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Originally posted by Kali74
The truth about AGW is out there, it isn't hidden. Rich people (Fossil fuel energy cartels like Koch Industries, Exxon Mobile, BP etc) are obfuscating the truth, putting 10's of millions into media campaigns, untold money into politicians pockets, and 10's of millions into think tanks to provide an illusion that science isn't sure or is lying about what is causing our current warming period.
Originally posted by Kali74
What is this multi-billion dollar industry you're going on about?
‘Any Other Multi-Billion Dollar Industry Would Be Treated Cynically By Reporters’: Canadian Pundit Ezra Levant Rips Global Warming Lobby
May. 24, 2012 6:01pm Mytheos Holt
Remember when global warming was a gigantic, apocalyptic danger that was going to destroy the world and that no true scientist would deny was such a thing?
We don’t either. Indeed, after two successive scandals, more financial conflicts of interest than can be properly counted, and “An Inconvenient Truth” being ruled inaccurate by a UK Court, it’s starting to become a mystery how this doomsday cult-style prophecy attracted the kind of credibility it did.
Originally posted by Kali74
They don't, you've only been told that they have and haven't bothered to find out if it's true or not.
Originally posted by Kali74
Electricity need not be from fossil fuels, more than that I'm not going to chart out my life for you to show you my actions support my morals. It's none of your business. If I were rude like you, I could ask why you aren't in church begging God for mercy on our planet, but I won't ask you that because it's none of my business, I don't know you, I don't know your lifestyle. Just because I don't agree with you on a forum doesn't mean everything you do in your life is something I would consider bad or hypocritical.
Originally posted by Kali74
I've read your theories, their theories, these other 'scientists' theories... they don't pan out, sorry that you can't deal with that reality.
Originally posted by Kali74
And again I'm not going to justify your little temper tantrum by spelling out my life to you, your opinion means nothing to me. What do I care if someone teetering on the brink thinks I'm a hypocrite?
Al Gore could become world's first carbon billionaire
Al Gore, the former US vice president, could become the world's first carbon billionaire after investing heavily in green energy companies.
Last year Mr Gore's venture capital firm loaned a small California firm $75m to develop energy-saving technology.
The company, Silver Spring Networks, produces hardware and software to make the electricity grid more efficient.
The deal appeared to pay off in a big way last week, when the Energy Department announced $3.4 billion in smart grid grants, the New York Times reports. Of the total, more than $560 million went to utilities with which Silver Spring has contracts.
Carbon Trade Exchange is a global electronic exchange platform serving both the regulatory and voluntary carbon markets
With over 145 members in 22 countries, Carbon Trade Exchange offers its members a trusted and transparent electronic marketplace for buying and selling carbon credits. CTX supports the trading of carbon credits that are originated under both the United Nations Clean Development Mechanism (CERs) and independent voluntary standards (VERs).
Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
RemTec is a proud member and Aggregator for The Climate Action Reserve or (Reserve); RemTec is a source and develops carbon offset credits that meet the requirements of the Climate Action Reserve (Reserve) Ozone Depleting Substances Project Protocol
Last February I speculated: Carbon Credit Trading, the next financial bubble to burst? That has now come to pass for U.S. markets with the collapse of the Chicago Climate Exchange.
Carbon credits allow industries to emit carbon dioxide above any cap & trade regulations imposed. The carbon market exists as a commodity only through the decisions of politicians and bureaucrats, who determine both the demand, by setting emissions limits, and the supply, by establishing criteria for offsets. It was a bubble waiting to burst. Unlike traditional commodities, which at sometime during the course of their market exchange must be delivered to someone in physical form, the carbon market is based on the lack of delivery of an invisible substance to no one.
Since 2005, when carbon trading was one of the fastest growing commodities, there was speculation that if the Obama administration passed cap & trade legislation, the market would grow to $3 trillion.
The Africa Carbon Credit Exchange (ACCE) is a leading African owned and managed marketplace uniquely designed to enable Africa’s participation in the global carbon markets. We provide innovative services and solutions to unravel the complexities of carbon markets and addressing the prevailing barriers to their success in Africa.
ACCE is unlocking low-carbon Africa by creating a reliable, structured and transparent trading platform for buying and selling compliance and voluntary carbon credits created in Africa – and in doing so, driving environmentally sustainable economic growth on the continent.
Revealed: scandal of carbon credit firm
April 8, 2011
Ben Cubby
A SYDNEY carbon credits company thought to have been running some of the world's biggest offsets deals appears to be a fake, shifting paper certificates instead of saving forests and cutting greenhouse emissions.
Shift2neutral says it has made high-profile events such as the Australian PGA golf championship and the Sydney Turf Club's world-first ''green race day'' carbon neutral.
When pressed for examples of any specific project that has cut emissions to generate the carbon credits the company offers for sale, he was unable to provide even one
But deals to generate more than $1 billion worth of carbon credits by saving jungles from logging in the Philippines, the Congo and across south-east Asia do not seem to exist.
The global network of investors and carbon offset certifiers supposed to be brokering deals with foreign presidents and the World Bank can be traced to a modest office in a shopping village in Westleigh, staffed by shift2neutral's founder, Brett Goldsworthy.
Originally posted by jdub297
We should be allocating resources to present and short-term mitigation efforts, rather than trying to put our fingers in the CO2 dike while the BRIC and Indo-Asian countries expand their use of coal and overwhelm any carbon reduction policies foisted upon the U.S. citizens, as if they were martyrs to a global economy.
Copyright © 2007 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA All rights reserved.
Extreme Nile floods and famines in Medieval Egypt (AD 930–1500) and their climatic implications
References and further reading may be available for this article. To view references and further reading you must purchase this article.
Fekri A. Hassana,
aInstitute of Archaeology, University College London, 31-34 Gordon Square, WC1H 0PY, London, UK
Available online 7 June 2007.
Nile gauge records of variations in Nile floods from the 9th century to the 15th century AD reveal pronounced episodes of low Nile and high Nile flood discharge. Historical data reveal that this period was also characterized by the worst known famines on record. Exploratory comparisons of variations in Nile flood discharge with high-resolution data on sea surface temperature of the North Atlantic climate from three case studies suggest that rainfall at the source of the Nile was influenced by the North Atlantic Oscillation. However, there are apparently flip-flop reversals from periods when variations in Nile flood discharge are positively related to North Atlantic warming to periods where the opposite takes place. The key transitions occur atAD 900, 1010, 1070, 1180, 1350 and 1400. The putative flip-flop junctures, which require further confirmation, appear to be quite rapid and some seem to have had dramatic effects on Nile flood discharge, especially if they recurred at short intervals, characteristic of the period from the 9th to the 14th century, coincident with the so-called Medieval Warm Period. The transition from one state to the other was characterized by incidents of low, high or a succession of both low and high extreme floods. The cluster of extreme floods was detrimental causing famines and economic disasters that are unmatched over the last 2000 years.
Originally posted by Kali74
That's a lot of work to put in to prove something to someone you hate, especially one that doesn't support carbon trading or taxing carbon. Not liking the offered 'solutions' doesn't mean I have to treat the problem as imaginary, and buy into every crack pot theory put forward and especially not the ridiculous cherry picking and telling scientists they prove themselves wrong constantly, all for the fat payoffs from the fossil fuel cartels, you know that trillion dollar industry?
Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
How can you disagree with the carbon trading scheme YET still believe the myth called AGW caused by co2
Stop moving the goalposts. It is ridiculous. In fact I think you are a right winger!
Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
How can you disagree with the carbon trading scheme YET still believe the myth called AGW caused by co2
Stop moving the goalposts. It is ridiculous. In fact I think you are a right winger!
Sure, again, it's not like the AGW scientists have been caught lying time, and again, and again, and again...
Geez, let's just make completely nonsensical jokes and "make believe" such jokes are evidence to corroborate the AGW religion... Why don't we huh?...edit on 22-7-2013 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)
What the AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming) camp fail to understand is that the climate has ALWAYS been changing, and yes it can have disastrous effects. It has happened before, and it will happen again.
Instead of spending billions of dollars sequestering a gas, CO2, that is needed by plants, trees, and the green biomass of Earth alongside some life forms that directly feed off CO2, what we should be doing is preparing to adapt to the changes.
There is nothing we can do to neither mitigate, nor stop Climate Change, they fail to realize this, and continue to demand that we spend billions of dollars trying to fight nature, the galaxy, and even the Universe in general.
Hate?... naa, I don't hate you, it just feels like I am trying to explain scientific facts to a toddler who can only respond with "gugu, gaga" and makes faces like and believes those are concise and intelligent responses
How can you disagree with the carbon trading scheme YET still believe the myth called AGW caused by co2 Stop moving the goalposts. It is ridiculous. In fact I think you are a right winger!
Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by EarthCitizen07
How can you disagree with the carbon trading scheme YET still believe the myth called AGW caused by co2 Stop moving the goalposts. It is ridiculous. In fact I think you are a right winger!
Are you freaking kidding me with this nonsense? I'm not moving any goal posts, my posting history is consistent with everything I am saying. And there's no need to ugly and call me a right winger. I'm a Libertarian Socialist aka an Anarchist. But neither you nor Electric Universe understand ideologies or political factions any better than you understand climatology so there's no point debating with either of you about either. I reply to you both only stop the misinformation you both spread around.
You are a libertarian socialist aka an anarchist yet you believe the UN and its stooges that want world government?
Are you freaking serious or what? Why do you think there is a global recession everywhere(more like a depression)? Things don't happen by chance, well sometimes maybe, but not here.
And libertarian socialism is an oxymoron.
I could care less what wikipedia says about.
Socialism requires big government
and libertarianism is mixed bag of conservatism with liberalism
Look at the ballots next time you go vote!
Originally posted by Kali74
No I believe science.
There is a global recession due to banks and derivatives trading in combination with weak labor organization and corporations beholden only to their shareholders and not the economy.
It isn't but your reasoning skills are suspect since you think the earth is hollow.
So ask Noam Chomsky instead.
No, it requires worker ownership of the means of production.
Libertarianism is simply a strong belief in personal liberty, less authority. It exists on both the left and right side of the spectrum though it originated on the left.
Read some books before you ever get to look at a ballot.
Originally posted by Kali74
You're are lacking some serious logic to be able to make that statement. How do you suppose climatology works to begin with? How did you miss the largest part of it, that climatologists look at climate change in earth's past to compare against our current climate change. Each climate epoch had a catalyst, something that instigated the change.
Originally posted by Kali74
The goal has never been to eliminate Co2... we can't survive without it, the goal always has been to curb our metric tons of added Co2 per year to something closer to natural. Adapting wasn't always going to be a necessity, had not Big Oil paid liars to cast doubt and suppress renewable energy efforts. Now adapting is about all we are left with, but every year that we don't lower (significantly) our GHG emissions is increasing the harshness of the new reality coming our way.
Originally posted by Kali74
We aren't trying to fight nature or the galaxy or the universe, just our own emissions.
Originally posted by Kali74
It's spelled googoo and just because you insist on acting like a child, doesn't mean you have spell like one.
Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
I am a left winger but a realist at the same time. Big difference between socalism and liberalism.