence, robbery, vandalism, they don't care about Trayvon, they just want a reason to act like animals. I don't care what color you are, you act like animal, you should be treated like one.

My husband and I were in an all black neighborhood in Chicago while visiting there. We were running to catch a bus, got on the packed bus as the only white people. Nobody robbed us, or beat us, or talked smack to us, or even gave us a dirty look. As a matter of fact, one black woman gave up her seat so I could sit down. That's right -- a black woman willingly gave up her seat on a bus for a white woman. She didn't do it because I was white -- she did it because she saw a middle-age woman flushed and out of breath from running to catch the bus. We had the best conversations while riding that bus. Everyone was friendly and polite to us.

Not all whites are racist and not all blacks are "animals".

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 10:02 PM

Originally posted by Paschar0
reply to post by kaylaluv

Pah lease. He's on MSNBC and he's playing the same role all the other personalities are. As much as I loathe Fox news, MSNBC has surpassed them in their theatrics and pandering. They've taken their official Obama/Democratic support to new lows.

I used to love watching Chris on Hardball years ago, I thought he made some great points, I thought he might have some genuine concerns through all those arguments. But now, it's just obvious he's trying too hard to make things work, and they're just not. The whole network lost everyone but the 1st seat choir, and I mean everyone. It's like he's begging "I'll say anything! please don't go!"

Okay, so you think he's lying. You think he really doesn't give a crap. That's fine. Regardless, he was not saying that he and all white people must apologize as if we have all done something wrong. The OP is misleading.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

You know Flyers that all this crap have nothing to do with apologizing is all about how the media whores try to do anything for ratings.

Apologizing my big latino arse this about getting ratings, our nation is nothing but full of morons idiots were they get lots of exposure.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by kaylaluv

edit on 19-7-2013 by KTATS because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 10:39 PM
The state of our country is so absurd that it seems unreal you know? I mean completely unreal that these things can happen and I feel alone in wanting to change them and that the country is so stupid and the government and media so obviously corrupt.

IRS Scandal, Benghazi, Prism, and many more scandals. Ignored because of a trumped up race issue that the PRESIDENT(!) took a side on to basically so his supporters will fall even further in love with him. It's mind blowing and that's just a minute part of the problem. It extends into banks, wall street, and the grading organizations like S&P. We're all up in the middle east giving weapons to terrorists. The economy and people are suffering because of this and everyone is tied up in this garbage.

It seems so ridiculous, it just makes me want to withdrawal from society and ignore it for the rest of my life, but then it just gets worse.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv
Not all whites are racist and not all blacks are "animals".

Thank you Capt. Obvious. Nice try.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 10:46 PM
On behalf of all 50 year-old balding mixed race libertarians. . . . . .

I'd like to apologise for not working hard enough to keep "Firefly" on the air.


(This is the apology thread, isn't it?)

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by thefifthcat

but to judge these men, by our standards is not legitimate.

I disagree. I think good morals and ethics is consistent over time, there is no changing standards. Someone who slave traded willingly is morally defunct, in any time period. You think they couldn't see the humanity in their slaves? You think they didn't understand that they were experiencing extreme suffering? They made a choice to participate and gave up any moral standing. Just because it was legal and common, no excuse. To me that is a fact which makes the entire society of the time guilty, for the most part.

I don't consider the American founding fathers particularly good or moral people, or anyone of status who fed this system. Talented political theorists, sure. Moral? No.

I think our history is of an extremely immoral people. There has been progress made over the past few hundred years, and it's accelerated in the past 50.

But people are still by and large haunted by the legacy of awful ethics. Most people still aren't keeping a moral standard.

Excusing the people of old, in my opinion, holds us back. All of the great ideas that produce good people now were around back then- Christ, Buddha etc. Ethical philosophy.

ETA: And Chris Matthews... he's just a cog in the machine of the Dem. Party political ideology. Idiot statement, but probably effective TV strategy. No race owes an apology to another. But maybe, institutions that participate in the oppression of blacks does owe an apology- like the US government.
edit on 7/19/2013 by PatrickGarrow17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Chris Matthews has the audacity to claim to speak for all white people.

Chris Matthews Apologizes to Black Co Workers on Behalf of All White People

A shocked Matthews ended the segment saying he wanted to apologize. “I’ll just tell you one thing and I’m speaking now for all white people but especially those who have tried to change in the last 50 or 60 years — and a lot of them have really tried to change — I’m sorry for this stuff. That’s all I’m saying.”

Sure, what these people went through was not right. But to claim to speak for all white people and to apologize like that .. assuming across the board whites are all guilty and should all apologize .... ugh. White guilt .. .pffft. :shk: Hey Chris ... you do NOT speak for all white people.


we have had our disagreements before FF,
but here we can agree:

Chris Matthews does NOT speak for all white people.

only those who do not subscribe to Racism and Bigotry

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 11:46 PM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
The state of our country is so absurd that it seems unreal you know? I mean completely unreal that these things can happen and I feel alone in wanting to change them and that the country is so stupid and the government and media so obviously corrupt.

IRS Scandal, Benghazi, Prism, and many more scandals. Ignored because of a trumped up race issue that the PRESIDENT(!) took a side on to basically so his supporters will fall even further in love with him. It's mind blowing and that's just a minute part of the problem. It extends into banks, wall street, and the grading organizations like S&P. We're all up in the middle east giving weapons to terrorists. The economy and people are suffering because of this and everyone is tied up in this garbage.

It seems so ridiculous, it just makes me want to withdrawal from society and ignore it for the rest of my life, but then it just gets worse.

The president of the US has all these things going on and is using this race-baiting as distraction - wake up everyone.

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