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Obama: Trayvon 'could have been me'

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posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by seabag

I think that was a factor. I have many hoodies and I’m white. It’s kind of hard to tell the race of a person wearing a hoodie at night.

So where's the liberty in assuming a person is about to commit a crime or has committed a crime because they were wearing a hoodie?

Please tell me where is the Chinese Chamber of Commerce, the Vietnamese Caucus, the Italian Police Association, the New German Panthers and 60+ Hispanic only colleges?

Asian American Organizations

Google is your friend (maybe too intimate a friend but that's another issue). Plug in a minority group of your choice then add American Political Group. Go make up some lies about them and maybe they'll get famous too.

Oh, that’s right! They don’t have Sharpton, Jackson, Holder, Obama and the left pandering to them for injustices from centuries ago that nobody alive today experienced.

Funny I don't hear about many protests against slavery, or anyone even really talking about slavery except a bunch of uncomfortable white people crying that they had nothing to do with it. I hear about profiling, Stop and Frisk laws, more prosecutions and harsher penalties compared to other groups. I hear people talking about poverty... nothing about slavery though.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by kosmicjack

And he said that exact thing today. That politicians won't bring change - churches and families will. He also caveatted that the Justice system had run it's course with regard to the Zimmerman case.

Great! I agree with that part.

I’m going to vote for him in 2016 (not that it matters….he’s a lock).

No, I didn’t hear that part. I did hear him say “Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago” and he addressed white Americans specifically to inform us that (I’ll give my interpretation…not a quote) we should all understand that even though all of their efforts to convict Zimmerman failed, there is still plenty of discrimination against my fellow black Americans and we will continue to push our racial agenda. That’s what I did hear.

Look, I’ve already told everyone where I stand. I’m not a racist and I’m raising my children to be color blind. If the POTUS and every supporter of his would stop all of this nonsense and just act the way civilized people act there would be no racism.

Stop trying to right wrongs!

Stop trying to make exceptions!

Stop showing favoritism!

STOP….and it will go away!

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by SloAnPainful
reply to post by MidnightTide

Regardless there needs to be a discussion about it. Feelings get "hurt" in a lot of different discussions, people are passionate about their beliefs. Politics are no different in that regard.


Oh I agree, it needs to be discussed in blunt terms, but our PC society won't let that happen.

We can't have peoples feelings getting hurt. Just take a look at this thread, you can only imagine what would happen if this discussion took place in real life.
edit on 19-7-2013 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by MidnightTide

Except when the community speaks people cry about race cards and black presidents and black teenage boys doing it to themselves. It's hilarious and tragic at the same time. "Government can't fix this" "People need to shut up"

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by GoldenVoyager

I do agree that the president does not have to comment on everything, even if it is personal, we are human, but see the thing is no one is perfect, is there a person on the board that is so perfect in every way that they must find fault in everything and always come up with what could have, would have, should have ?

Presidents throughout history have made comments on things that are controversial and things contraversial, why is it when Obama comments people get a little more bent out of shape and just a tad more upset when he says them, but when others have done things or continue to do them, nothing is said, I always say this, people that live in glass houses should never throw stones, none of us are perfect and this does actually include the president and people of power.

Is this truly a divisive statement the president made? I really think not and much ado about nothing is being made of it, go find statements that he has made that are non decisive or biased and are in the interest of other racial, ethnic or economic groups, white, black or brown, in support of them or against the factions that cause bigotry or unequal justice does he not spread the love around (or the wealth) just a some humor there? that is what leaders are really suppose to do, speak up for not only right but also wrong and call it like he sees it based on facts.

Now was he being politically correct? probably not? was he trying to be a divider, more than likely not, for he has made many statements in the past for and or against one side in many issues, I think we are holding a little higher standard for the current president for own purposes if you ask me, the people that were around during the Bush tenure or others remained silent, now all of a sudden, they have a thin skinned panic button as soon as this president does or says anything they do not like or in their mind agree with if it is not in their interest..

Just my thoughts on it

By the way , the person that posted Trayvon, the teenager goofing it up like may teens do, here is a live video of someone that is not a teen, and by all accounts, just by his actions, or admitting to drug use, etc is no thug and was able to make quite a man or fool of himself, depending on your views, a possible role model in how you can be a so called "maverick" or good ol boy just having fun, something that Trayvon will never be able to do, why is there a double standard with the late teen Trayvon Martin, all I ask is people be truly honest with yourself first when it comes to doling out criticism of every word that the president or any politician might say.

See the double standard ?

edit on 19-7-2013 by phinubian because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Kali74

So where's the liberty in assuming a person is about to commit a crime or has committed a crime because they were wearing a hoodie?

So that isn't acceptable?

Then why do people not have a problem with 'profiling' bankers, and wall street execs' ?

Those people are always 'committing crimes'.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Kali74

So where's the liberty in assuming a person is about to commit a crime or has committed a crime because they were wearing a hoodie?
I’m at liberty to think whatever I want! There’s the liberty!

I don’t get your point, sorry!

Google is your friend (maybe too intimate a friend but that's another issue). Plug in a minority group of your choice then add American Political Group. Go make up some lies about them and maybe they'll get famous too.
Funny thing, you never hear about them. They must not be a big voting block!!

Where are the 60+ government subsidized Hispanic colleges? Where is the White Police Officer’s Association? Where is the White Congressional Caucus?

Don’t you see the intentional division? How can you tell ME (A WHITE GUY) to be equal while you’re giving away my job in Affirmative Action?? Time to wake up and take off the white guilt blinders!

Funny I don't hear about many protests against slavery, or anyone even really talking about slavery except a bunch of uncomfortable white people crying that they had nothing to do with it. I hear about profiling, Stop and Frisk laws, more prosecutions and harsher penalties compared to other groups. I hear people talking about poverty... nothing about slavery though.
You never heard about black oppression and years of slavery that Sharpton and Jackson bring up all the time to get a hold of your emotions? Where have you been?

edit on 19-7-2013 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by Kali74

So where's the liberty in assuming a person is about to commit a crime or has committed a crime because they were wearing a hoodie?

So that isn't acceptable?

Then why do people not have a problem with 'profiling' bankers, and wall street execs' ?

Those people are always 'committing crimes'.

And never ever punished!
Did you really think there was any kind of logic in posting that?

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by beezzer

Yes Obama should not talk about what has bothered a signifcant section of those who voted for him? Are you saying that this ould be a united country if black people would just shut up ( go to the back of the bus and cheer whenever the N-word is used by whites)?

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by kosmicjack
reply to post by MidnightTide

You are still not getting it. are NOT GETTING IT!!


Within the Justice system Black males are more likely to be targeted by LEO.

Answer this question: WHY!?!? And do not give me some bullcookie answer it is simply becasue of the color of their skin unless you have some ACTUAL PROOF!!! That means data comparisons of stops and ethnicities and times and neighborhoods and types of cars and APB concerning possible suspects...ALL OF IT!!!

They are less likely to be able to afford an adequate defense. They are more likely to be convicted of crimes they did not commit. They are more likely to receive stiffer sentences. They are less likely to get paroled.

Every single thing written here is simply crap...and untrue (just in case you do not know what crap means...) What constitutes "inadequate defense," in your mind? A public defender? I suggest you rethink this after contacting your county and actually finding out what it means to be a public defender...Crimes they did not commit? Without data, again, hyperbole...Stiffer sentences? I worked in a prison for thirty years...NOT true. Parole is seldom granted for violent crimes, so if you are incarcerated for violence you will likely not receive parole...

It is systemic.

So is public housing.

The Zimmerman verdict condones profiling and more - it makes it more likely for Black males to be the victim of a citizen who argues Stand Your Ground just because they profiled and claim fear for their life.
edit on 7/19/2013 by kosmicjack because: (no reason given)

There was zero evidence Zimmerman profiled Martin as black. Stand your Ground was never presented in the actual trial. The fact you insist on bringing these issues up AGAIN AND AGAIN simply speaks toward bias...

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by neo96


Hes done NOTHING to help Minorities. Hes Polarized Minority against Minority.

Hes polarized this Nation. Pointing the finger at "Stand your ground" laws, But keeping silent on Black on Black murders. Just look at Chicago as an example. His Administration has done nothing to help the blight of inner city youths looking and needing Jobs.

Hes too busy playing the race card.

Black youth unemployment hits 43.6% Black youth unemployment hits highest point of the year. The current completely dysfunctional Congress has no plan for any jobs let alone summer jobs. In 2010, Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) was the Chair of the Black Caucus, she and CBC vice-chair Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) bugged everyone on the issue of summer jobs for youth. They were joined by Reps. John Lewis (D-GA) and Bobby Rush and many others. After two summers of inactivity by Congress and the White House on the issue of summer jobs, the rate hit 43.6% last month, the highest of the year.

Black Youth Unemployment Hits 43.6%, 10 Point Spike Over 3 Months

Deflecting the real failures of this Administration is all this President is good for.

Thats the Truth.
edit on 19-7-2013 by sonnny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:40 PM
If anything this thread has proved one thing..They're are certain people here that lack Empathy..I.E just for one min put yourself in a minorities shoes,and think/imagine what it would feel like to be hassled for basic things you do in public.Just think with an opened mind...Logging out.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by Kali74

And never ever punished! Did you really think there was any kind of logic in posting that?

Sure was it pointed out how 'profiling' was not 'acceptable' for one group, and clearly is for another.

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster
They're picking the speech apart, segment by segment, right now on TV, and I think it was a brilliant moment for Obama. I don't expect many that post here in the political threads to ever see him as a wise and thoughtful man, but that doesn't affect the way I view him. It also doesn't mean anything to the majority of adults in this society. Most of us can recognize a quality person when we encounter one, and we don't require that person to be like us for us to see them as possessing equal or even elevated quality relative to our own. And maybe that's the difference between the majority of us and the angry fringe that is so driven to demonize Obama and so many others who are not like them in opinion or outlook.

I have enormous respect for our president, and this was yet another brilliant moment that I didn't expect.

I believe PT Barnum once said...what was that quote again?

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by MidnightTide

Except when the community speaks people cry about race cards and black presidents and black teenage boys doing it to themselves. It's hilarious and tragic at the same time. "Government can't fix this" "People need to shut up"

Yes, there is a lot of crying about RACISM and how "we don't understand" going on in this thread. A lot of talk about how the government should do something (how do you regulate family values and work ethic?)

This is exactly why the black community will continued to be plagued with problems, because people won't honestly talk about the problems.....(because people like you will label it as racism)

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by sonnny1
Deflecting the real failures of this Administration is all this President is good for.

...and he's not even all that good at that.

I used to describe his administration as "fail" but I think it's gone even beyond that. It's really pretty sad.


posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by greydaze

If anything this thread has proved one thing..They're are certain people here that lack Empathy..I.E just for one min put yourself in a minorities shoes,and think/imagine what it would feel like to be hassled for basic things you do in public.Just think with an opened mind...Logging out.

You’re assuming that most black people are hassled for basic things you do in public.

Of course your entire perception will be skewed if you begin with a false premise! Please explain how generations of blacks are so prosperous now (more prosperous than me and many non-black people) if what you (and Obama et al) describe is true.....I'll wait.



edit on 19-7-2013 by seabag because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by Willtell

You will have to forgive all us "crazy a$$ crackas." We do not WANT TO understand the mindset of ANY person who can continue to use this type of language to describe another ethnic group...We will continue to applaud any time any gangsta-wannabe, punk, thug, pants-on-the-ground, hoodie-wearin, idiot, (despite their ethnicity) gets shot and killed...eventually, learning needs to take place...

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:50 PM

Just a empty word to make people who do nothing feel good about themselves as if they really understand one thing someone else has gone through.

I feel your pain they say fine then experience it too then because that is the only way anyone has any true understanding than throwing a self comfort word around.

They wronged you!!

Ok now what?

Make a bunch of laws that do nothing to change the hearts of men, but to enslave them to the body politic?

If people really were empathetic towards anyone they would tell all politicians to shut up.

Of course opinions will vary.
edit on 19-7-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 19 2013 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by seabag

I’m at liberty to think whatever I want! There’s the liberty! I don’t get your point, sorry!

No and you won't get my point either because you think liberty is only for you and those that think like you.

Funny thing, you never hear about them.

Conservative media is too busy crying about black Presidents being born in Kenya and people playing race cards is why you haven't heard of them.

Don’t you see the intentional division?

Yep, I'm responding to it right now.

How can you tell ME (A WHITE GUY) to be equal while you’re giving away my job in Affirmative Action??

I dunno why not ask the CEO's paying off politicians to create these 'Liberal sounding policies' that only equal tax breaks for themselves.

Time to wake up and take off the white guilt blinders!

How typical. I'm not feeling one bit guilty, I'm not responsible for people like you.

You never heard about black oppression and years of slavery that Sharpton and Jackson bring up all the time to get a hold of your emotions? Where have you been?

Not donating brain cells to two morons that's for sure. Question is, why have you heard what those two have to say about anything? Or better yet, why you made the assumption that anything they say matters to more than a few handfuls of people?

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