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How to Activate Your Pineal Gland and Awaken Your Psychic Ability

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posted on Sep, 24 2013 @ 11:39 PM

reply to post by sled735

Having an open mind's eye, and an activated one are different. And open eye can be shut quite easily if the individual knows what they are doing. An acitvated eye is more permanent (spelling?). The difference would be like; peeking through a keyhole and walking through the door.

Okay, I always thought the "mind's eye" and the "third eye" were two different things. I thought the mind's eye was closely related to the imagination (if I dare use that word on this thread... I don't like the word imagination when applied by nonbelievers to explain away our very real experiences!).

The third eye, I always thought, was the one that had to be developed in order to experience things like psychic impressions, spirits, and the like. I've always had a strong mind's eye, but the third eye was something I only hoped to open some day. Not so much as from pure curiosity, but in order to be able to help spirits cross.

If I understood you right, it's probably more of a case that my third eye may be open (since I've had many encounters with things that usually go unseen) but is not activated fully yet... right? I've been avoiding most tap water in order to avoid the fluoride, but still have many changes to make to my diet if I want to work on my pineal gland. Clearing that and activating the mind's eye sound as if they may be closely connected.

Plus having dental work requiring crowns fused to high noble metal (whatever THAT means... I'm assuming it's supposed to be a sturdy metal combination) is not bringing me any peace either. I still have some old metal fillings that I hope to replace, but the metal and crowns seems to be like shooting myself in the foot. I'll still have metal in my mouth, and I don't want dentures yet.

Which brings me to the idea of implants... the screws are titanium, and I don't know if that hinders the clearing of the pineal gland or not. Can't afford those for a few more years, so it may be a non-issue anyway!

The main point I wanted to be sure of was the mind's eye vs third eye thing. I had sort of a vision hit me a few years ago during fireworks, where a scene was playing out in my mind's eye like when two videos are blended one over top of the other. I was shot and killed in that one.

Another vision before that may have given me an idea of the location of a missing person (their remains), but getting the nerve to go to the police is the hardest thing. This type of vision never happened before or since, and I don't even trust myself on what I saw. Explaining it to a doubtful detective and then maybe having them actually find the body? That would make me their number one suspect, and I don't have a clue where I was or who I was with the night this guy disappeared 10 years ago. But that's more of another topic, so I'll stop with that one. I guess I'm thinking this one may have been more like the third eye firing, or misfiring, spontaneously.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by covertpanther

Apology accepted.

Thank you for coming back after understanding the thread.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by Scribe611

Good to see you, Scribe.

Good question. I had never given that any thought, but I'm sure someone will come along that can answer it. It wasn't addressed to me anyway. But I wanted to thank you for your feedback.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 04:02 PM

reply to post by ctophil

What was I doing when you visited me? This is very interesting! LOL

You were sleeping, more like half asleep. It's always easier to meet a person in their higher bodies. Most people call it the Astral Body, but I call it the Emotional Body. During our semi-deep sleep (not quite rem sleep yet), we exit the Physical Body to recharge your light in the higher planes. During our events in the Physical World, it is quite draining due to the negativity in our lives. I will send the occasional spiritual energy to you so that it will help raise your mind. People don't understand that all of us are One. We all came from the same place.

posted on Sep, 25 2013 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by Scribe611

The third eye allows you to see the higher planes of existence and detect non-physical beings. You are a non-physical being as well but currently embodied in a dense body to experience this universe. The mind's eye or I would rather call it the "Sun of God." This "Sun" is a bit different from the third eye but works together. The third eye is the 6th Chakra, while the Sun of God is in the 7th Chakra or the Crown. You don't really call it the "Sun" until your Kundalini rises to the top of your head. Before, it's more like a candle flame. Anyways, this "Sun" allows you to imagine or envision a place, person, or thing to create or manifest. You ask me, "But everybody has an imagination right?" Of course. However, people generally create through their mind in disharmony to God. This means that it is either selfish or negative. One of the reasons why your Sun rose to your head is because of your heart chakra--love. With true, unconditional love, you can create things that are delightful, peaceful, and beautiful.

When you are able to create something, you place your thought or idea onto the Mother Light (contracting force) and use the Father Light (expanding force) to finish the creation. Creating things is only possible through the Sun or as you call it the Mind's Eye.
edit on 9/25/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by ctophil

Thank you for your clarification! I remember when I was meditating more frequently, about three years ago, I was becoming aware of a place about 10 inches above my head. I could feel it almost like feeling a part of my body, but it was also more like feeling a different consciousness. This would be the Sun, right? Could it be the kundalini rising?

I never should have stopped meditating, but I let my life situations almost destroy me. Now it's like I'm learning to walk again, and I can no longer just stop and calm my mind for a moment and immediately change levels of awareness. I had that ability, and I appreciate it now that it's not happening very often.

For my own happiness and for getting back to the point I was three years ago, I'm going to have to make more time for myself again. I enjoyed the little mind trips I'd take while listening to my favorite meditative music, and I saw some very interesting places and felt some very interesting things.

Several times I'd find myself in another body, but then I'd go from experiencing that body to observing it. Back and forth I'd go, and sometimes I wasn't sure which perspective was "mine" as in, am I watching another person or is that me too? Looking back I feel so sad, because I realize I was "thisclose" to something, be it an OBE breakthrough of some type or another ability opening up, or something I had no inkling of at the time.

I've said it several times lately, but I MISS MY LIFE!!! It was just getting interesting when everything fell apart for me emotionally and financially. I feel numb without those beautiful experiences, and I feel like I'm letting myself down, letting other people down, and worst of all, letting God down. If I was meant to do something with these gifts, and I'm not doing that, isn't that sort of what got Jonah in a mess?

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Scribe611

Yes, the Kundalini rises and falls, depending on your activities, thoughts, creations, and imaginations as you go through life each day. For example, if you watch violent movies or get angry that day, it falls a little ways. If you watch/listen to inspirational movies or music, it rises again. This is what I call balancing the mind. If your Flame of God (before it becomes the Sun) is at the Heart Chakra or below, your mind is busy with an Earthly lifestyle--worrying about money, job, family, friends, material possessions, as well as emotional unbalances.

On the the hand, if your keep your mind centered with God, love, and guidance of spiritual matters, your Flame of God transforms as it enters and magnifies the energy throughput of each Chakra, rising higher and higher. When it reaches the Crown Chakra, it transforms into the Sun, also expanding the Crown Chakra into a large ball of energy that looks like a Thousand Lotuses Blossoming. Anyone with a fully opened third eye can see a person's Sun radiating just above the head. It looks like the Earth's Sun rising over the horizon in the morning. You ever seen Catholic and Buddhist paintings of Jesus, Mary, or Buddha with a halo over their head that looks like the Sun? This is what I'm talking about. If done properly, the Sun can rise above your head as well, entering into your 4th Dimensional Chakras.

I know it is very easy to get attached to physical things. But as you practice centering your thoughts 24 hours a day on God (yes, even while you sleep), your Sun will naturally rise. Before going to bed each night, make prayers to God and meditate, this will raise your consciousness as you sleep. Make it a habit in your mind that nothing in this world is more important than your Love of God as you go through the day. Go even deeper by seeing God in everybody in your daily walk of life. This also includes the tiny bug or blade of grass on the ground, for ALL things came from God and are God.

edit on 9/26/2013 by ctophil because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 04:43 PM

reply to post by ctophil

Thank you for your clarification! I remember when I was meditating more frequently, about three years ago, I was becoming aware of a place about 10 inches above my head. I could feel it almost like feeling a part of my body, but it was also more like feeling a different consciousness. This would be the Sun, right? Could it be the kundalini rising?

This reminds me of an INTENSE experience I once had..

I was with my brother and some friends, sitting in a chair. I closed my eyes, and was immediately aware of my higher levels of consciousness! It was a feeling, like layers or levels, kind of like a step ladder. I could feel the higher steps above me - so I "pulled" myself through and reached the next step (with INTENSE focus and intent), and more light filled my mind.

I could still feel the rest of the "steps", there were 7 in total, I was now at the second. I continued to 'climb' the steps through this intention and focus, and very much ended at the highest step I could feel. I was no longer aware of the reality that existed with my brother and his friends - me sitting in a chair in a body - I was in a very high state of consciousness.

At this 7th level, it was gold light, light everywhere! Filled my mind's eye. I seen things, but mainly my partner, she was the center focal within the mind's eye, with radiant light everywhere. The feeling within this state was GRAND to say the least..

Soon enough I "snapped" out of it and opened my eyes - my brother and friends were still the same, and by observing their body languages and eyes, they did not change before I "left".. But, what a feeling. .. Thank you for recalling that memory


To answer your question from earlier, the jesus-lotus avatar guy might have a different perspective, but to me the minds eye and the third eye are different. The third eye is not to just see other beings.. Its to percieve within your central vision (Ajna) the realities of higher frequencies, which cant be seen in the atomic reality we call "3D".

The minds eye is your bridge from body > soul. Its you, the conscious awareness, your vehicle. There is also an internal 'ear', that can hear thigns that are not within the same wavelength, but of higher. I have tapped into this on several occasions, but its rare and was not intented.

The minds eye is the navigator through the mind, the Ajna/third eye is the eye of your energy body or chakra fields. As I said, allows you to perceive in the higher states of frequency. Whereas your mind-vision can see wherever you are, its the total awareness. Its what sees the images within your "imagination" as you called it, mental images..

Maybe calling it 'eye' is the wrong thing.. Its just awareness, which allows you to take in the signals of the external realities, and internal realities. Being human is very complex and unique huh?

posted on Sep, 26 2013 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by ctophil

I really like what you have brought here, and how you explained it. Im not the best explainer at times lol, but I try

What you call the "Sun of god", makes sense, as the experience I jsut posted. All the golden light filling my mind, radiating intensely.

Have you activated your kundalini? Also, are you a (organic) vegan? Just curious

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 02:23 PM

reply to post by ctophil

I really like what you have brought here, and how you explained it. Im not the best explainer at times lol, but I try

What you call the "Sun of god", makes sense, as the experience I jsut posted. All the golden light filling my mind, radiating intensely.

Have you activated your kundalini? Also, are you a (organic) vegan? Just curious

Yes, my Kundalini has reached the top of my head and has expanded greatly. As I said before, back in November, my third eye was fully opened. At the time, my 6th Chakra was radiating with electrical energy due to the Sun's rising to that level. The energy was so strong on my forehead that it felt like it was going to burst. I didn't know how to ground that energy until later. Only a month later did it rise to the top of my head. How did I know? The electrical bolts expanded from my forehead to my entire head and body (expansion of other Chakras). These days, I have full control over the energy output of the Sun when I need it. You can use it to heal your body or heal others, manifest things into the physical reality much quicker (miracles that Jesus did), and send some of it to calm or help a person raise their mind within any distance. Because all things are made of energy. The thoughts that you hold in your Sun are made of energy and can create anything. Doing these things will only increase the intensity of your golden light and raise it even higher. Yes, you can bring it past your head. I will discuss this perhaps in another thread.

Am I Vegan? No, but I have eaten lesser and lesser. I don't require much food due to the golden light from God. We all need energy from somewhere right (i.e. from food)? But the increased energy from God allows me to eat and sleep less without being tired. However, I am eating much healthier than ever before. But the important thing is to eat light. This allows you to not be grounded to Earthly energies. Your goal is to match your light to the energy vibrations of the higher dimensions.

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 02:53 PM
Easiest passive way to me: High quality AFA

posted on Sep, 27 2013 @ 11:34 PM

My post was a pre-caution, because most people on these forums are not spiritaully equipped, and what you see, you might not like. And it could bring fear upon your energy system, and thus shut your eye more so. Your minds eye is like a flower - it blooms open in higher frequencies, but lower frequencies can close that flower like darkness.

I would like know some sort of clarification on the "higher" and "lower" frequencies mention above; Could you give a range of "higher" and "lower"? Or a link to where you obtained that information?

Thanks in advance.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by ctophil

Can you explain what was your kundalini awakening experience like? Its always a profound experience for the indivdual, I enjoy sharing and learning of others kundalini experiences

Also how are you grounding the energy? What is your 'technique' for that?

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 02:08 PM

Poor child. lol
edit on 28-9-2013 by cartenz because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-9-2013 by cartenz because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by cartenz

I notice I have a message from you, but I can't get it to open. Something must be wrong with the system again.
Hopefully, they will get it fixed soon.

I have been sick this weekend, so I doubt I will feel like doing the experiment with the sounds. I'll get to it when I feel better.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 05:20 PM

reply to post by ctophil

Can you explain what was your kundalini awakening experience like? Its always a profound experience for the indivdual, I enjoy sharing and learning of others kundalini experiences

Also how are you grounding the energy? What is your 'technique' for that?

Weeks before and after my awakening, I had many intense and vivid dreams. I occasionally have vivid dreams. But it was very different during that month. The dreams were so incredible it's hard to describe. And they were all in the higher 4th or 5th dimension. There was one dream will I flew at the speed of light or faster high up into a region full of clouds and white light. I flew so fast that I could see planets, moons, and suns zoom by like I was in a hypersonic jet plane, but flying with my own body. I could feel the incredible strength of the air pushing against my body without any harm. It seems I had full control of the flight, wavering in any direction I see fit. I felt like I was part of the air, part of the light, just part of everything. Eventually, I reached my destination but still flying really fast. In this area, there were a lot of debris, huge boulders and rocks zooming by me. I was flying towards a huge light source just ahead. I can see it from a great distance. As I got closer, a woman's voice said, "Your Father has come to be within you."

I don't exactly remember when this dream occurred. But I believe it was around that time. It signified my merging with God, my Higher Self. Remember that merging with God doesn't mean that you will end up in Heaven right away. This means that you are beginning the process of a full merger one day. It is kind of like you just landed your helicopter onto the launchpad at your destination. You have a ways yet until you get used to the new place.

What you can do to better ground your energies is to meditate on your other chakras. By envisioning the energy from your 6th Chakra flowing downwards towards your 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, and then the 1st Chakra, magnifying each one. When you become a Heavenly Being, all of your Chakras will become one--one stream of light. They are no longer separate. So focus on your meditation on that. Here is my post on another thread about this meditation: 6th Chakra Energy. As you get used to dispersing the energy, your Conscious Self will automatically do it for you without too much thought from your mind.

As you focus on a specific Chakra using your mind, it will send more energy there to accommodate what you are trying to do like healing a certain body part or sickness. You can also stream it from your hand onto another person's body on their energy points to heal them.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 05:25 PM

reply to post by cartenz

I notice I have a message from you, but I can't get it to open. Something must be wrong with the system again.
Hopefully, they will get it fixed soon.

I have been sick this weekend, so I doubt I will feel like doing the experiment with the sounds. I'll get to it when I feel better.

Feel better soon, Sled. Focus your thoughts on health and well-being. Envision that you are healthy by later tonight. God doesn't get sick nor get tired. :-) I AM One with you, and God is One with you.

posted on Sep, 28 2013 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by ctophil

Thank you for thinking of me.
I'm feeling quite a bit better, but just really weak when I stand up.
My head doesn't hurt like it did yesterday or this morning, and my throat is no longer sore... just that darn weak feeling lingering, and a bit light-headed. I'll continue to work on it.

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by ctophil

Hi there,

I have been trying to have an obe for the past 1.5yrs to no avail. I have gotten to the vibration stage then hearing some type of grinding metal. Once I'm there, I try to separate but nothing. I wake up paralyzed for a few moments.

My mother gave me a bottle of Frankensense yesterday to help open my pineal gland and coincidently I ran into this thread.

Ctophil you are exactly where I have dreamed of being my whole life. I ask you if you could give me any pointers on how to get over this little bum on the road. I have tried to open the first 6 chakras for quite some time. I meditated mostly at night, anywhere between 11pm to 4am. My mind seems to be more receptive during this time.

Last night around midnight, I went to bed, lay flat on my back. I usually sit with my hands in the Mudras position but I thought it may be better to lay down as I can relax my body more easily. Anyhow, something happened that has never happened before. My whole body felt as though I was cocooned be a field of energy and I couldn't feel my body. Almost like it had disappeared. The images I was seeing with my closed eyelids, weren't of my bedroom (which is what I usually see) but a bunch of wiggly lines moving faster and faster as I felt more energy around me. I opened my eyes after about a minute or 2.

Do you know what that was? I have never felt that before. Usually I feel my extremities get lighter, almost like they disappear before I lucid dream, but not this. It was nothing like the vibrational stage at all.

Anyhow, feel free to inbox me, or write here in this thread, i would really love to hear what you have to say.

I need all the help I can get


edit on 29-9-2013 by Xquizit because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-9-2013 by Xquizit because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2013 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by ctophil

Okay, but I was asking about your kundalini awakening experience itself, not before or after
The first time the energy rose within you basically..

It sounds like you were lucid dreaming more consciously, or astral travelling. Obviously by "big boulders" you are referring to asteriods? I have never felt 'air' while flying in space. Air is an atmospheric condition, there is no air in space?

But if you could; describe your kundalini awakening itself (the moment/day it happened).

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